He was sealed!

Damn the Yondaime! He'll eat him for sealing him...and in his daughter! The great Kyuubi, the most powerful of all Biju, sealed into a small infant! He growled at the cage he was stuck in. His nine powerful orange tails wagged behind him angrily. What was he to do now!? Sleep till the infant dies!?

"If I ever see the Yondaime again I'll...Hmmm?" Kyuubi stopped his talking and noticed something...strange with the seal. He pried in his Chakra and felt it enter the whole body of the infant as of it were his own body. He smiled evilly. He could take control and figure out how to get out of this accursed seal! Yes...this was perfect...

5 years later

Naruko looked at the apartment she was staying in. She huffed angrily as she ran her small tanned fingers through her spiky sun blonde hair that flowed down her back. This was not the way she imagined her life to be. She! No...He! Was supposed to get out of this seal as he was able to take over 'Naruko', but instead of immediately researching about the seal, he was forced to learn how to walk, crawl, talk, and read. If any of the Biju's saw him, he believed they would have laughed at his current situation.

"Damn this village." Naruko mumbled as she walked around her new apartment that she had moved in. It was not new as there was no fresh paint, a bit of the ceiling was crumbling down, and that it was at the poor side of the villiage, Konohagakure. There was only one bedroom, a single kitchen, a small living room, and one bathroom. Perfect for Naruko as she could work in peace and research on Fuinjutsu. But first...

She was hungry as humans had to go and eat every single time in their lives. So angrily huffing out in anger, Naruko went towards her room and picked out a white shirt with a orange spiral in the front, black shorts, and blue ninja sandals. Changing into them, Naruko looked at herself in the broken mirror in the wall and smirked but it soon disappeared. She couldn't understand, but every time she looked herself over, an image of the Yondaime and the Kyuubi's last host, Kushina, stood behind them like a ghostly image. There was even a small pain in her heart...

But Naruko ignored the pain and image. She was the Kyuubi! She had no time to dwell into these feelings. She was a Biju, the most feared of all!

But before congratulating her pride across the Elemental Nations, her stomach growled. Well...she might as well go eat. She didn't want her body to die on her.

"Old man! Get me two large miso ramen!" Naruko shouted as she set her money on the counter of Ichiraku's Ramen.

"Alright Naruko! Coming right up!" Teuchi, the owner of the ramen stand happily said at his number one customer. He went towards the kitchen, Naruko left alone in the stool she sat on. Naruko smiled. Maybe when she was released, she wouldn't kill these two humans. They seemed to at least treat her like a normal person, not like the ugly dirty humans that glared at her. Thinking about killing all the villagers made her happy as she swung her legs on the large stool. 'Haaah...just you wait Konohagakure...' Naruko thought as she sighed.

"Hey look! Its a Hyuga!" Naruto picked up a shout far off from her as she had enhanced her ears due to using her 'other' Chakra. Naruko bit her lip as she thought of what to do? She could always ignore the shout and continue like nothing was heard, or...

Be a hero, something Kyuubi rarely did.

But if she wasn't mistaken, the small boy that shouted said it was a Hyuga. He had learned of there Kekkai Genkei on one of the Hokage's scroll, how there Byakugan can look at there Chakra points and signatures as well as a whole area around them. Naruko grinned, as Teuchi came in with two large miso ramens, smiling at Naruko. Quickly eating the miso ramen that may have been a new record, Naruko jumped off the stool and ran towards the direction of the shout.

A Hyuga might help her with her current situation.

Naruko reached the shout as she stared at three boys twice her age and a girl her age with lavender pupiless eyes. She was in a forest when she found them, where the Hyuga was maybe walking but was caught up with bullies.

"You think your better than us?" One of them said as he poked the Hyuga roughly.

"N-no I..."

"Let's teach her some manners boss!"

"Oi! What do you think your doing?" Naruko shouted as she thought this was the most perfect moment to intrude. They always say they need a man in shining armor, but in her case it was a women.

"Hey look its the monster that my mom tells me to stay away from!"

"I'm no monster." Naruko lied. In truth she was just the Kyuubi taking over his host, but they didn't need to know that. "I'm Uzumaki Naruko! Future Hokage!" Naruko exclaimed in false pride as she pointed at herself. In truth she just took the idea as she had to...find a goal to keep up her persona. No need for everyone to find out what her true intentions were.

"Ah shut up! Girls can't become Hokage's! That's a mans job!" The oldest one said as he pushed Naruko on the floor. "You should just go and be the monster you are!"

"Grr...then I'll beat it into you!" Naruko shouted as she jumped onto the boy and began to pound him multiple times.

"Owowo! Get her off me!" The boy shouted as he tried to pull Naruko off of him. The Hyuga, who saw Naruko come and rescue her, stood there as she wiped a few tears off. Why couldn't she be like that girl? Strong and independent.

Naruko who finally beaten all the boys who scrammed off home crying, wiped off dirt smudges off her face. She had a few bruises and sprains, but nothing that her 'power' can fix. She was secretly the Kyuubi in hiding.

"Hey are you alright?" Naruko asked the Hyuga who sniffed and nodded.

"I-I'm fine t-thank you." The Hyuga stammered as she played with her fingers. Naruko smirked. This is what she exactly wanted. Just slowly gain her friendship and trust, use her Byakugan and then bam! Just toss her aside! Haaah...her plans were so close. Now the next thing she had to do was-

"Hinata-sama!" Naruko turned towards the shout and saw a palm aim right into her face, sending her sprawling towards the ground unconscious.

"K-Ko!" The small Hyuga girl that Naruko saved, Hinata, stared at her bodyguard Ko in shock. Why would he attack her if she was the one that saved her!

"Come now Hinata-sama! Do not associate with this girl!" Ko said as he grabbed Hinata's small arm and forcefully pulled her away from Naruko, who lay in the ground unconscious.

"W-wait..." Hinata pleaded but it went deaf to Ko who continued to drag her away. Hinata, who was being pulled away from Naruko, took a last glimpse of the blonde and left. She'll have to thank her later as she saved her.

7 Years Later

"Naruto! Your in big trouble now!"

"Haha! You idiots just don't have the guts to do what I did!" Naruko shouted as she was now taller and a bit womanly but was hid inside a large ugly jumpsuit. She had now spiky blonde hair that went in multiple directions, the rest of her hair his inside her shirt and jacket. She had rougher whiskers that made her a bit animalistic, canines that grew a tad bigger, sky blue eyes, same tanned skin, and lastly her age. She was twelve now, a appropriate age where an academy student would become a Genin, but for Naruko who was dressed up like a male...

It was a step to becoming free.

She had just finished painting the Hokage tower, which was funny as she did it in plain sunlight. Who would have known that Konohagakure had the worst security?

"Naruto!" A known male voice was heard behind her.

"Oh fuck! Its Iruka-sensei!" Naruko mumbled as she jumped down the roof she ran on and ran through alleys and streets but it was to no avail. Iruka caught her by the collar, something that an ANBU or few Chunin couldn't do.

"Naruto! What are you doing!? Painting the Hokage tower!?" Iruka shouted. Iruka had a horizontal scar on her nose, tanned skin, a ponytail, and a Chunin outfit.

"Let me go you bastard!" Naruko shouted as she squirmed in his grasp.

"No! You tried to cut class just to goof off! Now let's go! You have a test tomorrow!" Iruka said as he Shunshin'd both him and Naruko to the academy.

"Naruto! You should know better! Your Graduation test is tomorrow! At least pretend your trying!" Iruka shouted to Naruko who was tied up with rope.

"I'm trying but your lessons are boring to me." Naruko said as she squirmed in the ropes that held her.


"Awwwww!" The class booed as they walked down the stairs and filed in a line in alphabetical order.

"This is all your fault Naruto!" Complains were shared across the class.

"We always pay for your punishments!"

"Keh! Like I care!" Naruko said as she kept her 'Naruto' act. It was the damn Hokage's idea to pretend to be a male, but...

At least everyone bought it.

The test went by alphabetial order. All from clans, as all of them were heirs, and there was also a few civilians. But all the civilians chased after one person. The last Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha. Just thinking about Uchiha's made Naruko disgusted. All Uchihas should have been killed in the massacre.

"And next up is Naruto Uzumaki." Iruka said as he looked at his clipboard.

"Alright! Let me show you how it's done 'ttebayo!" Naruko exclaimed. 'Someone kill me.' Naruko thought as she would have never said that. Maybe the Kyuubi's last host rubbed off on him. Kushina had always used "dattebane."

"Alright! Henge!" Naruko shouted as she did the required handsigns, and in a puff of smoke, revealed who she Henge'd into. She had turned into Itachi Uchiha, one Uchiha that she has respect for and the person that massacred the whole Uchiha Clan.

"Maybe another time." Naruto said in Itachi's voice. Sasuke who looked at Naruko glared angrily. How dare she use that murderers face and Henge. Naruko who felt Sasuke's stare, smirked mentally. This was going to be fun as she was Henge'd in his normal clothing.

"Maybe another time Sasuke." Naruko said as she knelt in front of him and poked his forehead, much to the surprise of Sasuke.

"Naruto that's enough!" Iruka said as he punched Naruko on the head, dispelling the Henge.

"I was just playing..." Naruko mumbled as she rubbed her head. Iruka looked at Naruko and sighed.

"Apologize Naruto."

"Hmph. I'm sorry..." Naruko said to Sasuke who glared at her. He nodded as he touched his forehead.

"Alright, Naruto I want to see you after class."

"And it better be scrubbed clean!" Iruka shouted to Naruko who was scrubbing the paint off the Hokage's tower.

"Yeah yeah..." Naruko answered him as she scrubbed the paint off. 'And soon after I become a Genin...I'll begin my plans!'

"Hey Naruto, after were done, do you want to maybe...go and eat ramen?" Iruka asked embarrassingly as he scratched his cheek.

"Oh yeah! Now that's some deal!" And Naruko began to work faster. Ramen was her favorite food after all.

"Naruto? How come you painted the Hokage Monument? You do know who they were?" Iruka asked Naruko as they ate at Ichiraku's Ramen stand.

'Of course I do!' Naruko thought as she knew all the Hokage's. She was a Biju after all...uhhh he? Agh! Being in a females body was so hard!

"Yeah I know who they were! That's why I painted them! I'll surpass them!" Naruko exclaimed as she pointed at herself.

"And besides..." Iruka whispered. "When are you going to drop the 'Naruto' act?" Iruka asked as he was the few that Naruko trusted.

"I'm going to drop it tomorrow! I've been training for this moment!"

"Yes you have. Now hurry up and eat your ramen, or else its going to get cold."

"I know! Hey Iruka-sensei, can I get anoth-"

"No, or else you pay."


Graduation Day

Naruko woke up from her sleep. Standing straight up she got off her cheap bed and looked at the outfit she has been saving for this day. All the training she had done, scrolls she found and...borrowed...just for this day.

Quickly grabbing the clothes she grabbed, Naruko walked towards the restroom and looked at her spiky hair in the mirror. Grabbing a comb, she combed her spiky and untameable hair down, and tied it two high pigtails. Smiling at the change of hair as she looked more like a girl, she changed out of pajamas and changed into her outfit.

The outfit consisted of a black open leather jacket with designs of fire on the back, white large numbers of the kanji nine on the sleeves, a mesh shirt that was tight on her skin, black fingerless gloves with a metal plate on the back of her hand, black ninja pants with orange flames on the bottom, shuriken pouches tied on her right thigh, and orange ninja sandals. What? Orange was am amazing color!

Looking herself over, Naruko grinned and ran out her house, locking the door behind her. Running through Konoha, Naruko received confused stares from the villagers as they looked at 'Naruto'. Wasn't 'Naruto' male?

"Sasuke-kun~" Many girls sighed dreamily as they looked at Sasuke, who was sitting in his seat, his onyx eyes looking at the door as he was ready for his test.

"Eh? Where's Naruto!?" A boy with a fur jacket, messy dirty brown hair, brown ninja pants, black sandals, and a white dog in his head. "Haha! Don't tell me he ain't coming!?"

"What are you talking about dogbreath? I'm right here." The boy with the dog, looked at who insulted him, and dropped his jaw.

A girl with sun blonde hair, Naruko, looked at him with a confused look.

"Eh? Who are you!?" The dog boy asked as he appeared next to Naruko, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Isn't that obvious fleabag? Its me, 'Naruto'!" Naruko said as she pointed at herself, as everyone in the class were curious about Naruko as well.

"Eh...NARUTO!?" Everyone shouted in surprise as they jumped off their chairs.

"It wasn't really that hard...I'm the only one with my birthmarks..." Naruko said as she sweatdropped at the stupidity of the class.

"Alright class! Let's get rea- Oh Naruko! I see you revealed yourself to your class." Iruka happily said as he ruffled Naruko's hair, much to her irritation. "OK class. This here as you knew, was 'Naruto Uzumaki'. But in reality was Naruko Uzumaki. She was sent orders by the Hokage to be 'Naruto' to protect herself from people. She's the same person as 'Naruto' so treat her like you did before she was Naruko."

"Hmph. Like they treated me nice." Naruko mumbled as she mumbled under her breath.

'I...I knew it!' Hinata Hyuga said as she believed the girl that saved her was 'Naruto Uzumaki'.

"Now...shall we begin our test?"

"Okay Naruko, all you have to do is make three Bushin and you graduated." Iruka said as he and Naruko were in a different room. Iruka sat behind a table next to his assistant, Mizuki.

"Iruka-sensei, I can't do any Bushin." Naruko confessed.

"Then I'm sorry." Mizuki said as he suppressed a smirk. "But I have to fai-"

"I haven't finished Mizuki-sensei. I'm going to do another Bushin as it doesn't specify what kind of Bushin." Naruko smartly said as she made a handsign that was in a shape of a cross. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruko said and in a blast of smoke, three replicas of Naruko appeared next to her.

"T-thats amazing Naruko!" Iruka exclaimed amazed at Naruko's skills. "You pass! Here's your Hitai-Ate!" Iruka passed a black Hitai-Ate that was now Naruko's.

"Thanks Iruka-sensei! I'm one step closer to my goal 'ttebayo!" Naruko said as she left the testing room. 'Yes...so much closer to be unsealed out of this host!' Naruko laughed evilly in her mind as she left the academy, unknown to her that a lavender eyed girl was looking at her.


Next Chapter: The Kyuubi's Team

The Kyuubi took over his Host, Naruko Uzumaki. The daughter of the Yondaime and his previous host, Kushina Uzumaki. Freedom is in his...err her palms. But now after becoming a Genin, he's stuck in a team with two other Genins!? Perhaps her freedom is bit far away from her than she thought...

Nevertheless, Kyuubi will get unsealed...one way or another...

Even if it meant he had to sacrifice the mortals he had become close to...

But first, he'd have to take another test just to become Genin again.