Gotham, the city he loved fought for and died for. The city where he grew up in and became a great man helping everyone and protecting the innocent behind a mask. He wanted an escape from her. He wanted freedom.

After the explosion he hid in the bunker for a couple days healing, recovering, and suffering. He couldn't leave this city until he healed, but having relation to the League of Shadows and becoming Batman leading so any crazies after him and destroying his city, he felt miserable.

During his days in the bunker he made sure to keep tabs on everyone. He watched the tracker of Blake, Alfred, Jim, and Fox. But as much as he cared for them, they weren't who he wanted to watch over. He wanted to see Selina. Find her and try to start a life with her. She was the only one he wanted through his nights because she was the one who woke him up. Who made him face his fears. Who he thought about through his days, weeks, months in that hole of Hell. She was the one who saw he for who he was. He wanted to know where she was and make sure she wasn't going back to her old ways.

He had tracked the clean slate but she was far from Gotham, precisely Spain, where he couldn't watch her from, due to the fact if he searched on the computers he knew Blake would know and start to look for him.

After about a month of recovering and stretching his limits by pushups, curl ups, chin ups and other various exercises to get him back into shape, he finally choose to leave this bunker finding it horrible and feeling trapped. As he finally reached above ground he felt a great push of cold but refreshing cold air hit his face and blow through his hair. He had a bit of a growing beard and longer hair, which he hopefully wished would help him with his disguise. He saw the horizon of the ocean through the darkening winter sky. All he could think of was kissing her sweet lips before he rushed into the Bat. He turned his head, put a beanie and a pair of sunglasses on and moved down towards the city.

As he walked through the city he heard the loud chatter of people and happiness. He saw cop car and other vehicles more through the streets although a lot fewer than before the occupation of Bane. He continue down the street until he came upon a theme park. Everything from rides to the small building selling food or toys had bright lights and children running around. He remembered this park. He hasn't been here since he was a kid and his father brought him. He remembered going on the high roller coasters and the spinning rides, the sweet cotton candy, and the swords and capes and lighted spinning toys his father would buy for him.

He walked passed the small activity tents and the arcade, passed the lines of the Tunnel of Love and the roller coaster Lightening. Then he reached a bigger tent, like one from the circus. There was a poster next to the entrance. "The Flying Grayson's" it said and there was a picture of a man, woman, and child who were doing a trapeze act.

He walked in, truthfully not knowing why. He never cared for circus acts. Maybe he wanted distraction for everything or maybe he was just kind of curious. Whatever the reason he walked in on an act of taming a lion and looked for a sit in the very back. He watched about three different other acts before finally came the act that he saw on the poster. He saw that there wasn't a net put under. The woman went first, swinging and then flipping from on swing to the other. Then as she came back the male was went on the other swinging towards her. He changed his position by bending his knees on the swing and swinging upside down as the female flipped off hers. She reached out and he caught her. As they swung around with the audience cheering the boy was preparing to jump in, until the rope had snapped and both adults went crashing down. The boy knelt down, screaming. Everyone was in shock and started to panic. Many had started to leave, but Bruce focused on the boy. He saw the anguish, the horror, everything he felt that night in Crime alley he knew what this boy was feeling.

"You know you tend to scream Bruce a lot when you sleep. Is he like your dead husband or something?" a kids voice rang.

Selina immediately sat up straight and stared at the kid who had a toothbrush sticking out on one side of his mouth. She glared at him and the kid just went back into the hall and towards the bathroom.

She had be in Spain for over two months now, she meet the little street rat of a kid when he stole from her only after about a little over a month shed been on Spain.

She was shopping and had just left a store when the kid ran into her and quickly snatched her wallet and continued to run but of course throughout all of her life being a thief, she knew he stole from her, and started to run after. She had cut him off and caught him. She looked at him closely and saw a bruise on his face and a black eye, the dirtiness of his clothes that had rips and tears. She then saw her reflecting back. She took the wallet and gave him a hundred dollars and let him run off. She didn't know what else to do. She couldn't take care of him and it's not like he would want her help anyway. But the one thing that she couldn't truly help but wonder about was that he looked American and he was in Spain.

After about a week, their paths crossed again, with him running from big thugs. She had hid him away and beaten the two men up. She had offered the kid to come with her to wash him, patch him and feed him. He took the offer but the next thing she knew he was gone in the morning. She really didn't expect anything less. Then two days later she saw the same kid again, and decided to follow him. She followed him all the way to some underground meeting. She couldn't help but have the horrible feeling when she betrayed Bruce giving him to Bane.

She was hiding within the shadows as she saw a group of about twelve kids who all looked beaten up and who were surrounded by older, muscular men. Then there was this one man sat at a desk taking in everything the kids would give him. Anger boiled within her skin watching this man having power over these innocent children. She was waiting for right moment to hit one of these guards as one kid, no the kid came up to the chubby man at the desk, had his head down and the man shook his head, pointed to one of the muscular men and the kid started to beg, beg for forgiveness. The man came closer and she saw a gun pointed at his shoulder. That was her boiling point. She grabbed her gun in her point and shot the man. Then shot the next man coming up. A man behind her grabbed her waste but she elbowed his side, pounded her foot on his and then once he let go and stepped back she roundhouse kicked him on the head, knocking him out. The chubby man grabbed the boy and held a gun to his head. Most of kids were huddled together in the back of the rom. She held her gun at the man's head. It was a standstill "You shot me, you lose this street rat, that for some reason you want to protect." She didn't speak, just kept her eyes on the scene. She then saw the kid reach for something. It was a piece of glass; he grabbed it and stabbed the man's leg. The man screamed in pain and dropped the gun and stepped back. Selina shot at his arm, disabling him from reaching for the gun with what seemed to be his gun arm.

She look to the huddled kids and to the boy, "Come with me." They all followed her cautiously outside were there were police men surrounding the exit. Although Selina wasn't much of a fan of police, she had sent them a message when she saw what was happening. The ambulances started to care for the children. The police went underground to investigate. The kid, blue shirt ripped and bruised face came up to her. She saw his crystal blue eyes stare at her as his dark brown hair flew with the breeze.

"So, why?" the blue eyed child asked.

"You know kid I don't know," she lied. She didn't want him to him know that she saw herself in him.

"You gave me a hundred dollars the first time. Then you feed and cared for me. Then you save me. I doubt 'I don't know' is the real answer."

"Kid, you should just be happy that I saved your ass."

"Its Jason."

Don't tell him your name. It'll just mean another relationship and another person to lose. She looked at the kid. Again all she saw was herself. You can help him. Like Bruce helped you. She was conflicted, unsure. She sighed, "listen kid I just know what you're going through and I wanted to help," she sighed once more, not sure of what she was about to ask. "Since I know you probably don't want to go to a orphanage and be with cops," she paused, "how about you come with me."

He smirked, "so you worry about me."

"Don't act like a smart ass. Truthfully I'm not a mother figure. Just want to help so you wont end up like me."

"You mean living in a nice apartment and have some nice goods. I'm pretty sure I would like that."His smug sarcastic tone angered her.

"You don't know what I've gone through. And I just got lucky to have all that. So you either take my offer or walk on."

"I'll take it," he shrugged, "got no were else to be, nowhere to be wanted, might as well take up an offer with someone who cares."

After that he was living with her. He told her he was born in America but after his parents died he got in with the wrong people and traveled with them where ever when the cops where on their tail. Once in awhile they would share their past. Most of their past had been exposed for the time they spent together. Most expect for Bruce.

She couldn't stop thinking of him. Of her betrayal. Of how she let him go suicide for that damned city. Of that kiss.

"So S what are we doing today?" He was finally done brushing his teeth. His face, his face that was once bruised and cut, was clean, and he wore better clothes.

She looked up at him; he asked that damn question every day, once she started to teach him how to fight, defend, balance, pick locks and steal properly, for good reasons of course. She truthfully didn't know what else to do. She wasn't going to teach him math, or history or science. She taught him what she knew best.

"Jay, we are going to take a break from practicing and just walk around town."

They walked around town with little task for Jason to do such as grabbing an item and sneaking it into his pocket but before leaving put it back before getting caught or balancing on a rail and flipping off it. As they continued their day they came across a fountain where Selina decided to sit down on the side and told Jason to balance on one of the stone short poles for about three minutes. He took on the challenge on.

Selina sat on the fountain side with a navy blue dress and white wide sun hat. Wearing glasses and heels and watched the young boy hold his balance. She was clam and relaxed and with Jason she felt happier but still incomplete, like helping this kid out still wouldn't make up for what she did.

Jason was half way through three minutes when kid with black hair and striking blue eyes appeared. "What are you doing?"

"Balancing," Jason said with a straight quick answer trying to stay focused.

"Hmm. That's easy, if you really want to test yourself you should balance on your hands," the night sky hair kid just then did that.

Jason feeling slightly ticked off just ignored the boy. But then the boy raised one of his hands, "my names dick, what's yours?"

Not willing to unbalance himself, Jason kept his hands straight out and looked straight still focused, "Jason."

Selina watched as a young kid, who looked about the same age as Jason did a hand stand on a pole next to Jason. Then Jason jumped down and walked towards her. "That was only two and half minutes kiddo."

"That damn kid was annoying." She couldn't help but laugh at noticing his jealousy and anger.

She then was picking every bag up from the floor getting ready to leave as she heard a similar voice.

"You're too much of a showoff Dick." His voice was soft and just like his, his body structure was just like his, and his eyes were just like his. She was star struck.

"I just wanted to see if he could do the same, plus he also spoke English."

She couldn't help but go a little bit closer, "Hey S what's wrong?"

"Bruce?" She gasped out.

The man turned around, "Selina?"

So umm well I didn't really want to write again but I needed another Bruce and Selina story. so I wrote this hopefully ya'll like it. and well I got this idea after reading an awesome story by Emiv on archive of our own called "The Longer you Stay". And I really wanted Dick in here so yea. I will update hopefully soon. well good night hoped you enjoied and please review.