December 24

Meet me at midnight (part 5)

I made my way to the big entrance sign of the winter wonderland. I didn't quite understand why John wanted to meet there, after all it was closed since 10 pm. But as I had received his question my fingers had send him Yes. –SH quicker than my brain had been able to process it. I didn't know why I was feeling so anxious to finally meet him again, after all I had only met him the day before yesterday and that hadn't really been a nice experience, but… The picture of his dark blue eyes which seemed to go internally popped into my mind. I glanced upwards at the sky which was very clear to night. I was able to see some stars, astonishing much for a big city like London. And when I looked up, it wasn't the sky anymore but John's eyes.

Quickly I shook my head and stared down at the ground. What happened to me? Why did I go all sloppy and irrational?! I shoved this unpleasant thoughts back in one corner of my mind palace and strode down to the entrance.

John was already standing there, rocking back and forth on his feet - anxious. His hair was a bit dishevelled, he had ran his fingers through it – nervous. He glanced down all the paths where I could come from – impatient. I smiled. He wouldn't look between the paths, where the trees stood and where I came from at the moment. I couldn't observe why exactly he was so nervous, but I could feel the same feeling crawling up my neck. What was it with me today?!

I approached him from behind, being as quiet as possible until I stood directly behind him. "Good evening, John", I said, smirking as he whirled around. Though I hadn't expected him to be have this good reactions. Within seconds I laid with my back in the snow, John laying on my top and pinning me down. We stared at each other for a second, before I began to chuckle.
"I can register a pattern in your habits", I stated, grinning up at him. John got deep red, clumsily crawling down from me.
"I'm… uhm… I'm sorry, really…. Man, this is awkward. You startled me, sorry, really…", he trailed of, avoiding to look into my eyes.
I shook my head slightly. "No harm done", I assured him, brushing the snow from my coat.

He glanced up at me (uh, he was shorter than he had seemed from the distance), smiling lightly.
"You've got some…", he waved his hand in the direction of my head before standing on his tiptoes and brushing the snow out of my dark curls. I stiffened under the touch, staring him right into the eyes. He didn't look back, but quickly pulled his hand back and turned so he stood beside me. He cleared his throat.

"So… uhm, shall we go?", he asked, shooting me an insecure glance.
I smiled and nodded. He led me to the entrance, giving me a mischievous grin. I frowned at him when I understood what he was up to.
"You want to break in?", I asked.

He chuckled. "That's not how I would call it. Let's say, I want to show you something", he said, winking at me and pulling a key out of his pocket. He opened the large grille that locked the park and held it open for me to pass.
He smirked at me. "Ladies first."
To my own surprise I began to laugh. "What a gentleman", I deadpanned. His face lightened up and his eyes began to sparkle, now resembling the night sky even more.

Sherlock Holmes, why on earth are you flirting with this man?, I asked myself, frowning inwardly. I let my gaze wander over him, his friendly and open face which was framed by short, dirty blonde curls, his short but muscular body, and the outlines recognisable even under his winter jacket. He was well build thanks to his rugby training. He was handsome. I had never before found someone handsome, since beauty was a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models. I had never led myself down on such mundane impressions, because it wasn't important if somebody I met was good looking or not. But when I looked at John, I found myself fooled by my own believes. He was rather dashing, standing there, snow in his hair and grinning mischievously up at me. Suddenly I had to suppress the want to pull him nearer.

I shook myself a bit, trying to shake off this absurd feeling. John gave me a dashing grin, walking next to me and leading me in the direction of a big wheel. When I saw what he was intending I wrung my hands nervously.
"You want to go up there? It doesn't work anyway", I tried, looking down on my shoes anxiously. He grinned.
"Well, I can change that", he said, waving with the key he had used earlier. Happily he walked into the little hut beside it. A few seconds later the lights on the big wheel went on, glittering and Last Christmas sounded quietly through the speakers. John came back out and winked at me.
"Can I invite you?", he asked, waving upwards. He was beaming at me so contently I couldn't resist.
Oh what have you got yourself into, I thought following him into one of the cabins.

Sherlock followed me into the cabin of the big wheel, just a few steps behind me. I was pleased with myself, everything worked out as I had planned it. Though I was nervous if I had a chance with him, I was soothed a bit by the fact that he had flirted back at the entrance.
I took my seat right next to him and closed the door behind us. Slowly the big wheel began to turn and we were pulled upwards.
I felt Sherlock stare at me from one side and gave him a questioning glance.
"How did you get the key of your uncle that fast?", he asked me. I looked at him astonished.
"Where do you know from that I have the key from my uncle?"
He frowned a bit.

"Obvious, isn't it? Since your parents are both dead and only a relative would trust you with something like a key to a fun park. It has to be an adult logically and since I've read that the owner of the winter wonderland is in is mid-fifties it can't be your grandparents. So, uncle or aunt. There is a picture on the front of the park from a man who has some similarities to you so it has to be your uncle.
Now that I think about it, it's unlikely that you went to him before we met so you have a permanent key. Maybe because he is generous, but I think it's more because you got a holiday job here. Since this big wheel was your best idea and you immediately knew how it worked, I think you work as the operator of it. Am I right?"

I stared at him open-mouthed. "That was…brilliant!", I exclaimed, clapping my hands together in excitement. Through my movement the cabin began to rock back and forth slightly. Sherlock stiffened and grabbed my arm, pressing his fingers into my muscles. He stared down at the ground with wide eyes, not realizing what he was doing.
"Uhm, Sherlock? Are you… afraid of heights?", I asked hesitantly.

He shook his head. "No", he said stubbornly. A grin spread over my face. Well, if he said he wasn't… I wiggled a bit around so that the whole cabin began to swing.
"John, stop!", he squeaked not very manly and clutched himself fully against my arm. I chuckled.

"I thought you weren't afraid?", I teased. He shot me a glare but didn't let go of my arm.
Suddenly his breathing began to accelerate. His eyes were wide and stared at the ground which seemed to swing back and forth through our movement.
"Gosh, Sherlock, are you hyperventilating? I didn't knew it was this bad! I'm sorry, really", I fussed, worried over the state he was in.
"Sherlock, look at me", I said calmly. He didn't move. Gently I reached out and cupped his face upwards, so that he was looking at me.
"Concentrate on me. On my face, on my voice. Calm down. Breath in, breath out", I muttered, still holding his jaw in my hand. I let my thumb wander over his high cheekbones to calm him. Only to calm him, really.

He nodded, fixing my eyes with his undefinable orbs.
"Distract me", he demanded, his voice shaking lightly. I frowned at him. How should I distract him?
"Tell me something", he added. I nodded firmly.
"I… uhm… I'm sorry for that…. Accident at the party. It was just really boring there and well I got drunk, and maybe I should have stopped before I was that drunk. And then I stumbled over you and… I'm really sorry. I know it was super awkward and what I said to you…", I trailed off. What I said to you was all true, because you're bloody gorgeous, I wanted to say. But my throat closed before I could say it.

"And then, well… I had to think about that moment when we… uhm turned around the whole evening and before I had really thought about it I asked Irene for your number. I don't know why exactly, but I am really glad you wanted to meet me today. After all it's Christmas eve", I smiled slightly at him.

Tentatively he smiled back, letting go of my arm a bit but still touching my shoulder. Suddenly I was very aware of the hand I still had on his jaw and blushed. I started to pull it away but he reached up and held it there, stroking over my fingers with his. I saw confusion in his eyes and fear. He didn't seem to know what he was doing.
Fuck it, I thought, I don't know either.

And then I kissed him. I leaned forward, watched his eyes flutter shut and touched his lips with mine. His mouth was warm and soft and insecure and perfect. I skidded nearer to him, pulling him into my arms, never letting the kiss fade. I reached up and ran my hands through his dark curls. He slung his arms around me, pulling me nearer until our chests were touching.

The kiss seemed endless. Warm and soothing and brilliant and the best kiss I had ever had. When we finally pulled away to get some air, our foreheads were still touching.
"Merry Christmas, Sherlock", I whispered.
A small smile tugged at his lips. "Merry Christmas, John."

AN: Merry Christmas folks! This got rather long, though I wanted it to get so long. After all, it's Christmas.
I just wanted to say I really loved writing this whole calendar. A few of you were sad that it ended today so I can assure you, I'll post other stories soon.
The next story I will continue will be "If only you knew". It's Potterlock and the first chapter is already up.

Thank you so much for your support. Your lovely comments and reviews made my smile everyday and I really enjoyed writing.
Special thanks to Jana, the best friend somebody could have. Thank you for your ideas and for being my greatest fan 3
Thanks also to my Fanily from the WhatsAppgroup. I love you all so much.

Thank you all for your support. Tell me how you found the end of this story! I will miss writing here! 3
And I'd love to hear some suggestions for other stories, so if you have any ideas, send me a message or a review ;)

- I still don't own anything. Though I wish even Moffat a merry Christmas today. -
Merry Christmas,
~ your more-than-happy TheNameIsAllieHolmes