Hiro Hamada opened the door to his lab and took in the fresh sunlight through the windows. He stretched his arms and back before fully entering the room. It was an early morning in Sanfransokyo, he arrived to the institute early to apply an upgrade to Baymax. That fully chargeable lithium battery system he had told Tadashi about. It had been about a year since his death, although Hiro had his bad times with the memory, he still moves forward knowing that the man responsible was behind bars.

"Ow." Hiro said walking over to Baymax's charger station. The large, marshmallow looking robot quickly inflated and stood in front of the young teenager.

"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion, what is on the agenda today, Hiro?" Baymax asked,

"Time to install that new battery, which means you my friend, are going to have to undergo surgery. Again." This wouldn't be the first time Hiro had done upgrades to Baymax. Although, some of the operations were a bit…unsuccessful.

"Oh dear." Baymax said, before walking with his wobbly steps to the experiment table, deflating, and shutting down.

"Okay, let's get started. Hopefully this time there won't be any fireballs." Hiro mumbled to himself as he was putting on his working gloves. The operation took well over a few hours, not many problems except for the occasional electric shock here and there. When the transmit was over with Hiro put Baymax back on his charger to warm up the new battery, and added a new topic for his invention list. 'Electrical pass-through gloves'. With nothing else to do for the day while Baymax charged, he decided to get to work on those right away.

"Sure I could use rubber gloves, but the texture would be far too unstable for robotic parts" He spoke to himself. "I could put a no-stick solution on the outsides but that would make the gloves too thick." After a half an hour of searching for the right materials, he decided he would go see the others and come back to the gloves later.

Hiro walked out of his station and took a minute to admire the new halls of the institute. Construction was finished around six months ago, but the building was still so new and efficient. He walked into the commons area to see the rest of the six sitting around a couch, all seemed to be in a conversation about something. Hiro walked up to them.

"Hey guys, what's new?" Hiro asked.

"Aside from several scientists debating whether or not to add a new radioactive element on the Periodic Table for the national science of atoms association, not much actually." Honey Lemon said way too enthusiastically.

"Okay, anyone else?" Hiro asked again.

"There was actually that news story where blenders started attacking the public at a local dinner party!" Wasabi said with a surprise, everyone stopped and looked at him. "Or maybe that was just in a horror movie I was last week."

"What kind of horror movie would that be?" GoGo said skeptically.

"Attack of the Dinner Party." He answered.

"Anyone else, anything?" Hiro said again getting annoyed.

"Last week I was riding so fast on my moped, I swallowed a bug!" Fred said excitedly. Everyone quickly got silent. "Too much information, I know." He said looking down.

"Morning, students." A short lady with glasses and brown hair up in a bun said.

"Morning Mrs. Gorman." Everyone said, Mrs. Gorman was a new teacher at the institute. She was rather nice and most of the students who had her class enjoyed her them.

"I can see that everyone is just booming with excitement today." Gesturing to the lazy expressions everyone had. "Well I hope you are all coming to the local Sanfransokyo Grade Science Fair."

"Why would we go to that? It's just a bunch of kids running around with laser guns all hyped up on energy drinks." GoGo said leaning back in her spot on the couch.

"Support," Mrs. Gorman said, "Those young people who take interest in our profession could be the future of our institute." She said pulling the pencil out of her hair and examining her clipboard. "Over 50 students qualified for the fair." By 'qualified' she meant forced into it. "It's our job to ensure that each student gets equal support.

Everyone sighed, the fair would morally contain a bunch of young high school students showing off their planetary stations. No one wanted to go.

"Moap all you want, I want you guys to go. It's tomorrow night at the Sanfransokyo High School. I'll be expecting you all to be there." She said as she walked away. "Oh and, feel free to bring some of your own experiments, just to you know, to raise their hopes."

"Look there is NO way I am bringing my laser induced plasma to a high school! Those kids are vicious, malicious monsters!" Wasabi yelled, Hiro looked at him sternly. "Well, most of them are."

"Oh come on guys, this could be fun! I personally can't wait to show all those young chemists the beauty of chemistry!" Honey Lemon said.

"Well, since I'm not a student, I think I'll be spending my Friday night watching TV and eating three day old pizza." Fred gloated. The girls looked at him with disgust.

"I don't think so, you're coming too." GoGo said sternly, getting up and standing over Fred.


"No way mister, if we're getting dragged into this, so are you!"

"Okay! Okay, fine. Please don't kill me!" Fred said covering his face.

'Always works' GoGo thought to herself.

Baymax soon finished charging with his new battery and Hiro was back in his office by the time it was done. Baymax inflated once again.

"How do you feel buddy?" Hiro asked.

"My battery appears to be functioning correctly, I feel no power complications."

"Good, then you'll be okay to come to the local Science Fair tomorrow."

"Will there be other robots there as well?"

"Maybe, but I can assure you that none will be as good as you."

"You seem to have a lack of emotion when talking about the fair, is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, I just don't really want to go. But Mrs. Gorman says it will help with the presenters, what else am I supposed to do?"

Hiro later went home and ate dinner at the café with Aunt Cass. The next day went by fast and soon he was outside of the high school with the six, Baymax's station in hand.

"Well, everyone ready?" He asked.

"AH! I can't wait!" Honey Lemon said clutching her chemist set.

"Let's just get this over with." GoGo said carrying her disks. They all entered the building. After a few twists and turns of hallways they were in the gymnasium and started going around to the stations. The fair was like any other science fair, and was as expected, lots of planetariums. Honey had a fabulous time running around talking to the young chemists who really couldn't care less about what she was saying. GoGo was showing the small group of random students her magnetic disks. Wasabi was busy stopping stupid kids from sticking their fingers in the plasma. Fred was mingling with the school mascot, a large tiger who looked like he didn't want to be here anymore than the others did.

Hiro mostly kept to himself, he was surprised. Not many kids were working with a robot presentation. Well, there was this one kid who had made a water bottle with stick arms and laser pointed eyes, but, Hiro didn't really think that one counted. Baymax walked by his side the entire time and he constantly had to stop him from scanning random kids and telling them too much information than they needed to know about their developing bodies.

One little kid came up to Baymax and started poking at him with a pencil. Hiro warned him to stop, but being what appeared to be a second grader, he didn't. Causing Hiro to run away quickly, dragging Baymax with him. Unfortunately he wasn't looking where he was going and ran into a girl carrying a box full of parts. Friction took over, the girl was thrown into Baymax's soft belly and bounced at full speed back into Hiro, who thankfully caught her. He took this time to examine who this poor girl was.

She looked around his age, maybe 14 or 15. She had brown hair, with a small shade of blonde, it was tied back into a zig-zaggy looking braid in the back. Her short bangs were side swept to her left, framing her face. She had large hazel-blue eyes and long dark eyelashes, with a small nose and pink lips. After all of Hero's examinations he finally realized that he was holding her, and lifted her to her feet.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going a-and I-I" Hiro gasped.

"N-No I'm sorry, I'm really clumsy and you and your ha-ha," She laughed nervously."Yeah."

"Oh no!" She gasped suddenly, Hiro looked around and noticed that during their collision, the materials in the box that she was carrying were strewn out across the floor.

"Here let me help you." Hiro said getting down and picking up the pieces.

"Oh thank you." She said, he noticed that she was about to start as well, but instead she let out a terrified shriek. The next thing he heard was…

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." Hiro quickly jumped up.

"No no no don't worry, this is Baymax. He's a…" Hiro struggled to find his words, still nervous from what had just happened. "robot doctor."

"Oh" Was all the girl could say.

"Scanning complete, neither of you have sustained injuries, but Hiro's blood pressure appears to be rising. The cause may be an extreme spike in emotion, such as nervousness, or embarrassment."

"Baymax shut up!" Hiro whispered loudly.

"Um, I've never seen you here before, are you not from here?" The girl asked.

"Oh, um, *cough* well see I'm actually from the Sanfransokyo Institute of Technology, just visiting." She lit up at hearing this.

"The Institute of Technology?! Oh I dream of going there! Wait, the professors are HERE? NOW?"

"Yeah, they're right over there." Hiro gestured to the corner of the gym.

"I can't believe it! Ha-ha! So, um, I never got your name."

"Oh, my name's Hiro, Hiro Hamada."

"Ah, Hiro. My name is-" she was interrupted by the overhead speaker.

"Mika Striker, Mika Striker to the stage" She gasped.

"That's me, oh gosh that's me!" She scrambled to pack up all the rest of her materials. "I gotta go, hopefully we can talk again." She said as she ran off.

"Bye." Hiro waved. Baymax quickly scanned Hiro again. He was so going to watch her presentation.

"I am detecting a rise in blood pressure again, this may be triggered by emotions such as lust or anxiety." Baymax said, Hiro scowled.

"You never stop talking do you?"