(a/n - Yaya Christmas is nearly upon us! So as a gift to you all I bring a drabble a day. I had some of these finished then they all deleted so sorry if they're up late or whatever but now I have to redo those, write new and attempt to succeed at life. The first is especially dedicated to Rose. Enjoy!)

1 - Fairytale of New York

Yizzel and his mate sat propping up the bar, drinking whisky and rum like water. The tinsel around the bar taps got blurrier and blurrier as they continued to drink.

"Christmas is nearly here, Yizzel."

"Yeah, Christmas."

"And do you know what is the best?"

"What, guv?"

"Christmas in New York."

"Yeah, New York."

"Better than a cottage."

"Yeah, cottage."

"Tell you what, Yizzel, I've got me cottage fund, come on."

Yizzel and his mate opened their eyes and blearily realised that they were sprawled across each other on a double bed with crisp linen, and the smell of air freshener in the air. Before they fully comprehended anything, a porter appeared through the door.

"Good morning Sirs, I hope you enjoyed your first night in the Big Apple. May I suggest taking a trip into town today? The Christmas stuff in the department stores is ace!" He opened their curtains. Yizzel's mate sat up straight.

"His American accent... Big Apple... Are we in New York, Yizzel?"

"Yeah, guv. Like the fairytale." Yizzel's mate flopped back against the pillows.

"Not a dream, a nightmare! I wanted a cottage, Yizzel! Not a drunken trip to the States with you!"

"Sorry, boss."

"Well, now we are here we are gonna have to stick it out. Looks like this is Christmas this year."

"Yeah, Christmas."