This collection contains milestone prizes given out for the "an OC for all occasions" challenge/competition at the DFC. They'll be featuring OCs – the OCs people have come up with for this challenge. Their profiles can be found on the challenge thread at the DFC, whose link can be found from either of our personal profiles.

By: reminiscent-afterthought
For: Ryoumafan, milestone: posting their first fic/chapter for the "an OC for all occasions" challenge/competition with the OC "Lara Altamirano" (prize earned: 100 word drabble)

It was always easier to hide in a group. Her image was just what everyone expected: a perfect fit. And then that was it. A few comments here and there in conversations to sate them, and then they turn their attention elsewhere and leave her comfortably in the centre: lonely in the crowd.

She didn't mind that. She preferred it that way. It was easier, more comfortable, to be part of a flow as opposed to the one in the spotlight – at least in things like that.

Alone, in the dark…that wasn't the sort of person she wanted to be.