Star Wars Rebels

Chapter 1.

The day

Ezra walked along the sandy land of his home planet, after an argument with Kanan, Ezra sneaked away without anyone on the ship noticing. Ezra was the youngest on his crew, but was able to fit in. Kanan was his teacher, or master. He has been teaching Ezra to become a powerful Jedi, but after Zeb made Ezra loose his focus on their latest lesson, Ezra messed up, Kanan grew stressed that Ezra wouldn't stop getting distracted and pay attention, But Kanan or anyone on the ship didn't understand how stressful this day was for him. This day 8 years ago, Ezra was alone, it was the day his parents were taken from him by the empire

"Use the force he says..."

"Focus he says" Ezra said talking to himself

"Maybe if they just knew, they would know focusing isn't that easy for me" He said kicking a rock

"...Kanan wouldn't care anyway, he's just tell me to live around it as always..."

Ezra looked up and saw his old house, he sighed before running toward it and going inside. He looked around then walked over to a stool on the ground, he picked it up and moved it then climbed down the ladder, he looked around before sighing and walking over to a wall and leaning against it sitting down. He lifted his knees and put his hands around them

"...I miss you guys..." He said sadly

Meanwhile on the ghost...

"You should go and talk to Ezra..." Hera said watching Kanan pace

"No, he's mad at me, what makes you think he'll even talk?" Kanan said stopping

"Didn't it occur to you that Ezra was acting different today? Like something was bothering him?" Hera said folding her arms

"No..." Kanan said looking away

"Just talk to him, find out why he's been acting different today" Hera said walking back onto the ship

"Alright" Kanan said sighing

Kanan walked onto the ship and walked up the ladder and along the corridor to Zeb and Kanan's room, he knocked on the door

"Ezra?" He asked

Kanan sighed before opening the door

"Look Ezra I'm..." he began

Kanan stopped as no one was in the room

"Kid?" Kanan asked

Kanan looked around the room for Ezra but didn't see him, he turned and walked down the hall but there was still no sign of him.

"Sabine" He said seeing Sabine leave her room

"Yeah?" Sabine replied turning to Kanan

"Have you seen the kid?" Kanan asked

"Last time I saw him was outside" Sabine said folding her arms

"You don't think the kid ran off do you?" Zeb asked sarcastically coming up from behind Kanan

"...Maybe" Kanan said looking outside

"Wait, seriously?" Zeb asked

"Something was up with Ezra today... I couldn't tell, and I got angry" Kanan said turning back around

"So... he would just run of?" Sabine asked

"Not sure, worth a look" Kanan said looking at Sabine again

"Well, you better hurry" Hera said walking in

"Looks like the empire are back" She said looking outside again

"...Alright, Hera stay here in case he turns up, Sabine, Zeb come with me" Kanan said walking toward the exit

A little while later, the three walked through the old town near Ezra's old home. They walked past Ezra's house, but as they did Kanan quickly stopped and turned

"What is it?" Sabine asked

"Keep looking... I'm going to look in here" Kanan said turning to the door

"What's so special about this old place?" Zeb asked

"...It was Ezra's home" Sabine said sighing as she turned and continued to walk

"Ah..." Zeb said watching as Kanan went inside

"Ezra?" Kanan shouted looking around

He looked at the small stool and walked over to it and peered down the hole


Kanan jumped down and looked around, he took out his torch and shone it around until he saw Ezra sitting against a far wall, his head was in his lap looking down. Kanan sighed in relief to see him and walked over to him. He said nothing as he sat beside him and leaned against the wall. Ezra looked up and at Kanan, Kanan looked back down and saw as the distressed Ezra looked away again

"Kid... sorry... about shouting before" Kanan said sighing

"I just... I just want you to be the best you can"

Ezra didn't say anything, he just continued to stare away from Kanan, a tear rolled down his face... All he could think about was his parents, and that day they vanished 8 years ago

"...Ezra? What's bothering you?" Kanan asked putting his hand on Ezra's shoulder

Ezra didn't say anything except move his shoulder from under Kanan's hand

"I can't help if you won't speak to me..." Kanan said sighing still looking at Ezra

Ezra continued not to speak. Kanan sighed before standing up and walking back over to the ladder

"I'll come back soon..." He said before going up the ladder and leaving

Ezra watched, then leant his head on his knees again sadly, letting himself become lost in thought again

"Well?" Zeb said walking up to Kanan

"I found him... But something's wrong" Kanan said looking at the house

"Where is he?" Sabine asked

"Still inside" Kanan said

"Let me talk to him" Zeb said walking past the other 2

"No..." Kanan began

"I think you should let him, You never know right?" Sabine said putting a hand on her waist

"Kid?" Zeb asked walking into the house

Zeb looked around the house trying not to step on anything

"Where are you kid?"

He looked at the ladder and raised a brow, he walked toward it and jumped down, he looked around and saw Ezra sitting against the wall.

"Ah, there you are" Zeb said walking over to him

"You know Kanan got worried when he couldn't find you" Zeb said laughing

"...What you doing in this old place anyhow?" Zeb said noticing Ezra didn't laugh

Ezra continued to not reply, Zeb raised a brow again and bent down

"Alright kid, this isn't like you, what's with you today?" He asked

"...8 years ago" Ezra said looking down

"What?" Zeb asked

"8 years ago... was when they disappeared" Ezra said

"8 years today"

"Your parents..." Zeb said sighing

"Yeah" Ezra said nodding

"Sitting down here isn't going to make anything better though" Zeb said

"It's just a dingy basement, come back to th..." Zeb began

"STOP!" Ezra shouted looking at Zeb

"This was my home! This is where they came, they came here, and took them, I was sitting right here! I watched as they did it! I watched the empire take my parents away from me..." Ezra shouted standing as Zeb did

"...And I couldn't do anything" He said looking away

"Kid..." Zeb said sighing

"Come on kid... the empires back, we got to get back to the ship" Zeb said sighing

Ezra sighed sadly and walked to the ladder and climbed up in front of Zeb. He walked out, his arms were crossed and his eyes were full of sadness, he walked out from the house beside Zeb

"Ezra" Sabine said smiling

"MMhmm" Zeb said coughing hinting to Sabine

Sabine stepped back and changed her smile, Ezra walked past them on his own toward the ship

"Good job" Kanan said looking at Zeb

"Yeah..." Zeb said sighing as he and the other 2 began to follow Ezra.

Ezra walked aboard the ship followed by Kanan and the others.

"There you are, I was getting worried" Hera said smiling as Ezra walked in

Ezra didn't say anything, he walked past Hera and up the ladder

Kanan walked in with the other two and closed the exit

"We'll explain once we're in the air..." Kanan said turning to Hera

Ezra walked past the bedrooms and found the closet he was put in the first time he was aboard the ship, he went inside and closed the door, he leant against the side and sank down to the ground, he lifted his knees again and put himself in the same position as he was in his house.

Hera soon flew the ship into the sky, then turned to the other 3

"So, what's up with Ezra?" She asked

"Zeb..." Kanan said turning to Zeb

"...8 years ago today was the day the kids parents were taken by the empire, he even watched as it happened" Zeb explained sighing

"...Great, now I feel even better" Kanan said slightly frustrated in himself

"You didn't know..." Hera said

"None of us did"

"Where is he now?" Kanan asked

"Not sure, but he is on board this time" Sabine said

Kanan walked past them to find Ezra, he walked into Ezra's room but he wasn't in there, he walked into the area where they would sit. He raised a brow to see it closet door open slightly, he walked over to it and opened it, Ezra was inside

"Hey Kid" Kanan said sighing

Kanan bent down and sat beside Ezra

"You know?" Ezra asked still facing forward

"Yeah... yeah I know" Kanan replied sighing

"Why did you never tell us?" Kanan asked turning to Ezra

"...You didn't need to know" Ezra said

"Really? Cuz I think we did" Kanan said raising a brow

"It doesn't matter anyway, they're dead... and there's nothing I can do to change that" Ezra said

"...Every kid needs a parent to be there for them growing up... I'm sorry you couldn't have that Ezra" Kanan said

"Did you?" Ezra asked turning to Kanan

"Yeah, My mum and dad... but my dad became a member of the empire, after that I went into hiding with my mother" Kanan said sighing

Ezra sighing before turning again. Kanan sighed but stood

"I'll leave you alone for a bit..." He said turning away

"We're here for you Ezra" He said before leaving

Ezra watched him leave, then sighed, he pulled the door slightly before Sabine walked to the door to the room

"There you are" She said smiling walking toward him

"Zeb was looking for you" She said stopping looking down at Ezra as he looked up

Ezra looked back down sadly causing Sabine to change her smile, she sighed before leaning against the wall and bending beside him.

"Ezra..." She said looking at him

"You can talk to me"

Ezra kept looking at the ground, but sighed

"I... I could have done something" He said

"I just sat there, and let the empire take them away"

"You were 7... you couldn't have done anything Ezra" Sabine said putting her hand on his shoulder

"...Do you really believe they're dead?" Sabine asked

"Yes... I don't know, I told you this before" Ezra said moving his shoulder

"Ezra..." Sabine said sighing

"Sector 5, and Sector 6 report to the main deck" The tanoi said

"Well... looks like we're needed" Sabine said pushing herself up

"Don't worry Ezra... we're here for you" She said as Ezra got up

Ezra walked past Sabine and out of the room, Sabine sighed and followed him

Ezra and Sabine walked to the cockpit, Hera sat at the driver's seat looking down at a town below

"Looks like the empire are at it again" Hera said watching them

"You know that place Ezra?" She asked

"Mmmhm... My house is near here" Ezra said

"Ezra, you can go... I need to talk to Sabine" Hera said noticing that Ezra still sounded distressed

Ezra nodded then left. Ezra walked along the corridor and without anyone seeing he crept onto the top of the ship. He stood and watched the soldiers in the town walking around, Chopper although managed to see Ezra before he closed the hatch. Ezra watched as soldiers walked toward his house, they stopped outside them crashed open the door

Ezra tightened his fist before looking below the ship and seeing a building not too far away, he looked behind him and jumped down onto it. He landed on his feet and looked up at the ship.

"Sorry guys... But this time, I'm doing this alone" He said running along the tops of buildings

Meanwhile on this ship Chopper raced on the cockpit where Sabine and Hera were still talking

"Chopper? What is it?" Hera asked seeing Chopper wave his robotic arm around

"Ezra?" Sabine asked

"He left the ship?!" Sabine shouted

Sabine and Hera quickly turned and looked from the window, they saw as Ezra jumped from house to house towards where the soldiers were

"What is that kid doing?!" Hera shouted

"...They're in his house" Sabine said

"What?" Hera said

"Stay here" Sabine said running out

"Sabine!" Hera shouted

Sabine ran past the door just as Zeb and Kanan walked in

"What's got her in a rush?" Zeb asked turning back to Hera

"Ezra's left the ship, Sabine said the bucket heads have gone into his old house" Hera explained

"What?!" Kanan and Zeb shouted

Kanan quickly turned and ran followed by Zeb, they both followed Sabine out of the ship and onto the buildings.

Ezra jumped onto his roof and jumped through a crack, he hide in a closet listening to the troopers

"Where is it?" A familiar voice echoed

"It should be here"

"Agent Kallis?" Ezra whispered

Ezra looked through a crack and saw the hole leading to the basement was covered

"Why are they here?" Ezra whispered confused

Kallis turned and looked directly at the crack, Ezra quickly stepped backwards but as he did he knocked something from the closet shelf. Soon enough Agent Kallis opened the door

"Ah. Knew you would be here" Kallis said smirking

"What? What were you looking for?" Ezra said frowning

"Wasn't it obvious?" Kallis asked smirking


Kallis raised his gun and hit Ezra in the head causing Ezra to instantly black out and fall forward

"Sir, the rebels are on the way" A trooper said standing by the entrance

"Distract them, you two, take the kid aboard the ship" Kallis said pointing to two troopers

The two troopers picked Ezra up by his arms and walked out of the back way of the house to make Kanan and the others unaware. Sabine, Zeb and Kanan jumped down and began to attack, not noticing Kallis had managed to sneak away with Ezra.

Meanwhile on the ship Chopper was looking down, Hera was watching the others fighting and didn't notice the troopers leaving with Ezra, but Chopper did, He quickly began to go crazy and zapped Hera

"Chopper!" Hera said jumping

"What is it?"

Chopper quickly pointed with his robotic arm, and Hera quickly saw the troopers going onto the ship with Ezra


Hera quickly picked up her communicator

"Sector 1, come in sector 1"

"Sector 1 here, what is it Sector 2? Kanan asked defeating the last trooper

"They're taken Ezra aboard the ship" Hera said

"What?!" Kanan shouted

"Zeb, Sabine, go back to the ghost" Kanan said turning

"What? where's the kid?" Sabine asked

"Just, just get aboard the ghost!" Kanan said

Zeb and Sabine nodded then ran toward the ghost again, Kanan ran toward the trooper ship and jumped aboard before it could fly off. Hera waited for Zeb and Sabine to get aboard then quickly followed the enemy ship, but stayed a certain distance away.

"Inquisitor" Kallis said walking into a room

"Agent Kallis, have you succeeded?" The Inquisitor asked

"Yes sir. The boy was there, as you predicted" Kallis asked

"Where he?" The Inquisitor asked

"Cell block B, We're chained him up so he cannot escape again" Kallis said

"Good... I'll be there soon, and when I do, There will be one less Jedi" The Inquisitor said turning around

Kanan leant in an air vent above them, he frowned before turning around quickly. He had to save Ezra, before the Inquisitor could reach him

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