Planet Elem, Konoha

It has been two years since Naruto, Hinata, and Gaara left the planet in search of Naruto's living family. During the last two years things have changes in Konoha for starters Raditz, Tights, Turles and Kim made it known to everyone that if anyone says a bad thing about their nephew Naruto, they won't live to see another day. They actually made good on that promise as people who were there to hear about Naruto being the Fourth's son, but still saw him as a demon spoke badly about him. Tsunade can say that she and the Fire Lord had to cover that mess up so no one will find out.

"Lady Tsunade" Shizune came in running

"What's is in Shizune?" Tsunade asked

"T-There was a light that appeared in the newly built Namikaze Clan Compound. You wait for me Lady Tsunade" Shizune said then ran after Tsunade who ran past her

When they got to the Compound that was made for Naruto by the Shinobi council along with others, what she saw shocked her and those with her. In front of them were Minato Namikaze and Kushina Namikaze, but their looks were different. Behind them were others and some of them are lookalikes expect Hinata Hyuga and right then and there Tsunade fainted into Shizune's arms. Hiashi Hyuga was shocked

"Himeko is that you?" Hiashi asked

"Yes Hiashi it's me and these are our boys, you and I need to have a chat about what you did to Hinata," Himeko said darkly and Hiashi knew he was dead meat

After all the shocks and tears, Karura and Gaara went back to Suna. Himeko, Hinata, Hiashi and the boys went back to the Hyuga Compound. The lookalikes and others went either to the hospital or their home. Tsunade brought the others back to her office.

"Ok first Minato; tell me how you and Kushina look different?" Tsunade asked Minato

"Ok simply put it Tsunade, Naruto's dragon godfather Shenron mess with mine, Kushina, and Naruto's DNA," Minato told her

"Naruto's dragon godfather? Wait so Naruto have a dragon as a godfather?" Tsunade asked

Kushina then told Tsunade about her story of Shenron and the Dragon realm. After the tale was over, Tsunade was shocked. Well, it makes senses, when Tsunade think about it every time Naruto make a wish and it always come true. Tsunade then turned toward the others.

"Who are you all?"

"I'm Gine and this is my husband Bardock and we are Minato's parents as well as Raditz, Turles and Kakarot also known as Goku. These are Bardock's teammates Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh. There were two other of us, but they decided to stay on Earth." Gine introduces herself and the others to Tsunade

"So where's Naruto? Why didn't he come home?" Tsunade asks

"Well a lot happen over there," Minato said as he tell her about Garlic Jr, Frieza and his father King Cold

"But the funny is thing is that before we had to face Garlic junior, the future Trunks that came from the future, as well as the future son of my brother Vegeta and sister-in-law Bulma, wasn't even meant to be in the past until this year. Well, the year on the other planet 767 and Minato's brother Goku was meant to be training until this time date. But what we or rather Trunks thinks is because something happens in Trunks time to cause some damage to his time machine that causes him to travel to two years before 767 and for Goku to finish his training two years ahead of schedule. Naruto and the others are now focusing on finding these Androids that will be killing machines, but Naruto has a plan that might work as Trunks told him that his future self or what we call him Mirai Naruto never thought would work. So Naruto made a wish that all of us would be back here, where we all will be safe from these Androids for now." Kushina said for Minato

"Our fifteen-year-old grandson stayed behind, so he can help his uncles and cousins," Gine said before Kushina could speak again

Tsunade is shocked that all that has happened to Naruto, while on another planet. But she can't say she's surprised as Naruto tend to find trouble everywhere he goes and always find people he easily could make friends with. Naruto also would stay and help if he could no matter what. But she's also disappointed that she's missed a chance to spend time with Naruto on his birthdays.

"Oh Bulma also created these devices," Kushina said showing her some of the things they brought back with them

"What are they?" Tsunade asks as she examining one of them

"These are called laptops, but these a special ones that Bulma created so we can talk and see Naruto. She made one for each of us plus extras, so you can have one too. Also, Bulma was teaching me and Himeko to create these and more, so we can build these and much more." Kushina explained

After talking some more, Tsunade let the Namikaze couple, Minato's parents and their friends go back to the Namikaze Compound to rest. She needed to get some rest as well as she will need to speak with the other newcomers. She just hopes that Naruto's doing alright and that he will come home alive. After all, she loves that annoying brat. When Tsunade was almost to the door to leave, both Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado entered the office.

"Is it's true the Fourth lives again?" Koharu asked

"Finally maybe we can get the demon exile. I don't believe that demon is-"Homura was punch toward the wall


"Better not be my son Naruto," Minato said darkly

"Oh I will enjoy killing you," Bardock and his team said at the same time

"Wait Fourth Hokage, what Homura was saying that the demon-"Koharu was cut off by Gine punching her through the wall like Kushina did to Homura, causing everyone to look at her in shock

"What?" Gine asks

"Hmm knew my woman had a bit of a fighter in her" Bardock said with a smirk that made Gine smile

"All it took was someone bad mouthing her family" Fasha laugh as her the woman who was on the same team as her and the others showed who she truly was a Saiyan

"Minato, Kushina why are you-"Tsunade was cut off

"We forgot to tell you something," Minato said as his mother and Kushina went off to deal with the fools

Tsunade nod and went back to her desk, Minato then told her what she needed to know from Naruto.

Next chapter, more on Naruto and the others