Chapter 5:

Sebastian charged connecting with Martin, knocking them backwards into the wall. Sebastian backed up just enough that he could punch Martin, but Martin wasn't going to go down easy and he fought back. The fight went back and forth both men getting hits in, Chris could only watch helplessly as they fought, wishing he could do something! Martin had managed to get the upper hand on Sebastian as they fought on the floor. He straddled Sebastian as he punched him, using his body weight to keep him down. Martin was weakening along with Sebastian, but he had to keep fighting until he knew Chris would be safe! As soon as he thought that he quickly looked around for him, but doing that gave Sebastian the chance he needed to get Martin off him and he took it. He punched Martin twice; once in the stomach, and once in the face. The punches caused Martin to fall off Sebastian, he landed on his knees, Sebastian then kicked his foot out connecting hard with Martin's stomach, causing him to fall backwards into the wall. He hit the wall hard, his head bouncing off it, instantly the room swam before his eyes. He felt dizzy, nauseous, and he could feel himself beginning to pass out. Sebastian stood, unsteady on his feet and smiled as he watched Martin try and keep from passing out, he then looked at Chris who wanted to help his brother, but Sebastian stood between them! Sebastian wiped his mouth and nose on his sleeve as he backed up smiling, motioning with his arm to Chris giving him permission to go help his brother. Chris didn't hesitate and stepped forward, but Sebastian stepped in front of Chris stopping him, before he quickly punched Chris. The punch knocked Chris backwards, but not down so Sebastian quickly tripped him and he landed on his back. Sebastian smiled as he slowly walked around Chris stopping by his head, he put his foot on Chris' chest keeping him down as he turned his attention back to Martin and spoke.

"You surprised me Marty! I really wasn't expecting that out of you!" Sebastian said still smiling. "How's the head Marty? That looked like it hurt when you hit the wall?" He mocked.

"Leave him alone Sebastian!" Martin said looking at Sebastian, he couldn't move yet the room still spinning and he feared he'd pass out.

"Marty, haven't you realized by now that I always win one way or another? You may have stopped me this time, but at least I can leave happy knowing that Chris here." He said smiling as he knelt by Chris, and looking into Martin's eyes continued. "Will die, just like I planned!" As soon as he said that he pulled a knife from his jacket pocket and in one quick movement stabbed it into Chris' side just above his waist and drug the knife up his entire left side stopping just below his armpit. "Goodbye Kratt brothers!" Sebastian said laughing as he took off out of the warehouse.

Martin rushed to his brother's side, he grabbed Chris' face making him look at him, Chris grabbed Martin's wrists Chris' tears fell silently with Martin's.

"You hang on Chris! Do you hear me?" Martin said forcefully, but his voice shook.

"Martin…hurts!" Chris said as he grabbed Martin's shirt, he began coughing which caused him more pain.

"Okay, I…I need to stop the bleeding!" Martin said quickly as he took off his jacket, and held it against Chris' side; the contact hurt Chris causing him to move. "Sorry, I know it hurts, but I have to stop the bleeding!" Martin apologized; there was so much blood he was so scared he was going to watch his brother die. "I…I need to call for help!" He said as he quickly checked his pockets and jacket for his phone, and began to silently panic when he couldn't find it. He looked around for it, Chris began coughing again, suddenly he spotted it by the wall, he took Chris' hand, looked him in the eyes, and spoke. "I need to call for help, but I dropped my phone by the wall I need to go get it!"

"No…no please!" Chris said before coughing, he was so scared and held tighter to Martin's hand. "Do…don't leave me!"

"I'll be right back, I promise! I need to call for help Chris!" He begged, Chris let him go and he got up and raced for his phone, he picked it up and dialled 911 as he knelt by Chris again. He wasn't going to lose his brother!


After calling 911, everything happened in a blur for Martin; it was like trying to remember a dream the next morning, you remember only bits and pieces, but not everything. He remembers just as the ambulance and police arrived telling Chris he was going to be okay, just before Chris passed out. He remembers people rushing in and him being physically removed from his brother's side. He remembers detective Richards asking him what happened, but Martin moved away from him and threw up. Chris was taken to the ambulance, Martin followed refusing to leave Chris' side, and he was ready to fight anyone who objected!

After that, he's only vaguely aware of what happened next. Chris was taken from him at the hospital and another doctor had taken him to get checked out as well. He was examined, cleaned up, and his injuries were tended to. He remembers the doctor saying he had cuts and bruises all over his body, some cuts needed stitches and so he received 20 in total, he has two broken ribs, and a concussion. Martin was then taken to the waiting room and told Chris' doctor would come talk to him when he could and then he was left alone.

As Martin waited to find out if his brother was alive detective Richards came into the room, he sat across from Martin.

"I know why you're here detective." Martin said quietly. "It was Sebastian Fox! It was him all along, and I believed that piece of crap! I believed his lies, instead of believing Chris!" Martin said upset.

"Martin, you can't blame yourself for what Sebastian did! You couldn't have known, he had everyone fooled!" Detective Richards said gently.

"Not Chris! If I had only believed Chris, then he…" Martin trailed off as he began to cry silently, he stood and went to the window turning his back to Richards.

"Martin, I know now isn't the best time, but I need to know what happened so I can do my job and get you and Chris justice!" Detective Richards said gently, Martin sighed.

"Sebastian was the one capturing the wild cats, he had his partner Ben Price get them for him. Sebastian was also the one who kidnapped Chris, I followed him to the warehouse tonight and saw the cats and my brother! I attacked Sebastian and we fought, he knocked me into a wall before he…hurt Chris! He took off and I called 911, and you know the rest." Martin answered as he sat back down.

"That's all I need, I'll put an APB out on both Sebastian and Price. As for the cats, you'll be glad to know that as of this moment they are all in the care of doctor Grant Brooks, a scientist you and Chris are familiar with. He's checking them out, then he's going to personally fly the cats back to their homes!" Detective Richards said smiling sadly, hoping that would help Martin.

"That's great news! Chris will be so relieved to hear that! Thank you detective." Martin said smiling sadly.

"You're welcome Martin. I have to get back to work, but I'll be in touch when I know something about Fox and Price. Speedy recovery to you both." Detective Richards said shaking Martin's hand before he left.

Time seemed to pass slowly for Martin, and with each passing minute he didn't hear anything his fear and panic grew until he felt like it was suffocating him. Finally two hours after they came to the hospital Chris' doctor came to talk to him.

"Are you here for Mr. Kratt?" The young, red haired doctor asked.

"Yes, I'm his brother! How…how is he?"

"I'm Doctor Wright, I've looked after your brother since he was brought in. He has a long list of injuries, I'm afraid; he has cuts and bruises all over his body, only a few needed stitches so in total he has 20. He has severe rope burns on both wrists and ankles and a broken nose. He has three broken ribs, a concussion, and he's dehydrated. His most severe injury is the large, jagged cut on his left side starting at his waist and ending just below his armpit. We checked for any damage to his organs, and for any internal bleeding, and I'm very happy to say there was neither! But if the knife blade had been any longer, the damage would have been more severe and life threatening. We stitched him up, it took close to 300 stitches. We gave him a blood transfusion, and pain meds, so he's resting comfortably now."

"Will he be okay?" Martin asked.

"In a few weeks, I believe so, yes. The next 24-48 hours are critical, if he doesn't develop an infection then he'll be fine." Doctor Wright explained.

"If he does?"

"Then we start with antibiotics, and we go from there. Mr. Kratt, I'm pretty optimistic that your brother won't, he's young, strong and normally very healthy. As it stands right now, I'd like to keep your brother with us for a week for observations. He's going to be fine."

"Thank you so much doctor Wright! Can I see him?" Martin asked smiling.

"Of course, I'll send a nurse in to take you to his room. Before I do Mr. Kratt, I may not be your doctor, but I' am still a doctor and I'm fully aware of your condition as well, and I expect you to take it easy too!"

"I will doctor Wright, I promise." Martin agreed shaking his hand.

"Good! I'll be by in a couple of hours to check on Chris." Doctor Wright said smiling as he left.

10 minutes later he stood outside Chris' door, he had asked the nurse if he could be left alone with his brother, and she understood and smiling left. He held his ribs as he took as deep a breath as he could without hurting them before he went into the dimly lit room shutting the door quietly behind him. He then went to the bed and looked at his brother, he looked so small laying in the hospital bed, he was covered in cuts, bruises and bandages. He sat down slowly, holding his injured ribs before he took Chris' hand in his and just sat in silence watching his brother breathe in and out reassuring himself he was alive and going to be okay. He felt tears threaten to fall as his guilt reached the surface, unable to be buried any longer. He leaned on the bed, and brought their hands to his head as he finally cried, a small sob escaping his mouth, suddenly he heard his name.

"Martin?" Chris asked weakly from the bed, he was concerned hearing and seeing Martin crying. "What is it? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's okay." Martin answered as he quickly wiped his tears away and looked at Chris smiling sadly.

"Why were you crying if it's nothing?"

"I'm just happy you're going to be okay."

"I' am because of you!" Chris said smiling.

"Don't say that okay?" Martin said as he got up and went to the window, turning his back to Chris.

"It's true though! You saved my life Martin, thank you!"

"Stop saying that!" Martin said frustrated.

"What's going on?" Chris asked worried.

"What's going on Chris, is that because of me you almost lost your life! You shouldn't be thanking me, you should hate me!" Martin answered.


"No, just save it Chris please! You…you were right about Sebastian this entire time, and I believed some piece of crap instead of my brother!" Martin said cutting Chris off. "I'm so sorry Chris!"

"I forgive you Martin!" Chris said gently, Martin finally looked at him.

"You shouldn't!"

"Too bad, I do!" Chris answered. "Look, Martin I won't lie, it hurt when you believed him over me, but like I always knew you would you saved me!" Chris said purposely leaving out his jealousy and pain over being replaced, not wanting to hurt Martin anymore than he already was. "I don't blame you for any of this, I never have and I never will!"

"I feel like I let you down, how can I…"

"Martin, you're my brother. We're going to have more times like this when our love and bond are tested! But there's one guarantee through it all no matter what happens!"


"You and I will make it through together! We're brothers Martin, nothing will ever come between us! Let them try, and just like Sebastian they'll all fail!" Chris answered.

"I love you Chris!" Martin said smiling as he hugged him.

"I love you too Martin!" Chris said, as Martin's phone rang.

"Hello? Detective Richards, I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon!" Martin said as Chris listened to Martin's side of the conversation.

A couple of minutes later Martin hung up and smiling sat beside Chris who by this time was curious about the call.

"Whose detective Richards and what did he want?" Chris asked.

"He's the detective that was in charge of finding you when you…anyway, he called to let me know they arrested Price and finally have all the evidence they need to put him away for the rest of his miserable life!" Martin answered.

"What about Sebastian?"

"He's in the wind, out there somewhere, they're looking for him though."

"They'll find him, he can't stay hidden forever! At least Price will finally pay for all he's done! By the way what happened to the cats?" Chris asked suddenly feeling tired again from the medication.

"Doctor Brooks is caring for them, and he's personally taking them all home!"

"That's great!" Chris said yawning.

"Alright, that's enough excitement for one day! Time for you to get some rest, you're hurt!" Martin said smiling.

"Hey, you're hurt too! You should get some rest!" Chris said smiling.

"Yeah, well I'm the older brother, which means you have to listen to me!"

"Really Martin? I haven't done that since we were kids!" Chris said as they both laughed.

"Don't remind me! Seriously though, get some sleep Chris. I promise I will too!"

"Kratt swear?" Chris asked.

"Kratt swear!" Martin answered.

"Okay, night Martin. I love you!" Chris said his eyes closed.

"Night Chris, I love you too!"

A little while later Martin sat beside Chris watching him sleep, thinking about everything his brother had said to him. He sighed as he ran his hands over his face, he knew Chris was right, but that still didn't get rid of the guilt he felt! He also knew he couldn't keep blaming himself, he needed to put the blame back where it belonged…with Sebastian! It wouldn't be easy, but he'd work on letting it go for Chris! Despite knowing they were both okay and would heal, the fact remained that Sebastian was out there somewhere! He knew Sebastian, and he knew he'd be back…but this time they'd be ready for him, and this time they'd stop him for good! Like Chris had said Sebastian had tried to break them, but he failed and they came through it stronger in the end! They were brothers, and nothing was stronger than the love and bond they shared!