Chapter 17


Seven months later

"Hey Rick you passed the CPA exams!" Matthew Eisner beamed at Castle across his large desk.

"Yeah, I should've done it a long time ago. Life just got in the way."

The phone on Matthews desk beeped, "Give me a second," holding up his index finger.

Castle stood and walked over to the window to allow his boss some privacy. From their office in the Kaiser Building he could see down into Central Park, he mused on how he loved the park. It was a cluster of worlds, lakes and ponds, open grassy expanses, bordered in trees and walks. There was a spot in the park for whatever mood you were in.

It sounded from the bits of conversation he overheard that it would be more than a minute. Castle thought about the last seven months. Things had changed profoundly for him. When he'd lost his job there was never any panic, He had no doubts that he had a finite amount of time before he needed to get back in the game. But still he wasn't worried. Yeah, he was a working man and although he didn't live hand-to-mouth his nest egg would last for awhile.

When he and Beckett left the news conference following the arrest of Jack Smith for the murders of Lilly Francine and Mark Wade, his plans were simple, study for the CPA exams and look for another job, probably as a controller for a family business. Much of what went on in business required the daily attention of an accountant, but most businesses could not afford a full-time one, so those people with accounting degrees, who had not completed the state exams, or tried and gave up, became controllers. They made a decent living and were always in demand.

But, fate had other plans for Richard Castle. Accountants were boring. They were number pushers. They were data handlers who completed forms, studied IRS rules to protect their clients, and made a good living. Castle had distinguished himself from the crowd. Actually Orletha had plucked him from the crowd, put him together with "Katie" and they had both solved a high profile crime, and fallen in love.

Castle was not a movie celebrity, but a local celebrity all the same. Within hours of the press conference at the 12th Precinct, he'd been inundated with calls. First the press, then TV stations, magazines, newspapers and business people but also the general public. They all wanted to meet the man behind the story. His home phone and cell phone rang endlessly.

The same surge of interest was visited upon his prior employer Anderson & Webb. They suffered with endless phone calls on how to locate Castle as well as questions over the timing of his departure and the solving of the murders. Behind all the questions, was the one that was never answered, how and why did they let this man get away from their firm?

In the six months following the the conference there were no improvements for the partnership of Anderson & Webb. By the seventh month, the partners had agreed it was time to dissolve their association.

For Linda Gallo it would go down as a terrible year. Although the story was only months old, for her it seemed like a decade. Her vendetta against Kate Beckett had failed, monumentally.

As a result, the first change was in her status as a partner with her demotion to non-voting status. The remaining partners made it clear, any reconsideration would be deferred for an indefinite period of time. There was a storm to weather and she had been brought to their door. In the end the partners decided the negative press, coupled with the exit of too many important clients had destroyed the companies viability in the already competitive market.

For Castle, the offers began with CPA's wanting to do start-up firms, with him as their partner. They were up front with him, he'd done for CPA's, what no one had done in years, maybe decades. He'd shown that they were more than just number crunchers. They also had potential for forensic work. This was no surprise to other CPA firms, but the outside world seemed to forget or discount their added value. In fact Castle had provided the same service to Anderson & Webb, but with the solving of the murders, along with his action in protecting Detective Beckett, put everything in a different light. It had great PR value and as a result both he and Beckett were sought after.

In the end Gilmore & Eisner-Certified Public Accounts had approached Castle with an offer he decided he should not refuse. He and Beckett had discussed the numerous offers and agreed this one had the greatest potential. G&E offered to hire him immediately, with full benefits as a CPA for their firm. At first he wondered if they'd missed the fact he was not state licensed yet. But they assured him they'd already considered that fact in their offer.

He would be paid as a CPA, and while studying for the exams, he'd do PR appearances for the firm. Additionally he would be provided the best tutorial services available, he had nine months to complete the certification process. His value was not as a CPA, but as a PR asset.

The was a silver lining from his prior firm, Monica Verduzco had become Castles personal secretary. She was delighted to have escaped the gloom of her former imploding firm and the chronically angry Linda Gallo.

One year after the exam was passed they would reassess the relationship. If either Castle or the two major partners were not satisfied, he could walk away. If they were all pleased, the firm would change it's name in the second year to Gilmore, Eisner & Castle.

The PR had gone better than either partner had suspected. Rick Castle was comfortable with their existing clients. He was both sociable and open with potential clients. Most were fascinated by the work he'd done with the PD and many were delighted to meet the beautiful Detective, who was on his arm as frequently as possible.

During the past seven months he studied and passed the four sections of the NY exam. But in the first few weeks following his departure from Anderson, he'd also completed several variations of his Boat Pond watercolor painting. One of New York studio's had sold his three originals, but had informed the buyers that an offering of the paintings would be produced in a lithograph format and sold in limited and numbered releases. As a result their originals should enjoy a larger exposure with the general public and likely increase in value. Everyone was pleased.

Castle was drawn back my his employers voice, "So Rick, we need to figure out our plan now that you're got your ticket punched. Bob and I were talking about it and due to the success we've had with you in the PR side, we don't want you to be buried with an untenable client load."

"I need to make some money for you guys, you've been carrying me for seven months. I'd be happy to take on as many accounts as you think is appropriate."

Matt laughed, "The problem is, there are so many who want you, to handle their accounts."

"We're trying to figure out how large a staff of underlings you'll need. We want them to do the more mundane work and still keep you free for oversight, client meetings and general PR."

"Wow, sounds like we're going to be busy."

"You got that right. The good news is, this is bigger than any of us planned," Matt was all smiles.


Castle was excited to tell Kate the news about the firm. She was already giddy when they got the CPA test results. Of course she'd assured him from the beginning that he would pass.

Alexis was in the City and the three agreed to meet at the 12th and then head home together.

Upon arrival Esposito and Ryan high-five'd Castle on his success in passing the tests. Kate joined the conversation and shoulder bumped him again over him telling them the news.

Several minutes later Alexis arrived and beamed at her Dad as she heard the firm news. Kate led them into the break room and closed the door. Alexis could refrain no longer and grabbed her father for a big hug.

"Dad, I'm am so proud of you."

"It's only been six months or so since you left Anderson and..." She stopped realizing to late that she was about to bring up Gallo.

"Sorry Dad,"

"Pumpkin, I'm good. This is a great day."

Beckett spoke up, "Oh Castle, what I'd give to see the face of the wicked witch."

Alexis started cackling at the comment. She may have thought she should avoid the Gallo issue. Obviously Kate had no reservations, so Alexis let loose.

"Me too, that women was so bad." Both women feeding off of each others trash talk.

Castle jumped in, "I can't believe my two favorite women in the world have such cold hearts."

In a high pitched whining voice Beckett said, "I'll fix you a gourmet meal anytime."

"Whoa, you do hold grudge," Castle said laughing.

"I told you long ago...I should've shot her."

"Yeah Dad, she should have!" Alexis was fully engaged in this verbal assault on Gallo.

Castle just shook his head, "We're in a police station and you two are discussing shooting someone. Is that right on any level?"

Beckett and Alexis just hooted.

"OK," giving up restraining these two, "Hey let's go, we need to get to the subway ASAP." Castle tapped his watch.

The girls grabbed their things and the three of them headed out.


They boarded their train, still laughing about the Gallo thing. Castle had gone in first, followed by Kate then Alexis.

There were not enough seats so Castle grabbed the overhead bar, Kate hooked and arm around his waist, Alexis was hooked around her free arm. They talked and were having a good time. Kate beamed between the two.

"Rickie? Katie?" They both turned to the voice.

"Orletha, hey we're just talking about you and hoping we'd see you, how are you doing?" Rick smiled at her.

"Oh I'm great!"

"But I'm getting even better. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you three together, and acting so crazy."

"Alexis how are you dear?" Orletha turned her focus to the petite red-head.

"Orletha I'm great, It's good to see you again."

"Katie, Katie!" The older lady beamed at Beckett, "You look just wonderful, you might even be glowing."

Kate laughed, "Oh, Orletha."

Orletha moved closed and hugged Kate, she whispered in her ear, "I always knew he was the one for you."

She whispered back, "Thank you Orletha, I'm crazy about this guy."

The four chatted on the ride to Queens. Orletha commandeered a seat for herself and the others huddled around her.

After leaving the subway Castle asked, "What was all the whispering about between you and Orletha?"

"She was reminding me about how she always knew we were meant for each other. I agreed and told her I plan to keep you." She let out a laugh.

"You did not." Sounding a bit indignant.

"That's true, I told her how much I loved you! Are you happy now?"

"You always make me happy Detective." Pulling her against his side.

"Dad you have to go home, Kate and I are going to grab dinner and somethings." Alexis pulled them apart.

"Like what?" He scowled at her.

"Dinner and girl stuff, we'll see you shortly!" Kate flashed a smile.

The women headed off.


"Hey Alexis, before the store , I need some coffee. How about you?"

"That's works for me." They headed for the nearest Starbucks. Upon arrival, and while in the long line Alexis saw someone she knew.

"Kate, I see a friend, can you get me a venti Earl Grey?" she started to hand her money but Beckett pushed her hand, and the money away.

While Alexis went to chat, she stood in the line of five women. All feverishly working their smart phones, texting, Flip-boarding, or surfing the Web. She glanced at hers, no messages, no missed texts, it was still early.

When it was finally her turn she ordered her favorite, grande skim latte, two shots of sugar free vanilla and then a venti Earl Grey with room. The clerk asked, "The name?"

She responded, "It's Kate."

"Ah, we have two Kate's in front of you, what about your last name?"

"Castle." She smiled, she loved to give that answer.

"OK, Castle they'll be right up."

She queued with the rest of the crowd and waited for Alexis to return.

"Hey Kate." She turned and was slightly surprised.

"Josh." Her tone was even, professional.

"You look well Kate, how are you?." He beamed at her.

"I'm good, thanks." She thought, I can be polite for two minutes.

"I've tried to find you." He looked at the ground appearing embarrassed, "I went back to the apartment...but they said you'd moved."

"I moved a few months ago."

"I wanted to apologize," again pausing, "I acted like an ass and said things I didn't mean."

She remained silent.

"I was really angry that you were hanging out with the bookkeeper guy."

"I felt, or I feel like we really had something special." He looked intently at her, hoping for some light in her eyes.

"Josh, that's behind us know. I've moved on. You've moved on."

"Why did leave your apartment, I thought you liked it?"

Kate felt a presence at her elbow, she turned and saw a smiling Alexis.

"Alexis this is Dr. Josh Davidson."

"Josh, this is my daughter, Alexis Castle."

It was Kate's first introduction of Alexis as her daughter. They'd talked about it a couple of times. Technically Kate was not old enough to be her mother, but that wasn't the issue. More than anything they felt like a family. Alexis and she were close and had been so from almost the beginning. With the introduction she was declaring the Castle family, she wanted Josh to understand the enormous shift that had occurred in her life. Alexis was a big part of that change.

Before anyone could speak they were interrupted by the barrister, "Grande skim latte, and Earl Gray tea for Castle"

"Kate, I'll grab right back." Alexis moved quickly to the counter and grabbed their cups.

In a matter of seconds, she returned to where Josh & Kate were standing.

"Dr. Davidson, sorry, I thought I better get these before someone got confused. It's nice to meet you." She passed Kate her coffee.

Josh had said nothing after the words, "my daughter, Alexis Castle." He appeared stunned at what Kate had just revealed.

"Alexis, it nice to meet you," extending his hand.

He turned to Kate, "It's been about six months since I saw you last," deciding to keep things light, "and Alexis you look pretty grown-up, unless I've forgotten something from med school pediatrics." Kate and Alexis laughed.

Let me try again, Kate interjected, "Alexis is my step-daughter, my husbands only child. I just think of her as my own." Kate looked at him with unabashed pride over the young woman standing beside her. Josh was again taken back by her look.

"Rick Castle and I have been married for two months, the three of us have moved to a larger apartment, near Murray Hill."

"Well that's great news for you. Congratulations."

"Josh I need to run, we've got things to do."

The three said their good-byes, then Kate and Alexis headed for grocery store.

Josh Davidson stood and watched the incredible Kate Beckett, now Kate Castle walk out of his life for the last time. He shook his head and mumbled, "You're fool Josh, a real fool."


Alexis and Kate walked for a block or so, "Was that the other guy?"

"Yes. But before you say anything. Let me say something..."

"Alexis I do consider you my daughter, I was not showing off or trying to rub his nose in it, I'm proud of you and elated to be part of your life."

"Kate!" Alexis paused and cleared her throat.

"You almost made me cry when you said that..I'd never heard you call me your daughter before, it made me feel wonderful. Thank you."

"Josh gave me and your Dad a real hard time before." Her countenance shadowed with the words.

"Your Dad had to nearly throw him out of my apartment and...he said some really ugly things." She was quiet as she re-ran the scene now nearly a year ago.

"That was the first time I've run into him since then."

"He looked pretty shocked when you told him you were married."

" makes me shudder when I think about being with Josh and missing your Dad."

"Back then, I could not even imagine a life like the one I have with you two."

"Like everyone I wanted to be happy, and I thought I might get there, " she paused again looking for the right words.

"But now I know, I had been on the wrong path."

"I haven't been with your Dad a long time, but there's a special bond I felt with him right from the start. I'd never had that before...ever."

"Wow, I'm blithering." Beckett laughed at herself.

"I think I understand, and I'm glad you and Dad are so happy. I've never seen him like this before."

"I'm glad."


It was late, Castle was reading something. Beckett lay on her side facing him, just watching. He put down his magazine.

He looked over at her, "Thank you."

"For what?" She asked softly.

"Alexis told me that when you guys ran into Josh earlier, and that you introduced her as your daughter. You forgot that detail."

"Castle I love you, and I love her."

"I was so happy to have her with me when he showed up. But I wasn't trying to show-off..." She went silent.

"What? Sounds like you stopped in the middle of a thought." He waited for her to finish.

"Maybe...maybe I was showing off. But I'm proud of her,,,she's a beautiful young woman and I wanted him to see that. I wanted him to know that life can be great, and beautiful without being a lawyer or doctor."

"I'm proud of her because she's yours and we're a family."

"So many times there's friction between step-daughters and step-mothers, I don't want that and she knows it. My hope is that by declaring her as mine, we'll never get trapped into that kinda mess."

He leaned down and kissed her. "You thrill me when you talk like that."

"I am yours Rick. This has been another wonderful started with you beside me, and ends here the same way."

"I love you Detective Beckett."

"The name's Castle, and don't forget it." Returning his kiss.

And so we find ourselves –

Na Kraju*

Author's Note -

Thanks to ABC, Mr. Marlowe and the great cast of Castle. They've created wonderful characters and made writing this tale a great deal of fun.

For the many readers. Thank you for taking your time to read this story. Thank you also for your many reviews. Your thoughts on writing style and the story are always welcome.

Finally a special thanks to my dear beta who has waded through these thousands of words and helped me so much.

I have more ideas and hope to be back soon. There's writing to be done.

* at the end