Wow this came out WAY longer then it was intended to. Whoops. But it's all essential and I didn't have the heart to break it up so you guys are gonna have an extreme chapter this round. Have fun with this 8,000 word long chapter!

And I have this up only 3 months after the previous chapter! Wooohhoooo!

Disclaimer: I don't own either shows, only Wessly.

N is for: Let the Games Begin

-With Wessly directly after school-

"Thanks again for assisting me with this Cuz. It really saved me time." Wessly thanked his cousin Jeremy. Jeremy has short blonde hair and glasses and wears a long sleeved blue shirt with tan pants.

"No problem" he says fairly well, even with his french accent. "But do explain the reason behind these particular books and the rush if you don't mind." Wessly knew he would want to know. He had a reason planned already.

"There are these new girls who are foreign that I am tutoring and one of them is Chinese but she seems to have convinced the other one to believe that these Japanese demons are real. I want to put both of their minds at ease and prove that they aren't; but I can't do that unless I know what I'm talking about, hence the books." He explained simply. Jeremy nodded in agreement.

"That's logical. It's easy to fear the unknown. Do you know why the Chinese one believes these demons are real?" He asked.

"No. But I have a feeling it has something to do with her uncle being an architect. He probably found something and told her a story to scare her and keep her away from it." Wessly stated. It wasn't the truth, but it was a feasible enough lie.

"Someone who likes to snoop huh. Then I agree its best she's afraid of them. Why are you trying to deter her fear of them?" His french cousin was always a curious one.

"Because I feel like it's getting in the way of our studies. I can't have both girls all worked up about something that isn't real. I'm just trying to calm them down." Wessly could see the next question forming in Jeremy's head so he answered it before it could be sounded. "Unfortunately the library is very quite and a little spooky sometimes when its closed so I think that's why she started talking about it in the first place. We can't study in a more lively place because we have a lot to cover and little time to cover it and I feel like anywhere else with people will be a major distraction to the both of them. Any more questions?" He asked his cousin with his smug smirk plastered on his face like he had beat him in a game. Jeremy seemed to think for a moment and then finally conceded.

"I think that covers it. But if you ask me I feel like you were more then prepared for this conversation." The blonde looks at his through his glasses suspiciously. Wessly knew his cousin was too smart for his own good.

"Ha, of course I did. I know my cousin well enough to expect it when I randomly ask him for a strange favor." Wessly teasingly punch his cousins arm and watched him wince a little at it. He was never one for rough play. After rubbing the spot Jeremy laughed a little.

"Yeah, I guess it's just a habit. My friends get annoyed by it too sometimes. Speaking of which I need to make a call to one of them and check on something back home. Good luck with your girls." Jeremy said with a wink and left the library to make his call. While exiting his phone rang.

"Hey Aelita! Perfect timing I was just about to call you guys to check in on things." Wessly heard Jeremy say as the door closed behind him. He was happy his cousin had finally made some friends back home. He never seemed to care for any in the past and with his intellect he was probably too smart for most people. He was surprised to hear about the people he ended up becoming a group with. He also suspected that 'Aelita' was his girlfriend or someday would be.

Wessly looked back at the stack of books that Jeremy had collected and bookmarked for him like he asked. He had to be quick now that he only had a few hours before the library closed and the final study session would begin. He didn't know why this 'drive to know more' he felt was so intense, but it was. He had to figure out what was going on. Why was Mykayla looking into the same thing as him and why it all seemed to revolve around the mystery that surrounded Jade Chan. He rubbed his temples again, feeling that now familiar stabbing pain in his head. It was rather agitating but he had to keep going and get this research done before either of the girls got here. He went to his parent's office and asked his mom if she could give him some ibuprofen from her purse and then returned to his research on this Demon king.

-Miranda after school-

She had to get to the library early today. She needed to find as much as she could on this Tarakudo for the sorceress that had set her free yet again. She thought back on things in Miridian after the knights of vengeance were defeated by the guardians, yet again.


Miranda paced in her cell in her spider form. She hated being back in this dreaded place again. She suddenly noticed the evil witch was back and she figured it was time for round two of this woman's plans to begin. To her surprise though, Narrisa only released her. She was baffled but not ungrateful. She went with the sorceress. The old woman used the heart of Miridian to create an astraldrop of her to fool the guards into thinking she was still there. Narrisa did tell her she needed someone more stealthy to spy on the girls from within their 'safe walls'. She reminded her that that had failed last time.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You were trying to frame them. It was such a small plan. But this is a much larger one. Must I remind you that they never saw your human form. Meaning you have an opportunity at a second chance to be useful to me. I advise you to use it wisely this time." She nodded in understanding. So that was the reason she chose her specifically. It made sense, she could still be under the radar. She watched as the woman made her new nights, the Nights of Destruction she called them. She was shocked at the fact that they were using the leaders boyfriend and his pet mouse as knights. But she rather liked Shagon more then Matt so it turned out alright.

"Miranda. You are to stay undercover even once Shagon comes back as 'Matt'. Watch them and gather any personal information that you can without directly speaking to them. Remember to keep your identity as 'new girl' with as little presence as possible." That was her mission. She didn't quite understand why she needed to do it due to Shagon having all the answers already but she assumed there were some things he didn't know that she could find out.

End flashback

She still didn't quite understand her mission in full. In fact she somehow has gained two particular people she didn't expect to gain.

Wessly was kind and smart, but he was a basic human, hardly worth her time unless she needed something like this morning and these lessons.

But Jade was intriguing. At first her first impression of her was nothing worth noting, then she helped her in the lunch line and proceeded to teach her how to blend in better which was useful. Then They went around the shopping center together and she got to know her more. She wasn't overly cheerful or obsessed with material things like she had come to know some of the guardians are. No, instead she was much more present and actually had an interesting view on things herself. Jade cared about what Miranda liked and what she thought about things, but she didn't overstep when it was clear she didn't want to answer or didn't know how to answer other things. In her short time of knowing her she has come to find that Jade is the kind of person she likes to be around.

And they have been getting closer ever since. The time when she cleaned her wounded hands, and when she talked about the 'good guys vs bad guys' thing she has learned more and more interesting things about the girl that continue to intrigue her. She was clearly attempting to hide things meaning she had something worth hiding.

Miranda wasn't sure if Jade knew it herself but she could tell there was something just beneath the surface of her skin that hummed with power. What kind she wasn't sure. She only knows how to recognize it because of her time with the prince and the sorceress. She even notices it with the guardians now. Which makes it even more interesting as to why Jade has it too. She thought at first it was just her being paranoid due to always spending so much time with magical people, but then she noticed in that first study session that Wessly didn't emit it. And the next day she payed more attention in class to the other students and noticed none of them did either. The only people at school she's been around that did are the guardians and Jade.

Again this made the Tarakudo remark even more odd. Jade was trying to hide things, and it seemed this Tarakudo was one of them. Her search during homeroom didn't lead to much so she hopped this search in the library would lead to more. She needed to report her findings to the old woman, but she also wanted to know more in general for her own curiosity. This fellow didn't sound friendly, in-fact he sounded like her kind of people; which made Jade having association with him even more mysterious.

-At Silver Dragon before Jackie walks in-

Caleb, Hay lin, Yan lin, and Uncle were sitting down with food but they all knew this wasn't going to be a quite dinner. The teenagers seemed uneasy about why the older man was with them when they knew Yan lin had told them they were going to be discussing important things during dinner. Neither of them wanted to say anything with the mysterious cranky man at the table. But Yan lin had no such trouble.

"As you two both know, this is a very dear friend of mine from my younger days, he likes to go by-"

"Uncle, I know." Caleb bit out glaring at the man. Uncle just kept sipping his tea calmly. Yan lin figured something happened already between the two but it most likely was just scolding so she continued on.

"Yes. He went by a different name way back when but you may call him that for now. He can be... very direct sometimes." She gave the kids a soft smile knowing both of them already knew this. They both kept eating their noodles while waiting for her to continue.

"Anyways, today's events have changed many things. We no longer have the council to guide us or the Oracle to keep an eye on things. We only have one elder looking after the auramers now. The attack on Kanrakar has left us with nearly nothing; we've lost the council, we nearly lost the auramers, we found out the Mage has been our enemy all along, and we have lost Hellenor in the process of it all." She said sadly. Both Hay Lin and Caleb hung their heads a little at how bad the battle had gone.

"Indeed that does sound dire. Hellanor is not one to panic quickly, it makes sense that she would falter in such a situation and end up captured." Uncle said quitely, making both teens look at him with some surprise. Yan Lin was waiting for that.

"Uncle here used to help us when we were all guardians. He is aware of the council and the other worlds we protect." Yan lin exclaimed. Relief seem to settle on both teens, but Hay lin was a little confused.

"So why have we had to make sure not to let them into the basement if they know about us?" She asked thinking about Jade.

"That's because Jade is too nosy for her own good and Uncle is good at keeping secrets." Uncle said as he continued to eat.

"Jackie and Jade have their own magical business to deal with that is separate from our own. This is what I wanted to talk to you two about." She went on to explain about section 13 and the talismans and Dark Hand. Uncle also helped with details. By the end they had caught Caleb and Hay lin up with current events.

"Wow." Was all Hay Lin could say. She couldn't believe Jade helped deal with demons. And the fact that demons exist... and were real... and that Jackie, Uncle and Jade fought them all the time. She might be the one having nightmares tonight.

"Ok. So this Tarakudo wants to free his generals and take over the world, sounds like a standard dictator to me. Heck he and Phobos would have a hay day if they met." Caleb chuckled a little. Then he got serious again. "So how do you know where the next mask will be?" He asked Uncle.

"That is the problem, we don't know until cards tell us."

"Ok so where are these cards?" Hay Lin asked.

"That Captain Black wants to keep them locked up. He calls us when they display location." He huffed out. It was clear this upset Uncle.

"Ok, so what are we needed for?" Hay Lin asked. Yan Lin was waiting for that question as well.

"Simple. I need you two to keep a better eye on Jade." They were both a little worried about said request.

"Why? No offense but this is the second time you have asked me to watch her. What is so special about her that we need to keep her safe? I only ask because I feel like things are getting worse and I can't split my attention with something like watching over a kid especially if I don't know what I'm supposed to be watching for." He wasn't trying to be rude or disrespectful, but Uncle didn't take kindly to his tone and finger chopped him painfully in the back of the head.

"If old cousin asks you to do something, then you will respect her and do it." He shouted. Caleb couldn't help but continue to hate this guy. "You act just like Jackie, too many questions and not enough listening." Uncle said while sitting back down and finishing off his plate of food.

Hay Lin was trying her best to keep her fear from showing, she really was. This demon talk was extremely unsettling to her on its own. But she also wanted to know the answer to Caleb's question.

"Grandma, if you don't mind telling us, why is Jade so important? She's just a kid, and by the sounds of it, has a bad habit of getting into these fights and situations on her own. Shouldn't she just stay in section 13 if she is in danger?" Hay Lin asked in concern.

"She could stay with them, but imagine being locked up and unable to leave. Jade is a very spirited girl, she has not taken well to being 'held' in one place without freedom in the past. We need her to try to continue her 'normal' life while in Jackie's custody. That is why her parents sent her here in the first place." Uncle explained.

"Wait, so where are Jade's parents then?" Caleb asked.

"Jade and her family are from Hong Kong. She has lived her whole life there up until 2 years ago when her parents sent Jade to live with her uncle Jackie so he could teach her more self control in hopes that he would be a good influence on her and would also help calm her down." Yan Lin answered for Uncle. He simply nodded in agreement. Uncle and Yana have spoken about this before, Jade is very difficult to contain but shouldn't be restrained all together due to her energy. They don't want to push her to the dark side, so they need to keep her trust. It wasn't easy.

"Do her parents know about the demons and stuff that Jackie does?" Hay lin asked. Both adults shook their heads no.

"And they can't know. Nor can anyone else. That includes the other guardians." Uncle said while sipping his tea again. Hay Lin and Caleb stared at him with wide eyes. There was no way they could keep this a secret from everyone else.

It was at that moment that Jackie came through the door so they all lowered their voices.

"I understand your concern about keeping this secret, but I do feel the others will eventually need to know. Until then though, please keep quite about the Chans and their extra activities." Yan Lin asked while taking her granddaughters hand and squeezing it. Hay Lin's face softened at this gesture.

"I'll do my best grandma. But what can me and Caleb do to help keep her safe while keeping it a secret?" She asked already knowing Jade didn't like her and how difficult that already made things. Yan Lin stayed silent while seeming to have a silent conversation with Uncle through glances at each other. The older air guardian sighed.

"I need you to connect with Jade. I know you two don't get along, but it's important that she has someone her own age to talk to. She will hopefully open up to you on her own. That's the hope at least. But for now try telling her you know about her and Jackie's activities to open up a path for you two." Yan Lin told her.

Jackie again came through but this time with a duffel bag and waves goodbye to Uncle as he left. They resumed their conversation.

"Should I tell her about the guardians?" Hay Lin asked nervously.

"No. But it might help if you tell her you have air powers. She likes magic so it will definitely spark her interest in talking more. You can tell her you inherited it from me too. But that's it. Don't tell her about the others or the guardians. Understood?" Yan Lin asked firmly. Hay Lin and Caleb both nodded. Yan Lin switched her focus to the young rebel leader again.

"Caleb, I need you to keep being nice to her. You don't have to talk to her about her and Jackie's activities if you don't want to, but find common ground with her if you can. We need her to trust both of you." He nodded to her again. But she knew the look on his face. "Jade is important because she has the potential to do great good, or great evil. She has been identified by the monks as the reincarnation of the chosen one from their scriptures. Essentially that means she has great power within her. She is unaware of this. It's best for her not to know yet. But we fear she has exposed herself to dark magic already and has tipped her own scale by accident." Yan Lin stated, finally answering the original question in full. Uncle sat his tea down and explained the time she had been the shadowkahn queen to them. By the end they seemed to finally fully understand what they were needed for. Jade needed more connections to good influences. With the nightmares and fights for the Oni masks happening it was only a matter of time before Tarakudo made his big move to officially bring her back to the dark side. They needed to help her not fall into darkness. With this finally out in the open they promised to do their best to help her. With this they cleaned up the table and all parted ways to go to bed.

-With Jade at the library-

It's the last study night. Jade was actually kinda liking having a group of people to look forward to hanging out with, she would miss this. But she did like that she wouldn't have to bust her brain open every night after this one.

Things are going like they normally do. Wessly has set up some stuff for Jade to go over on her own and spends time with Mykayla for the other things. Mykayla seems more agitated tonight which Jade doesn't understand but after Jade answers some questions she asks about her air headed cousin she seems to relax a little. Wessly's mom made special snacks for their last night and he brought them out of the fridge for them to enjoy. Jade joined the two again for the science portion of the study night. That's when things went wrong.

It had only been an hour since Jackie had dropped her off but he was calling her all of the sudden. She took the call and walked a few aisles away from the other kids to keep it more confidential. Something was wrong, she just knew it.

"Jade, I'm so sorry to interrupt your studying but can you look around the library and find a mask?" He asked her. Her eyes widened. No way, there was no way an Oni mask would be here of all places. She had to be misunderstanding him.

"Jackie, you're not suggesting a freaking demon mask is in this rinky dink town library are you? That sounds crazy, even to me." She asked sarcasticly.

"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important Jade. I know it sounds crazy, but the Hanafudo cards say Heather field and Library as its location and this is the only one in Heather field other then the schools so it has to be this one. Please just take a look around really quick and see if you can find it. If you can't then lead your friends to a secluded place so I can sneak in and look for it myself without them knowing." He pleaded with her. That was new. Usually she was only difficult when he wanted her to stay out of things, but the one time he says the opposite she decides she doesn't want to help.

"Fine, but don't blame me if you get caught breaking into the library." She huffed out and hung up. Jackie wasn't used to that from her. Not like this. Did she really just basically say no to helping find a mask? That was weird, especially for her.

Jade walked back to her group and asked Wessly something strange.

"Hey Wes, does your family happen to have a scary looking mask lying around anywhere?" She asked as she sat down again. She was trying to be non-chalant about it. Wessly and Mykayla both rose eyebrows at her. Great, she has outed herself already.

"Maybe. I mean we have pieces of art that have been donated to us all through out the library. We have time, did you want to go look at them?" He asked. She blinked, clearly not expecting the answer she got.

"Uh yeah!" She said excitedly. She got up to start her exploration and was surprised when they both got up too.

"You didn't think I'd let you tare though here alone did you?" He asked her with that stupid smirk on his face again. She felt a little agitated but didn't say anything as he lead the way to the first object.

-5 minutes later-

"It looks like trash if you ask me." Mykayla said as they gazed at the second piece of 'art' Wessly guided them to. Jade had never even noticed it was hanging from the ceiling over the entrance of the building.

"I kinda agree." Jade said. She wondered why Mykayla joined them for this but she figured the girl didn't want to be left alone. She clearly didn't care about these things, and honestly neither did she. She just needed to see if she could find the mask before Jackie got here.

They headed downstairs to the kids level and it was all themed for jungle explorations and Indian tribes. They looked around and Jades heart stopped when she entered the little fort with tribal masks in it. There was one mask of the 6 that was different from the others. It had to be it. She grabbed it off the wall before she knew what she was doing. She could feel the power just beneath the surface of it. This was it. Then suddenly it was pulled away from her hands. She blinked.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She yelled at him.

"Me?! What about you?!" Wessly yelled right back at her. "This isn't even ours, its belongs to another library. They just lent these to us for decoration for our kids theme this fall." He told her. She tried to grab it again and he held it above his head and out of her reach. There was something weird about this mask, and it looked too similar to the ones he saw in the books about the Oni's. Even holding it he could feel something sinking into his hand like syrup on pancakes. Without thinking he threw it to Mykayla to distract Jade from that massive shiver that ran through him all of the sudden. His head was spinning a little bit from it, what was that? Jade, keeping her eyes on the mask the whole time, turned to the other girl and expected her to hand it over, but instead the girl smiled and held it behind her back.

"Now, now Jade. What is so important about his thing that has you so infatuated with it hmm?" She asked in a sing song voice. Jade couldn't believe it, they were gaining up on her.

"Come on guys! This isn't funny! I have to...Uh, arg. You know what, never mind." She growled lightly and stomped away. She wasn't going to play monkey in the middle. She couldn't even think of an excuse since she had such short notice about it. She would just text Jackie and tell him where it was so he could get it tonight.

The two let her walk off and waited until she got back up the stairs and out of sight.

"Somethings clearly wrong here." Wessly stated. Mykayla brought the mask back in front of her and stared at it.

"What was your first clue, the way she looked at it when she first saw it or how mad she got when we wouldn't give it back to her?" She dead panned. There was something weird about the mask, that she was sure of. It practically hummed with power in her hands. She suppressed a shiver that seemed to pass through her body as she put it back on the peg it had been hanging on. The boy seemed to be eying it strangely now too.

"It was how she seemed drawn to it after she saw it. I don't think she even heard me when I asked what she was doing before she took it off the wall. Plus its exactly what she had asked about in the first place, which happened to be after she got that call. She's hiding something. But I feel like you already know that." He smirked at Mykayla. Miranda's eyes widened at him. The little human had figured out she was on to Jade. And by the sounds of it, was on to her too.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"It means I know you were looking into this earlier today." He pointed at the mask. She was shocked he knew about that.

"But what does that" she pointed to the mask "have to do with what I was looking for?" She asked skeptically. That smirk on his face got even wider.

"It's an Oni mask. It's said to have belonged to one of Tarakudo's generals." He stated, loving every second of watching realization hit her.

"Y- You! You were the reason I couldn't find those books earlier!" She partially yelled at him. It wasn't loud enough that Jade would hear her from upstairs but it was angry enough to make him burst out laughing.

"No duh genius. You never let me show you how to log off so I slipped back onto your computer and decided to do your 'searching' for you." To him this was the funniest thing. She was pissed at him just because he intercepted her research.

She took a deep breath and slowly released it to calm herself down. It was something Cedric had taught her to do to keep from killing everyone when she was angry. Then she asked the most important question.

"Why?" She pinned him with a gaze that she hoped sent fear into him. It didn't.

"I should be asking you that. Why are you looking into this Tarakudo fellow?" He asked now completely serious. Miranda pondered her answer.

"It's simple. Jade mentioned him yesterday while you were getting snacks and I wanted to know more about him." She said evenly. He seemed to accept that answer and turned to make his way out of the kids floor. But she wasn't done yet. "But why did you feel the need to spy on me and then proceed to take all the books I needed?"

He stopped and thought about his answer for a second. "Because he's real and Jade has something to do with him." He answered as he now crossed the room again and took the mask back off its peg. He walked over to a draw and shoved it in there and then grabbed some keys and locked it. When he looked up Mykayla seemed to be staring him down, clearly waiting for him to continue. He sighed while putting the keys in his pocket.

"I saw something strange on the news a few weeks ago. So I looked it back up again for the photo and it shows a giant scary looking red floating head who a man and girl seemed to be fighting. The girl looked exactly like Jade, down to her hoodie and shoes. You seemed to be looking up a name and it happened to bring up pictures of the exact same head in the picture Jade was in. I don't think that's a coincidence." Miranda's gaze softened.

"So he is real. And currently Jade has something to do with him." She summarized. Wessly nodded.

"So did you figure anything else out about him since you took all the books?" She asked still clearly annoyed at him for that. He nodded.

"I did, but first I want to know why you need to know? Are you really just curious or is there something else going on here?" He asked her. Sometimes he felt like she was being forced to go to school here, and the more he worked with her the more evident it was.

"What do you mean by that?" She shot back.

"I mean is someone forcing you to be here?" He asked sternly. She took a step back from him. She hadn't expected this to turn to her. She carefully eyed Wessly, but didn't answer. So he decided to clarify. "Look, you don't know anything about school, you don't seem to know anything that all of us, even Jade, has learned from school over the years, you definitely were never home schooled, and you are always angry. You never seem like you want to be here at Shefield or even in Heatherfield for that matter. So are you being forced to go to school for some reason?"

She turned around so he couldn't read her face anymore. She needed to regain her composure. The little brat had figured out she was on a mission. She debated just eating him, but then knew her mission would be over if he suddenly went missing. It took her another 2 minutes to respond to him.

She slowly turned around. She kept her face neutral.

"I am here because my m- mother wants me to learn as much as I can about people my own age. Technically I don't want to be here, but I will not disappoint my mother. That is why I am here." She said as simply as she could. He couldn't read any emotion on her face so he wasn't sure if she was lying or not. But it did confirm what he had said. She continued. "I am looking into this Tarakudo fellow because I am w- worried about Jade. She didn't seem to mean to say anything about him and I have been able to tell she is keeping a secret. I just want to be th-there for her." These words felt so foreign to her and made her want to squirm but she knew it would sound convincing if she used them. She finally looked Wessly in the eyes again. He simply nodded at her.

"Alright, then we are on the same team. I'm worried about her too. And just so you know this isn't normal for teenagers. I guess I'll have to show you what 'normal' really is after all of this. But Jade isn't. Infact I feel like she is more what people would call 'adventurous'. That's why this worries me." He motioned to the locked drawer with the now hidden mask.

"So what did you learn about all of this from the books?" Miranda asked evenly.

"That they are dangerous. Basically it sounds like this Tarakudo was the king in the demon realm and lead his army of shadows with his generals and they earned the name 'Oni clan' centuries ago. Their plan was to cover the world in eternal darkness, but these human - trapped him and his generals in these masks to seal them and their shadow armies away forever. My guess is that Jade's uncle Jackie must have run into one of these masks during his job and accidentally released Tarakudo. That's the only thing that would make sense at least." He said while sitting down for a second due to his head spinning.

"So why is Jade involved in this? You would think her uncle would keep her away from Demons and dark magic." Miranda pondered out loud. While she liked the story she couldn't help but wonder why Jade was involved in something so serious. Heck it even put her nerves on end considering the power she felt from only one mask earlier. Her eyes widened all of the sudden. The dreams! Jade had been having nightmares for a while now and by the sounds of them they scared her, to the point of even accidentally breaking something just talking about or thinking about it. If it had something to do with this demon king, then it all made sense. But the question remains the same, why was it effecting her so deeply? And why did she even seem to admire him to some degree?

"I don't know. I guess that something Jade will have to tell us." He was breathing hard now. At this point Mykayla even seemed to notice something was wrong with him. Every sense in his body was screaming at him. He couldn't even stay on the chair anymore. He could swear he heard Mykayla saying his name but everything was getting so fuzzy and far away. He was swallowed by blissful darkness as everything stilled.

Miranda froze over his limp body. She had noticed he was breathing oddly and before she knew it he had been on the floor gasping like he couldn't breathe. There was no way this was happening. Did this boy just up and die all of the sudden on her? Would Jade think she killed him? Should she just go ahead and eat him now that he was already dead? While that thought was tempting she doubted transforming here was a good idea.

Miranda had flashes of old memories from when she was younger and had first ate someone in her home village. It had been her father. He had been scolding her for something and she had screamed at him and just snapped. It wasn't the first time she had transformed into a giant spider but it was the first time she had wanted to hurt someone so badly. Her mind seemed to have blocked out the full memory but the next thing she knew what looked to be his clothes were underneath her spider form and most of him was missing. Her mother had found them that way and screamed and all the villagers had come to see what had happened and they proceeded to chase her away calling her a monster. A loud sound snapped her out of the memory. She shakily checked the boy at her knees and found he was still breathing. He wasn't dead. She had never been one to care much about others but she was relieved that he wasn't dead.

She knew someone passing out all of the sudden wasn't a good health sign, so she did the only thing a plain teenager would do, she played a scared girl.

"Jade! Jade come quick! I need help!" She shouted. She was surprised when all the got back in return was a low chuckle.

"Ah I see. So this is the boy who has been helping me with the young Chan. Wake up, since your here you might as well help with the search." Miranda turned around to see what looked like a giant floating red head coming up to her and Wessly. She didn't know how to respond, it looked just like the pictures. The head seemed to ignore her completely as it somehow covered her friend in a dark shroud. Then, Wessly's eyes popped open. She watched in silence as he examined his own body like he wasn't familiar with it.

"Thanks for waking me up fully finally. It's been torture hanging out in this stupid kids head these past few days." Wessly seemed to have said in a raspy voice. No, not Wessly Miranda realized. He eyes were now glowing red and his face took on an almost inhuman shape. She knew what was happening, he was possessed.

"That was part of the plan, otherwise I wouldn't have allowed you back into this realm in the first place." Tarakudo said. Then he turned to look at the small girl who was still sitting on her knees on the floor looking wildly between himself and his friend. "Who do we have here? My apologies dear, I didn't notice you there. Is there any chance you have seen a mask that would look similar to myself lying around this place anywhere?" He asked her gently. Her eye twitched a little. This was him. And he was nicely asking her to help him. Somehow that didn't seem right to her.

"Uh, um. I'm sorry but you wouldn't happen to be Tarakudo would you?" She asked hesitantly. There was no way he was this, human like. She imagined him to be terrifying and scary, but he was simply being kind.

"Why yes I am." He smiled a chuckled lightly. "It's always nice to meet a fan. And who per-say, are you little lady?" He asked her. She didn't seem to be afraid of him but she knew his name. She almost reminded him of another little lady he knew.

"I-, My name is Miranda, though right now I'm going by a coverup name of Mykayla for the human kids. It's nice to meet you your highness." She said politely with a curtsy. Her wording seemed to interest him.

"A cover name and and referring to them as humans. If I didn't know any better it sounds like you consider yourself not like them." He smiled as he noticed the little twinkle in her eye as he said this.

"You would be correct. But unfortunately I feel this isn't the proper time or place for his discussion. I'll just say this, my mistress seems to have an interest in meeting with you and I feel you both have similar goals in mind that you could go over together. One of my tasks in this mission has been to find out more about you and to arrange a meeting if possible. What do you say?" She asked pleasantly.

"I'd have to say you make a good ambassador. Your invite sounds intriguing enough, and as I no longer have many allies in this world any longer I will give your 'mistress' a chance to speak with me. Seeing as you must know something about me I would assume you are not 'do- gooders', am I correct?" He quirked his bushy brow at her.

"Oh no. We want nothing to do with those types. In fact we want to snuff out their lights so they will no longer get in our way." She let her malice show. He was pleased with her statement.

"Then I believe we could work something out. Now, if you don't mind have you seen one of my general masks around here anywhere?" He asked getting back to the original topic knowing that Jackie would no doubt be here soon enough. She looked for Wessly but no longer could find him. When had he disappeared?

"Why yes I have. Me and Wessly had locked it away after Jade had found it." She continued to look around for the teenager who had been possessed.

"Jade found it?" He asked. She didn't miss his interest in her simple statement.

"Indeed. May I ask why that is significant?" She smiled coyly. It was clear to the Oni King that the girl knew something about him and Jade. But he wasn't here for that right now, he needed to get the mask.

"That is a story for another time. Perhaps we can discuss it with your mistress." Some pen and paper floated to them and wrote on its own and then proceeded to fly into her hands. "This is for your leader. Now as for the mask, where did you put it?" His tone hardened a little bit.

"Hey boss man! Look who we got!" A man with red hair came down the stairs with three other men. The big one was holding a struggling Jade who seemed to be tied up in a phone cord. They even had a tie tied around her eyes so she couldn't see. Miranda watched the Kings smile split his face.

"Oh now what a welcomed surprise! Now miss Chan, if you don't mind, where did you put my mask?" He asked.

"I'm not telling you anything! Jackie going to kick your keisters any minute now!" She yelled at him.

"Oh really? I believe his will find himself dealing with a different problem right about now. Boys, look for anything with a lock on it and break it open." He ordered the men. The big one holding Jade tore some rope from the decorations up above his head down and tied Jade firmly to a chair with it so he could help the others. She kicked and struggled the entire time.

Miranda debated what she herself should do. That was until a rope seemed to find its way around her herself and she ended up tumbling to the ground. She glared at the being who had clearly done that.

"No need to be angry dear, but if I understood you right then you have to keep your own cover with these children right?" Tarakudo asked in a whisper as he hovered over her. She relaxed at this. "Good, now tell me where the mask is." He demanded much louder, clearly wanting Jade to hear. She went with his act.

"It's in the drawer of the desk over there, please don't hurt me!" she pleaded. Tarakudo was impressed, she played a damsel quite well.

"Hey, leave her alone!" They were both surprised to hear Jade yell as she threw the guy with glasses at Tarakudo. Chow landed on top of the king before he was telepathicly thrown off. Tarakudo growled dangerously. Miranda couldn't figure out how Jade had went from being tied up helplessly to throwing a man across the room but the next thing she knows Jade is untying herself from her own bindings. She didn't seem to be scared at all. The rest of the fight seemed to be over pretty quick. Tarakudo had to flee when an old man threw a bag of onions in his face and the other three men all fought Jades uncle Jackie when he showed up. The kids area was a mess by the time it was all over. That's when Wessly's dad had come downstairs and yelled at everyone about the mess.

At that point Wessly seemed to re-appear from upstairs.

"Where were you this whole time?!" Jade yelled at him. He nervously looked to Mykayla. He didn't know if she had told Jade about his passing out yet.

"He was going to ask his dad about getting more snacks, right Wessly?" Mykayla said. He just nodded dumbly.

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't down here sooner. I went to find my dad and was... knocked out somehow. I came running down here as soon as I woke up." He lied. He knew him and Mykayla were going to have to discuss this later.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came back up? And why were you downstairs still?" Jade wheeled on Miranda. Miranda wasn't prepared for this.

"Hey lay off Jade. She just wanted to look at some of the book sections for a minute downstairs. Remember she doesn't have places like this where she is from." Wessly covered for Mykayla. " Look we are all shaken up by all of this. Let's just breathe for a minute ok." He said as he put his hands on Jades shoulders. It wasn't until then that Miranda realized Jade was shaking. Wessly was trying to calm Jade down when Jackie had some over to them. Seeing her uncle seemed to have a better calming effect on her.

"I'm so sorry you all had to go through this. I think it would be best if you both call your parents and go home for the night. Come on Jade." Jackie said as he led Jade away from their group.

A man in a black suit had come by soon after to explain to Wessly's that there were robbers running around stealing artifacts and that the mask they had happened to be one of them. He seemed to take the reasoning and Wessly went to the desk and unlocked the drawer and handed the 'Captain Black' the mask for safe keeping. He thanked them for their cooperation and his team of men seemed to start cleaning up the library the best they could.

Wessly's dad drove Mykayla home, but before she got out of the car Wessly stopped her.

"Hey, we need to talk about this tomorrow ok. Meet me in the back courtyard at 7:00am alone ok." She agreed and went on her way to the Browns house. This time she had kept the front door unlocked so she could look less suspicious about entering the home.

Once she was inside she pulled the piece of paper the demon had given her earlier out of her pocket.

"Narissa will be happy to receive this indeed." She said to herself in glee.

Oh My gosh guys! Every time I sit down with this chapter I just keep adding more, and some things didn't even end up how I originally planned them too!

So now we know how Miranda ended up out of prison again. Also did you guys enjoy my little hint with Wessly's cousin?! Cookies to everyone who got it!

Wessly and Miranda both know Jade is involved in a lot more then they realize now. Miranada knows that Wessly is having some demons issues of his own that he himself does not yet realize. And Miranda has succeed in part of her mission of finding out more and even contacting Tarakudo. Plus we now have Hay Lin and Caleb in on the whole thing now. How will things play out from here?! Find out next chapter!