Chapter Eight

"Okay, now that we are all calmed down-"

"Speak for yourself Swan."

"-and are not about to go on any homicidal rages that warrant the skillet, I think a few introductions are in order. Everyone, this crazy person that I just subdued with the use of the skillet is Willowanya Scott. Will this is Mr. Gold, Regina Mills, Killian Hook, Robin, Jefferson, and David Nolan, my dad."

"Feel like trying that again Swan? Did you forget-?"

"Yes I forgot for all of ten seconds, so don't shoot me that look. That's Rumpelstiltskin, The Evil Queen, Captain Hook, Robin Hood, the Mad Hatter, and Prince Charming, who really is my father."

"You're father's a fairytale character? Now I know I've seen everything."

"You're the one who was kidnapped by a flying lion-monkey who wanted to marry you."

"Do not bring Goldar into this if you like having blonde hair."

"Who's Goldar?"

"If you like having at least part of your sanity Hatter you will never mention that name in front of me again."

Even Gold and Regina shuddered at the look in her eyes as she glared at Jefferson.

"Remind me not to het on her bad side," Gold muttered to Regina.

"Only if you do the same," she muttered back.

"Why does the Dealer look familiar?"

"Oh, he's Neal's dad."

" do you know that?"
