Enjoy Chapter 28!

Diablo. I think that's his name. Though, oddly enough, I don't think I've ever met him... Have I?

I'm forced to kneel down on the floor. The chains that connect the two shackles on each of my wrists weighs me down. They're so noisy as they thud on the floor. I can barely lift up my head from the pain my neck. My vision seems a bit fuzzy. One of the guy's that had injected me with some kind of tranquilizing serum pulled my hair back and grabbed my chin to lift my head up. My eyes grew wide in surprise as the memories came rushing back to me in an instant. As if walking down the runway, the supposed leader of this place slowly struts down the strip of long red carpet that stretched from the entrance door of the room to his all-might 'highness' chair. He makes his way to me and kneels down in front of me, looking me straight in the eyes. His black hair swayed to the side as he tilted his head to the right.

"It's been a long time, Akari." he says and stands up. His long black cape swooshed away along with him as he started walking back to his chair. With just a nod of his head the two guys on either side of me took my by the arm and dragged me into a smaller room in the same room Diablo was in, happily humming away like a fucking psychopath.

The room is entirely, purely white with nothing in it. I was surrounded by four blank walls and a locked door. I sit criss-cross on the white-tiled floor and stare at the blankness, trying to suppress the pain in my body.

"They've intruded the laboratory!" I suddenly hear someone yell from the other room. I then hear a muffled explosion far from here.

"It's spreading!" Someone else yells. I hear a few keys jingling and someone trying to unlock the door. I stand up as someone opens the door and in comes none other than Sebastian F. My freaking brother out of the other better guys than him to come and save me. He rushes in and lifts me up into his arms (Yay...) and carries me out of the room.

Everyone seems to be evacuating the room and I see a fire burning like crazy at the far end of the room. Sebastian runs at full speed as I just see everything blur as we head to a large hall. We then stop at what seems to be the center of this entire underground lair. The walls were made of large stones and they seemed pretty old and the ceiling is like a dome and large glass windows that circulated in the center of the dome ceiling. Sebastian then lets me down and I lean against the wall as Sebastian then breaks open the shackles on my wrists. I manage a smile.

"I always thought you were the weak one." I mumble. He smiles at me and throws the shackles to the ground.

Suddenly Diablo, Sebastian M., and Grell smash through the stone wall from the room adjoining this one and fall to the hard rock floor. Sebastian M. is quick to get up and punch Diablo in the stomach. Diablo then punches back and it's a one-on-one hardcore fist fight from there. Grell, on the other hand lays dead on the floor, or just unconscious. Hopefully, he's dead.

Grell suddenly stands up and just as Diablo takes out a knife and is about to stab Sebastian, Grell quickly jumps towards Sebastian to move him out of the way. Grell is stabbed instead of Sebastian and he lays still on top of Sebastian with the knife stuck right into his chest, near his heart. So, I...really hope he's dead this time...

"Oh! The pain! This painful love that I have suffered for you, my Sebby-chan! I will always love you, Sebastian!" Grell suddenly shouts out overdramatically and he suddenly falls back down to the floor "dead" with his tongue out and practically lifeless now.

I sigh and roll my eyes as did Sebastian M. as he got up, away from Grell. Diablo grabbed the knife out of Grell, who mumbled and "ow" as he pulled it out. A whole bunch of blood started squirting and flowing out of the hole in Grell's chest. Diablo pointed the knife once more at Sebastian M. Diablo barely had any scratches on him while Sebastian M. had many bloody wounds all over his body. I hadn't even noticed Sebastian F. had left. I look around and I suddenly see Hikaru and Kaoru running up to me.

"Akari, come on. We need to leave now!" Hikaru yells, trying to take hold of my arm. Kaoru takes ahold of my other arm and they lift me up, leading me out of the room. We quickly walk down the many halls until we finally get to the exit, which was the same entrance I had gone in through.

The sun is still shining brightly onto the tall, drying grass field. Hikaru helps pull me out from the small door as Kaoru started climbing the small ladder after me. They start walking me down to a tall tree where only two other trees could be seen from afar and even more of the open field for miles. Once we had gotten under the shade of the tree I was surprised to see Haruhi, Tamaki, and Kyouya there, too.

The twins sit me down on the grass and I lean against the tree. Haruhi kneels down beside me and takes out a small emergency aid kit. She starts cleaning up my wounds and puts bandages on almost my entire body. She finally finishes after a few minutes. I suddenly feel super sleepy.

Another explosion is then heard and everyone's heads pop up in surprise to look over towards the underground lair. We see a head pop out from the door. Two other heads pop out after the other. To my surprise, I see Alois, Ciel, and Sebastian M. walking towards us now. Alois kneels down beside me.

"Are you alright, Akari?" He asks, looking deeply into my eyes. I simply nod my head and he smiles in relief. He stands back up and stays by my side.

"Where's Sebastian and Sakura?" Haruhi asks.

"They're still in there trying to fight off Diablo." Sebastian M. responds.

No one asked who Diablo was, which kind of confused me, since I don't think they knew him, but I let it go.

I try to stand up and manage to by grabbing hold of Alois' shoulder.

"We need to go now. The fire will burst out throughout the whole thing and spread across the field." I say, a bit hazily.

"But what about Sebastian and Sakura?" Haruhi asks.

"They'll make it out." I say. Maybe...

We all start walking down the field and over a hill until we see a plane out in front of us. We get in and Kyouya signals the pilot to start up the plane. We each sit in the seats in silence, waiting. We hear yet another explosion and from the large right-side windows we see large flames of fire spreading through the grass from over the hill. The flames were tall and raging throughout the field. Many people in white lab coats and dark suits then start fleeing from the area. The plane starts to hover over the field as many people start running our way.

Those people weren't humans, they're demons...All demons. Though, they seemed weak. So weak, like humans. It's weird. Two brave and bloody demons then enter the plane. Sebastian and Sakura. Behind them a frail man follows them towards me. He has pitch-black hair just like Sebastian F. and light gray eyes that could kill giving people a long, cold stare.

Our father, John Fujioka, walks towards me and sits his ragged self in the seat next to me. I stare out the window the whole way until the plane lands at a spot. Everyone gets off and the pilot flies off. We all sit down on the benches by a small clothing store and rest.

I look up at a large building and see a sign that reads, "Welcome to Eugene, Oregon!" Sebastian F. looks over to me, thinking the same thing.

"We'll be right back." I say, majorly over excited as I jump up from the bench. Sebastian F. stands up, too.

"Where are you guys going?" Haruhi asks. We were already too long gone into the city. ~

"And chocolate! Oh and upt some vanilla on there, too!" I say, excitedly. Sebastian F. and I had immediately run off to our favorite little store around the corner from where the others were at.

Once Sebastian F. and I had recognized the place we were in back there it immediately brought back some amazing nostalgia.

So, I guess it's time for a backstory...

Bless. Tune in for the next chapter guys!