A/N- I've been feeling kinda crapy the last few days and haven't been able to work on my current fiction "Finding Normal" but this idea came to me when it started to snow today. It's a quick work and probably contains some errors, but I hope it can make some other people smile too. Thanks for reading.

"Daryl, come play in the snow." Beth's face glowed as she stared out the cabin's window. She hadn't seen much snow in her life, and never the foot that was on the ground now. She had stopped dreaming about getting to see a snow like this after the walkers arrived.

"Play? In the snow?" Daryl questioned grumpily, raising an eyebrow but not bothering to lift his head and acknowledge Beth as he poorly attempted to sew a rip in his vest with the cabin's needle and pink thread. They had been alone for a few months now and were slowly moving north. Beth had come up with the idea to move toward the country's capital and Daryl had no reason to tell her no.

"Please?" Beth tried to sound sweet. She knew Daryl would have one of two reactions: brush her off or give in. Lately, he had been giving in more often than not.

Daryl finally looked up, holding up his vest in defeat. "You sew this when we get back inside and we can go out if the coast in clear."

Beth just broke out in a smile in response, grabbing her jacket from the broken coat rack and pulling her knitted cap over her loose blonde hair.

"Damn, Greene. Slow down. We just need to go out and get some air. I can't stand being cooped up in here." Daryl complained as he grabbed his own coat from its spot on the table, but Beth could see the edges of his lips twitch as he pulled his jacket on.

"Hat?" Beth offered the black knitted cap they had found in the cabin, bounding over to Daryl, unable to hide her excitement.

"You'll be right back at the damn fire in five minutes." Daryl warned, pulling the cap over his messy hair and grabbing his crossbow from its spot by the door. "Southern blood ain't made for snow."

"I'll last longer than you." Beth challenged as she grabbed her knife from the windowsill. They had made themselves at home in this hunting cabin. The weapons were the first objects to get dedicated spots, but clothes and their few possessions soon followed. Only an emergency bag remained packed by the door. Though the decision had never been formally made, both parties knew they'd be here a while.

Beth and Daryl's conversation automatically paused as they moved quietly to opposite windows, peeking through boards for any sign of movement outside. After a minute of watching, Daryl moved to the door first, holding up his crossbow as he unlatched the bolts. At this point, their movements were so perfected they didn't even need to signal, Beth positioned herself behind Daryl, her knife drawn.

"We're good." Daryl determined, stepping outside slowly. "Don't see nothing out here and the traps on the perimeter would make noise if any try to come closer."

"They're so slow in the cold." Beth reflected as she put away her knife. "We could probably skip away from them."

Beth meant the comment as a joke but Daryl snapped in response. "Underestimating them is how you end up bitten, Greene. Never underestimate them."

Beth just smiled reassuringly to Daryl in response. Daryl had only gotten more protective over the months, as whatever was developing between them grew stronger, but she didn't mind. She was just as protective of him.

Beth stomped through the snow for a minute, appreciating the crunch under her feet and staring back at her tracks in the snow. Finally she stopped, turning back to face Daryl who stood stone still, his crossbow over his shoulder and his nose turning pink.

"So… What does playing in the snow actually entail?" She questioned, realizing she didn't have any plans beyond getting outside.

"Hell if I know." Daryl shrugged, kicking some snow off his worn boots.

Beth sighed as Daryl's eyes returned to the perimeter, watching for any movement, whether it be danger or potential prey.

Suddenly, Daryl felt the icy shock of snow hitting his face, leaving a burning sensation behind it. His bow was drawn before he registered Beth's laughing, another snowball already in her hand.

"You asked for it, Greene." Daryl warned, letting his crossbow fall to his side as he bent over, grabbing chunks of snow to throw her way.

Beth attempted to run but quickly tripped over her own feet as she was slowed down by the snow and within a moment Daryl was above her, a smile glued to his face and more snowballs in his hands.

"I give up! You win!" Beth admitted, trying to cover her face with her cold hands.

"That's what I thought." Daryl bragged, dropping the snowballs at his side before reaching a hand out to Beth in a sign of peace.

Just as he was pulling her up, a sudden look of joyous realization flashed across Beth's face and she jerked her body down, causing both her and Daryl to fall into the snow.

"Damnit, Greene!" Daryl yelled, trying to sound mad but a light laugh slipping into his tone. "Now we'll both freeze!"

Beth just continued laughing, her face turning a light pink from the cold. As she looked over at Daryl, noticing the snow now frozen to his beard, her laugher intensified.

"It's been five minutes." Daryl determined, pushing himself back up. "My southern blood needs the fire and we still got some of that rabbit left."

Beth nodded in agreement, this time allowing Daryl to pull her back up with one arm.

After they had re-bolted the door and stripped their outerwear, Beth and Daryl settled in by the fire and Beth allowed her head to fall onto Daryl's shoulder, as it had done so many times before when sitting in the same position. She couldn't place the moment she and Daryl had become so comfortable with each other, but she never took the familiarity for granted.

Without a word, Daryl's arm moved around Beth and he allowed his cheek to rest on her head for a moment. Though Beth often rested against Daryl, he had yet to return the favor.

"You seemed cold." Daryl muttered awkwardly, as if suddenly realizing what he had done.

Beth just smiled, holding out her hand, "Feel my fingers, they're freezin'"