Part Three

As the hours crept closer to morning and an official sunrise, Olivia eased from bed careful not to wake a sleeping Fitz. In her attempt at discretion she gathered her discarded clothing and dressed quickly and quietly with hopes of making a clean escape. But her aspiration was dashed when she looked up from her position at the end of the bed to find Fitz staring at her.

He was handsomely disheveled but focused when he said, "Well this is certainly one way to deal with the pre-morning afterglow. Or should I say not deal?"

Olivia sighed at his raspy tone. She also tried to ignore his bare chest and the awkwardness that hung in the air upon being caught red handed by focusing on how irrational it was to find his sleep laden voice so damn sexy.

"So you're running out on me and ignoring my question all in one fell swoop, huh? Great…" Fitz noted, bringing Olivia out of her thoughts.

When she finally gave him her undivided attention she found his expression inscrutable in spite of his pressing inquiry. "I have to get home," she stated simply.

Detecting a hint of remorse from Olivia and uncertain if it stemmed from their actions or her need to depart, Fitz sat up and rested his back against the headboard; his gaze never breaking from her face.

Although Fitz's appraisal of her was unwavering Olivia didn't cower under it. She continued fastening the buttons of her shirt, securing the zipper of her jeans and then set about slipping on her designer flats before she explained. "I didn't want to wake you because the aftermath of this is very likely to be messy and take more time than I have right now. I don't know exactly when Jackson will be home but I will have no excuse not to be, so I need to beat him there."

"Or you could finally say to hell with it and just stay."

Olivia moved closer then, laid a hand on his chest and took a seat in the small space available next to him. "Look, this is a lot. It's complicated and too heavy to sort out before breakfast. He doesn't deserve to come in, find me M.I.A., and then worry himself to death after all the other shit I've done to him."

"That we've done," Fitz corrected. "We're in this together, Liv. We are together in this aren't we, Liv?"

Olivia chewed at her lip as she tore her eyes from him to steal a glimpse at her watch. "Can we not talk about this later? Maybe over lunch? I really have to go."

"We could have lunch here."

She chuckled at the suggestion. "If I come back to your place we both know we're not talking. Your office or mine? Or maybe the deli around the corner from the office…?"

Fitz shrugged. "We've got some time to figure that out. I think it'll also give us time to figure out other things too, or at least start to. Liv, we can't keep falling into bed and then having conversations about it. There are choices to be made."

"I know. And they will be. But for now can I just...can I kiss you goodbye?"

Although a kiss was the least of his wants at the present moment; for Fitz preferred her beside him in bed naked, wrapped up in each other and planning their future, he relented with a nod and smile. After Olivia pounced and kissed him thoroughly he laughed and held her until she had no minutes left to spare.

Olivia found no relief in being the first home. Although she had successfully avoided what would have been valid questions and concerns over her whereabouts she felt weird in the space she shared Jackson. She was frozen in place, taking everything in like she'd never seen it, never mind personally procured it. If she had any doubts before, last night had surely sealed it; the old Olivia was no more.

She saw everything through her betrayal, how her surroundings almost seemed to be mocking and reminding her of the pretense she was perpetrating. All it took was a couple of nights of selfish behavior and she was a certified disaster. After easily becoming such a disappointment to herself, she was positive the sentiment would be echoed by those who held her dear when she came clean. She knew her revelation would blow up her life but accepted that it had to be done. She sighed in resignation of the fact and then climbed the stairs to her bedroom.

Mid-morning, Olivia stepped foot in the firm's hallway moving as if she'd been weighed down by quicksand and then set loose. After returning home it was hard to find sleep again and the moment she felt she was beginning to rest her alarm sounded. When she finally untangled herself from the comfort of her bed she tried another shower and an embarrassing amount of coffee to get her going but she was still sluggish. Then she pinned hopes on the vibrant pink pantsuit that she had chosen for the day; betting that it would bolster her mood or energize her, but she quickly learned she would have no such luck.

There were so many times she wanted to stop a passing colleague and inquire about the remedy they'd used to make them appear their normal selves and not the people who drank too much and partied too late the night before. The first step in their cures for long hard nights would probably entail not spending them in beds other than those that belonged to them; but she didn't feel the need to beat herself up more than she already had and let that go.

For all of her musings and physical and cognitive limitations Olivia was grateful that she made it into her office hassle free. When she sat down she calmed considerably with the aid of a deep exhale and much appreciated quiet. After taking time to center herself and talk herself into getting in the game, she prepared to work. But her plan was dashed with the forceful opening of her door. The intrusion annoyed and confused her. And she was ready to let it be known when she looked up.

Her frustration abated at the sight of her father leading Jackson into her office but a nagging discomfort spread in the pit of her stomach. She tried swallowing her guilt and unease as they approached but to no avail. They were in their own little world with shared jokes and conversation, oblivious to her inner turmoil. The two looking like the best of friends even though her dad didn't really "do" friends. Olivia felt her forehead crease as she thought of how knowledge of her indiscretion could instantly upend the entire dynamic.

Just the thought of it saddened her and filled her with another bout of regret. But before she could further dwell on emotions that stemmed from her own actions, she was forced to focus on the handsome man smiling at her. Dressed in a simple black t-shirt and blue jeans, Jackson still commanded attention and Olivia was not immune. He hovered over her, so close that all that she could see, smell and feel was him.

"Beautiful." Jackson greeted Olivia and leaned down to kiss her lips.

As she received the peck, he dropped his hands to her shoulders and then wrapped them around her neck. When that wasn't enough contact for him he lifted her from her chair, held her tight and spun her in the air. Taken aback by the unexpected move, Olivia released a noise that was a cross between a squeal and a laugh as she clung to him by embedding her fingers in the nape of his neck. Somewhere between the giggles and groans that came with being twirled to the point of dizziness, their mouths met again.

The two kissed as if they were the only ones around and Eli averted his eyes to give them a moment. When it seemed like they would take more than that he cleared his throat and effectively brought them back to reality. "Sorry to interrupt there, lovebirds; but need I remind you this is a place of business?" he playfully chided.

When they broke apart Olivia was flustered as well as embarrassed that she had allowed herself to get carried away. But despite the feeling she kept her smile intact and her gaze fixed on Jackson until a splash of color outside her office got her attention. She glimpsed Fitz moving in the busy hallway wearing a bold blue suit, the sight of him like cold water being doused on her. His presence made her self conscious so she tried to gently extract herself from Jackson's embrace while he made conversation with her father.

"You'll have to forgive me, Eli," Jackson said cheekily as Olivia and Fitz exchanged stolen glances until he moved out of sight. "We keep getting our wires crossed so I have to seize every moment I can. I don't have to tell you my girl's been crushing it here and my caseload has been jam packed too. Haven't been able to spend as much time with her as I like and need to get all my kisses in whenever, wherever."

Eli grinned. "Well I understand that. Just try to pace yourself, son. You'll have the rest of your lives for all that mushy makeup stuff," he smiled. "But since you drove all the way here to see her after that shift kept you apart last night, I'll let you have some private time... just remember not too private kids."

"Thank you, sir." Jackson said before immediately drawing Olivia back to him for another kiss.

Olivia sighed when they separated, used her thumbs to smooth the corners of Jackson's well kissed lips as he smiled at her. His eyes and grin telegraphed his pleasure at their brief reunion. "Nice to know I was missed."

"You were," she said honestly. "I was worried you were working too hard but you look good. Tired, but good. I wish you would have called me though; I would have at least met you halfway instead of you having to come all the way here."

"Not a problem, I just wanted to see you. I knew you'd be on your way to the office by the time I left the hospital so I high-tailed it over. Couldn't take much more of this being apart business."

Olivia relaxed into his embrace as he hugged her tight, accepted and chuckled at the kisses he rained on her neck and lips before they parted. "So what's your day?" she wondered.

"Home. Sleep. Hospital."


"I know. But hopefully not as intense as the last eighteen or so hours. I expect to be home at a decent hour, maybe whip up some dinner by candlelight?" he suggested.

"That sounds nice," she said wistfully.

"Everything okay?"

Olivia nodded and hoped it and her expression were convincing.

"Liv, I know it seems like our timing has sucked worse than ever before. As a matter of fact, I've been thinking that we should get away for the entire weekend and catch up. Between work and family obligations we haven't had enough quality time. Just pick a place and I'll make it happen."

Before Olivia could respond, there was a sharp knock at her door. And before she could acknowledge it her father and mother were bursting into the room, her father looking sheepish for once in his life. "Sorry kids, I accidentally let it slip who was in the building and I couldn't keep her away."

The interruption brought an equal measure of agitation and relief to Olivia but it was all drowned out by her mother's excessive gushing. Olivia would never understand how the woman still fawned so completely over a man who she'd now known for a considerable amount of time and who wasn't her husband. She rolled her eyes at the over the top greeting and chatter, determined she would escape it by moving to her seat; but Jackson prevented her from doing so by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.

Stuck, Olivia participated in the conversation half heartedly, her biggest contributions the occasional smile or mutter. She was so over her parents' unexpected intrusions that her heart literally leapt in her chest when her office phone buzzed.

"My client must be here," she informed them.

"Good," Eli chimed in, always heartened by the possibility of more revenue and victories. "We can save this reunion for a later time."

"Well, Olivia is the only one of us who has other things to do right now…"

"Mom, please. Jackson's going home to rest. He has to be back at"

"Oh and he still made time to come see you? When I tell you you have a keeper on your hands, Livvie…Jackson, honey, are you sure you won't swing by the house for some leftovers? Olivia probably only walked away with bird food last night."

"Thank you but I'll manage for today at least. I need real sleep in my own bed more than anything right now."

"Then it's sleep you shall have," Olivia declared with a squeeze to his arm.

After the reassuring touch, Jackson grasped Olivia's hand in his as she discreetly steered her visitors out of her office. They were in the middle of navigating goodbyes and promises to get in touch later in the day when they ran smack into another small group that had gathered in the hallway. Olivia instantly tensed at the sight of Fitz with Elizabeth and a slightly older version of the blond. But mindful of their delicate situation she schooled her expression and then risked a glance in his direction to see that he was working through the awkwardness of their unexpected encounter himself. While she had calmed, there were flashes of thunder in his eyes as they all made small talk until professional responsibilities could no longer be ignored.

Immersed in work, Olivia's stomach reminded her that lunchtime was upon her before she had the opportunity to look at a clock or watch. Her mind instantly turning to Fitz she reached for the phone just as her door flew open. She had a fleeting thought that maybe she should be charging an entrance fee to her space since lately it was busier than Grand Central, but the snarky musing went no farther than that when she looked up and saw Fitz approaching.

"Hi," she said, immediately feeling apologetic as he inched closer. "Listen, about earlier this morning…"

Fitz shook his head and waved her off. "No explanations needed. He came in while I was hanging around reception and I heard him say something about surprising you. Didn't take a genius to figure out you hadn't seen him yet."

"Yeah. But it's just that your looked so…"

"And your face. As beautiful as it is you looked...Liz brought her mom by to talk about possible strategies, nothing more."

"Did things progress from consult to client?"

Fitz shrugged. "Can't be 100 percent just yet. A lot of time, emotions and finances have been invested," he relayed thoughtfully. "They've made a life, created an entire family, something of a legacy; so I don't know if she's quite ready to pull the plug just yet."

"Oh," she whispered. "Anyway, about that lunch. How about…?"

Olivia's question died in the air as her door opened yet again and Maya came sauntering into the room.

"Hey, Livvie, why don't you close up shop and take your mother to lunch, honey?"

Olivia closed her eyes and groaned inwardly, vowing to research revolving doors when she had another moment to herself. "Mom, I didn't know you were still here. Why are you still here?"

"Your father's office has been screaming to be renovated and I will oblige it starting this week. It's been put off long enough and it's getting to be embarrassing. And getting him to commit to one anything is a headache and a half. I need a good meal and some even better wine. Let's go live it up a little bit."

"Forget that I'm at work. Mother do you not see Fitz? That we happen to be in the middle of something?"

Maya turned her head and acknowledged the sheepish Fitz with a raised brow before responding to her daughter. "I can't tell, your heads are always together about something. And it's not like you two don't work together day in and day out to be able to pick this up later. I know Fitz will excuse us won't you, Fitz?"

Slightly amused, Fitz stifled a grin at the way Maya had turned and arched her eyebrow in his direction. The look questioning, challenging even, and so reminiscent of one of Olivia's prominent tics. Preferring not to be the recipient of whatever else may lay in the woman's arsenal, he bowed humbly. When she shot Olivia a triumphant gloat, Fitz shrugged and Olivia narrowed her eyes in irritation.

Their waiter was barely out of earshot before Maya zeroed in on Olivia; brazenly scrutinizing her from head to waist as she perused the lunch menu from her seat.

Overwhelmed with the vibes that came from being watched for a prolonged period of time, Olivia sighed. "Well are you going to get to it, mother?"

"Olivia, I wish you would just tell me what's going on with you."

"Mom, seriously?"

"Yes! Are you and Jackson having problems or something?"

Although her insides seized at a mirror being so astutely held up to her private life, she tried to remain nonchalant as she replied, "Excuse me? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really? You're going to play dumb with me of all people?"

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about, mother."

"I'm talking about Jackson not showing up at all last night even though he usually moves heaven and earth no matter how pressing his schedule. I'm talking about those loaded looks flying between you and Fitz Grant last night and today; the conversations that never seem to end, that he was your literal shoulder to lean on as you danced last night."

"It was the shoes…that I promptly swapped out once I felt I'd given the people enough Pope razzle dazzle."

Maya stared incredulously before chuckling. "Nice try, Livvie, but not good enough. Girl why don't you save us both all this ducking and dodging and come off of it already? Treating me like I was born and fell off a turnip truck just yesterday. If I didn't know that you know better I'd have to assume that you were up to some funny business with Mr. Grant."

Olivia's lashes fluttered until her eyes moistened causing her to immediately avert her gaze and blink back the manifestation of her embarrassment. Her throat burned and her lip quivered uncontrollably, preventing her from using words to explain her predicament, so she could only sigh in frustration.

Her daughter's reaction all the confirmation she needed to validate part of her suspicions, Maya covered her mouth and gasped. "Oh, Livvie, baby, no. What have you done?"