Hello everyone! I really like the Star Wars Rebels as a show, and I have read almost single fanfic on this site and let me tell you; most of them are the best fanfics I have ever read. I remember back when there was only 2 pages of fanfic… those were dark times. Anyway, here's my fanfic.


Chapter 1 - Memories

The ship named The Ghost floated through empty space, filled with fear. After the Empire took control of the galaxy, everyone was afraid. The Empire ruled with an iron grip on its citizens, terrorizing them into submission. But on this ship, which was floating over the outer rim planet named Lothal, a very rare species, thanks to the Empire, sat. Zeb was looking out the window of the ship in deep thought. He was thinking about his home, a planet named Lasan.


The Imperials came to his world in broad daylight, carrying a large gun on their backs. The warriors prepared for battle, including Zeb. He was a newbie, just coming from completing training. He finished in the top 5 of his class. Needless to say, he was very confident in his skills.


He rushed out with the other Lasats, male and female, some not even having gone to training. They all knew what was at stake. They moved as one, no command having to be spoken between them.

"Take them down!"

The soldiers stopped, and bringing their guns forward, began to fire, again and again and again.

Flashes of blue, red, and green. Lasats falling to the ground. Their bodies-

Everything happened so fast. He will never be able to un-see the image of a person getting shot with a T-7 ion disruptor. He shuddered a little, the image after all these years, still fresh in his mind.

You could have saved them…

But he could not have. But that was all in the past now. He had spent too much time wondering about this, thinking that if he just changed one little detail, did one thing differently, how different his life would be. Maybe his species would not be endangered anymore. But there was nothing he could do about it now. The past was in the past. Yet…he could not let it go.

Zeb stood up, feeling faint for living through the memory again. He thought about it all the time, and every time it haunts him. Zeb decided he would go lie down for a bit in his room, try to sleep off his fears and regrets. Trying to sleep off the memories.

"I can't sleep off all my problems." Zeb thought to himself.

"But I can try." He rebutted against himself. Deciding there was nothing else to do; he took a right turn down the Ghost's corridors and walked to his room. They would have some time before their next mission. Hera was piloting The Ghost to land on the planet, but there was no new mission as far as he knew. As soon as he got to the door, Zeb reached for the button to open the door, but stopped. Something did not smell right. The Lasat took a deep breath in through his nose, and then he remembered the kid. Ezra.

He was still getting use to having to share a room with Ezra. It was not all too bad, he never heard him in the middle of the night. Then again, he was a heavy sleeper. And besides, Ezra was kind of like the children on his home world. They would always get into trouble from overconfidence, always fighting each other. Zeb gave a quick smile to himself when he thought of messing around with the kid. He never actually wanted to hurt him, but he has to be tough. It is the Lasat way to be strong.

I was not strong enough. I could have helped more-

Zeb cut off his thoughts, knowing where they were leading. Exchanging his smile for a frown, he pressed the button. The door opened to his shared room, and he looked in.

And that's when he saw it.


