His breath caught in his throat when the noise rang throughout the room. He squeezed his eyes tight, if he didn't see it, it didn't happen. He could no longer take the feeling of suspense that was rapidly filling his entire being faster than his heart was racing in his chest. He bit his tongue as a scream filled the air. A metallic taste filled his mouth as he placed the familiarity of the voice now echoing throughout his thoughts and the room he remains stuck in. He knew that voice. He loved that voice.

One never thinks about what they would do if the one they love, suddenly, died. They do not just prepare for such a heartbreak. They would not think about the pain that the future would hold. Or the constant reminders.

Or in this case, the fact that the one shall never know that they were in fact, madly, in love with them.

Love is a funny thing. It hurts, it can be absolutely joyous, and sometimes, if you're lucky, it can make you forget. The life you were forced to live previously. The pain you had to face alone. Love is that sudden helping hand that guides you through life without a worry, well as I said, if you're lucky.

He willed himself to crack one eye open, his heart begged his mind to stop, but he couldn't not see the love of his life. Even if it was the love of his life taking his last breath.

"I love you" it means so much and yet could mean so little at the same time. It could define a relationship. It could break someone's heart, depending on the response back or the lack of. This isn't a typical love story, this isn't boy meets girl and they fall in love. It's more than that. It was a journey of finding one's self and in the process of such falling in love. Falling in love with your best friend.

There was a strangled gasp, the one noise conveyed the immense pain he was living, it sent shudders down my body. I love you. I thought. Say it. Scream it. Yell it. Don't let them die without knowing how you feel he thinks. He opens his mouth and nothing. He can't seem to make a noise.

Silence. Something that someone may love and something that someone may hate. something that separates everyone as a whole , makes everyone an individual. The silence brings on different feelings, new emotions. Some scary, some daring and some exciting and new. Silence is a time to think. Whether the thinking be something good or something reched, whether it be much needed or too much.

When everything is life and death. You may feel like there's nothing left. Instead of love and trust and laughter, what you get is happy never after. But deep down all you what is love. The pure kind we all dream of. But we cannot escape the past. So you and I will never last...