Chapter 1: The Discovery

I know this is just another time-travel fic about Star Wars, but past characters travel to the future.

R&R please!

It has been eleven years since the Battle of Endor.

Eleven long years since the raging wars between the Imperials and the Rebels dominated the entire Galaxy.

A new Republic had risen with Mon Mothma as Elected President and almost all planets who had been allianced with the Old Republic had taken their places back.

New planets had also joined, like Endor, and a new found planet named New-Alderaan.

And after all, the Jedi Order had been rebuilt, by no one else than Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker himself.

It was all peace now in the entire Galaxy, it was quiet in the Force, almost to quiet.

Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker was walking through the hallways of the Jedi Temple, busy visiting the youngling's trainings while enjoying the quietness in the Force.

"Daddy! Daddy!" a boyish voice called from behind.

Luke turned around, seeing a seven-year-old boy with a mop of sandy blonde hair and kind sky blue eyes running up to him and hugged his left leg.

"Ben, let go of your father." a familiar famine voice said.

Luke looked up, seeing the thin figure of his wife Maria Breha Organa.

Maria was the Force-Sensitive Senator of New-Alderaan and a potential candidate for the Presidential elections the next month.

And since eight years, they had been married, and now they had a happy family existing out of 6 members: Luke, Maria, the twins Ben and Mae, Yoda and Anakin.

"Hello sweetie." Luke said, smiling at her.

Maria kissed his chin. "Just came by to visit."

"Your visits are always a pleasure Maria, I love you." Luke said, holding her hands.

"Awe, you're so gentle." Maria said.

Then Luke felt a sudden disturbance, something he had never felt before.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Ben asked. "What is that light over there?"

Luke and Maria followed their son's gaze, also seeing the bright blue light from an open door.

"Shall we look?" Maria asked.

"Someone needs to." Luke said, took his lightsaber in his right hand and slowly walked over to the open door.

Maria and Ben took a few steps back, for their own safety.

When Luke looked in the room, he found 3 strangers: 2 human men and 1 human woman.

"Maria, come here." Luke said.

Maria ran up to him and saw the strangers too.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked him.

"Just as what we always do." Luke said. "Bring them to the Med Bay, their condition needs to be checked, and when they're awake, they must be brought to my office."

"Of course." Maria said.

Luke took Ben with him to his next stop: his sister's youngling class.

His sister, Leia Amidala Skywalker Organa-Solo, trained the younglings from the age of 4 till 7, it was the class where his 2nd son Yoda was in since he was merely 5.

"Ben, you better go to your classes, I don't want you to miss more of them." Luke told his son.

"Of course daddy!" Ben said and went back to his classes, wherever they were.

Luke stepped through a metal door, which opened once he was near.

There his sister was, talking to the younglings.

All younglings' heads turned to him as they spoke: "Goodmorning Master Skywalker!"

"My honored brother." Leia greeted him. "What brings you here?"

"I need you to go to the Medical Bay, Maria and I found 3 strangers. Your help may be useful." Luke said.

"What do I need to do with them?" Leia asked.

"Master Katarn will take over the classes." Luke said, he knew that Kyle wouldn't mind.

"Of course. I will see you tomorrow kids." Leia said before leaving.

Kyle arrived shortly after Leia left, so Luke went to his office high up in the Central Tower, where he started to do paperwork and read some of his Knight's reports about some of the Core Worlds.

In the Medical Bay, Maria was testing the health condition of the woman, who had long curly brown hair and a slight tanned skin like her own, as the elder male, the one with short auburn reddish hair, woke up.

The man tried to sit up.

"W-w-where am I?" the man asked as he opened his greyish blue eyes.

"Sir, I will explain later. You hit your head pretty hard." Maria replied.

The man looked at her. "And who are you? I haven't seen you before." he asked.

"Just try to lie down, I'm afraid you have a brain concussion." Maria said.

"Mommy!" a boyish voice called out.

Maria looked back, seeing her two-year-old son Anakin crawling to her.

She picked him up.

"Little scoundrel you are! How did you escape?" Maria asked her son.

Her son mumbled words, then she turned back to the man who was awake.

"That boy is your son?" he asked.

"Yes." Maria said. "I hope he'll be a promising Jedi Knight one day."

The man looked at Anakin. "What's his name?" he asked.

"Anakin." Maria replied. "After his grandfather. His cousin is also named that, they were born the same minute. My sister-in-law and I had agreed on naming our sons the same if they were born at the same time, and they were."

"Must be fun, or not?" the male asked. "By the way, my name is Obi-wan."

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Maria said.

Then the other male also woke up, just as the woman.

"Master, where are we?" the other male, who had sandy blonde hair and sky blue eyes, asked the elder male.

"My husband will explain everything to you." Maria replied. "Please, try to stand up and I'll bring you to him."

"Husband?" the younger male asked.

"Who else can be the father of my son?" Maria asked in reply.

The three humans stood up and followed Maria, who was still carrying her son.

"Mamma?" Anakin asked. "Who are they?"

"I don't need to know." Maria replied to her son as she walked up the stairs of the Central Tower. "Your father will decide."

Anakin nodded while nestling himself in his mother's protective arms.

Luke was just reading a report from his best student Mara Jade, who was stationed on Naboo, as he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" he said, laying down the report.

His wife entered, with their youngest son in her arms and the three strangers behind her.

He recognized the males, but the woman was familiar too, she resembled his sister Leia...

"Maria, thank you for bringing them in." Luke said, smiling to her.

Maria smiled back and kissed his nose.

"Daddy." Anakin said.

Luke looked down at his youngest son in his wife's arms. "Be brave little one." he said, smiling to his son. "I know you will."

"I have a meeting with the Senate soon. Will you care for your son?" Maria asked.

"Of course." Luke replied and took his son from his wife's arms, who yawned and fell asleep in his father's arm.

Maria left the office.

"Uhm…. may we ask who you are sir?" the woman asked.

"Of course, I am Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, I lead the Jedi Order." Luke replied the woman's question.

The three strangers looked at each other with shock on their faces.

What should happen?

(This is a reupdate)
