Story Idea #12

Language: English

Rating: Rated: T for safety.

Genre: Friendship/Romance

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, locations, or everything at all to do with Harry Potter, as it officially belongs to J. K. Rowling. I do not own any of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha characters, elements, or worlds, as they belong to Seven Arcs.

This is the second of five pairing stories. The first being Chapter Twelve: Bonds of Time (Harry x Nanoha). This is the second which is a Harry x Hayate pairing, based on the friendship that grows and evolves over time. For those of you wondering who the remaining three are, they are Red String of Fate (Harry x Arisa), Snowflake of Promise (Harry x Suzuka), and Memories of Comfort (Harry x Fate) pairings.

For those who are going to ask, Chapter Four: A Peaceful Evening (Also a Harry x Fate story) doesn't count on this list since it's just a future one-shot story, while these five will be stories with two or more chapters to their name.

I hope you enjoy, please remember it is an experimental opening.


"Japanese Talking" – "English Talking" – 'Thinking'

"Using Spell"[Device Spell using]

{Mage Mind Link}[Device Talking]

Monday 3 April, 1988

Uminari Public Elementary, Uminari City

The skies were clouded in Uminari City as the raindrops slowly began to drop one by one from the sky. Faster and faster the raindrops fell until it was soon starting to pour down over the entire city. Luckily the news forecast had already foretold this downpour, people were walking around and carrying umbrellas on this day. Many minding their own business and they headed from one direction to another, doing what they needed down for the day.

In this public elementary school, a seven year old boy with messy black raven-nest hair that looks like he just got out of bed and was wearing glasses over his forest green eyes was following a woman with long black hair down the school hallway. The woman he was following would be his future teacher, or sensei as they call them out here. The hallway was empty as the tardy bell rung a few minutes ago so anyone wondering now would be classified as late. There was a small build-up of students a bit earlier, all of them had headed to the auditorium to find out which class they were in, since the list holding the Class Placements for the new school year had to be hung inside due to the rain outside.

"Where in the United Kingdom did you live?" She asked in English, breaking the silence as the small boy looked up at her.

"Little Whinging, Surrey." The boy would reply softly, being careful with what he said so he wouldn't get hurt by his uncle later should any 'freakishness' happen.

His sensei nodded her head, seeing that he had come quite a distance. "It must be very hard to move here in the middle of your school year." She replied before commenting on the small problem he had. "Plus the language barrier will be slightly difficult until you can understand some of the basics of the Japanese language and writing." She ponders for a moment in wonder, trying to think if any of her students knew English. "I'll see if any of my students can speak it well enough to have someone show you around after class."

Remembering the actions seen from earlier, Harry bowed his head slightly. "Thank you very much."

There walk came to an end as they reached her classroom, looking up at the sign that hung over the door, it read – Class 2-4, meaning that this classroom was Grade Two, Class Four. Standing by the door, she looked back at Harry and said. "Wait right here, I'll call you in shortly to introduce yourself."

"Okay." Harry replied, understanding.

His sensei smiled at him as she pulled the door open. "All right, class. Take you seats." She said in Japanese as she closed the door behind her. "Good morning." The boy could hear through the door, as the students inside greeted her happily back. "I'm Mrs. Yuki, your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you." She addressed her new homeroom class. As she did, the boy leaned back against the wall as he waited for the signal to enter, as he waited his mind drifted back to the events to what brought him from the United Kingdom to out here in Japan. Well, it was due to something that his Uncle Vernon was a part of, something that had caused him to be in trouble with some officials back home.

Some of you may be confused with what is going on, so let me start back at the beginning when the boy was left in the care of his cousins. The boy didn't know who left him there that night, what was known was the fact his cousins hated him with such a crime of passion. Reasons for their hatred were never explained, except that he was a freak like his mother, Aunt Petunia's little sister.

For seven years of his life, the boy had been hit, beaten, whipped, smack, and so on because he never completed the list of chores, he was given. Because he accidentally had burned their breakfast. Because of how certain flowers in Aunt Petunia's garden were dying. He wouldn't get any help from anyone, as the neighbours on Privet Drive had believed the rumours that his uncle and aunt would spread about him being a delinquent that was always causing problems.

However, come halfway through March, quite a few months away from Harry's eighth birthday in July, found the Dursley's on the run from the law. Or rather, they soon would be if they didn't leave the country soon. It seemed that the boy's Uncle Vernon, despite being the director of Grunnings Drill Company, was also involved in a Tax Evasion Scam. The man had been taking money out of the company as Personal Drawings and pinning the blame on another low-level employee. Only the man screwed up with the last few months of statements, causing the Inland Revenue to question and investigate. It reached the point that one of Vernon's 'friends' had tipped him off with what was happening.

Needing to get out of the country until things cooled down, Vernon spoke to his boss and took the five-year exchange to Japan, as they had just opened up a new branch of Grunning Drill Company. Seeing as Vernon was one of the company's directors, he was accepted for the job. The man would be in co-charge of the new branch for only five years and then had to come back.

With that done, here they were now.

Their passports were sorted, luckily that they had one issued for the freak so they didn't waste time. Plus their multiple suitcases were packed to the brim, or a simple bag pack in the boy's case. Finally, tickets approved. Luckily Vernon's boss issued them to be all the same. Otherwise, the man would have gotten three tickets that were first class while one was a basic passenger ticket.

Upon arriving out here in Uminari City, the location of the new branch, they settled in the home that had been supplied to them. It was only because of the Japanese Co-Director constantly visiting the home to talk over plans with Vernon, that the Dursley's couldn't lock the boy away in the cupboard like they did back in England and had to give him one of the bedrooms. As well as making sure that he had clothes that fit, not wanting to draw attention from the authorities.

Though they still did make sure to hinder his progress by enrolling them in different schools. As March came to an end, his aunt and uncle's precious son, Dudley, was enrol as a second grade student at Seishou Elementary school on the other side of the city. While it wasn't a private elementary school, it was still known well enough with positive reviews. The boy, on the other hand, had been enrolled in this public elementary school that was only a fifteen-minute walk away from where their home's located. However, the only downside was the fact that the public elementary school didn't have a uniform, not wanting to suddenly raise questions, his aunt and uncle had to buy Harry some new clothes.

He was brought out of his thoughts when the door to the classroom open, his sensei smiled at him. "You can come in now." She said, leading him into the classroom. The first thing he noticed was everyone in the class staring at him, but that would be normal since he was a new student that wasn't here for the past two years.

Stepping up onto a small stand the homeroom teach picked up a piece of chalk and wrote, what the boy believed, was his name in Japanese.

"Now then everyone, this is our new transfer student. He's from overseas, studying abroad." She introduced. "Harry, can you please give a self-introduction. English is fine, too." Yuki-sensei said as she looked at the boy next to her. The boy looked at her, before tilting his head in confusion due to not understanding what she just said. Realising her mistake, she coughed slight and spoke in English. "Can you please introduce yourself to the class, Harry?"

"Oh, I see." The boy replied as he faced the class. "Hello, my name is Harry Potter. I just recently moved out here with my cousins a week ago." He introduced, seeing some stunned expressions on the students faces. "I can't really speak Japanese at the moment, but I am currently learning as fast as I can. I hope I can get along with all of you this coming…"

"Stop!" One of the students interrupted as they rose to their feet. "None of us understand you at all!" The girl said as her thoughts were shared by many in the class, too bad the boy didn't understand what she said as well. Though from the reaction from the rest of the class who looked just as confused, Harry understood that they mustn't be able to understand a single word said, the boy clenched his fist slightly feeling embarrassed. It wasn't his fault if he couldn't understand or speak the language, he was dragged out here without any warning.

Harry had to stop himself from flinching when a set of hands was placed on his shoulders. "That's enough. Stop bullying him, Natsumi." Yuki-Sensei spoke, as the boy tilted his head backwards to look up at her. "Due to his uncle's work, he hadn't had the chance to begin learning Japanese. I think he'll learn rather quickly, so please give him a warm learning environment."

"Okay." The students in front of him replied, understanding what the teacher wanted them to do. "Understood, sensei." The girl added retaking her seat. Following that, the homeroom teacher had Harry take the counter seat in the backrow by the window.

Following that small event, the rest of the day passed on with a small struggle to Harry. The boy had spent most of the time in class translating the questions, with the aid of a small translation book, then answering them. He had also tried to interact with those in his class, but again it was hard since he couldn't understand what they were saying and vice versa. It was around three o'clock when the public elementary school came to an end for the day. It turned out, as Harry's homeroom teacher explained, that public elementary only had five classes a day which allowed them to finish at three. Seishou Elementary, on the other hand, had six classes a day which caused them to finish at four, it explained why his aunt told him not to show his face back at the house until five, she must have believed both schools finished the same time.

With two hours of free time, something that Harry found to be a God sent, the boy asked his homeroom teacher for directions to the library. One, to get his homework finished, and two, to find some better translation books to help out with the language barrier. Luckily, the library wasn't that far of a walk away from the public elementary.

Kazegaoka Library

Harry had to look around in amazement, this library was far bigger than the one back in Little Whinging. The boy made sure to stay quiet as those present were either silently reading, studying, or quietly talking with one another. The library had been set up into two different parts, the main portion was the bookcases that were stacked with books among books, and the small section was the rows of desks lined up for people to sit at if they weren't looking among the shelves at the current moment.

Going over the note that Yuki-Sensei had given him, Harry was looking through a small section of books that would help with understanding the basics of the language. There was quite a few though the boy pushed the most advanced books to the side for now and focused on the more basic ones. Though as he pushed them to the side, it had created a small gap that allowed him to see through to the other side of the bookcase. Looking through the gap he was surprised to see a girl with brunette seated in a wheelchair, she seemed to be struggling as she tried to reach a book that was on a higher level of the shelf.

At first, Harry was going to ignore her and carry on looking for the books he need, though as he look back and saw people walking passed the struggling girl without helping or even looking her way, he moved to the other side of the bookcase. Standing beside the girl, he reached up and pulled out the book she was trying to reach for, his sudden appearance had startled her slightly.

Facing the girl, he held the book out to her. "Is this the one you wanted?" He asked her, getting a good look at her face. She was a young girl with short brunette hair that held an X-shaped red ornament and a yellow one shaped like two parallel stripes. She had soft blue eyes and a small pink blush on her cheeks as she had a shy expression on her face. As he held the book out to her, the boy realised she might not understand what he just said.

"Yes, thank you very much." The girl smiled as she replied in English, much to Harry's shock.

"So you learned English to speak to your Uncle Gil in England." Harry asked as the two sat at one of the desk rows, the girl explained that her caretaker was a military man from England.

She nodded her head in response. "Yes, Uncle Gil knew Japanese well enough to speak to me when he called, but I wanted to surprise him by speaking in his home language." She explained, glad that she was getting the hand of the langue. She may not be an expert, but she knew more than enough to hold a conversation.

"You've done a great job, you're speaking it very well." Harry complimented.

The girl smiled shyly at the compliment. "Thank you," She replied, before asking curiously. "What about you, why are you in Japan without learning the language first?" Harry sighed and explained that his uncle brought him and his family out here suddenly without question, due to a promotion. While it wasn't the full truth, since he cut certain things out, it was close enough. "I see." She responded before realising something from his explanation. "You're seven turning eight right?"

"Yes, but that won't be until the end of July." The boy responded.

"Really? Then that means we're the same age." The girl commented, though seeing his confused look she explained. "I'm also seven, but I turn eight at the start of June."

Harry smiled in understanding, realising that he was talking to someone his own age. "I see." He spoke, before realising something he hadn't said since their start of their conversation. "Umm…my name's Harry Potter."

"Harry." She replied. The girl smiled as she then introduced herself. "I'm Hayate Yagami."

"Hayate." The boy replied slowly, making sure that he was saying it right.

The girl, Hayate, nodded her head in response to his pronouncement of her name. "As you'll learn, when you gain a basic understanding of Japanese, 'Hayate' is written in hiragana. It's a pretty weird name, huh?"

Harry shook's his head in response. "Not at all. I think it's a really nice name."

"Thank you." Hayate replied gently.

For the following while, the two continued to talk to one another without realising the passing of time. During that time, Harry learned that because of the girl's disability that confines her to her wheelchair, she is unable to climb staircases since each floor is marked by grade. Also, no elementary school has an elevator that could be used to move her up or down the building, meaning she was home-schooled and attends Cram School because she can't attend school. Plus, like him, she was also an orphan that lost her parents while she was still young.

With Hayate's help, Harry was able to get his required homework finished. Talking on the matter, the girl said that she could help him if he wanted. The boy happily accepted her offer, they agreed to meet the same time after school and would go from there. Their conversation was brought to an end when the clock on the wall struck quarter to five, signalling that Harry had to head back to his cousins home soon or there would be trouble if he should up after the time his aunt set.

The boy pushed Hayate's chair along as they both headed towards the exit, the girl would be taking a bus back to her home while he would be walking. "Thanks for talking to me. Really, thank you." Hayate told him since she always felt alone with no one her own age to talk to because she couldn't attend school.

"No problem, thank you for agreeing to help me." He replied back as they reached the bus stop, signalling they would now be heading in different directions. "See you again, Hayate." Harry said and waved as he headed off back to his cousins house. A warm feeling appeared in both children, for the first time they had made a friend that wasn't scared away or plainly ignored them.

It was a warmth that would continue to burn for a long time.

End of Chapter.

There we go, I hope you all enjoy this small experimental chapter. Please tell me you thoughts, as I would like to know them so I can improve on them for when they are officially placed online. So, please leave a review.