AN: Okay, so I have set myself a challenge. For three fandoms, namely Gravity Falls, TMNT, and Big Time Rush, I am going to write a shortish story. Once every three days, I will update. By this, I mean one fandom will be on the 1st of December, the 4th, 7th, etc. Another will be the 2nd, 5th, 8th, etc, and the last will be the 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc. Then, on Christmas day, I will post the last chapter of each story. Call it an advent calendar kind of present to anyone who reads my stuff.

If you wanna try, go ahead, and let me know so I can read it!

Also, I apologise in advance for naming Mr and Mrs Pines, but I kind of had to.

Randomguest xxx

"So, kids, you looking forward to spending Christmas with your great uncle?" Emma Pines asked her twin kids sitting in the back of the car.

"Yeah!" Mabel yelled, prompting a chuckle from her father.

"Mabel, calm down." Jeremy said, smiling. "You know what your uncle's like when you're too excitable."

"Yeah, and you know what our uncle's like around people who would be willing to spend money." Dipper looked out the window, crossing his arms. "I can't believe you're making us spend Christmas with him. Christmas. He's not gonna stop talking about money."

Emma looked at her son in the rear view mirror. "Come on, Dip, he's not that bad. And I thought you enjoyed the time you spent with him in the summer."

"Yeah, in the summer." Dipper shook his head. "Not in the most commercial time of year!"

Jeremy looked out at the road. "It's right here, Em. This turning, then we just carry on and we should get there."

"Yeah, unless we get stopped by the gnomes!" Mabel said. Dipper's eyes widened and he covered Mabel's mouth with his hand.

"Gnomes? What gnomes?" Emma asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh, it's nothing," Dipper said, smiling nervously. "Just Mabel's imagination. You know what she's like, always away with the- EWW! DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?"

"Yep!" Mabel laughed. "You should know not to put things near my mouth by now."

"Okay kids, enough fooling around. We don't Stan to kick us out for being too happy, do we?" The twins shook their heads, agreeing with their father.

Emma pulled into the car park of the mystery shack, stepping out to get the bags from the car boot. "Are you guys going to get out of the car at all?" She asked, watching her family as they waited lazily.

"I'd rather not." Dipper said, folding his arms.

"Tough. Come on, everyone out." This time, they obliged. After all, Emma was using her 'I'm-in-charge-so-no-bull-shit' voice, and when she used that voice, you knew she meant business.

Jeremy knocked on the front door, already nervous. He hadn't seen his uncle in years, and the last time they had been together, the younger man, then a boy, had walked away crying.

However, it was a smiling face that met him. "Jem! How're you doing, kid?"

"I'm not a kid anymore, uncle Stan." Jeremy said, gritting his teeth. "And it's Jeremy, not Jem. No one's called me Jem in years."

"Well, alright then, kid." Stan ignored the look of annoyance on his nephew's face and turned to look instead at his great niece and nephew. "Hey, kids. Enjoyed the shack so much you came back, huh?"

"Trust me, we had no choice." Dipper mumbled.

Mabel elbowed her brother. "We missed you, gruncle Stan!"

"Ah, missed you too, kid." Stan paused, a smile on his face, before his eyes lit up proudly. "You'll never guess what? I decorated!"

Three surprised 'really?'s filled the air, before Emma smiled.

"Ignore them, Stan. I bet it's wonderful. Now, is there anywhere I could dump these bags? They're kind of heavy, you know."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Put them in the hallway, and then I'll show you the decorations." Emma did so, and the four followed Stan into the living room.

"Ta-da!" He said, gesturing towards the end of the room.

"That's it?" Dipper asked, and his parents didn't think to tell him off, as that was exactly what they were thinking too. "That's your decorating?"

At the end of the room was what could only be described as an overgrown bonsai. Many of the leaves, yes leaves, were brown, and the only decorations on it were a single, squashed looking bauble, and what may have once been a string of tinsel.

"I know! It's great, isn't it?" Stan looked very proud of himself.

"No!" Mabel cried, running to the tree. "No, it's not!"

"Mabel," Emma scolded.

"But it's alright!" Mabel interrupted. "Because we'll help you. Okay," Mabel changed her posture, trying to look like she was some kind of officer. It didn't work. "Gruncle Stan, you go find Soos and buy a tree. A proper one," she warned, before changing her mind. "In fact, let Soos choose it. You just pay for it. Dad, you find the decorations that we bought from home. Mum, you and I will go and find Wendy, see if we can borrow some lights." She paused at the questioning look on her mother's face. "I'll explain who Wendy is on the way. Dipper, you go into town and buy any decoration you can see. Okay? Ready, task-force? Go, go, go!"

Dipper shook his head, but not wanting to start an argument during advent, even if it was only the 3rd of December, walked down into town.

He reached the traffic lights and waited. Finally the little green man turned on, and he started to cross.

He heard it when he was in the middle of the road.

He turned and froze when he saw it.

He stepped back as he realised it wasn't going to stop.

And he screamed as it collided painfully with his body.

Couldn't resist putting a bit of Dipper hurt in there. And sorry if there's anything British on there, but as I have said before, I'm British and don't know much about America. Uh, if you don't have the little green man, basically it's a light at pedestrian crossings saying that you can cross.

Remember to review, and tell me if you're gonna try the challenge so I can read it!

Merry advent!

Randomguest xxx