Ok folks here it is the last chapter of this story. I feel pretty emotional about it, I mean I honestly just decided to give writing a go cos I had an idea and I honestly believed the people I asked to read it before I released it would tell me I sucked. I was so shocked that people liked it and so over whelmed by the response it's been an amazing experience and im sad its come to an end.

I owe so much thanks to Geli my beta, without her I wouldn't have had the confidence to let this even off my computer. Her support has been key in this and seriously the best beta i could have ever asked for im so lucky she offered to look at the first chapter and kept me motivated to write more.

Without anymore rambling please enjoy the last chapter.

Not mine.

"Regina, don't you think you're going a tad overboard with this whole thing?" Robin asked his girlfriend seriously. They were both sitting at opposite ends of the sofa in Regina's living room, her legs up on his lap as he rubbed his hands soothingly up and down her calves. The boys had been in bed the last hour or so and the two adults were indulging in some much needed down time together.

Regina looked up at him from over the notebook she was engrossed with a frown.

"Not really." She told him with a shrug. "It's Roland's first birthday in Storybrooke and I think it needs to be celebrated."

Robin smirked at her, squeezing one calve before carrying on trailing his hand along it.

"Celebrate I'm in agreement with, but this is turning into quite the royal affair."

A couple of weeks ago when Regina had told him she wanted to throw a party for his son he had been touched and quick to agree but he had had no idea to what lengths Regina was planning. She had already hired out Granny's for the occasion, sent out invites to not only the whole town but almost Roland's whole class at school, and that was the tip of the iceberg. The last two weeks Regina had been on the phone to various child entertainers, cake makers, brought items for elaborate gift bags. Hell, he even thought he had heard the words "Pony Ride's" mentioned. He had always known Regina wasn't the type to do anything by halves but this was getting beyond a joke.

Regina just smirked up at him before replying innocently.

"If it helps Granny said a firm no to the ponies."

Robin chuckled, smiling lovingly at her.

"Can't say I'm not relieved about that my love, but still you don't have to go to so much trouble.S Roland would be happy with just dinner at Granny's and ice cream."

Regina groaned before answering him, her eyebrow raised in his direction.

"We can do that any day Robin, hell we do it at least once a week! It's his birthday and it should be special. And it's not too much trouble, it will be worth it to see his face. I miss doing this now Henry is older."

Robin looked at her in awe, it never ceased to amaze him how much she didn't only welcome his son into her life, but treated him with just as much love as she did Henry.

"Besides," She continued. "This will be a great way for Roland get to know the other children in his class and make friends easier."

Robin couldn't deny the sense in that statement. Roland had started school this week, something that filled Robin both with pride and anxiety. He loved the fact that in this world his boy would get a high class education, that of which went deeper than he could manage himself and he couldn't deny that the idea that Roland would get to play with children his own age overjoyed him. There was only so much enjoyment a child could get from adults. He saw that when Roland was with Henry, the older boy tapped into Roland's imagination in a way that was just not in any adult's grasp. However he could not deny that after years of raising Roland by himself with only his nearest and dearest being trusted with his boy, he was having some difficulty letting go. Regina had been helping him with that, soothing his worries and understanding his pain at having to spend such large chunks of time away from his boy.

Regina carried on talking, pulling him from his deep thoughts.

"I also think that we need to consider as well the biggest reason this is a good idea."

Robin looked at her in interest. "And what might that be."

Regina sighed, before telling him plainly.

"Roland should have all his family there on his birthday. And it will be a lot less awkward for Marian if there were a considerable amount of people there to act as buffers. She's Roland's mother and she deserves the courtesy to spend this day with him but not feel uneasy about it. This way she will have Tuck and John there as well as Emma and Snow."

Robin pondered her reasoning, giving her knee a gentle squeeze in reassurance. It had been four months since the day of the Shattered Sight curse, four months since he had told Marian their relationship was over and that he was in love with Regina. They had been the happiest in his whole life, being with Regina openly with no need to hide and being a family with her and their two boys filled him with a bliss he never believed he would be able to achieve. Things between him and Marian were good, amicable for Roland's sake; mother and son's relationship was thriving and Robin was truly grateful for that, he wanted Roland to have his mother in his life. Things between himself and Marian had been awkward at first but Roland acted as the perfect buffer and he believed he and his former wife were slowly working towards a friendship. That wasn't to mean that all was plain sailing now though, he still caught the flash of pain in Marian's eyes whenever Roland mentioned Regina and spending time with her and that made Robin sad that she felt that way. Marian hid it very well from Roland, far too kind to make her son feel bad for mentioning a woman that had clearly become so important to him. But never the less it was obvious it still stung her. Robin was doing his best to reassure Marian that she would always be Roland's mother and the most important person in his life and she was slowly believing it as her relationship with Roland became stronger and stronger. The tension on the few times the two women had been in the same company though had been thick, not that he blamed either woman for that, but still because of this reason it was a situation they all avoided for now while the wounds were still fresh. Still Robin hoped that one day that wouldn't be the case and on times of celebration all of them could gather together tension free like Henry's family had learnt to.

"She doesn't hate you Regina." Robin told her gently, while rubbing soothing circles on her thigh over her jeans.

Regina scoffed at his words; her eyes were serious as she answered him.

"She doesn't much like me either Robin, which I understand. She has plenty of reason not to and I don't deserve her forgiveness and normally I wouldn't care what she thought of me, hell I'm used to not being this town's most popular resident, I just wish this wasn't so hard for you and I don't want Roland to pick up on it once he's older."

Robin shuffled closer to her on the sofa so he was close enough to cup her cheek in his palm, his thumb running over her cheek bone. Regina sighed and leaned further into his touch as Robin answered her gently.

"It will take time Regina, maybe a lot of time but it will get better. As for her forgiveness my love you deserve it but it's up to her to give it, and if she doesn't, then we will have to accept that but in the grand scheme of things it changes nothing for us. So stop worrying about things you can't control."

Regina took another deep sigh before giving him a tiny nod. He smiled at her encouragingly before leaning forward to give her a brief but sweet kiss on her lips.

Robin's mind drifted to the day after the curse when he and Regina had returned to his camp with Roland and Marian's heart safely in the box in Regina's hands. Marian had been delighted to see her son but visibly uneasy by Regina's presence, as had been some of his Merry Men. Robin had shot them warning glares and they had looked sheepish and gone about their business as he had made a mentel note to have serious words with his men later, they could disprove of him all they wanted but his protective instinct forbid them to treat Regina with anything but respect. John and Will had been the most understanding, clearly seeing the happiness radiating off himself and Roland and had treated Regina with care, chatting to her like she was an old friend. He had seen the surprise and relief in Regina at John and Will's friendliness towards her and he felt truly grateful that they trusted in him enough to look beyond Regina's fearful reputation and treat her with kindness.

He had asked Will to keep Roland entertained while he and Regina spoke to Marian as he tried (with Regina's help) to explain that she needed to have her heart returned. Marian had understandably responded with fear and anger, throwing some nasty accusations at Regina before Robin firmly told her to calm down and let them explain. His heart had tugged in his chest as he saw Regina's defeated look, he had on instinct tried to grab her hand to comfort her but she had shook her head and moved back a step out of his reach, silently telling him now wasn't the time in front of Marian. After they had managed to get Marian to understand that they had removed her heart in order to keep her alive she had sent a reluctant thank you Regina's way before fearfully allowing Regina to replace her heart. Heart back in place had indeed made Marian's sadness more intense and she had tearfully asked them to give her some time with Roland that night at camp. Robin had agreed, knowing that John and Will would be there if Marian needed some support and that Roland would be happy and content with the merry men for the night, while giving him some bonding time with his mother.

That night he had soothed away Regina's sadness brought on by Marian's harsh words by making love to her slowly and tenderly, whispering how much he adored and loved her until the hurt of the day became nothing but a far away memory for the night.

Now Robin saw the logic in Regina's words, it wasn't an option for Regina and Henry not to be present during Roland's birthday, that would crush his boy but he could see that Marian also deserved to feel at ease too and this seemed like the best solution for Roland to have all the people he cared about under one roof for his special day.

"You're right my love, and I love you for working so hard to make this day special for Roland, just try not to make Granny hate us after this event, we still have to eat there you know."

Regina let out a musical laugh at his words before answering him with amusement in his voice.

"No promises, but I'll try."


Two evenings later he and Regina were just finishing up dinner with Roland and Henry when his boys voice rand out across the table.

"Papa, Gina, I have decided what I want for my birthday."

Robin smiled at his son, Regina had told Roland that he could pick one gift to have for his birthday and Roland had been so excited by this that he had insisted he took some time to think about it.

"Finally my boy, I was beginning to think you would never decide." Robin told his son teasingly, smirking in Regina's direction. Regina smiled back at him before putting all her attention on Roland asking him enthusiastically.

"Well don't keep us guessing Roland, what do you want for your birthday?"

Roland looked sweetly at both adults before innocently giving them his answer.

"I want a baby sister."

Robin coughed heavily as he choked on the juice he was just taking a drink of. Once he had calmed his breathing the room had gone deadly silent. Regina was looking at the table refusing to meet anyone's eyes and Henry was staring open mouthed at Roland. Roland appeared unaware of the effects his words had had on the others in the room and starred innocently at both adults, waiting patiently for their answer. Robin took a deep breath before speaking at his son carefully, shooting a look to Regina who was still not meeting his eyes.

"Roland, that's a pretty big thing to ask for, what made you decide on that?"

Roland's voice was carefree, oblivious to the adult's unease as he answered.

"Jack at school has just got a baby sister and he told me he gets to be a big brother now and it sounds like fun."

Henry chuckled lightly before getting up from his seat, grabbing dishes as he went. His voice amused as he spoke.

"I think I'll leave you three to talk about this while I go and do the dishes."

Robin waited until Henry disappeared into the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind him before he turned back to his son.

"You know Roland, we can't just give you a baby sister for your birthday, they... take time to get."

Roland looked at him like he was silly before answering his father.

"I know daddy. Jack told me his mommy had to grow his sister for a long time in her tummy before she came out but I don't mind waiting for my birthday present while Gina grows her in her tummy." Robin swallowed hard as his eyes shot to Regina who appeared to be breathing heavily trying to calm herself. He frowned in worry at her but before he could ask her what was wrong she shot up from the table, her voice forcibly cheerful.

"It's getting late and I'm going to go run you a bath young man while you and your father talk about this."

She ruffled Roland's hair, forcing a giggle out of him before softly caressing Robin's cheek as she passed him, giving him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. He caught the hand on her cheek in his before lifting it to his lips to drop a soft kiss on her palm before letting it go. He watched her back in concern as she walked swiftly up the stairs noting the tenseness of her shoulders before turning back to his son.

"You know Roland." He told his son seriously. "A baby is not something you ask for a birthday. If that was to happen it would be because me and Regina had spoke about it and decided it was something we wanted as well as you and Henry."

Roland looked crestfallen for a brief moment and Robin braced himself to continue arguing with his son when Roland just shrugged, his voice cheerful as he asked his father.

"Can I have a toy train then?"


Once both boys were tucked up in bed Robin crossed the hall to Regina's bedroom. This was the first chance he would have to talk to her since Roland's question at dinner. Regina's reaction had worried him, he would understand if she had appeared shocked, even uncomfortable at Roland's request but she hadn't. She had just looked sad and Robin felt the desire to find out why. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about in the future having a child with Regina, the thought of a son or daughter half his and half hers filled him with a undeniable warmth and longing. However, none of that mattered if Regina did not feel the same and he needed to make her see that.

Robin opened the door and stepped inside, spotting her with her back to him, staring out the window. He closed the door and slowly made his way over to her, knowing she sensed his presence by the further tense in her shoulders, it pained him to see it. He stood closely behind her and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling her snugly to his chest and kissing the crown of her head. Regina sighed deeply and laid her head on his shoulder, her hands coming to rest upon his and nuzzling into his neck. They stood in combatable silence for a while before Robin broke it.

"Could have been worst, he could have asked for a puppy."

His tone was teasing, made to break the tension and Regina let out a small chuckle. Robin turned her to face him in his arms and looked into her troubled eyes.

"I know it isn't something we have never discussed Regina and we most likely wouldn't have for a while yet but I must confess I wasn't expecting you to get quite so upset by it."

Regina shook her head to deny his words but her voice came out small as she spoke.

"I'm not upset."

Robin cupped her chin in with his thumb and forefinger, guiding her eyes to lock with his, eyes that were shiny with unshed tears.

"Regina please don't hide things from me, please talk to me."

When she didn't answer he continued speaking.

"Look Regina I'm not saying that I don't love the idea of one day having a child with you. I think it would be wonderful! However, if you don't want to, it's not a necessity for me. All I need is you and the boys and I will be happier than I ever believed I could be for the rest of my life."

A tear slipped down her cheek and Robin swiped it away with his thumb, caressing her damp cheek. Regina's voice was small as she spoke.

"Really? You would be happy if we never had another child?"

Robin's eyes searched hers, allowing her to see the truth in his words.

"Like I said all I need it you."

Regina let out a sob before fighting to get a hold of her emotions before speaking in a shaky voice.

"It's not that I don't want to have a child with you Robin. I'd love that. You have no idea how much. I just don't think I'm able."

Robin looked confused, but he didn't speak, just let her continue.

"You know I hate to talk about my marriage, it wasn't exactly a happy time in my life and it's something I try to forget."

Robin kept his expression neutral giving her the freedom to continue though inside he was raging. Hate burned in his veins for the man he couldn't even confront because he was long gone. The man who had neglected his true love and made her feel trapped and worthless. He could not for the life of him understand why he had not treasured her like she deserved to be.

"Leopold wanted a male heir, but after a couple of years of trying it became apparent it wasn't going to happen, I had no choice but to accept that I am just not able to conceive a child."

Regina fought her gaze away from him to look to the ground; he denied her chance to look away, holding firmly to her chin. She looked ashamed by her confession and his heart bled for her, responding to the distress of its mate. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he pressed kisses to her hair and whispered soothing words into her ear.

"I can't give you what you want." She sobbed into his chest, her hands clutching his shirt tightly like she believed her confession would make him run from her. He lifted her head and pressed his lips to her forehead, whispering his words into her skin.

"You already give me everything I want."

She tried to protest but he didn't give her the chance, stopping her flow of words with a firm voice.

"No, Regina. Yes a child would have been wonderful but it isn't the be all and end all for me. You are."

Regina let out another pained sob and buried her head back into his chest, sobbing a desperate "I love you."

"l love you too." He returned in a heartbeat.

He held her until her heavy sobs had turned into small hiccups and lifted her chin to look at him again, running a finger under her eye to catch the last of her tears. He said his next words carefully not wanting to distress her.

"Regina, I may still not be fully familiar with this world but even I can see that your medicine has evolved extremely impressively. Have you ever been to the doctor to find out for sure?"

Regina frowned up at him before taking a deep sigh her voice scratchy as she spoke.

"No, I figured there was no point, I have never been with someone I wanted to have a child with before and once I had Henry I never felt the need. Why would I go to a doctor to tell me what I already know?"

Robin nodded in understanding before speaking gently to her again.

"I understand that my love and it's completely your choice. I will never pressure you to do anything you don't want to do. Like I said you're all I need, however it seems like something you want. If you're able, I think it's unfair to deny yourself that without finding out if you can do anything about it."

Regina still looked unsure, so he trailed his hands down her arms before linking their fingers together, speaking to her encouragingly.

"Your choice sweetheart, but it will be one visit and then we will know if we have the option and if not then we will deal."

Regina still looked unsure before she let out a deep sigh, her voice firm as she told him.

"I'll make an appointment."


Two weeks later Robin sat next to a very anxious Regina inside the small doctor's room after being shown in by a nurse. Robin rubbed circles on the slightly shaking hand in an effort to sooth her, an effort he believed at this moment was having little or no effect.

Two weeks prior Regina had undergone numerous procedures in order to allow the healers of this land to determine if it would ever be possible for her to conceive a child. Robin had wanted to be with her during the whole ordeal but Regina had made it clear the tests were something she wished to do alone and Robin had reluctantly respected her wishes. Regina had not just agreed but desired him to be with her for the verdict from the doctor though which he was grateful for, if it was bad news she received today he could not allow her to be alone to hear that.

Regina had made it very clear from the beginning that she would not allow Dr. Whale to have anything to do with any of her parts and Robin had quickly agreed. He didn't trust the leach of a doctor after one or more occasions catching his wondering eyes drifting towards Regina. On every occasion he had shot a murderous glare in his direction making the man scurry away quickly. Regina had requested Dr. Gwen Harris to deal with her care and Robin had been happy with her decision once she had explained why.

Gwen had been Regina's personal nurse back in the Enchanted Forest ever since Regina had become Queen and one of the few people that had shown Regina respect and kindness throughout her whole reign. Regina trusted her as much as Regina was able to trust anyone back then and so grateful was Regina for Gwen's care towards her that when she had cast the first curse she had not only kept Gwen in the role of healer in this new land but made her a doctor.

The sudden sound of the door opening in the quiet room made Regina jump and Robin squeezed her hand in comfort. In walked the doctor in question, a woman in her mid sixties Robin guessed with short greying hair, holding a thick stack of papers. She gave the couple a friendly smile and Robin decided straight away he liked the woman.

"Regina." She said kindly "It's good to see you, this must be the handsome man of yours you were telling me so much about on your last appointment."

Robin held out his hand to the doctor and introduced himself and the doctor shook it warmly before turning her attention back to Regina who was looking increasingly nervous. Robin sat back down and picked up one of Regina's hands that were on her lap, lacing their fingers together and he felt her gratefully squeeze his fingers before turning towards the doctor as she spoke in a kind voice.

"First of all, Regina I would like to ask you why you believed you would not be able to conceive a child naturally?"

Regina let out a deep sigh of announce and her clipped tone regarded the doctor.

"Didn't we cover all the gory details at my last appointment?"

Robin gave Regina a warning look, telling her with his eyes to calm down. He knew she didn't mean to sound rude; it was a automatic defence mechanism Regina used when she felt sad, anxious or scared. He needn't have worried that Regina had offended the doctor who just rolled her eyes and chuckled, clearly very accustomed to Regina's fiery temper and sharp tongue.

"Humour me." The doctor told her with a smirk.

Regina let out a deep sigh before answering, her voice only holding a small amount of the annoyance it had before.

"Me and Leopold tried for years to have a child and it never happened, simple as that."

The doctor flipped briefly through the stack of papers in her hands before placing them on the desk in front of her and focusing her full attention on Regina before speaking again.

"Regina I have extensively gone over the results of your blood tests, internal examination, hormone levels and other samples you gave us and I can see no reason at all medically why you wouldn't be able to conceive a child just fine."

Robin's heart thudded in his chest, he had understood very little of what the doctor had said but her last part and he felt a swell of hope raise in his chest. He looked over to Regina whose hand had gone slack in his grasp. He looked as a flash of hope crossed her eyes before she squashed it down and all was left was shock and confusion as she breathed heavily. Her voice was shaky as she spoke.

"But... But how can that be possible? Two years of trying and I never got pregnant not even once, how can everything be fine?"

The doctor looked seriously at Regina before speaking in a soothing voice that Robin was very grateful for at that moment.

"Regina, it takes two people to make a baby, Leopold was 58 years old when you two were married, what on earth made you believe that it could only have been you that was the problem?"

Regina shook her head, her voice small as she answered.

"He had Snow, he had already had a child."

The doctor snorted in amusement.

"Yes he had Snow... twelve years prior; he was certainly no spring chicken when the two of you would have been trying for a child. Also have you not wondered why he and Eva only had one child when he was so desperate for a male heir?"

Regina raised her eyes to the doctor, appearing to struggle with her answer as the doctors words dawned on her. Robin wanted to comfort her more than he was currently, but he was mindful they were not alone so he settled for squeezing her knee briefly before lacing their fingers back together and rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand.

"He always said it was me." She whispered sadly. "He said it had to be."

Robin squeezed Regina's hand tighter and pushed down his anger at the dead king knowing it was useless on this occasion. Still his insides raged as he thought of the man that had all but forced a grief stricken, heartbroken girl almost forty years his junior, a mere six years older than his own daughter to marry him and then expect her to begin popping out his children and blaming her when it wasn't to be.

Gwen laced her fingers together and leaned forward on her desk, her voice soft but firm as she spoke to Regina.

"Regina, I worked for that man since Snow was a tiny baby and despite the false persona of the kind and gentle king he laid on thick for his kingdom I knew the truth very quickly. The man was an arrogant, entitled pig, too full of himself to ever consider he was the problem and not you. Hell, he did the exact same to Eva when she didn't get pregnant, blamed her. The more I think about it the more I'm certain that even Snow was a fluke, a simple stroke of luck for them both."

He watched as Regina absorbed the words and turned to look at him. Some of the shock had left her eyes and happiness had begun to creep into them. He gave her a happy smile and lifted her hand so he could brush his lips over the back of it. Regina turned back to the doctor and let out a small happy laugh before speaking.

"I just can't believe it."

Gwen smiled at the couple before answering cheerfully.

"Well believe it. Now I see you are taking the contraceptive pill in order to regulate your cycle?" Regina nodded at the words he didn't understand and the doctor continued.

"When you decide the two of you want to begin trying then just stop taking it and I see no reason why the pair of you would have any issues getting pregnant. It isn't strictly professional for me to say this but by goodness I believe the two of you will make some extremely good looking children together."

The two beamed at the doctor as she beamed back before giving her their thanks and goodbyes and leaving for surgery.

Once outside Regina threw herself into his arms without warning, causing Robin to stumble back slightly as he laughed at her enthusiasm. He hugged her tightly before drawing back to gaze at her lovingly, threading a hand through her hair and smiling at her sparkling eyes. Her voice oozed happiness as she spoke.

"We can have a baby."

He leant forwards to place a lingering kiss on her forehead before leaning his own against hers and brushing his nose against hers. His voice was just as happy has he spoke.

"We can my love and in the future nothing will make me happier than to make a perfect little prince or princess with you."

Regina sighed happily before a mischievous smirk crossed her face.

"What do you say we go home and practice?"

He growled low in his throat at her words and held firmly to her hips, bringing her closer to him.

"I'd say it's something we are already amazing at but practice does make perfect. Let's go."

Regina giggled at his answer and looked at him seriously for a moment before telling him softly.

"I love you."

He answered her without hesitation.

"I love you too."


Robin, Will and Little John stood motionless in the corner, identical looks of horror on their faces.

"Robin." John spoke to him, his voice holding a hint of fear. "We have faced some fearsome things in our time, Black Knights, King's Guard not to mention the Wicked Witch. But never in my life have I ever seen something so terrifying."

Will visibly shuddered at the sight in front of him, nodding in agreement at his friend's words.

"I'm with you mate. This makes Wonderland look like a stroll in the park."

Robin chuckled at his friends but he had to agree with them, even being tortured by The Dark One wasn't as scary at what was going on in Granny's Diner right now.

The first thing you noticed was the volume, the noise hit you like a wall as the thirty plus children and thirty or so adults gathered for Roland's sixth birthday party. Children screamed and laughed as the adults chattered loudly trying to be heard over the sound of the children. Granny's was a colourful bustle of activity and it was extremely over whelming for Robin who was used to the quiet of a open forest but he could not deny how his heart felt warm at the sight of his son's beaming face and the sound of his gleeful laughter.

Robin's smile had got wider and wider with every gift that was given to him by his guests and every decoration and balloon that adorned the chairs, ceiling and walls of granny's. His son and his friend's were currently looking on in awe as a man dressed as a clown made animals out of balloons and handed them out to the gleeful children.

"Have to hand it to your lady Robin." Will told him "As frightful as this is the little ones seem to be having a ball."

At the mention of his love, Robin's eyes automatically searched the room for her, finding her in the opposite corner talking to Snow and Tink as she candled a sleeping Neil in her arms. Robin smiled at the sight, his heart swelling with love as he imagined her one day cradling their own child.

Robin was brought out of his daydream by Marian's approach and he smiled at her warmly. She smiled back her voice light as she spoke.

"This is quite the event, Roland is delighted. It was very kind of Regina to plan this for him."

Robin's smile widened at Marian's acknowledgement, his voice warm as she he answered while Will and John excused themselves, leaving the two to talk.

"She cares about him; she wanted him to have a special birthday."

Marian was halted in her reply to him by Snow coming to join them.

"Sorry to interrupt." The Princess said in a friendly tone. "I just wanted to make Marian an offer."

Marian looked curiously at Snow remaining silent to let her continue.

"Now that I'm mayor I don't really have the time to work at the school anymore. They have just made my old teaching assistant Ms. Logan up to teacher so she's looking for an assistant and I was thinking you would be perfect for the position."

Robin looked on as Marian stared at the princess in shock, confusion laced her voice as she spoke.

"I don't understand, you want me to work in a school? But I have no experience, no education."

Snow smiled kindly placing her hand on Marian's arm.

"You're a mother, that's the most important experience there is. Besides you will be working with the younger children, not much teaching required just lots of play and soothing tear's and tantrums. It's not great pay but it should be enough to keep you occupied and you will be in Roland's class so you would get to see him lots during the day."

Marian looked at Robin in question and he gave her a small encouraging smile.

"I think you would be wonderful Marian." He told her sincerely.

Marian looked thoughtful for a few more moments before her face broke into a happy smile.

"I think I would love that."

Snow gave her a warm smile before giving her arm a squeeze."

"Alright then, drop into the school Monday, they will be expecting you." Snow told her with a smile before leaving them alone.

Robin's eyes fell on Regina again across the room and her eyes met his. He gave her a questioning look and she smiled back at him innocently which made him beam at her. He knew by the look on her face no matter how she tried to hide it and it appeared she wasn't fooling Marian either.

"I assume I owe Regina thanks for my new job."

Robin's eyes went back to Marian and he chuckled before answering.

"It's likely, but I wouldn't acknowledge it to her, she will never admit to it."

Marian nodded and gave him a small smile, looking thoughtful before she told him softly but sincerely.

"She's a good person Robin, I see that now, and I'm glad you have her."

Robin reached up to squeeze Marian on the shoulder in thanks, his eyes looking into hers with affection before telling her.

"She is and thank you Marian, you have no idea what it means to me to hear you say that."

Marian gave him an affectionate pat on the back before leaving him with a smile. He meant every word he had just said, although he didn't require Marian's blessing to be with Regina he was happy to have it none the less.

Robin looked across the room to see Belle and The Dark One engaged in a conversation with Henry. It always amazes him that the most fearsome man in all the land could be softened so much by his wife and grandson. From where he stood, the imp almost looked like any happy man, though Robin knew that was far from the case.

Belle's hold on Rumplestiltskin had never been so apparent than when Robin had gone to speak with him a few days ago. Against his better judgement Robin found himself (at Belle's recommendation) to seek his advice. The imp appeared to be the only one in town with the knowledge of not only this land's law but the ones from The Enchanted Forest, and Robin needed to know how he began the process of making his marriage to Marian truly final. Rumple has not been forthcoming to begin with and Robin had found himself frustrated as he prepared to leave without answers, refusing to make the deal, any deal Rumple was clearly about to offer him for answers.

That's when Belle intervened and he felt a swell of love for his friend as she told her husband under no certain terms that he was to give Robin the answers he required, with nothing in return. Rumple had argued weakly for a brief time before he had given a deep sigh and given Robin reluctantly the answers he required.

Turns out as The Dark One had told him somewhat patronisingly, his marriage as real as it had been in The Enchanted Forest had no legal grounds in this world. No signed paperwork meant he was free from his marriage in this land anyway, or as Rumple had so delightfully put it.

"Exchanging some "I do's" in a forest in front of a fat, drunken friar doesn't hold up in court here dearie."

Despite Rumple's harsh words Robin had felt a surge of happiness as he thought he was now completely free to be with Regina with no more marital ties to Marian.

Robin glanced over at Regina who was now standing with Emma, both appearing to have an amicable conversation. His heart soared at the sight of her and the knowledge that once the time was right he would be able to ask her to marry him and he could not wait to make her his wife.

Granny's gruff voice brought him out of his daydream as she yelled for everyone to gather round so Roland could blow out his candles on his cake. The old woman was carrying a very impressive castle cake which had Roland wide eyed from his perch on his mothers hip. Robin moved to stand by his son and his mother, running a hand through his excited son's curls. His other hand blindly reached out to his other side and he felt Regina's familiar one grasp onto his. He looked towards her as she stood, her other arm around a happy Henry and he mouthed the words "I love you" to her which she mouthed back without hesitation.

As someone shouted to Roland to make a wish Robin's heart felt so full he felt it may explode. He watched Roland blow out the candles on his cake, he heard the cheers from the Merry Men and Henry ring out as Regina's hand squeezed his. Robin wasn't sure he believed in the finality of Happy Ever After but if this is what that was, he would happily take it.

The End.

Ok I know the ending is vague and I'm not sure you guys will be happy with it but let me explain. I struggled to think of an ending, us as OutlawQueen shippers all know our ultimate goal, marriage and a little baby princess and I thought about writing one or the other but there are lots of wonderful OQ fanfic's out there which have this in it and I just wanted something a little different. I did however still want a happy ending so that's when I came up with this, not the complete Happy Ending but the promise they could have one as soon as they both want it and in my head that's where they will end up.

If you guys want to hear more from me (Roland eyes) put me on author alert cos I'm taking a couple of weeks breaks then I'll be starting my next multi chapter fic set after midseason final of s04. I have the plot bunnies just need to write it.

Thanks again my lovelies, see you again soon.

Xxxxx Jo xxxxx