hmm... uh huh... right need to get back to work on these.

Zaine stood in disbelief of what the museum curator said. He saw what the computers said but didn't understand what that meant.

"What do you mean by Soul Sync?" He asked obviously held in the dark about something. He had heard the stories told about a human and a gardevoir protecting villages back when pokemon were seen as a threat to civilization. He had also heard stories from his mother about the many adventures she herself had had on her own journey. "What is a Soul Sync anyways?" was his second question to ask as he shook his head slightly.

"At ease, Zaine, at ease. Sit and I shall tell as much as I know." The curator said in response.

A bit pensive Zaine sat down and upon feeling Laura's head touch his hand he felt more at ease at looked at the curator. "I've heard the stories that there was a human and a Gardevoir who had helped protect numerous villages several hundred years ago." Zaine said his previous outburst forgotten to him.

The curator smiled before replying. "I know the story as well but I know that there is more to the story than what is written in books. For example did you know that that very same human and Gardevoir had been with each other for many years prior to their legend began? Even more so did you know that the human had adopted an orphaned girl and cared for her? Let me tell you some of what I have come to learn thanks to the fossils that I revive." The curator then sat down and looked at Zaine and his two pokemon.

*Curator's tale*

"As though they were gods. The two were hailed by the people, nobility and commoner alike, as hero's for their deeds. They led warriors into battles where their powers were seen first hand. It was then that it was called The two fought as one and synchronized their own attacks for the betterment of the warriors with them. The human thusly called a Soul Sync from then on for his ability to take on the appearance of what would appeared to be that of a Gallade but not quite proper to the form. As to his companion the Gardevoir her appearance changed to one more elegant, angelic even. To this day that form has yet to be named. However the two soon departed from their heroic life and soon married and bore a number of offspring who would bear offspring of their own."

*End of Curator's tale*

As the Curator's tale came to an end he took a deep breath of air and smiled as he saw the look on Zaine's face. "To this day the descendant's of those two are unknown though to see one of them here before me is an honor in and of itself. Makes me curious as to which of your parents is one as well." The curator sat back thinking as he looked at Zaine for a moment.

Zaine leaned forward in his chair before speaking. "So... Your saying that I am a descendant from those two?" He inquired of the curator.

"In a sense, yes. Though I must ask haven't you always felt different?" The Gerrard asked in return to Zaine's question.

Zaine thought for a moment before looking at the computer screen once more then back at the curator. "I guess." was his reply.

"Tell me Zaine, though I don't mean to pry, when you met your Absol what were your initial feelings?" Gerrard inquired.

"When I met her I may as well have been on death's doorstep what with having had a bad run in with a Houndoom who seems to have it out for me ever since it was a houndour." Zaine said, "I guess I was thankful for her."

"I see. Now how do you feel when ever she is near you or with you?"

Zaine looked at Laura for a moment and smiled, "At ease, relaxed even. I feel... as though I could beat the elite four of every region with her alone."

"So you feel calm, collect, stronger, and confident when she is near." Gerrard nodded to this information, "You told me that your mother had gone on a journey before correct?" Zaine nodded, "Might I ask what her favored Pokemon was?"

"A black Charizard, why?" Zaine was curious.

"Is this Charizard still alive?" Gerrard was curious much like a professor was when something new came about in research.

"No he died before I was seven years old." Zaine replied unsure as to why he felt comfortable answering these questions.

"I see. And does she seem to mourn the loss of him?"

"Well... She had him entombed in a special chamber beneath our home. I've seen her go into the basement for several hours at a time before coming back upstairs with dried tears staining her face." Zaine said fully wondering why he felt compelled to answer these questions.

Interesting. Gerrard thought as he stood to his feet and placed a sheet of paper on the metal table that Zaine was sitting at. "I want you to place your hands on that paper and focus on it. Nothing else but that paper and I want you to see it in your mind catching on fire or even lifting up into the air."

Zaine looked at Gerrard as if he were crazy but shook his head and placed his hands on either side of the sheet of paper and stared at it and pictured it in his mind lifting into the air. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. "Nothing's happening." Zaine said feeling like he was being made a fool.

"Keep trying. It took Sabrina some time to master the psychic arts, and I suspect that she too is a soul sync." Gerrard replied.

"Sabrina? The gym leader of Saffron city in Kanto?" Zaine asked.

"The very one." Gerrard said with a smile.

"And you suspect that she is a soul sync? Which pokemon do you suspect?" Zaine asked as if he didn't already know that it was her Alakazam.

"Her Alakazam of course." Gerrard replied grinning, "Now care to try again with the page?"

"I guess." Zaine said almost dismissively as he placed his hands on the page once more. Once he did though it seemed to flash black for an instance but then nothing else. Laura rubbed up against his leg and he felt a wave of calm wash over him as he kept staring at the page. A few more minutes passed and still nothing seemed to happen but he felt inspired by the thought that Sabrina might be a Soul Sync, if he were to buy into this whole thing for truth. Hearing it from being in his dreams or in his mind was one thing but hearing it from someone else it sounded like madness.

It seemed like hours had gone by and still nothing happened. Zaine sat back in his chair feeling more like a fool than ever before.

"Hmm it would seem that you've yet to awaken to that level just yet." Gerrard said as he brought his left hand up to his left ear. "It would seem that a friend of yours is looking for you"

"Yeah... sure" Zaine said with a mix of disappointment and embarrassment. He, along with Laura and Yuna, headed back up to the main floor of the museum where they met Alex and Luna who looked as though they had important information. "What's wrong Alex?" Zaine asked upon seeing him.

Alex took note of Gerrard and looked at Zaine for a moment before saying anything, "So you two've met already." Alex said leaving Zaine with a confused look on his face. "Gerrard is the gym leader of Veilfore city, Zaine." Zaine looked at Gerrard who smiled and laughed.

"Ah it's true. I'm the gym leader of this place and this museum is actually my gym. So welcome to Veilfore city Zaine, and you too Alex." Gerrard said with a smile, "To let you know I use Fossil Pokemon, as would be fitting. Now which of you two is it that was wanting to challenge me?"

Gerrard looked at the both of them before Zaine said anything. "Eh I guess I could give it a shot I might be under prepared for it but whatever."

"Alright Zaine if you and your Pokemon will follow me we will battle in my arena." Gerrard said.

Zaine and Alex followed Gerrard to a large set of double doors which opened shortly after revealing the arena beyond. Once the doors were fully opened the PA system came on and announced that a gym battle was soon to take place and that if the visitors to the museum wished to see the power of Fossil Pokemon that this was the best time to see it. "We better get to our places before the crowd comes through." Gerrard said with a smile as he began walking out into the arena. Zaine shook his head and headed out into the arena himself followed by his two pokemon as well as Alex.

Once in the arena Zaine looked around and was some what stunned by the appearance of the whole place. It looked to have a decent balance of all field types. Grass, rock, sand, water, the arena was even open to the elements of the sky. The stands looked to be filling up quite fast before someone walked into the announcer stand and spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Veilfore City Museum Arena. Today's match is with the Fossil Lord himself Gerrard, and his opponent who is from Maurora town, Zaine who brings with him an Absol, a Fennekin, and a mysterious party member. No really that's what the note says. Anyways this will be a three man match. Whomever loses all three of their pokemon loses the match. Now if our combatants are set let's begin this match with style."

Zaine shook his head and stepped forward to his spot just as Laura stepped onto the field. Gerrard nodded from where he was standing and threw a pokeball to the field. "Go Skullbasher!" He shouted out as a Cranidos appeared.

Zaine stood ready. "Alright Laura you ready for this?" He asked looking to his Absol who returned his gaze and nodded before stepping onto the field. Zaine smiled but was a bit worried that he might not win this battle.

"Alright Skullbasher use headbutt." Gerrard shouted out as his cranidos obeyed the command.

Skullbasher ran across the field towards Laura with it's head lowered in it's charge.

"Laura, evade and use Pursuit." Zaine commanded.

Laura jumped out of the way of the charging cranidos and hit it with Pursuit knocking it back a bit. Gerrard seemed to be a bit amused at the outcome, "Skullbasher use Hammer Arm." Gerrard said as his Cranidos blindsided Laura and hit her hard with it's arm sending her sliding across the ground. A strip of her fur turned red as she pushed through the pain and became angry. She looked to the cranidos and said something that Zaine understood as being "is that all you got?" He knew that she shouldn't have said that but she did anyways and it was too late.

Without even being given a command Laura rushed at the cranidos and bit into it's neck and shoulder rather hard before tossing it to the side like a rag doll. This surprised Gerrard for a moment but he smirked slightly before giving his next command. "Alright Skullbasher use Rock Smash."

Zaine looked at Laura and saw her face twist slightly from the anger and pain that she was feeling. "Laura evade." He shouted out. Laura evaded the attack quickly enough just as her tail began to shine slightly. She slammed her tail into the Cranidos hard sending it into the ground as she landed perfectly behind it. It was at this time that Zaine looked at her moveset once more in his Pokedex and was surprised at what he saw.

"[Laura, Absol, current Move Set. Iron Tail, Bite, Pursuit, and *ERROR* Unknown move detected.]" Zaine read the line of text and was a little unsettled by the whole thing as he watched the cranidos stand to it's feet and shake itself slightly.

"Not bad Zaine." Gerrard shouted out, "But let's see how your Absol fares against this. Skullbasher use Superpower."

Zaine watched as the cranidos glowed before slamming into Laura, who went flying backwards and sliding along the ground a ways. It was at this point that Zaine was worried for Laura when suddenly the strange stone that was given to him glowed brightly along with the amulet that was around his neck. The marble like stone shattered as he watched Laura struggle to her feet as her fur changed from white to red. Her appearance changed as well and she seemed to be bigger with what could have passed for wings. Zaine took an involuntary step back as he saw the transformation of his Absol.

Laura, without being given any command once again, rushed the cranidos. She bit into his shoulder once more before tossing it into the air. From there she leaped up and hit it with another iron tail sending it flying. Inadvertently the, now unconscious pokemon, was sent flying towards Zaine and hit him hard in the chest. Zaine was sent sprawling from the challenger stand that he was on and hit the ground hard as the Cranidos hit the wall behind him. Zaine coughed and gasped for breath as his vision went blank. Zaine passed out and the match was canceled because of it.

Laura landed and growled viciously as she seemed to be waiting for the next opponent. As she stood there she glanced back to where Zaine was supposed to be and saw that he wasn't there. She looked further and saw that he was laying on the ground behind the challenger stand, he wasn't moving. Upon seeing this the red drained from Laura's fur and she swiftly ran to be beside Zaine.

Looking down from where Zaine had been standing Yuna shivered in fear as she looked at her trainer as Laura stood over him. The Fennekin looked closer and saw the glimmer of a tear in Laura's eye as she looked down at Zaine's form. It was then that she howled and began growling for who had done such a thing to him. It was at this instance that Yuna leaped down and, still shaking with fear, walked towards Laura.

"Don't you remember?" Yuna said to Laura

"Remember what?" Laura asked vehemently glaring at Yuna.

"When you attacked that Cranidos earlier you sent it flying. It wound up hitting Zaine." Yuna said as she sat at Zaine's feet still afraid

Laura's anger faded quickly as fear and worry laced her face and figure. "You mean... I... did this?" She asked shaking as her breathing began to quicken.

"Yes." Yuna said as she finally quit shaking so much.

It was at that moment that Laura collapsed to the ground laying close to Zaine, tears flowed down her face matting her fur. Gerrard had ran over and saw the condition that Zaine was in. "We should get him out of here fast." He said just as a couple Chancy walked in and lifted him onto a stretcher. They then began walking carrying Zaine away so as to have his injuries tended to. Gerrard looked to Laura and crouched beside her. He gently placed a hand on her head before he said anything. "Don't worry." He said

Laura raised her head up and looked Gerrard in the eyes, "How can I not worry?" She said in clear english, "I was the one that hurt him." Laura's words began to be broken up by her tears and the sobs that wracked her body. She stood and took off running, but not to where Zaine had been taken. At this moment she hated herself and wanted to get away before anything bad happened to him. As she ran she went into the forest outside of the town where she found an abandoned den that she crawled into.

It was then that she broke down completely as her cries filled the air like those of specters. She was angry at herself, she was afraid, and she was worried that she could have possibly killed him. As she laid there she eventually calmed down and thought over everything that had happened between her and him. She began crying once more when what felt like the wings of a dragon draped over her. She opened her eyes but saw no one around but she still felt the wing of a dragon over her. She laid her head down and gazed vacantly at the wall of dirt.

"Do not worry little one. He is well and is being taken care of." A male voice, that sounded strangely soothing, said.

Laura looked around and blinked as she felt empty at the moment.

"Rest for now." the voice said before fading away.

um... WHOOOPS! I have a feeling that some of you will not like me for hurting Zaine... oh well part of the story...

Wondering what will happen for Zaine, Laura, and Yuna? well so am I... till next time... oh and yes I know I'll be trying to update at least once a month... writers block is a kick in the ... anyways.