IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have rewritten most of the chapters because I wasnt happy with my work. For those of you who did already read it, you don't need to reread it since nothing different happens its just written differently! I really appreciate all of you who have followed this story! Hope you enjoy!

It was a Tuesday. A normal, run-of-the-mill Tuesday morning. Felicity Smoak sat in her new office at Queen Consolidated looking out over the recovering city, while her hands flew across her keyboard and her eyes darted back and forth between the monitors that covered her desk.

She was currently trying to find the whereabouts of a particularly sleazy thug who team arrow had just become aware of, while simultaneously reviewing, brainstorming and preparing to discuss numbers for the co generation project that Ray Palmer had ambushed her with that frightful morning a few weeks ago, and ever so nicely, if not a bit guiltily, asking for another cup of coffee from Jerry, who seemed hesitant to bring his boss her fourth caffeinated drink this morning.

So, yeah, Tuesday morning. Standard stuff.

She jotted down a few points for the co generation numbers, as her searches ran and Jerry returned with a steaming cup of what she considered the elixir of life.

"Mr. Palmer was wondering if you would be ready to discuss the numbers on the Co Generation Project soon." Jerry said.

"Oh. Yeah. I mean yes. Could you please tell him I will be there in like… 10 minutes..." said she distractedly, her hands still a fury over the keyboard. "15 minutes. Maximum."

The young EA nodded and started walking out as she took a sip of coffee and breathed a sigh of contentment.

"Thank you Jerry!" she said hurriedly, almost forgetting, as he had just reached the door. He gave her a friendly and slightly humoured smile and went to relay her message to Palmer.

She felt a glint of pride as a map popped up on her screen and a little red dot indicating the thugs' hideout came up. She quickly pulled out her phone and pressed speed dial 2. It was perfectly acceptable. She worked with him. He was her friend. She needed a way to get in touch with him quickly. It wasn't weird.


"Hi. He's hiding out at 49 Granth Street. Looks like it's pretty secluded… " Felicity continued on, giving him any information he might need to catch said sleazebag later that night. She didn't even notice her office door open and Captain Lance walk in with a young brunette.

"Miss Smoak?" Lance called gently, now standing only a few feet from her desk.

"I think if you went in…" she stopped mid sentence as she looked up and inhaled sharply. She then released a shaky breathe at the sight in front of her. "…oh god."

She absentmindedly ended the call and got up to move around the desk slowly, jaw still stack from shock of the mid-teen that stood in front of her. The girl was shifting her glance constantly from Felicity to the floor to her fidgeting hands and back again. Her hair had gotten longer but it was still dark and curly and tangled all around her faced and down her back. That hadn't changed. She was small but she had grown up so much. Felicity was amazed at how much they looked like. She had known they looked similar but never expected the kind of resemblance that stood in front of her. Her face was so similar to Felicity's, apart from the hair and the chocolaty brown eyes that were currently staring back at her.

"Didn't forget about me already did you, sis?" the teen said, with a touch of mischief and a slight laugh, but Felicity knew her too well to let the nervous undertone go amiss.

"I…No, of course not" Felicity stuttered. Felicity walked the final steps and pulled her sister into a hug. Felicit was shocked at how peace settled over her in that moment, especially since the very thought of the young girls presence here caused her stomach to knot. She wrapped one arm around the smaller girl and the other hand was at the back of her head gently stroking over her hair. Felicity felt the rapid beating coming from her sisters' chest and it broke her own drumming heart, knowing that their reunion had this many nerves involved.

" I see you met Captain Lance" Felicity said stepping back and watching the nerves dissipate a little in her young sister. Felicity gave Lance a genuine smile as the younger smoak sister looked out at the skyscrapers that surrounded her and made her way around Felicity towards her desk.

"Yup, we're buds" the younger Smoak replied as she plopped down into Felicitys' office chair and twisted back and forth playfully, while giving Lance a tilt of the head and a smirk. Lance just huffed and rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

"I don't usually do this kind of call anymore but when I heard there was another Smoak in town I had to meet her." He said, giving her a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

This kind of call.

Oh, Right. Felicity had been so stunned by her sisters appearance, that it had just dawned on her that her sister had had a police. That was not a good sign.

Before she was able to question that though, a familiar deep voice shouted her name and had her jumping a foot in the air, and her sister snapping out of the chair, the easygoing façade replaced instantly with a well practiced blank face as she prepared for fight or flight. Oliver blew into the room with Diggle at his heels both looking poised and ready to fight. Their wild eyes and stern faces flickered back and forth between Felicity and her sister until Oliver focused on the older Smoak and his well rehearsed expressionless face failed to conceal the confusion from her. Diggle held the younger sister with a testing stare. The small brunette levelled him with the same stare and Diggle recognized the spark in her eyes from another Smoak he knew. Needless to say, she passed his test.

"Oliver? Diggle?" Felicity said, stunned.

"Queen?" Lance questioned, surprised by Oliver's presence here.

"Oliver Queen?" stated the stunned teenager.

"Quentin" Oliver said, turning his attention to the older man and nodded his head in greeting.

"Captain" Diggle greeted.

"Felicity?" Ray asked entering the room and taking in the bizarre situation.

"Ray!" Felicity said realizing he must have been waiting for her to talk numbers on the co generation project.

"Palmer" Lance said in greeting to the man, with a handshake.

"Ray Palmer?" said the now even more stunned teen.

"oh. Oliver" Ray said seeing and greeting Oliver friendly.

"Ray" Oliver replied.

"Mr. Diggle" Ray said turning his attention to John.

"Mr. Palmer" Diggle acknowledged with a nod.

"EMALINE" The little Smoak announced using her loud voice, finally stopping that painfully strange set of introductions and drawing everyone's attention to her with a slightly stunned look.

"Hii" said Emaline with the patented Smoak tilt of the head and a wide grin. She wandered over from her place by the window to stand next to her sister.

"oh. Right. Guys, this is my sister, Emaline." Felicity managed, motioning to her sister. "Emaline, this is…"

"Oliver Queen, Ray Palmer, Mr. Diggle. And, yeah, I already know the cop" She said cutting her sister off, clearly paying attention during that extremely strange slew of greetings that had happened previous. "Jeez, Fel, I've only been here for like half and second and I've already met your boss, boyfriend and your bodyguard." She gave a little laugh.

"Oh god. He's not… That's not what… I mean Ray is my boss. And Oliver was my boss, but now he's not. Obviously, because I have a new boss. But Diggle is Oliver's, um, bodyguard. And Oliver is a, uh, friend." Felicity stuttered. The three men gave each other sideways glances and shifted uncomfortably.

"Ok. Now that everyone knows who everyone is and isn't," Captain Lance said pointedly, obviously not comfortable talking about his daughters ex-boyfriends love life. "I need to speak to Ms. Smoak. Both of them. Privately."

As the three men started silently filing out of the room, Oliver caught Felicity's eye and the two shared a silent conversation.

Are you okay?

I'll be fine.

Although not fully convinced, Oliver made his way out of the room but just before leaving he turned to Emaline.

"It was nice to meet you" He said with a genuine smile, humoured by the young girls resemblance to his blonde partner and with one last comforting look to Felicity, he left.

Hope you enjoyed this! PLease let me know what you thought with a comment!