Author Note:

Hello people of fanfiction! My name is BlackWolfAngel18, and this is my first post on this site! Don't worry, I'm not a writing noob, so my spelling and grammar should be correct. But if you spot a mistake please tell me so I can fix it. This is Story #1, Revenge of the Titan Lord, action!

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, because if I did I wouldn't be living in sunny England!


Chapter One: We Need YOU!

Poseidon's POV:

I watch my 21 year-old son, a woeful pride shinning in my sea-green eyes. He is knelt down by his mother's grave, replacing the wilted flowers and polishing the stone. I shake my head, when will he learn? I'm both pleased and annoyed that he's inherited my strong will.

Time and time again I have offered him a place at my side, to control the oceans. Using the power no other son of mine ever showed. But still he refuses. He says he promised the mother that he'd look after their son, my Grandson. He won't tell me who 'she' is, but he will talk about her to no end. The loving gaze never leaving his eyes. He says it was just for one night. That he couldn't even think about loving another, not after the daughter of Athena was murdered so brutally. But his eyes say different.

He became a marine biologist, genetics I guess, to stay and look after my Grandson. He is the perfect father, that I commend him for, but maybe too perfect. Will he put the fate of the world over looking after his son? I don't know, but I have to try. The world needs him now, more than ever before. Perseus Jackson WILL step up to the challenge, I'm sure of it.


I'm sitting here in his kitchen. He's in his son's room, putting him to bed. I wait anxiously to give him the news. I hear the muffled I love yous, the light goes out, and the slow and steady creak of a closing door. My son stands in front of me. An almost perfect copy in my own flesh and blood. His chest rises and falls rhythmically with the drumming of his fingers. I swallow my pride, preparing for a beating.

"Hello… Percy?" I falter, how can I do this? It's been too long. I only stop by every 4 months to see if he's changed his mind. I notice him stiffen up.

"Poseidon," he said curtly. "How nice of you to pay me a visit. But, as I said before and will say again, the answer is no." I sighed, I knew this wouldn't be easy.

"I know, but that's not why I'm here." Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He said sarcastically, "What else would you come here for at… 6:00pm? The address of a pretty girl maybe? If so, then I'm sorry to tell you that you've probably visited all the girls on this street, either you or your bothers." Narrowing my eyes I turned fully to face him.

"I am your father!" I yelled. He snorted, "Who are you, Darth Vader?" I ignored him. "You do not speak to me like that, ever!" He tensioned, green eyes flaring.

"What will you do to me if I do?" He asked, his deep voice dangerously low. "What can you do? You took my Annabeth with your ignorance and now you're keeping my son and I away from his mother with your stupid paranoia! WHAT CAN YOU DO?! TAKE MY LIFE?! GO AHEAD, I'VE GOT NOTHING LEFT TO LIVE FOR ANYMORE!" He screamed. I could hear a two year-old crying in the background. He sighed and turned back to the door again. "I've got to get that." He said.

I was still in shock, "Wait! Percy!" I jabbered, "Help, please! The Olympians need you, I need you, and even Zeus said he needs you!"

Percy stopped, "Zeus said he needs me?" He said disbelievingly. "How many pints did you give him before he admitted that?" I smiled; progress.

"10 or 11, I'm not sure. 'Lost count after 7." Percy chuckled.

"Typical Zeus, that man would put his pride before his life in a heartbeat, can't say I'm surprised though…" He drifted off into thought.

I laughed, if there was anything I loved more than arguing with Athena, it would be making fun of my darling little brother, Zeus. Who couldn't resist that? But it was time to get to the point.

"Look Percy." I said, "The reason I came here is because, without you, Olympus will fall." Percy groaned exasperatedly.

"I've only just saved you!" He exclaimed, "Can't you Gods keep yourselves out of trouble for more than a decade?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, with Zeus making enemies left, right and centre, it's kind of hard not to run into someone who's managed to make up a reason for their claim on your blood." I said, sighing. Percy opened his mouth to respond with a witty retort, but turned back to look at his son playing absently with the corner of the duvet. He was a handsome boy; jet-black hair and an attitude like his father's. He was built differently to Percy though, he was skinny and agile, more for a bow than a sword. But his eyes unsettled me. Sea-green, like his father and me before him, but rimmed with an eerie silver iris. They were mockingly familiar, as if the name off his mother was on the tip of my tongue but got jammed when I tried to name her. I shook it off, I came here for a reason, and that wasn't to play Guess Who. "Listen Percy, Zeus took it too far this time. He tried to kill Hades' son, who apparently disrespected him. How he managed to do that while sleeping, I don't know. But he managed to gain my respect." Percy narrowed his eyes.

"He tried to kill my cousin? And he wonders why I don't want to help him." He muttered. I carried on. "Hades', of course, didn't find this amusing. He was so angry my father has managed to possess him during his moment of weakness." I braced myself for Percy's reaction, he did NOT disappoint.

"WHAT!" He shouted, eyes flaring. "I JUST got rid of him! Titan Lord or not, I will not let him do this!" Suddenly the kitchen sink exploded, drenching everything in sewage water. I sighed and released some of my godly energy to clean the tiled flooring.

"So, do you agree to help?" I asked, trying to contain my relief at his imminent co-operation.

"Ye…" Percy started, before he was interrupted by a tug on his arm.

"Daddy?" His son whispered timidly. Percy bent down to be eye level with him. "Yes, Ivan?"

"I can't sleep," Ivan continued, "I'm scared." Percy enveloped his son in his arms.

"Don't be, let's get you back in bed." He replied. Lifting his son as he wrapped his small arms around his father's neck. He slowly lowered Ivan onto the mattress.

"Don't go Daddy," Ivan whispered again, "I can't lose you too." Percy looked confused. "Who did you lose, Ivan?" he questioned.


Percy's eyes widened and he started to tear up. "Listen here, young man," He said. "Don't you ever say that again. Mammy left because she had to, and she will come back for exactly the same reason. I won't let you grow up without seeing her at least one more time. I'll drag her sorry butt here myself if I have to." Ivan laughed childishly.

"Good! Then I can kick her butt for leaving after you've dragged it here!" Percy grinned.

"That's my boy!" He laughed, rising to his feet. All signs of tears disappearing from his body. "Now, go to sleep."

"Sleep?" Ivan giggled, "But I'm too excited now!" Percy pulled the blanket to his neck.

"You'll manage it," he said, kissing Ivan's forehead, "Don't you worry."

I watch him walk pass me as I stood in the doorway. "So," I prompted, "You'll help?"

Percy tensioned, so much for progress. "No." He said dully, "My son is more important to me than a group of self-centred, power-obsessed immortals."

I sighed, "What happened to you, son?"

"I woke up."

This was going to be harder than I thought.


Wow! First chapter and 1400 words! Well, it seems a lot in numbers, anyway. See you guys next chapter! BlackWolfAngel18 signing out!