Due to the many reviews of people wanting another Kanan and Ezra moment; I am adding an additional chapter that is going to lead up to episode "Path of the Jedi", but with a little twist.

Please Enjoy!

Chapter four: Forgiveness

The next day Ezra was sitting in the lounge eating the breakfast Hera had made for him. The meal consisted of porridge with a meiloorun glaze on top. It was the best thing had ever ate in a long time, since his parents were gone, and it reminded him of his mother's cooking.

Putting a spoon full in his mouth, Ezra relished the flavor. He felt better about himself after the talk with Sabine, but there was still an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew that his friends would do anything to help him and would even sacrifice their lives for him, but deep down inside him there was doubt. Doubt that they could rid him completely of the ever-growing darkness, and doubt that he'd be able to let go of the past in order to become a Jedi.

Ezra sighed.

How was he supposed to open himself to the force, if he was weighed down by all of the years of suffering he had to endure as a small child? How could he just ignore the nagging feeling that his parents might be alive? And how could he forgive everyone who had done him wrong? How... how would he be able to forgive himself?

Ezra ran a hand through his hair. So much for feeling better.

Twirling his spoon in his bowl, the meiloorun glaze mixed into the porridge. The thick substance got softer, and the tanish color turned pink.

His stomach growled loudly, but he suddenly didn't have the appetite to take another bite. His thoughts and memories had left him un-hungry.

The door whooshed open, and Chopper sped through with Zeb hot on his tail.

"Get back here you little rust bucket", yelled Zeb! He reached for the droid and missed, resulting him to crash into the chair opposite from Ezra. "Why you little- Argh!" Zeb growled from Chopper's electric shock.

The droid laughed giving him another shock.

This time Zeb's face landed into Ezra's porridge, causing some of it to splatter and fall on the boy.

"Hey!" Ezra let out a frustrated breath. "Can't you guys take this somewhere else?"

Zed groaned wiping away the food on him. "Tell that to the pile of nuts and bolts over there", he pointed to Chopper accusingly.

The droid chuckled poking his tazer at the Lasat.

Ezra glared daggers at the two, porridge dripping from his hair. He was getting ready to say something when Kanan walked in.

"Ezra I need to...", he trailed off as he saw the mess. "What happened in here?"

"It was Chopper's fault!" - Zeb

"You don't want to know." - Ezra

They both said at the same time.

Kanan put his hands on his hips and pinched the bridge between his nose. "Okay, then", he said slowly. "Anyway, I need to speak with you, Ezra. There are some things that we have to discus."

Ezra nodded, as he brushed off some of the food that had gotten on his jacket. He made his way over to his master.

"And make sure you two clean up this mess", replied Kanan before they left.

Ezra listened as the door closed behind them, and briefly made eye contact with Kanan before lowering his gaze. He could already tell that this was going to be one long discussion.

"So", Ezra said crossing his arms. "I suppose you wanted to talk about last night."

"Yeah", Kanan rubbed the back of his neck. "How are you holding up?"

"Pretty good, I guess", Ezra shrugged. "I'm still a bit shaken up, but it's no big deal."

"Yes, it is", Kanan put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I shouldn't have been so reluctant to tell you what was going on. You deserved to know, and I only made it worse. You were right about not being a little kid anymore, but..." He paused letting out a sigh. "Your powers, Ezra, is getting more and more powerful everyday. Like I said before, I hadn't prepared you for this and I am truly sorry." Another pause. "You wasn't ready... I wasn't ready for something like this to happen", he corrected.

Kanan looked into the padawan's blue eyes. The fifteen year old's bright orbs were filled with understanding, and Kanan thought he saw a glimmer of forgiveness.

"The darkness, though", he began and he saw the boy's eyes cloud over with a bit of sorrow. "Is something that we might and might not be able to fix."

"But I still don't see how I tapped into the dark side", said Ezra. "I thought I was doing something good."

"And you were", agreed Kanan. "But you fear-'

"And anger messed with the force, I know", Ezra interrupted. "But it still doesn't explain why. At least not in the way that I can fully understand."

"It takes time, training, and discipline to comprehend the Jedi ways", replied Kanan. "I'm not saying that everything is going to be easy, but it will take us a while to get you back on track. We have to just stick to the plan."

"And everything always goes as planned", Ezra said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Exactly", Kanan smirked as he reached over and ruffled the boy's hair.

Ezra smirked as well, letting out a laugh.

Kanan chuckled and released the dark blue locks of hair. "We will start training harder", he said turning back serious. "It will help you control your powers, and also help you manage your emotions better. And-" He went into his pocket and pulled out the brown, cubed shape Jedi object. "This ancient Jedi artifact will aid you in seeing the light. Once you open it properly, you will be able to see the beauty of the force."

He handed it to Ezra, who eagerly accepted the priceless object. "When do we begin", he asked?

"Tomorrow", Kanan answered with a smile. "Bright and early in the morning. Don't be late."

"You worry too much", Ezra replied a smug look crossing his features. "Besides, have a little faith in me."

"I do have faith in you", said Kanan. "Together we are going to see the light, and no matter how long it takes you to see it, you have to remember that you are not alone."

"I know Kanan",said Ezra. "And I forgive you. We both weren't ready to face the Inquisitor yesterday, but now we know what we're up against. I have confidence that you are going to guide me through this every step of the way. I wouldn't want another master unless it's you. You're the best master that any Padawan could hope for. I- I trust you Kanan."

"Thank you", said Kanan. "I won't let you down."

"You never had", said Ezra as he gave Kanan back the artifact.

With a final pat on the boy's shoulder, Kanan began to walk to his room and he looked back to give Ezra a reassuring smile before he left.

Ezra beamed at the thought of training with his master tomorrow. He was finally going to get out of the pit of darkness, and the probability of him becoming a sith was fading away slowly. Maybe, just maybe there was hope for him yet.

And that is the final ending to the story.

Please Review a.s.a.p.!
