My Angel

Chapter 1

Note: My brother personally asked me to upload this for him. He told me to tell his readers that he's extremely sorry for not updating any of his stories or whatever. Personally, I don't really know why he's making me do this even though he can't get to this anyway. Aside from that, he is really busy right now and he talks about you guys all the time so please try to be patient with him.

The music was blaring loud. The lights were shining. Everyone in the arena immersed in the show. Sweat was covering the floors and the sound of endless cheering filled the event. It was feelings like this that made her want to be an idol. It's the reason why she's still an idol. That feeling of projecting herself to the audience and them enjoying every bit of it made life feel like heaven. Nothing could get any better.

The show finally came to an end and her group members all took their bows. Again, this moment of gratification she could never forget. The sounds of people cheering for her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the muffled sounds. She didn't care; all she knew was that it was a success.

Her new idol group consisted of 4 other girls. They all were very talented and very close to each other. Nico wouldn't have wanted it any other way. However, there were moments during practice and performance where she would see the members of Muse surrounding her with smiles on their faces. She constantly wondered how everyone was doing. They parted on such good terms, but there was something about that group that made it unlike anything else.

The 5 of them went back stage and undressed after a successful show. While they were changing, the 4 other girls couldn't stop talking about the show and how nervous they were. Nico, on the other hand, was silent. She knew it was a good show, but didn't feel like talking like she normally does. When the 4 girls finished changing, they looked over at Nico who was still not done.

"Hey Nico, you wanna go grab something to eat. We're all starving."

"No, you guys can go ahead. I think I'm just gonna head back to my apartment."

"Are you sure? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I've just been feeling a little worn out lately so I'm gonna try to get to sleep."

"Okay. Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be."

"Got it, see ya."

"Bye." They waved goodbye and went their separate ways.

Nico slowly walked home, her mind racing. For some reason, she was thinking about Muse way more than she usually does. After every show, she occasionally has memories of them, but this time, it's completely different. Everywhere she looked, she saw their faces looking back at her. It wasn't like they were haunting her, it was just abnormal for it to be so vivid and common. She tried to take slow deep breaths and slow down her pace. Thankfully it worked as she finally made it to her apartment. She opened the door to a dark room. She turned on the lights and dropped her things on the floor.

"I'm home." It was completely silent. She walked through her place and undressed and quickly stepped into the shower. She steam from the hot water quickly filled the bathroom as she stood underneath the shower head, motionless.

"Nico-Nico-ni!" She remembered the 8 of them perfecting her Nico act which put a smile on her face. The day they won their first Love Live. Graduation. Her first kiss with Maki. She raised her head slowly and touched her lips. That's right. Her first and last kiss was with her; her one and only love.

She still hadn't forgot about Maki. Her beautiful red hair. Her soft lips and sweet smell. Her fist love. She wrapped her arms around her body and she started to sway.

"Maki-chan, Maki-chan, hold me tighter." She started to hum as the water was continuing to run down the drain. She quickly pulled herself together and ended her shower. She got out and wrapped a towel around her body. She walked into her bedroom and looked through her old belongings. She rummaged through boxes and boxes of old things until she finally found what she was looking for. She pulled it out and wiped the dust off of its cover.


It was the scrape book that they put together when the group was finally formed. Right as she opened the book, it was a picture of the entire group holding the Love Live trophy. A tear fell onto the photo. Nico let it be. She simply wiped away the tears on her face and continued to look through the scrape book.

The moments were all over the place. Duos and trios taking pictures of themselves. The group in various apparels that they made. But the greatest moment was Nozomi standing by herself with her, Honoka, and Rin on the floor. She totally remembered that day, but was completely shocked that someone captured that moment. She never really was good at studying. She smiled and turned the page to an interesting memory.

It was her and Maki kissing. At first, she was asking why it was even in there, but then immediately remember that she and Maki customized theirs together so that they would remember everything. After that photo, everything else was about them two. She totally forgot that they took this many photos during their time with Muse. Pages and pages of them went by until it hit the back cover. It was covered in Maki's handwriting.

To My Love,

Thank you for sharing these moments with me. I couldn't have wanted it any other way. When I met you, you immediately stole my heart and I was willing. You are so cute and exactly the kind of person that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. We laughed, we cried, we did everything together and I hope that when you read this again someday, you'll still have those memories in your mind. I know I do, and it makes my days that much better, knowing that you still hold a place in my mind and heart. I love you Nico, and I hope we can meet each other again, but with better timing.

Your One and Only,


Another tear fell onto the scrap book as the closed the book. She tried to control her emotions, but it was no good. Maki got the best of her and now, she couldn't stop thinking about her. Where was she? What was she doing? Does she still have feelings for her? She quickly grabbed her phone and looked through the contacts until she finally found Maki's number. She dialed it waited anxiously.

Beep… Beep… Beep.

"Hi, this Maki."

"Maki-chan, I…"

"I can't get to the phone right now. If you leave me a message, I'll definitely be sure to get back to you. Sorry about that. I do hope to hear from you." Beep. Nico pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it before hanging up. She sighed and jumped onto her bed. She dug her face into her pillow and screamed as loud as she could. She turned back over and stared at the ceiling.

"Why Maki-chan? Why did you have to steal my heart as well?" she pressed her hand against her chest. The beating of her heart was increasing drastically until her chest felt too tight to breathe. "Ugh!" She chucked her phone across the room and turned off the lights. Before she fell asleep, she looked out the window and to the stars, wondering how Maki was doing.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Maki made her way out of the hospital and walked home. She pulled out her phone to check to see if she missed anything. Right from the start, she received a bunch of calls from one of her coworkers at another hospital. She disregarded those and quickly made her way down the list. It was all people from her family and coworkers from other hospitals. She was nearly about to delete the call history until a name popped up at her.

"Nico-chan?" Out of nowhere, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and ran home as fast as she could. During her run, she didn't check her phone at all. She just paid attention to getting home as quickly as possible.

When she finally got home she opened the door, dropped her things on the ground, and went to her voice messages.

"You have no new messages." She exited that and went called Nico back.

Beep… Beep… Beep."

"Hey, this is Nico."

"Nico-chan, I…"

"I'm probably really busy right now so I can't get to the phone. If you leave a message, I'll try my best to get back to you." Beep.

"H-Hi Nico, I was just calling you back. I'm sorry I couldn't get to the phone. I was working and I never have my phone on me. Um, anyway, I was just wondering how you're doing and uh, yeah. Things have happened… Yeah. Please call me back. I wanna talk to you. I… I wanna hear you voice…" She ended the message as a tear rolled down her face. She quickly wiped it off and walked to her room where she pulled out the scrape book of Muse.

She always looked at this book. It gave always put a smile on her face, seeing everyone together with smiles on their faces. She skimmed through the book until she hit the back cover.

My Maki,

There's no one else for me. You're the one. Right as you came through that club door, I knew you were special. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. You hold a special place in my heart and mind. You stole my first kiss. You stole my first love. That's something I will never regret. I crazy about you and I just wish that there was more I could do for you. I promise: When I become a world-class idol, I'll come for you and take you back. I swear. I love you.

Your Love,


"Where are you then?" She looked down at the floor as something shiny came into view. She veered her eyes away from the reflection and changed into her pajamas. After she was done, she walked to the screen door and stared up into the night sky. She put her hand against her heart and sighed. "I'm still waiting."