A/N-So this idea has been in my head. I thought about waiting and writing this story when I finish my other story, but that would be awhile since I have so many ideas. This is an AU story. Give me your thoughts. As usual sorry for any errors that I miss and remember these characters do not belong to me.


Fitz & Olivia had been friends since high school. When Fitz's mother decided to finally divorce his dad she wanted a fresh start so she moved to D.C. when a friend of hers offered her a job at the law firm she owned.

Olivia Pope was your everyday girl. She was beautiful inside and out. She was petite at 5'2" and weighed at most 110 pounds soaking wet. She was captain of their swim team and was a part of the debate club.

Fitzgerald Grant III was not the stereotypical California rich boy. His family was rich from several different ventures. Fitz loved his sports car but other than that he always liked to give back. He became the star quarterback at their high school. He joined the debate club to see if it interested him which it did. That is where he met Olivia.

Fitz & Olivia immediately clicked. Both of them were rich but they never looked down on others. They spent a lot of their free time giving back and volunteering in the community. They both wanted to become lawyers but were unsure what they wanted to do with their degrees.

Their moms had become close because of them. Olivia's dad had died when she was 12 from pancreatic cancer. He had left them a lot of money. He was a cardiologist and had his own practice for many years. During their junior year in high school they decided to apply to the same colleges. They got in to the same schools and decided to attend Harvard upon graduation.

In college they met some new friends. Abby Whealan would be Olivia's roommate. She was loud and funny. The opposite of Olivia but they became close. Harrison Wright was the smooth talker who always thought he could talk his way out of anything. Cyrus Beene was a nerd and outcast to many, but Fitz found his old soul to be a breath of fresh air. Huck Rodriguez was the computer geek. Anything you needed he found.

Fitz had developed feelings for Olivia over time. In their freshman year in college he talked to Olivia about exploring a relationship. Olivia wanted to admit that she felt the same way, but she need Fitz in her life. She was afraid that if their relationship did not work out she would lose their friendship. Olivia lied to him and told him that she did not feel the same way about him. Fitz was crushed but he never showed it. Their friends could tell, but no one ever addressed it.

Fitz began to date. Eventually in his junior year he began to date Melody Francis who was a senator's daughter from California. No one liked Mellie. It was clear that she just wanted Fitz for his money but more than that his name and what that brought.

Olivia began to date Jake Ballard. Jake's dad was a senator from Virgina. No one cared for Jake either, but they could not decide who their friends would date. As the relationships grew Olivia & Fitz grew apart. Mellie & Jake wanted them to themselves.

By their senior year both had gotten accepted into law school. Fitz was over Mellie. He tried but he could not deal with her nagging. Mellie was selfish and thought that because she was rich that made her better than others. She did not like his friends and that became the last straw and he broke up with Mellie.

Right before graduation Olivia surprised everyone by announcing that she would be attending law school at Stanford where Jake was going to graduate school. It was a blow that Fitz could not stomach. Fitz left the room.

Olivia followed him out, "Fitz what is your problem?"

Fitz turned around, "No problem."

"That's a lie."

"Olivia, it does not matter what I think anymore. It seems that Jake is the only thing that matters so leave it alone."

"Fitz, I thought you were happy for me."

"Olivia, if this is what you want I am happy. It is clear to me that our friendship no longer matters to you. Jake is the only one that matters. We don't hang out anymore. No more weekly lunches or dinners. You know when Mellie gave me a ultimatium to choose you or her. I chose you because women come and go but our friendship is supposed to be forever. I guess the same doesn't go for you."

Fitz turned and left. Olivia was heartbroken. It was too late to change schools. She had messed up her friendship with Fitz, and the sad part is that she knew Jake was not worth it.

Jake was controlling and he demanded so much of Olivia. Jake had overheard a conversation about them remaining together to attend law school. He knew that deep down Olivia had feelings for Fitz. He was worried that if they stayed around each other she would eventually decided to explore those feelings.

Once Fitz broke up with Mellie he knew he had to get her away. He put his plan in motion and ultimately used her love for him against her to get her to go to Stanford.

After that night they no longer saw Fitz. He went to class and that was it. He had moved and not told anyone where he was. Huck could find him, but he knew that Fitz did not want to be found so he told them that he was unable to find Fitz.

Graduation came and afterwards they moved to the next stage of their life. They would later find out that Fitz did not attend Harvard anymore. Abby was the one who had to tell Olivia.

Olivia called Abby one night, "How is he?"

Abby asked, "Who?"

"Come on Abby I talk to you guys all the time. How is Fitz? I figured now I am gone he is back to hanging out with you guys?"

"No Olivia he is not?"


"Because he left Harvard Olivia. I don't know where he is attending law school or if he is attending law school but it is not here."

"Oh God, I ruined him."

"I don't want to make you feel bad but I will say that you caused him a lot of pain. I just hope that it is worth it. Face it we only talk when Jake is not around. You are the last person I ever thought would cast aside their friends for a man. I love you and I always will but you have changed Olivia."

Olivia was stunned at what Abby just said. She knew that Abby was right but she would not admit it. She hung up on Abby and that was the last time she spoke to Abby for years.

None of them knew that Jake was beating her. It started out a slap, but now if she did not do exactly what he said it was a full on beating. Olivia wanted out but she was stuck. She had alienated her mom and her friends. This was her new life.

Present day

Years later they found out that Fitz did attend law school at Yale. Huck had found him and reached out to him. They all had dreamed of opening up a law & crisis management firm. Five years ago they finally decided to make that dream a reality.

Abby & Harrison handled the law firm. Fitz was the crisis manager. Huck was their tech guy. He had dated Quinn for a while now and about a year ago when business picked up they brought her own. Olivia was always supposed to be the other crisis manager, but they had not heard from her. They knew that Jake was working for his father's company and they had recently opened up a branch in London and were opening other offices in the United States. They would see glimpse of her from time to time, but she was mainly unseen.

When they purchased their building Fitz insisted their be enough space for Olivia to join them. The cost would be split in four ways. Olivia paid 50% of the cost. Fitz was hurt by Olivia's actions, but his gut told him that at some point she would be back. He needed to make sure that she had a place to land if she wanted it.

They all tried to get Fitz to date and find someone. All of them were in relationships. Abby was with another lawyer named David Rosen. Harrison had been with a young woman name Adnan for about two years. Fitz went out but no one caught his eye. They never brought up Olivia. She was still their friend. No one was going to tear her down.

Fitz went to see her mom often. They always joked they had two moms and no dads. Maya tried to call Olivia several times, but Jake said that Olivia wanted nothing to do with her. She called later and the number was disconnected.

It was New Year's Eve and the office was closed. Everyone had plans to go out. They wanted to find Fitz a date and get him to come with them, but he wanted to stay in. Maya had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer so him and his mom were taking care of her. He knew Olivia would do it for him if the shoe was on the other foot.

He thought about what Maya said to him earlier.

"Fitz, something is wrong. I feel it. A mother knows. Olivia would never just shut us out like this. I think Jake has done something to her. I know that I have no right to ask you, but can you guys just see if you can find her. I won't contact her I just need to know that she is alive."

Fitz agreed and told Maya that when he went back to work on Monday he would get Huck and Quinn to look into it.

Once Maya ate and took her meds he left.

It was about eight in the evening when his phone rang. He almost did not answer the call because he did not recognize the number. Something told him to pick up.

Fitz picked up the phone, "Grant"

No one said anything at first. Fitz told the person on the other end they had three seconds before he hung up.

Fitz heard the person on the other end, but he knew that he was hearing things.


"Olivia is that you?"


"Olivia, what's wrong?"

Olivia was crying. "He beat me really bad this time. I think that he broke my ribs. I can't see out of one eye. I told him I was tired. I couldn't take it anymore. I am not a whore."

"Olivia how long has this been going on?"

"Since college. It was a slap here and there. He & his friends are doing lot of shady business. He threatened to kill you and my mom if I ever left him. I'm so sorry Fitz. I wanted to apologize before I die."

"No Olivia you are not going to die."

"I am. He is going to beat me to death. I deserve it. I should have never lied to you. I should have been with you. I deserve everything I get."

"No Olivia, how did you find me?"

"One of Jake's friend called you about helping him with a problem. He & Jake got drunk and I went through his phone and found your number."

"Where are you?"

"In Maryland. We are supposed to leave tomorrow for London. We are married Fitz. He forced me to marry him. I had to do it to keep you and mom safe. He has kept everything low-key so no one will reach out to me."

"I am on my way. Text me the address. Stay where you are."

Fitz was thinking about what case and determined that his friend must have been Edison Davis. He owned a marketing company that was accused of stealing information from rival companies.

Edison had told him several lies and that was his only rule was to never lie to him so he ended up dropping Edison.

He was headed to Maryland when he got a text with the address. He put it in the GPS and showed him was a little over an hour out.

Fitz called Huck. When Huck answered, "Listen I don't have time to explain but I need you to find everything you can on Jake and send it to me."

Huck could hear the panic in his voice, "What's going on Fitz?"

"Jake has been abusing Olivia for years from what I can gather. To keep her from leaving him Jake threatened to kill me and Maya. I am going to get her now. He beat her pretty bad to the point she thinks she is going to die. I need the fucking information so I can bury him."

Huck told Fitz to calm down. The last thing he needed was to get in an accident before he could get to Olivia.

Quinn heard them talking so she had pulled up her computer to start trying to help Huck.

Huck told Fitz, "Get there and let us know when you are there. Quinn & I are working on getting the information that you need."

Fitz pulled up to the house. There were no lights on in the house. He could not see any cars around.

As he got out the car he received an email from Huck. He opened it up and smiled. Now he needed to find Olivia.

Fitz turned the knob of the front door and it was unlocked. He listed and noticed that it was quiet. He went down the hall and found blood drops. He followed the blood and it led to a closet.

Fitz slowed opened the door. Olivia lay in the closet bloodied and bruised. Her right eye was swollen shut. You could tell that it was hard for her to breathe. She needed medical help now.

Fitz emotions were getting the best of him.

Fitz leaned over, "Olivia"

Olivia heard the voice but thought it was Jake, "I'm sorry Jake I'm sorry please don't hit me."

Fitz heart broke listening to her. "Olivia it's me Fitz."

Olivia tried to sit up. She could finally see that it was Fitz, "You really came for me. After everything I done."

Fitz touched her hand, "There is nothing you could do that would make we walk away from you. We need to get you to the hospital."

Fit heard the door close. He heard Jake call out for Olivia.

He heard Jake say, "Bitch where is my dinner? You better be ready this time. I told you to clean your mess up. You are worthless."

Jake walked in the room and when he turned on the light Fitz was sitting on the bed.

Jake jumped and then composed himself, "What are you doing here Grant?"

"Funny you should ask Ballard because for the life of me I can not understand how you take such a jewel and tear it apart. How you call yourself a man but you put your hands on a woman. You beat her and caused a miscarriage. Countless broken bones. You kept her a prisoner by using her family and friends against her. The mistake you made is that we still love Olivia."

Jake laughed, "Funny she doesn't love you. I know it really kills you to know what she chose me over you."

Fitz laughed, "Maybe but what hurts is that you did not treasure her when she chose you so now its over."

"How do you figure Grant?"

"Oh because that Ponzi scheme that you and Edison have going that is bilking millions of dollars could land you in prison. I bet daddy would not be happy to know that you took his business that he spent his life building and turned it into a criminal enterprise. He is expecting you to run for Senator one day. What would the public think about your life and on top of that you are holding your wife prisoner? You have threatened her family. She wanted out but instead of allowing her to leave you tried to beat her to death."

Jake was stunned. "You can't prove it."

Fitz laughed, "Try me. I have my associate on speed dial ready to leak the information and I've already taken pictures of Olivia and sent those as well."

"This is what is going to happen. I am taking Olivia for medical treatment. You will give her a divorce. Whatever she asked for you will give her. You will not contest the divorce and it will be final as quick as possible. In the settlement you are going to pay for her medical care and any follow-up care to see a therapist. If I get so much as a peep that you are giving her a hard time or that a hair on her head or her mother's head or anyone that she knows has been touched I will send this information so fast you'll miss it if you blink. Understood?"

Jake nodded. Fitz picked up Olivia. He grabbed her purse and got her to John Hopkins as quickly as he could.

The doctor informed him that she was being taken up for surgery. She had three broken ribs, her spleen was going to have to be removed, her lungs were bruised, and her eye socket was fractured.

Once he received the update he called Huck to fill him in. He called his mom and told her what was going on. Jenny Grant was close with Olivia so she was really upset. His mom happened to be a divorce lawyer so he called her because he wanted her to handle Olivia's case as well. He also needed to get Maya here. Jenny knew that Maya was sleeping because of her medicines. Jenny informed Fitz that he would bring her in the morning.

Fitz knew that the road to recovery for Olivia would not be easy, but he was determined that he was going to be there for her. He knew that he would have to take some time away from work. Although he was the one who handle the crisis part of the firm Harrison could step in.

He sent an email to the team. He let them know about Olivia and that he was taking some time off to help Olivia. Maya still had her treatments and he could not handle both and work.

Dr. Suber was the lead on Olivia's case. She sat him down to explain that the reconstructive surgeon was able to repair her eye socket. Her spleen had been removed. It would take about six weeks for her ribs to heal as well as the bruising on her lungs. She was going to be in a lot of pain when she woke up, but they would make sure that she remained as comfortable as possible. They expected her to be in the hospital two or three weeks.

Fitz knew that Olivia was in no shape to be in a relationship, but when she was ready he would stop at nothing to make sure that she never had to experience this type of pain again.