S_N: Chapters in rapid succession for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Me 13 don't own.

(Thoughts that can be heard by other) #################################################################

After the tickle fight Bulma and Vegeta headed inside and Bulma made him some food which would have taken forever, but she had capsulated meals for him. Vegeta started to leave stating he was going to train.

"What am I supposed to do? That earring was my only project going on!" Bulma said making him stop. He turned around seeing his tail at her waist and her smirking. He scowled.

"Don't ask me go swimming or something. I have training to do." Vegeta spat at her silently berating his tail.

"Oh that's fun. I need someone to swim with to have fun.....' (Namely you, you baka!) She added in her thoughts.

"Did you just call me a baka?" Vegeta barked in HIS tone but slightly fearful.

"No..." (Except in my mind) She said and Vegeta heard her clear as day.

"Ah Hah see you just said except in your mind....."Vegeta trailed off eyes wide and mouth open.

(Onna can you hear this?)

"Of course you Baka I'm not deaf. Why?" Bulma asked confused.

"Because we are hearing each others thoughts." He said sighing.

'What's so wrong with that?' His mind asked him, 'I mean being bonded with the woman you love is a GOOD thing.'

'Who said I loved her,' He retorted to his sensible mind, 'I, I find her extremely annoying and whiney.'

'W/e you say but ya know I am you.'

'OK I do love her but she doesn't love me so how the hell did this happen??!' He meataly yelled his sensibility sighed.

'How can you be soooooo dense?'

"OH Kami your right! Why is that?" She asked him perplexed.

"I don't know." Vegeta answered lying through his teeth. His mind snickered uncontrollably. Then a thought hit him: What if she asked Kakorot about it? Surely from the way him and his mate act they're bonded.

"Well anyway. Do you think I could watch you train? 'cause to tell you the truth a romance novel by the pool doesn't sound fun. Pweeeesss?" Bulma asked sweetly. Vegeta glared but she gave him the puppy dog eyes. His eye began to twitch. He sighed that woman had too much power over him.

"Fine I was going to train outside anyways. But don't you think that you could start YOUR training?" Vegeta said. Bulma pondered this stared at him and ran into the house. Up the stairs in her room, Vegeta could hear her rummaging through her clothes for something or another. Two minutes later Bulma came out in a blue spandex leotard. Vegeta raised an eyebrow. Bulma looked at what she was wearing.

"Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?" She asked innocent like. (@_@) Vegeta fortunately had a mind barrier up 'cause if he didn't Bulma would of heard his mind screaming 'NO nothings wrong if you wanna be my mate right now!' While observing her up and down he did not notice his tail snake around her waist until he felt a slight um pleasure from the tip. Vegeta looked at Bulma seeing her mess with his tail. He groaned she smirked.

"Are you going to say sorry for tickling me?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Alright." Bulma said and low and behold......


She tickled his tail till he fell from laughing too much.

"Very good Onna now let's get serious. And," He added, "No touching the tail without permission." She nodded but with a mysterious glint in her eyes Veggie didn't catch.


S_N: YeH~