Chapter 2: I Can Feel it



Three Years Later

"I'm so glad that my man can cook," Kagome sings as she closes the door to the refrigerator. She herself was not a bad cook, but Inuyasha, her husband, was way better at cooking than she was.

"I can hear it in your voice," Sango says with a chuckle as she takes a seat next to her husband.

Kagome giggles as she picks up her plate of chocolate covered strawberries before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Well I'll talk to you guys in the new year. Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" Sango and Miroku shout in response. "See you guys in 2018!"

Kagome smiles before ending the call. She lays her phone on the coffee table before taking a seat on the beige coffee. She kicks her feet up on the coffee table as she leans back and starts eating her strawberries. She looks up as her husband walks into the room. He's dressed in grey sweats and a red t-shirt; his silver hair is up in a ponytail. Kagome on the other hand in dressed in a long, grey, t-shirt with a cat on the front.

"The twins sleep?"

"Yup," he says as he takes a seat next to her. "It took three bedtime stories and two wrestling matches before they went out like a light."

Kagome giggles as she puts another strawberry in her mouth.

Kagome and Inuyasha got married four months after her 'Christmas surprise' three years ago. They were very shocked to discovered that Kagome was pregnant with identical twin boys a few days prior. Their twin boys have silver haired and doggy ears. The features that they gained from their mother were her eyes, smile, and dimples. Overall, the couple were overjoyed over these small, noisy human beings.

Their oldest son's name is Katsu Nobu Takahashi and their second son's name is Katsuo Youta Takahashi. They were definitely their father's sons. They are very energetic and sometimes loud, however, they were strictly mama's boy. Whenever Kagome needed their help or ask them to do something they would agree; even though half the time their two-and-a-half-year-old minds could not comprehend what she was saying. However, Kagome believed that they were very smart children. When they were ten months old, they started to pick themselves up, stand up on their own, and even tried to walk. Kagome wouldn't trade their kids for the world. They were her babies, her little angels.

"They really wanted to stay and see the ball drop," Kagome says. "I'll record it for them."

"Hmmm," Inuyasha hums as he grabs a strawberry.

"Dinner was really good tonight. You really out did yourself," Kagome compliments.

"I knew you'll like the steamed salmon."

"Gosh! Say that slower," Kagome playful moans as she scoots to lean against him. Inuyasha chuckles as he grabs another strawberry.

"Sometimes I think you agreed to marry me because I can cook."

"Hmmm. That's half of the reason," Kagome states as Inuyasha records the current news' channel before flipping through the channels.

"What's the other reason?"

"Because I love you so much," Kagome purrs as she lays her head against his shoulder. Inuyasha smirks and turns to face her.

"I love you too."

He gives her a peck before looking back towards the tv.

"You got any News Year's resolution? Any special goals?" Kagome asks as she grabs the last strawberry before putting the plate on the coffee table. She offers it to her husband who grabs it and places it against her lips. Kagome smiles as she opens her mouth allowing the chocolate covered strawberry to fall in.

"Get less hours so I can spend more time with you and the kids. And maybe save up enough money for us to move into a bigger house."

"That'll be nice," Kagome tells him in agreement.

Currently they're living in his two-bedroom apartment. Although they were comfortable, Inuyasha desired to see himself chasing his sons in a large backyard and to see Kagome standing on the patio, with hopefully, a baby girl in her stomach.

"I started looking at houses too. They're like ten or fifteen minutes away from here," Inuyasha tells her. Kagome hums as she draws circles on his chest. "What about you? Any resolutions? Goals?"

"Well, I want be a better wife and mother," Kagome states causing Inuyasha to frown a little; he thought she was doing a good job already. "I feel like I neglected you boys by going back to work then going back to school to finish my Master's degree."

"We both can be and do better," Inuyasha says as he wraps his arm around her and stares into her eyes. "But I won't change you for anything in the world."

Kagome smiles as she stares at him. She glances at the wall clock and sees that it's eleven o' five. 'Great.'

"I wouldn't change anything about you either, Yash."

She slowly gets up and walks towards the doorway. She leans against it and gives a seductive look. "And since we don't want to change, I want to show you what's been the same since day one."

"Oh really," Inuyasha responds as he leans forward and sits on the edge of the couch.

Kagome grins as she rubs her thighs together. "I'm not wearing any panties," she whispers as she calls him forward with her index finger. Before she could blink, Inuyasha had her bridal style and was dashing down the hallway.

"Inuyasha!" she giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck. 'This is going to be fun!'



The Next Day

Small feet patter on the hardwood floor as they rush towards their parents' room.

"Appy New Ear!" Katsu and Katsuo shout as they throw open the door and stand in the doorway.

Their shouts cause Kagome to quickly sit up and bed. "Shoot!" She whispers as she quickly grabs the green sheets and securely wraps them around her bare chest and stomach. "Hi mommy's babies!"

The twins quickly rush towards her by jumping into the bed and crawling towards her. Their Christmas' gift, a golden retriever puppy that they named Bee, walked into the room also.

"Happy New Year loves," she says as she wraps her arms around them. The twins quickly hug her back. Kagome places kisses on their heads before pulling away. Their silver hair is messy and their Iron Man and Captain America pajamas are wrinkled but they have the biggest smiles on their faces that light up Kagome's morning.

"Daddy!" They shout as they crawl over to their father. Kagome turns her head to see Inuyasha staring at them. The comforter and sheets are covering his lower half. He had told them what New Year's was; basically, he told them that when the clock hits twelve, everyone gets happy and yells Happy New Year.

"Hey guys. Happy New Year!" Inuyasha tells them as he ruffles their hair. Kagome smiles as she moves a piece of hair behind her ear. She loved her perfect little family. She glances down at the floor to see their, Inuyasha and her, clothes scattered around. Last night had been wild. 'I'm just lucky we didn't wake the boys or break the bedframe this time.'


"Yes?" Kagome asks, snapping out of her daydream.


"You're hungry?" Kagome teases as she pokes Katsu's stomach. Katsu giggles as Katsuo plays with his dad's ears. Katsu happily nods in response to her question.

"Well how about you and your brother go to your room and pick out a shirt and pants. Daddy's going to cook some breakfast then we're going to go to the store to get more toys for the puppy."

"Yay!" The both cheered. Their father's cooking was very good!

"And Unlce Miroku, Aunt Sango, and your cousins are coming over for dinner."


Kagome smiles as she watches her twins and their new golden retriever puppy run out the room. She turns towards her husband who has his arm over his eyes.



Kagome leans down, removes his arm from his face, and kisses him. She pulls away and smiles down at him. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," Inuyasha mumbles with a smirk as he leans up and gives her a kiss. Kagome grins as she leans her head against his.

"We brought in the new year with a bang," he mumbles.

"We did," Kagome responds with a grin.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Inuyasha mumbles as he rubs his nose against hers.

"Something sweet," Kagome murmurs as she gives him a kiss. She pulls away and gets out of bed.

"W-wha- what are you doing?" Inuyasha stutters as she puts on his shirt from last night that stops at the top of her knee. He was hoping for round five.

"Getting ready. We have a long day ahead of us Yashie," Kagome teases as she kneels on the bed. She kisses the top of his head before getting off the bed. "You better be out of the bed and in the kitchen cooking breakfast, by the time I get back or I'm going to spank you."

"Please mommy," Inuyasha moans as he rolls over. The comforter drops revealing his tan butt cheeks.

Kagome shakes her head as she walks towards the door. She stops and turns towards her husband.


"Hmm?" He asks as he turns his head to glance at her.

"This year is going to be a good year. I can already feel it."

"Me too."





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Check out my other stories: 'Secretary to Wife', ' The Mob Life', 'If loving You is Wrong, I don't Want to be Right,' 'First Love,' and my one-shots!

Thank you for all of your support in 2017 (and since I joined Fanfiction)! And thank you for your continuous support as we start 2018! Your encouragement means the world to me and I appreciate it. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you! And I love all you guys.

In this new year, I'm going to try to be more involved and active. So, give me any suggestion in: stories you'll like to read or ways I can connect with you guys.

I hope everyone had/has a great New Year's! Be safe, but have fun!

Let's knock 2018 out of the park!

See you guys soon,
