A/N: So a few of you guys have said that Jacob is a Mary Sue. I get that. I'll try to make him less of a Mary Sue. I'm sorry if that annoyed anyone. Also, Jacob's mother owning Mew; that will be explained in this chapter.

Chapter 2: Camping and Secrets

Jacob had all of his Pokémon except for Charizard returned in their Poke balls, as he and Charizard stood out of his house ready to leave for the camp sight. Jacob held a folded up tent and a bag strapped to his back. Charizard carried one tent in his arms and another with his tail. He had extinguished the fire on his tail so he wouldn't accidentally set the tent on fire. He also had a bag with supplies in it.

"Well, I'll be off. I'll see you tomorrow," Jacob said to his parents.

"Be safe Jacob," David said.

"Oh; Jacob, before you go I have these to give to you," Samantha said. She held out in her hand five, small computer chip looking devices. "They're for your Pokémon," She said.

"What are they," Jacob said, picking them up and looking at them.

"They're translators, given to us by Professor Sycamore," David said. Jacob looked up at his parents in utter shock. "They'll allow your Pokémon to speak," David said. Jacob looked down at the translators then back to his parents.

"Th-Thank you so much," He said. Jacob put four of the translators in his pocket but kept the fifth one out for Charizard. "Here Charizard, this is for you." The boy raised his hand and placed the translator on Charizard's neck. Charizard winced in pain as the translator attached itself to his neck, and then changed an orange colour to match Charizard's scales.

"Does it seriously need to- Oh wow it actually works," Charizard said in English, to his surprise. Charizard's voice was slightly deep, yet soft and gentle.

"Mum, Dad, thank you so much," Jacob said, climbing onto Charizard's back. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." And with that, Charizard flapped his wings and flew towards the forest nearby.

At the camp site next to a lake, it had just turned dusk as Jacob and Charizard finished setting up the three tents.

"Shall we bring everyone out?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah," Charizard said. Jacob reached into his bag and pulled out his five other Poke balls in his arms, then set them down on the ground

"Everyone, come out!" Jacob shouted. From the Poke balls burst his other five Pokémon and they materialised and stood on the ground. "We're here, and we've set up the tents. But before we do anything, I've got a gift for you guys," Jacob said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the translators.

"These are Pokémon translators that will allow you to speak English," Jacob explained, showing his Pokémon.

"Do they really work?" Gardevoir asked. Charizard took a step forward.

"You better believe they work," He said. The other Pokémon were taken aback by surprise.

"That's incredible," Gardevoir exclaimed.

"There are only four because you Gardevoir already know how to speak," Jacob said, "Try them out." Lucario and Greninja took one each and placed them on their own necks, attaching to their skin. Gardevoir took one and put it on Dragonair's neck. Jacob did the same with Milotic.

"So how does this- Oh wow," Milotic started, "So how does it work?" She asked. Her voice was mature and light, just how Jacob expected it to be.

"I wasn't told that part, unfortunately," Jacob said. Dragonair looked towards Jacob with amazement.

"This is great. Now we can finally talk to each other," She exclaimed. Dragonair's voice sounded young and energetic, while at the same time full of life. Greninja put his hands together and bowed towards his trainer.

"Thank you Jacob Sensei. This was very kind of you," Greninja said. Greninja's light voice had a slight Japanese accent to it.

"You're welcome Greninja," Jacob said while smiling. Lucario looked at Jacob with a joyful expression.

"Jacob this is the best gift you could've given us. Thank you so much," Lucario said. Her voice was exactly like her telepathic voice. Jacob smiled at Lucario to say you're welcome.

"Well, while I'm setting up the rest of the things we need you six can go do whatever you want," Jacob said to his Pokémon.

"I'll stay here and help you," Gardevoir said.

"As will I," Greninja said, stepping forward. Dragonair and Milotic slithered to the water's edge of the lake.

"We'll have a swim in the lake," Dragonair said, "I'm dying to see what's down there." The two serpents dove into the lake, creating a splash that almost hit Jacob. Lucario looked up at Charizard.

"I guess that leaves us two," Lucario said. Charizard nodded at Lucario before looking at Jacob.

"Hey Jacob, Lucario and I are going to go have a look around," Charizard said.

"Okay, just be careful," Jacob warned. Charizard huffed a laugh, having Jacob tell him to be careful was amusing.

"You don't need to tell me to be careful," He said.

"I was talking to Lucario," Jacob said. Charizard's smile disappeared and he looked at Lucario, then back to Jacob.

"Don't worry, I'll protect her," He said. Lucario looked up at Charizard, wondering what the meaning behind that was.

Lucario and Charizard had been walking for about a minute as they talked to each other, taking the chance to talk as they didn't spend much time alone with each other.

"So, I've been meaning to ask," Charizard started, "you're a Lucario, so why don't you like to fight?" Charizard asked. Lucario sighed at the question, not being the first time she's been asked this.

"Well… I don't know. I've just never really been the fighting type. No pun intended," Lucario said, "I always just run or hide from my enemy." Charizard looked forward.

"You are a good hider, I'll give you that," He said. Lucario didn't say anything and Charizard looked back at her to find that she wasn't there. "Lucario?"

He looked around but couldn't find her. Just bushes and trees. He turned at the sound of rustling behind him, and Lucario jumped onto Charizard and tackled him to the ground. They laughed joyously as their bodies pressed together. The two Pokémon stopped laughing and for a moment, they gazed into each other's eyes. Charizard realised how close their faces were, and he glanced down, trying to hide his blush.

Lucario didn't break her gaze off of Charizard. She realised what Charizard meant by protecting her, and she couldn't help herself. She used her hand to raise Charizard's head, and then kissed him on lips, much to Charizard's surprise. After a few seconds, Lucario brought her head back away from Charizard.

"Um… I-I'm sorry," Lucario said with modesty. Charizard brought his hand up and brushed Lucario's cheek lovingly.

"Don't be," Charizard said, "I feel the same way." Lucario's eyes widened in surprise and shear happiness. She turned her head and stared longingly into Charizard's eyes.

"You… you really mean that?" She asked. Charizard smiled towards Lucario with love in his eyes. Lucario's open mouth quickly formed a smile and she wrapped her arms around Charizard's neck, holding him with a tight embrace. "Oh, Charizard," Lucario cried in happiness, nuzzling into the lizard's neck. Charizard hugged her back lovingly.

After a few moments they released each other from their embrace and got up, standing directly in front of each other.

"We should get back to the others," Charizard said. Lucario held onto Charizard's hand with a firm grasp, not wanting to let go. Her expression was that of worry as she looked at their embracing hands, like there was something haunting her mind. "Are you ok?" Charizard asked. Lucario snapped back to reality and looked up at the lizard.

"I want to be as strong as you guys." Her voice was determined, yet gentle and calm much like her nature. "That's why I acted like that in training today. I just want to be a good fighter, but I don't see how that can happen if I'm weak. I may as well be a Riolu." Charizard's eyes lit up with anger. He didn't want Lucario to think of herself as 'weak'. She was strong, he knew that for a fact. He wasn't going to let Lucario dwell in sadness like this.

"You are strong, Lucario. I know you are. You just need to awaken your aura. Please don't beat yourself up over this," Charizard explained. These words brought reassurance and joy to Lucario, making her smile. She nodded.

"Thank you, Charizard," She hugged him, "I'm glad you're here for me." Charizard returned the gesture and smiled down at the jackal.

"You're welcome. I'm always going to be here for you," He reassured.

Later, back at the camp site, the seven had all gathered around a fire, sharing stories about themselves that they never got the chance to tell. "Oh yeah, Jacob; how did Mew come into your family?" Lucario asked. Jacob smiled and sat back, putting his hands on the ground while holding up his weight.

"Mew, huh? Well mom's been friends with her since she was eighteen actually. They've been with each other since they met I guess," Jacob explained. Dragonair raised an eyebrow.

"Is that all?" She asked in disappointment. Jacob shrugged.

"Well yeah. I mean, there isn't much to tell." As they were talking Milotic looked out over the lake and saw a male Lapras rise above the water's surface. She examined him, though from this distance she could only make out small details. He looked like a handsome Lapras, one that takes care of himself regularly. Milotic had been searching desperately for a mate, and she didn't want to waste this chance. She turned to the group.

"Hey guys." Everyone turned to her. "I'm just going to go do something real quick. I'll be back soon." With that, she slithered away and dove into the water. Everyone looked at the Lapras she was headed too and got the idea.

"She's at it again isn't she?" Jacob asked.

"Yep," Dragonair said, "Let's just hope she doesn't use that 'signature line' of hers again." Gardevoir nodded.

"Honestly, any male that would fall for that is not the kind of male one would want," She said. Everyone hummed in agreement.

Milotic swam slowly up to the Lapras, keeping her head just above water. The Lapras was even more handsome up close. The moonlight reflected off his blue scales, giving him a shining appearance. What made this Lapras unique was his silver eyes instead of the usual black. He gazed at the moon, taken in by its majesty and beauty. Milotic took note of this as she raised herself above the water.

"So, you admire beauty do you?" She asked. Lapras turned in surprise of the talking Milotic.

"You can talk?" He asked in his own poké-language. Milotic smiled.

"That doesn't weird you out at all does it?" Lapras calmed down and shook his head.

"No. I know a few Pokémon who can talk human." Milotic giggled and began to circle around Lapras.

"So I noticed how you were gazing at the moon," She said. Lapras smiled and looked back up at the moon.

"Yeah. It's beautiful, especially on a night like this," He said. Milotic stopped in front of him and approached him slowly, a glint of seduction in her eyes.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" She asked. Lapras looked down at her, studying her smooth and gentle figure and the features of her beauty. Lapras began to circle her as well.

"You just radiate beauty. Milotics are the most beautiful Pokémon, after all. Such a perfect creature like you could never be otherwise," He said sweetly. No one had ever spoken to Milotic like this before, it almost scared her; but she was determined to press onward.

"Why thank you Lapras. I think you're a pretty handsome one," Milotic said, brushing her tail along Lapras' neck seductively. "I've always had a thing for Lapras'." She was half-way lying and half-way telling the truth. She did find Lapras' appealing but she would have settled for any Pokémon of the Water-1 or Dragon egg groups.

"Really?" Lapras asked with a slight chuckle. "I've fancied Milotics for a while too." After that, Milotic's doubts were fading. This Lapras was into her and she was willing to take any risk at this point, which included her 'signature line'.

"You know…" She moved in close so that their snouts were inches apart, "there's a reason why I know the move attract," She said, her voice now in a seductive tone. Lapras watched her for a moment. Any other Pokémon would have backed away, but Lapras remained unmoved. In fact, he smiled at her.

"You haven't used it on me have you? Because I think I'm falling for the most beautiful Pokémon ever," He said romantically. Milotic tried to keep her smile and not pull a big silly grin. This was the one she'd searching for all these years: The perfect male for her.

"And I think I'm falling for the most handsome Pokémon in the world." The two gazed at each other for a moment's more and ever so slowly moved their snouts closer to each other.

"MILOTIC!" Dragonair came bursting out of the water next to them, scaring them half to death.

"Dragonair?!" Milotic yelled, "What are you doing?" Dragonair smiled innocently.

"Jacob and everyone's waiting for you." Lapras looked back at the camp behind Milotic and realized something.

"Oh. That's your trainer isn't he?" Lapras asked, referring to Jacob. Milotic turned to Lapras.

"Yes he is. Dragonair could you just go back to the others please?" She requested. Dragonair giggled and began to swim back to shore.

"Alright, but don't take too long." Milotic rolled her eyes and felt her cheeks heat up.

"I'm so sorry about that," She said to Lapras. Said Pokémon chuckled.

"It's ok. I know how annoying little sisters can be sometimes." Milotic looked up at him in surprise.

"You have a sister?" Lapras nodded.

"Yep, she lives alone with me. Um…" He looked back up at the moon, "It's getting late. Will you be here tomorrow?" He asked Milotic.

"Yeah. I'll be sleeping here tonight. You want to meet up at say, dawn?" She asked joyfully.

"Sure. I'd like that. I'll see you then. Goodnight Milotic," Lapras said. Milotic turned around but kept her gaze on Lapras.

"Goodnight Lapras." She swam back to shore and slithered up on land, an enraged expression on her face. She looked over at Dragonair who smiled innocently like she always did, then over at the rest of the group. Jacob was trying not to laugh but wasn't doing a very good job at it. "So who has the balls to give Dragonair that idea?" She asked, furious. After a moment of silence Greninja nonchalantly coughed. "That was low Greninja."

The frog Pokémon smiled, "I know."