Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries and The Originals do not belong to me.

This is going to be a Bonnie harem story, so far I'm planning Bonnie/Damon, Bonnie/Kai, Bonnie/OC, Bonnie/Klaus, Bonnie/Elijah, Bonnie/Kol, Bonnie/Tyler, Bonnie/Enzo Bonnie/Stefan and Bonnie/Matt. Yeah I know a lot of pairings and maybe more to come. I know there is not many Bonnie harem stories out there so I wanted to do one. BTW my OC's face claim is going to be Tyler Hoechlin who some of you might recognize from Teen Wolf. But be warned this character is not going to be anything like Derek, my character is going to be really dark and make Kai the family murderer look a complete and utter angel. Anyway reviews would be appreciated as this is a chapter I'm really nervous about. Constructive criticism is also welcomed. Enjoy guys!

Bonnie sat on the Gilbert house porch sobbing. How could this happen? Yet again she was left alone with no one but herself for company. The worst thing was that she wasn't even surprised, she remembered saying a long time ago "it never ends well for people like me". Well she hit the nail right on the head with that one.

Hearing Elena and Damon's voices had been so surreal, Bonnie had already resigned herself to being stuck in Kai's hell alone for the rest of her life. However long that may be cause as far as she knew she was already dead. But then Damon and Elena gave her hope, they had come for her. She was going home!

She had missed Caroline and her endless enthusiasm, Matt and his sweet loyalty, Tyler being protective even though he and Bonnie hadn't been that close. She planned to change that as soon as she got back. She missed Jeremy, his love and support. They hadn't ended things on good terms and she wondered if he would even forgive her when she got back. She missed Stefan and his hero complex. She missed Elena and her way to see the good in everyone.

But most of all she missed Damon. They had spent a lot of time together in 1994 and in ways they had both started to depend on one another. If you told the old Bonnie that she would actually LIKE Damon in future she would have laughed right in your face and then gave you a list of things that would make sure this would never happen. "Oh how the times change" Bonnie thought to herself.

But then when she got the boarding house, running as fast as her legs could carry her they weren't there. She knew that something must have went wrong and they must have got sent back. She was so CLOSE! If she arrived any earlier she would have been home! "It never ends well for people like me." Bonnie felt something inside her snap and she broke down crying.

She didn't feel the eyes upon her. Light Green eyes watched her from a spot in the shadows of the side of the house. It's time the mystery culprit thought. She was broken and exactly the way he needed her. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Damon couldn't believe it! That little shit Kai got out while Bonnie was still stuck In that hell. Where was the justice in that? Him and Elena were supposed to bring her home. Now the ascendant was destroyed and with that their only chance to bring Bonnie back. The thought of Bonnie arriving at the Gilbert house full of hope that she was going home and then discovering him and Elena not there made Damon want to go on a killing spree.

But he had to be strong, after all it is what Bonnie would want him to do. They had grown close in 1994, closer than he would have ever felt possible. She was there for him and she had hope for the both of them. Bonnie Bennett was like his own guardian angel making sure he knew right from wrong, she challenged him. She didn't just forgive him like Elena does and that is something he appreciated.

Even though all hope seemed lost, he couldn't give up. He needed to have hope otherwise he would go insane! She had to come back, she had to! All her friends couldn't all just leave her to rot in that endless prison.

She sacrificed herself over and over again for them so it was time for them to return the favor. Damon would be coming to collect from all the people Bonnie had saved in the past even if he had to go to those damn originals in New Orleans he would. Damon made a vow that he was going to do whatever it takes to get Bonnie back.

Kai was loving this time! There was so much things to see and do, including killing people since that is his favorite sport after all. But there was something missing. Bonnie Bennett came to mind, first he saw her Emerald eyes looking back at him as though she was some sort of judge. As if she had the right to judge him! She made out he was some sort of monster when she was friends with Damon the pregnant lady killer and to make it worse she killed him without a second thought! How dare she!

Little perfect miss Bonnie Bennett was not as perfect as she claimed to be. He could sense a darkness in her though he couldn't pinpoint the source of it. It was a waste really that he had to leave her behind after all they could have watched the world burn together. But the Bonnie he left behind would never think of going near murderous Kai who's oh so awful cause he killed his insufferable family.

Well if she had to listen to their whining for 22 years then she would have killed them too! He remembered the brother he killed last and a shot of anger ran through him. "Please, don't, no!" the little squirt kept screaming like come on! You could be at least a little bit grateful that I saved you for last. There's something incredibly poetic in that.

Kai wondered what Bonnie was doing now? Was she crying because her pathetic friends didn't save her? He imagined she was as he felt a smile come to his lips. Broken Bonnie could be used to his advantage.

Kai looked down at the 1994 ascendant he still had from his trip back and smiled. Broken Bonnie would need to wait to be rescued. He had siblings to kill and a coven to rule after all. Then Bonnie would get her knight in skinny jeans. He could imagine her face when she saw it was him that was rescuing her not her dumb friends. Kai smiled and then let out a dark laugh, everything was falling into place.