Greg Smith runs through the building to escape what has come for him. He hears the screaming and cursing of his allies. Gunfire and arcane spells used by cultists to bind the demon echo through the large room. He can hear the sound of bodies thrown about, smashing into windows and crushed into small piles of meat. The sounds of battle slowly die out and silence takes over. Greg searches through the archives filled with ancient tools and powerful weapons and finds what he desires. An ancient silver cross, blessed by priests and imbued with magic five hundred years ago. A weapon that was used to destroy Vlad Dracula. Greg takes the weapon as a jaunty whistle echoes through the room. Greg prepares to slay the dark warrior approaching.

"Hello, Greg." Thamiezel says in a happy tone.

"I made a mistake using you. A mistake I don't intend to repeat." Greg says with a stern voice, preparing to battle his opponent. Thamiezel continues his approach, uninhibited by the constraints of the dream world. He approaches his enemy wordlessly, bearing nothing but a sadistic smile. He walks up to his old master, who lunges at the demon. Thamiezel receives a blow to the chest, piercing his blackened heart with holy powers. He stumbles back, apparently defeated.

"Gasp! Is the great Thamiezel beaten by a lowly human? Oh, the irony!" the demon shouts dramatically. He begins laughing as he grasps the silver cross with his hands. He rips the weapon out of his chest and throws it to the ground. The holy weapon begins to melt with the corrosive power of the Dragon.

"No. That's not possible." Greg says.

"Of course it is. You didn't invoke the proper incantations. You didn't seal my body within a single form. You didn't sever me from my source of power. If you had followed steps one through nine instead of skipping all the way to step ten, you might have stood a chance."

Greg falls to his knees, realizing that the end is upon him.

"So tell me, little human. Who else knows my name?"

"Just my bosses. Please, don't."

"And have you told anyone else my name?"

"No… no… please. I haven't told a soul."

Thamiezel kneels and delicately runs his finger down Greg's cheek.

"You're in luck. I believe you."

Thamiezel then grabs Greg's head and snaps his neck effortlessly. The ascended vampire sinks his fangs into the body, drinking in Greg's mind, blood, and soul. Greg is now lost to all sight from the world. He has become a part of Thamiezel, and a slave to the Order of the Dragon.

"I'll have fun with you, Greg. Eternity is a long time to play." Thamiezel says aloud. Thamiezel begins his great work. He searches through the building as sirens blare in the background. He hunts through for the great weapons and artifacts sealed within this place. Some built by the hands of powerful humans, and some taken from other worlds that have been cannibalized by mankind to suit its own needs. Thamiezel searches through the ancient artifacts, taking the most powerful and dangerous for himself. What was once a lowly dream demon has become an ancient force. He is not simply a vampire; he has become a hostile dimension filled with the souls of those who he has consumed. He takes the powerful weapons he desires and brings them within his own body. Once he is finished, he inhales deeply. He breathes forth a wave of fire, consuming the government facility. Thamiezel vanishes from the area, leaving nothing but ruin and the mangled bodies of the dead.

As he continues his dark workings he continues to feel summons from lowly humans, yet he ignores all but one. He feels a force attempt to bind him to one place. The agency attempts to use simple incantations to bind him, attempts that would have worked if he was still a mind dweller. He decides to indulge them. He becomes a great shadow and flies with unholy speed to the area of the binding. The government forces attempt to hold the demon in one place before sealing him away. They begin to feel him. A dread voice, filled with malice and pain, echoes throughout the room. It is not the voice of a man; it is the sound of fire and storms. The air becomes heavy as the government forces try to hold the demon in place. Thamiezel appears in the room, floating above the agents.

"You summoned me." Thamiezel says.

"We hold you to this place, Dipper Pines."

"That name gives you no more power over me. You have nothing. And now you have shown yourselves." he says.

The government agents realize far too late that they have given themselves away to Thamiezel. The unstoppable demon cuts open a hole in his chest. Blood begins gushing out as the agents try to flee the room. But the doors have been locked by Thamiezel's mind. The agents can only cry and beg for mercy as the room fills with poisonous blood and drowns them. The blood retracts into Thamiezel's body. The agents are gone, devoured by the great force. Thamiezel looks around the room and smiles at the camera that has recorded the encounter. He hears the alarm begin to blare in the background. He unlocks the door and walks out of the room, only to be riddled with hundreds of bullets. The magically enhanced bullets penetrate Thamiezel's body and explode, sending silver and magic throughout the demon's human form. His entire body seems to shatter into a bloody stain filled with chunks of meat and bone. The agents that fired upon him sigh in relief as they call in to report that the demon is defeated. Yet the fragments of bone and blood begin reforming. They come together in the form of a pulsing mass of dead tissue and organs. The entity lurches forward, slaughtering the agents by impaling them with jagged bones and suffocating them with the intestines of the unholy king. The command center alerts the entire base. Every force inside begins preparing for battle, arming themselves with powerful weapons as the occult forces attempt to seal the demon. Thamiezel sees a force of twenty soldiers approach him as he reforms into his vampiric body. He looks at them with a hellish smile and he gazes into the eye of a soldier at the back of the group. Thamiezel embeds his will within the lowly human and takes command. The soldiers scream in terror as their ally kills them all. Thamiezel lets go of his hold on the soldier's mind.

"Oh… oh god, what the hell just happened?" the survivor says. All he knows is that in an instant, his men went from standing before him to slaughtered on the ground.

"You killed them. Don't you remember?" Thamiezel says as he approaches.

"No I didn't!"

"Come now. Look into your memories and see what you have done." Thamiezel says. The soldier attempts to fight the hold on his mind, yet he can't. He feels the memory of him killing his allies and friends come into his mind. He realizes that he was far too weak to resist the vampire's will.

"Oh… oh God." the soldier mutters in horror. Thamiezel walks past, leaving his broken victim to weep for his dead comrades. Thamiezel continues through the base, killing every last soldier and magic user within. He devours their flesh, blood, and souls to add to his already great power. He turns back into a shadow, ready to destroy the last reminder of his old existence.

Alice Pines sits in a chair near the Mansion's entrance. It had been several weeks since her family's demon had apparently halted the monster's activity.

"Looks like he did it." she says to a photo of her great great grandmother, proud of her ancestor's role in stopping the dark forces.

"She cannot hear you." a deep voice says.

"Huh?" Alice says, turning to the figure who has walked in.

"What would you know of it?!" Alice yells as she picks up a gun with silver bullets.

"I know. Trust me, Alice. I know lots of things." the figure states. The tall, pale figure dresses in a long, black coat. He wears sunglasses to cover his red eyes and a top hat that gives him the façade of sophistication.

"Who are you?" she asks venomously.

"What? Don't you recognize your poor uncle Dipper?! Gasp! Sob!" Thamiezel says in a mocking tone. She looks closer at the figure and recognizes him from earlier. Yet now her ancestor walks clad in flesh.

"What? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know. Checking out the mansion. It looks like a good place to set up shop. Got lots of things to do." he says, cracking his knuckles and joints. She watches curiously as he bends his joints about. And then she gasps in horror as he snaps his own neck with his hands.

"Shit. My neck's all creaky. Guess I haven't used it in a while." Thamiezel says in a hurt voice. He snaps his head back into place before Alice's two kids wander into the room, having been driven back to Gravity Falls by their father. The two ten year olds run around as one tries to catch the other. Thamiezel stops the youngest in his path and picks the little boy up.

"How cute. Especially when you pinch his cheeks." he says in a cheerful, sadistic voice. The kid struggles against his attacker as Alice charges him. Yet she only manages to hit air as her opponent teleports behind her.

"It's like you could just pinch his face clean off!" Thamiezel says in a happy tone. He grabs his sister's descendant's cheek and begins pinching. And then he begins gouging in his nails as the small boy begins crying and bleeding. Before Alice can defend her kid, Thamiezel snaps his neck. He looks back at Alice with a dark, sadistic grin.

"Why?!" she shouts as she begins crying.

"Oops. I hope you got the extended warranty!" Thamiezel says as he begins laughing psychotically. Alice picks up a knife and charges the demon. He allows her to pierce his chest, forcing his body further onto the blade.

"You should be thanking me." he says as a black tendril shoots out of his back and kills the remaining child.

"You and they won't have to see what I do afterwards." Thamiezel says in a dark tone. He snaps Alice's neck, ending the bloodline of the Pines' family. He drags the dead bodies into a pile after locking the door, ready to end all ties to his old existence. He inhales and breathes fire onto the bodies, burning them.

"That's the best I can offer you. This world will not rest so easily." he says. Thamiezel begins looking around the mansion before shifting into the library.

"So much work, and so little time."

The newly crowned vampiric lord uses the vast library of the occult his family has stored over the years. He searches ancient texts and arcane runes for the information he desires. He was powerful, but he was still one creature. He would need more to instill his supreme will upon the planet. He searches for the greatest monsters, the deadliest weapons, and long buried armies to be reawakened. Species driven to the edge of extinction by mankind's march of progress. Beings that would desire revenge against their oblivious oppressors. As he finds his information, helicopters begin buzzing in the skies above and large vans approach the Mystery Mansion. The demon rolls his eyes in amusement as the doors of the mansion are busted open.

"Oh my God." an agent mutters at the horror that has occurred. He vomits to the side as his team of fighters charges in, led by the most experienced magic users in the world.

"Demon, show yourself." a powerful, elderly man says. Thamiezel appears before the old man and tilts his head in curiosity.

"Hello, there." Thamiezel says in a dark voice. The experienced warlock wastes no time in attempting to destroy the foul being, using an ancient spell to bind his opponent with burning chains. Thamiezel's hateful will gives him the mad strength to defy his shackles. He screams in pain as he forces his body to break the spell, shattering the burning chains before the wizard has a chance to try and pierce the vampire's dark heart. Thamiezel transforms into a cloud of blood resembling an angel with great wings.

"You believe there is anything left you can do?" the demon says, taunting his enemies. Spells and otherworldly weapons are fired upon him, yet his vast powers cannot be damaged by the small armaments of the human race.

"You have nothing that can harm me."

With his words, Thamiezel morphs into a dark mass of tendrils and chains. The tentacles flail about as they cut, impale, and choke his opponents. The agents retreat outside and order one of their warlocks to destroy the mansion. A powerful sphere of energy is focused in the palm of a warlock's hand. He casts it at the building. The Mystery Mansion erupts into white flame. Several agents too close to the building are incinerated in the flash of light. The warlock slumps against the side of the van, drained of his energy.

"Did it work?" an agent armed with an alien weapon says. The warlock stands and walks towards the blaze.

"Rest now, demon." he says. A shapeless shadow moves across the ground and begins silently devouring the government agents as the warlock watches the fire. As he turns around he finds, to his horror, that his allies have all vanished. A dark shape takes form behind him and rests a shadowy hand on the warlock's shoulder.

"You missed." Thamiezel says before devouring his prey. The dark warrior was not able to finish his search, but he had found enough information to aid him.

Several species once roamed the earth that could match the human race, either by technology or by sheer power. Yet they had retreated down into the depths of the world, scavenging on the brink of extinction. Their once great powers were destroyed, either by man or by simply withering away with time. Thamiezel knew of several of these beings, having been summoned by those with connections to the world above. Yet he did not know the depths to which they had fallen. Ancient machinations were discovered that had been built by the once great empire that had become the decrepit race known as goblins. They had descended from another world, yet now they are simply mangled and primitive, reduced to tribal warfare in caverns below the Earth. A pointless, scavenging species struggling to survive with what little land they had. Thamiezel begins the great work of bringing them back to their once glorious self.

Deep beneath the Earth, Thamiezel begins to recruit his forces. The mindless goblins scramble about their cave. A freshly killed deer is presented to the starving beings by their tribe's hunter. The group tears into the flesh with ravenous hunger, for it would be the only feast they would have in a long time. They chew and rip into the dead creature, devouring every scrap of meat.

"Pathetic." a deep voice bellows into the halls in the ancient language of the goblins. The creatures look around for the source of the force that insulted them.

"This is what your race has been reduced to. There was once a great empire. Glorious and supreme, spanning countless worlds. Now you are nothing. A pointless sub-species, grasping to life."

The goblin tribe's leader dares the dark voice to show itself. Thamiezel appears before the creatures. The leader of the tribe charges at the force that would dare challenge it. And the tribe watches in horror as their leader is captured and held in bondage with invisible strings. And then the strings pull tight, cutting their leader into chunks of meat. The starved tribe stares in desire to eat the meat of their fallen leader.

"Go on. Eat your fill. Soon you shall rise back to the surface. You shall ascend from your caverns and tunnels. And you shall be free." Thamiezel says. The creatures charge at the corpse of their old leader, eating their fill while gazing at their new master.

Thamiezel begins to summon other creatures to his banner as he helps the goblins rebuild.

The moon is in the center of the clear night sky. Stars twinkle overhead from worlds oblivious to what has begun on the small planet called Earth. Thamiezel approaches a graveyard. Many spirits lay dormant beneath their tombs. They are angry spirits; those of soldiers who died in agony and who have not been able to let go of their world and pass on. And in the presence of the new Dracula the spirits begin to rise from their graves. Thamiezel's hatred fuels the dark specters, giving them the power to affect the physical plane and the desire for revenge against the world that has abandoned them. His very presence has poisoned them. Thamiezel leaves the graveyard, allowing the ghouls to rampage through the surrounding cities. Thamiezel has done this to countless graves. He has raised dread spirits in numbers that have not yet been seen on the Earth. Many people believe that the end of the world is upon them. Apocalyptic cults have sprouted up to pray for gods, angels, and long-dead humans to intervene and destroy the force that has come for them. Others have come to worship the demons, believing that the human race is too sick and powerful to survive. Thamiezel has placed his old desires out of mind as he increases his strength by devouring souls. He has become great in power and hunger. Never resting, never sleeping. He works endlessly to sedate his thirst and raise his armies. Many of his lowly servants have begun to worship him. They believe he is an ancient god reincarnated to free them from their bonds of slavery to mankind.

The dark lord approaches another gravesite and begins raising up the dead. A lowly spirit looks at him with a sympathetic gaze.

"Don't you dare pity me." Thamiezel says to the spirit.

"Who are you?" it asks.

"I am Thamiezel."

"No… I think you are just lost, like I am." the spirit says. Thamiezel considers devouring the spirit before choosing to ignore the entity to continue his search for power.

The vampiric warlord has begun to draw greater forces to him. Werewolves, vampires, and other demons have begun to flock to his banner. Any that would oppose him are destroyed. Unlike most of the vampires, Thamiezel does not hide his true self. He does not delicately drink the blood of a single victim in the shadows. He massacres entire buildings in the daylight as his power grows, not fearing the wrath of any that walk the Earth. His power seems to be rising with no limit to his strength and he has begun to disrupt the balance of power on Earth. The human race has become afraid and dangerous, which threatens the far smaller numbers of vampires, werewolves, and other monsters.

Vampiric aristocrats, rich and older than many nations on the globe, have been summoned to a meeting to deal with the new Dracula. Many older ones worked against the one known as Vlad many centuries ago. The dark lord Vlad was brought down by an alliance of vampires working with human allies. They assume that Thamiezel will be the same; weak, arrogant, and foolish.

"We cannot ally with the humans now. Those cowards are different. They will think we are with him!"

"The humans know of our existence. If we do not try to aid them, then they will be certain that we are with Thamiezel Dracula. They will hunt us to extinction after they deal with this mad dog."

The old beings argue and bicker with each other, not aware of their enemy entering the room. Thamiezel claps his hands in amusement at the small, bickering creatures.

"Who enters our chambers?"

"Thamiezel. I am here to accept your surrender." the vampiric king says. Some vampires prepare to battle the demon. Others back away, preparing to flee. The greatest vampires snicker to themselves, believing they are superior to the mad vampire.

Yet Thamiezel is not arrogant enough to test his limits by battling the greatest vampires at the same time. A great tunnel opens under the ground, dragging the meeting chambers down into the chasms of the planet. The vampires look around and prepare for battle, only to find themselves surrounded by a goblin horde. The creatures are armed with the weapons most dangerous to the vampiric race. Powerful magic and old relics are handled by Thamiezel's forces, and the dark king floats down into the chamber. Dread spirits and werewolves appear above the open hole in the Earth, preventing any vampires from fleeing.

"What have you done?!" one of the ancient creatures asks.

"I haven't done anything. These fellows, on the other hand." Thamiezel says, pointing at his loyal minions.

"You dare use those filthy human relics against us?"

"Has it been so long that you've forgotten that you were once human yourself?" Thamiezel asks. He silences the opposing voice.

"And yes, I dare. I handed them over to my army because I had no need for them." Thamiezel says.

"They will betray you!"

"That is where you are wrong. Because unlike you, I have given them a new purpose. I have given them prosperity and power. Loyalty is underrated by you fools." he says in an angered voice.

"So, I must ask again. Do you surrender?" Thamiezel asks. Many vampires bow, trying to stave off their own destruction. Others allow their arrogance to blind them. They charge at Thamiezel, only to be destroyed by his assembled forces. Others are reluctant to serve the mad Dracula. Thamiezel sees their hesitance and kills them anyways, devouring their ancient power and adding it to his own. The rule of the vampires is broken. The lesser beings in service to the old vampires soon turn to ally with the new king. Thamiezel is nearly the master of all things that dwell in the night.

He has grown strong and fearsome. He is unmatched by any that walk the planet. Yet his hunger turns away from power. He turns his gaze towards the Earth. He looks upon the world that he once saved and feels hatred in his heart. He desires vengeance upon the world; to punish the planet that stole everything from him. He wants to watch the lowly creatures beg for mercy and he wants to see their agonized faces when he destroys them all.

But Humanity would not go down without a fight. With the secrets of the supernatural exposed, the human race has begun to train for battle. They have begun to fight back against the otherworldly incursion. Soldiers have been trained for war against the supernatural much as they would any enemy. Old hostile nations have begun to combine their forces to slay the demon hordes and send the dark spirits back to their graves. The far greater numbers of the human race threaten to destroy Thamiezel's forces.

But Thamiezel has prepared for their assault. He commands his tunnel working goblins, awakened to their ancestry of industrious glory, down into the depths of the Earth. The creatures tunnel underneath the continent, establishing great networks of caverns beneath the world. They begin to dig up through the tunnels. The nations are hopeless as Thamiezel's host drills up into the military bases and begin to massacre the workers there. Yet their main goal is not the death of the lowly humans. The goblins and subterranean demons spread out through the military strongholds, taking control of humanity's deadliest arsenal. Thamiezel hunts down the keys needed to begin the end of the world. He finds a simple man with a suitcase handcuffed to his wrist staying close to the president. Thamiezel becomes a shadow and follows the two. As the president is escorted down the highway, Thamiezel reveals himself to them.

"Keep driving." the dark king orders. He is strong now. His voice is enough to force the driver's mind to break and obey the command. Thamiezel grins as he looks upon the humans.

"I am here for you to surrender to my new kingdom."

"What… what do you mean?" the president asks.

"You and your nation will accept my supreme rule. And you will obey me forever." he says with a dark smirk. But the stubborn humans believe that they are winning the war.

"We will not surrender to the likes of you. You and all your kind will be destroyed." the president says.

"My kind? I have no kind. Because I have no equal on this world. This is your last chance. Surrender. Lay down your weapons and accept me." he says.

"Either kill me or leave. We will never bow to you." the president says sternly.

Thamiezel smiles sadistically. He had hoped that the human race would not surrender. Thamiezel morphs into a shadow, seeming to disappear. But he remains as an invisible force and seeps through the suitcase for the launch codes in order to use humanity's nuclear arsenal against itself. Thamiezel finds the information he needs. He has spoken with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. They had all said the same thing, believing that the humans were superior to the monsters. Thamiezel's dark form scatters and goes to speak with his host. He gives them the codes and the areas to fire upon.

"My lord. This will kill billions!" a lowly beast says. Thamiezel grabs the creature by the neck and chokes it.

"Either they die by your hand, or you and them die by mine."

The dark host prepares to end the human presence in the western hemisphere. Thousands of missiles launch into the air and take aim. They fly towards the greatest cities on the continent. The greatest weapon of the human race becomes its undoing as the cities are vaporized in flashes of light. Thamiezel watches in pleasure at the nuclear storms.

"You took everything from me. Now I shall take everything from you." Thamiezel whispers to his planet. As the human race scatters and flees the western hemisphere, Thamiezel brings his armies to the surface. The dark creatures of the Earth were now the prime forms of life on the western side of the world.

Thamiezel has taken the land that was once called Oregon. Many of the great, lush forests still stand, untouched by human hand or the shadow of Thamiezel. But Thamiezel focuses back on those forests. They are a place where many supernatural beings have come to live. And he feels anger as he watches the fairies, minotaurs, and simple forest creatures. Thamiezel grows envious of their peaceful, oblivious nature. He sends his legions to hunt them. The extermination of the supernatural that is too weak to serve his will begins after humanity has been driven away. Thamiezel takes sick pleasure in battling the minotaurs of the land. He toys with the greatest of their kind, not using the full extent of his power until he is ready. The great minotaur believes it is on the verge of victory and prepares to crush the dark king. But Thamiezel freezes the great beast in its tracks. He stands up and reforms his body. Thamiezel forces the proud creature to bow down.

"Will you serve?" Thamiezel asks. The mad beast attempts to fight his bonds, so Thamiezel morphs into a cloud of blood and enters the minotaur's throat. The vampire slowly suffocates his prey in front of its' tribe. Thamiezel then turns his gaze on the rest of the proud species. He slaughters them one by one, ending their presence on his planet. Next Thamiezel turns his blackened heart's desire for vengeance upon a species that serves no threat.

He finds the Fairies, beings that thrive on imagination and dreams. And because of their connection to the minds and dreams of others, the very presence of Thamiezel sends a dark sickness into their mind and body. He gazes into the eyes of one of the creatures. It falls to the ground, flailing about in agony before dying. Thamiezel turns his eye to another fairy. He gazes into its heart and pierces its mind, causing it to wither and die.

Thamiezel's servants watch in fear and confusion as their master wastes his existence torturing the harmless beings until, one after the other, they have all died.

Thamiezel watches as the great forests are cut down for use by the goblins. He stares in pleasure as the beings of the forest are hunted for sport or for food. The once serene beauty of the woods has died at the whims of the mad king. And upon the remains of the city of Gravity Falls he makes his home. His goblin horde begins excavating deep into the earth, bringing up precious materials. They begin the construction of a great fortress, protected with dread spells and fortified with the dark blood of its king. The construction lasts through many generations of the goblins.

Yet far off to the east, a lone human child watches in horror at all that has occurred. The humans are desperate. They need one of their own to defy the dark magic and send Thamiezel to his grave. The human child offers himself to become the test for humanity's greatest weapon. Humanity combines science and magic to give the child what he needs to destroy his enemy. He is subjected to strange injections that have never been tested on humans before. His transformation is painful. He screams long into the night at the worst of the experiments, yet he does not let that pain destroy his mind. He survives through the pain and suffering as his body transforms into a being similar to the vampire and becomes stronger than any human before. He trains his body to run faster and further than any human should be capable of. As he grows into a young man he has spiritual markings carved into his skin, giving him protection against the dark spells and vile powers from the monsters on the other side of the world. As he trains, the human forces have begun to amass an army to challenge their enemy. They retrieve men and woman from all parts of the continent. Able bodied soldiers are trained in the most punishing and sanity testing conditions to prepare them for their assault on the dark fortress beyond the sea. The human race has reverted into insanity and superstition. They hunt people that are different to the norm. They exterminate those they believe to be in alliance with Thamiezel. And in twisted irony, when the people are hunted to the brink of death and lost without hope, Thamiezel approaches them. He offers them a place amongst his realm. Many come to serve his side, becoming spies and saboteurs for the vampiric lord.

Yet the human race marches through its own madness to build an army to assault the Thamiezel. Their greatest weapon, trained from his young age, is given powerful armor infused with magic to withstand any attack. The army assembles on the eastern shores of Asia and begins its journey across the sea.

The armies of mankind land on the beaches to the south, where they intend to move north and attack the vampire's fortress from below. They are met with a great army of demonic beings and dread spirits, goaded into daylight by the will of their master. The human race unleashes a barrage of hellfire upon the demonic horde. The forces of Thamiezel counter them with great machines built deep in the caverns of the Earth. The two armies clash along the coastline. Humanity's warrior charges first into battle, unharmed by the unholy magic and powerful creatures that have risen up. He battles countless monsters without tiring. He has been perfected. Dragons attempt to destroy him with their great fires, yet he simply charges through the blaze and approaches the dragon before killing the beast. He cuts down vampires, werewolves, and countless demons as the human army forces itself onto the coastline, smashing back against the demonic armies to take back its land.

The fighting goes on long into the night and far into the next day. Eventually, through great casualties, the humans have seized the coastline. They begin the preparations for moving upward until they assault the heart of the evil. Scattered fighting occurs throughout the next week as Thamiezel's forces pull back. Yet as the army of the human host assembles fully on the land, Thamiezel has descended from his throne. Several human lookouts at the northern front spot a tall, thin man in crimson, segmented armor with jagged edges protruding from the shoulders. His armor moves like a dark snake as he approaches the human host.

"Who are you?" the human forces demand.

"I am here to surrender." Thamiezel says as he lifts his hands up.


"I am who you have come to fight. Send forth your greatest warrior. If he can best me, then I surrender. If not, then you leave."

The humans watch in confusion as the man approaches. Yet as he comes closer, they see his burning red eyes and his deathly pale skin. They sound the alarm; the human army assembles its forces. The soldiers rearm themselves with various weapons and as the panic slowly moves through the entire human host, Thamiezel watches in boredom. He yawns as he waits for the humans to return. It is night by the time the human race comes barreling through the frontlines to battle the demon. He stands, smiling in amusement, as the large tanks and battle-hardened soldiers come against him.

"Please, please. This is entirely unnecessary." Thamiezel says in a humble voice as humanity's greatest soldier approaches him. The vampire cannot tell if it is a man or woman. The great warrior is clad in silver armor, armed with several swords, a spear, and a gun. Thamiezel looks up at his opponent, who towers above the demon.

"You drove my family into death. You desecrated our world with your evil. Now you will die." the human says.

"Have you come to play?" Thamiezel asks in delighted anticipation. He receives an armored fist to his face and is sent hurtling through the air. He falls into the dirt as his opponent charges forward. Thamiezel dodges out of the way and transforms into a great wolf. He lashes mindlessly at his opponent. Humanity's soldier weaves and ducks under the thrashing claws with ease.

The soldier unsheathes one of his blades. He attacks the great wolf with the sword and severs Thamiezel's arm. The transformed beast lunges with his other claw. The golden warrior forces his blade forward, which slices Thamiezel's arm in two. The wolf snarls in pain as it transforms into a great vampiric bat. He flies far into the air before returning, plunging towards his opponent. He flies over the human army and sends many of them hurtling through the air. The silver warrior stands motionless, unaffected by the powerful winds. The vampire returns to try and attack again, yet the warrior takes aim and fires a powerful explosive weapon. Thamiezel dodges out of the way, yet the powerful burst damages his left wing. He tumbles towards the ground and smashes into the human host, killing many under his weight. He reforms into a dark angel made of blood with piercing, white eyes. He gazes at his opponent, attempting to penetrate the warrior's mind. Yet the warrior does not give the demon any time to take hold as he charges forward. Thamiezel flies about, attempting to avoid humanity's weapon while attacking from afar. The vampire sends blades of blood, dark tendrils, and clouds of suffocating mist. Yet none are able to harm the warrior. The soldier slices back the blood, carving and cleaving at the vampire until he returns to his human form, weakened. He has a hundred cuts over his body. His arms are broken and missing chunks of flesh and bone. His legs are mangled and wrecked as he stands and limps towards his opponent. Corrosive blood oozes out of his wounds and falls to the ground as he continues his approach to the holy warrior. Thamiezel looks up at the armored human and smiles.

"That was fun." he whispers. The vampire's opponent does not let those words discourage him. He takes his blade and pierces the vampire's heart. Thamiezel falls to the ground, defeated. The watching army begins whispering amongst themselves. They begin to sigh in relief as the fallen devil lies dead before them. The warrior stands proud over the remains of his enemy, who still lies smiling with dead, sunken eyes. Humanity's forces begin moving up to the remains of their enemy. They look down at the broken form, which stares up into the sky, still grinning.

"Perhaps he wanted to die." another soldier says.

"It seems so." humanity's champion replies.

"BOO!" Thamiezel screams, sending his great opponent flailing about and falling to the ground like a scared child. The soldiers stare in horror as the dark king stands back up.

"Oh, you should have seen the look on your face." Thamiezel says, giggling to himself as his opponent stands back up.

"You will die!" the soldier yells. He charges at Thamiezel. As the vampiric lord watches with an amused smirk, the soldier freezes in his steps. He rises up into the air, struggling in vain against his invisible bonds as Thamiezel watches motionless. The soldiers stare in horror as their greatest weapon is twisted and broken within his armor. The gauntlets twist around, the fingered gloves bend and snap about, and the waist and legs spiral backwards. The once great warrior screams in agony. The silver armor becomes stained red as blood drips through the segments in the armor. Thamiezel ends his enemy's suffering and snaps his neck.

"And for my next trick, I'm going to make this body disappear." Thamiezel says. He explodes the broken, mangled body into red mist, which then flows down into the vampire.

"Now then, as per our agreement, you all get off my continent." Thamiezel says. The enemy soldiers stare in horror and confusion.

"Well, go on!" Thamiezel says, attempting to shoo the forces away like they are nothing more than an irritating neighbor at his door. The army fires on the mad king, losing all sense of strategy or organization. Thamiezel transforms into countless insects, spiders, and ravenous birds. The vampiric force flies towards the army, slaughtering thousands of humanity's host.

Demonic hordes wait to the south and to the east, anticipating their master's assault. The dark forces launch a surprise assault on the humans, trapping them. The demons work with their master to drive the human forces back into the sea in a grueling battle that lasts several days. The entire coastline becomes covered in fire and bodies. The countless corpses of the humans and demons are gathered into a mountainous pyre. The bodies are set aflame, and the retreating humans can see the cloud of smoke as they return to their home, a monument to their utter failure. The human forces make vows of vengeance and pointless oaths to return. Yet it will be many years until the human race summons another army to defy its oppressor.

Thamiezel returns to his throne as his army spreads out, returning to their dwellings. He sits, watching in blind hate at his world. Dread spirits surround his tower, brought out from their slumber to sour the world with their presence. For his powerful victory against the humans, the goblin forces build a crown of iron for their king. Two jagged horns jut out from the front and shining, white gems are adorned on the crown. Ancient words of victory are carved into the great piece, describing the deeds of Thamiezel and naming him the master of the Earth. Yet Thamiezel grows numb to his rage as the years continue to pass. He waits for the human race to return for war in hopes that they will rekindle his hunger and rage. As he sits upon his throne, waiting and eager for war, an old spirit passes by the tower and looks to the throne of the king.

"It's you again." the spirit says.

"Me? I do not remember meeting you before." Thamiezel says.

"We met once before. I was lost then. I still am. I think you are too."

"I am not lost. I am exactly where I desire." Thamiezel says with thunder in his voice.

"You say you are, but you do not look it. I cannot find my way." the spirit says. Thamiezel shudders with pain.

"What is your name?" Thamiezel asks.

"I… I think I was once called Vlad… I was a king, once."

Thamiezel moves up from his throne, interested now in his apparent predecessor.

"I… I feel a darkness in my heart." the spirit says.

"You don't have a heart anymore." Thamiezel says.

"No… no I do not. But I feel it." he says.

"Tell me, do you know how you died?"

"I think… I think it was in London… no, no wait… it was… yes, it was Wallachia."

"It was both." Thamiezel says.

"Tell me, why does your heart burn?" the spirit asks

"Because I lost the one thing I cared about."

"What was it?... I… I lost something too. It was… I was a great king… but my throne was stolen from me. My people… they threw me out."

"So you threw them out, along with your humanity."

"What have you lost?"

"Someone I loved, once. But she is beyond me… for now." Thamiezel says, sinking back into his throne. The spirit of the old Dracula continues its pointless wandering as its successor sinks further into madness. Thamiezel continues to wait for the human race to again assault him. He assembles the humans loyal to him and has them come over to his kingdom. The humans under the command of Thamiezel mingle with the goblins and other creatures. Some humans find love and kinship with their new peers. The two cultures create hybrids as the humans lose all ties to their former life. Yet the rest of the human race has not forgiven Thamiezel for his tainting of their world, nor for the countless deaths that have occurred under his reign. They assemble a host greater than any that has ever walked the Earth. The humans are driven by the same mindless hatred that has consumed their enemy's mind.

One billion humans have united against their enemy, each one armed with the most powerful weapons the human race has developed. The humans launch an assault, attacking the western hemisphere from the east. They no longer desire strategy or to end the war early. They want to punish the dark legions. The human forces land far away from the dark tower and begin their relentless assault on Thamiezel's kingdom. They force the fell beings back across the globe, slaughtering without mercy or reason. The humans that had come to join with Thamiezel are butchered before the wrath of their overseas relatives. Yet the powerful king sits upon his throne, emptied of his anger. He watches as his armies are massacred before the human host until the soldiers of mankind have come upon the plains of what was once Idaho and Wyoming.

Five hundred million march upon the fortress of Thamiezel. Another hundred million reinforcements approach from the western sea with the largest naval fleet ever assembled.

Millions upon millions of demons and fell spirits once dwelled upon the western hemisphere, yet they have now retreated back to their dark caverns or to the fortress of Thamiezel and wait for their extinction. Yet Thamiezel does not care for any of them as he sits on his throne. One of the lowly goblins runs to the throne of his ruler and falls to his knees, pleading for aid.

"Please, destroy them! I beg you!" the beast says. His ruler glares down with an angered gaze, causing the demon to cower and flee. Thamiezel steps off his throne and walks to the balcony at the end, looking out at the world. He has lived so long now. Years have blurred together in a sea of meaninglessness. But he decides to indulge his servants' desires to continue their existence. He looks out upon the land, where the forces of humanity wait upon the dead landscape to the east and come forth on hundreds of thousands of ships to the west. The dark king flips a coin to decide which army he will destroy first.

"Heads." he says, much to the confusion of his followers. Their deranged king looks out the west, seeing the armada coming against him.

Far below, the war ready humans have nearly landed at the beach.

"We're almost done. We will soon have victory." an officer says. A great boom shakes the ships like the sound of thunder in the distance. They look up at the great tower and see a cloud of crimson smoke that engulfs the sky, blocking out the sun. The great cloud comes down, barreling towards the army of mankind. The soldiers scream in terror as the cloud engulfs their entire fleet. The soldiers are dragged upwards before being impaled and ripped to pieces. Others receive cuts from seemingly thousands of swords as their bodies are torn to shreds. Many more are suffocated as the blood pours down their throats and fills their lungs. The ships of the fleet begin exploding and steering into each other, sending millions of men down to the depths of the ocean. Hundreds of miles away, the human soldiers upon the plains listen in horror as their naval comrades scream in agony before going silent. The last of humanity's strength gathers for one desperate final assault.

Far above the gathering army, Thamiezel has returned to his throne. He looks out upon the invasion from the east. He focuses his dark power on a small point. He creates a single sliver of blood, appearing as a pin needle. He commands this power downwards, sending it towards the army. The small blade pierces the ground, creating a small hole that only several soldiers had seen. They move over to look at the strange hole. But they begin to run away in panic as the hole begins widening. The tiny hole in the ground begins growing as the earth falls beneath. Miles upon miles of land fall down into the fires of the planet's core and a cloud of ash explodes from the wound in the Earth. The entire continent quakes and vibrates with the cataclysmic explosion. The dormant caldera beneath the continent has been awakened. Thamiezel watches in tired boredom as clouds of ash bellow forth from the hole in the planet's crust, ready to envelop the world in shadow.

"Looks like I 'quacked' the crust!" Thamiezel shouts with a light giggle. His servants watch in confusion and terror as their insane king laughs to himself. His dark laughter dies down and he looks back to the rising inferno.

"Beautiful." Thamiezel whispers.

The days turn to months. The months turn to years. The years into decades. The decades into centuries. The vampiric devil known to the cosmos as Thamiezel Dracula has become the supreme ruler of Earth. Far greater than any vampire that has stood upon the grounds of the once green planet before. A monster that towers above the likes of Vlad, his predecessor.

The cloud of ash has given power and fuel to the armies of Thamiezel. The dark host has decided it has had enough of the human threat. They have driven the human race to the edges of the globe. The human race hides below the surface in fear of extinction. Thamiezel no longer leaves his throne and instead gives commands to his great dragons, who relay the orders to Thamiezel's host. He has grown sick of his dark games. He feels a gap in his heart. A pain he had attempted to bury first with knowledge, then sheer power, and then blind vengeance. But the hole remains after all these years. Thamiezel sighs on his throne as another battle begins on his planet far out to the east.

He stumbles off the throne, tossing his crown to the floor.

"My master?" a lowly creature says.

"Take it. I don't need it." Thamiezel replies. The goblin runs over to the crown built by its ancestors and begins stripping the precious metals before scurrying away. Thamiezel moves far down below to a court of lesser beings in his service. The sounds of vice and chaos die down in the presence of the king.

"Leave." he commands. The lesser beings flee from the room in fear of their irrational ruler.

When he is certain he is alone, Thamiezel begins his labor. He uses his jagged nails to begin carving into the ash covered stone. He delicately runs his nails through the floor, up onto the walls, and then towards the ceiling. He chews into his wrist and weaves his dark blood into the carvings, speaking incantations to give life to his strange work.

A great scene displays before him. Two figures made of fire wander the world, chained together by a small thread of flame. The figures of light dance and move together in love. They battle strange creatures and angered spirits. The figures of fire are joined with several travelers on their path before they encounter a strange being. The fire takes on the form of a great pyramid that hovers above the Earth as it begins to take control. Yet the twin flames stand with their companions around the great pyramid. The fire from the pyramid begins being separated, ripped apart through the powers of the others. The powers of the pyramid fade into portals as the pyramid withers and fades. Yet the burning pyramid sends forth a shard of energy towards one of the figures of flame. One of the twin flames attempts to push its other away from the blade, but is forced back so it isn't harmed itself. The twin fire sacrifices everything to save its world.

Thamiezel continues the story, showing the companion spirits leaving, one by one, until only the first two remain. Yet the thread that chained them together is no longer there. The two flames stay together, until one is surrounded by others. New fires, lit like candles, arise from the other flames. The figure that saved the world kneels before its other, pleading and begging as its twin rises up with its family, leaving the other alone.

Thamiezel clasps his hands together, sending the fire into the carvings in the wall. The flames settle into shadow, leaving no sign of what they depict. Thamiezel returns to his throne, sinking back in as he watches the hell he has created.

"Why does the pain never stop." he mutters to himself. Thamiezel remains motionless on his black throne. Years pass by; the creatures in service to the dark lord watch as their master slowly succumbs to his emptiness. His servants try and stir him from his madness, but he ignores them silently. Yet the shadow of the Earth's king continues to grow as a great shade over the cosmos. The goblin armies have become the supreme force on the Earth. They ignore their master in favor of spreading throughout the cosmos.

Other worlds have begun to take notice. Creatures and travelers from other planets and planes of existence see the threat of the dark king. They give him many names as they begin to unite against him. The Butcher, The Instigator, He Who Rouses the Dead, Lord of Gaia Marred. A coalition of powers soon rallies against Thamiezel's world. Humanity rises with its new allies to assault the throne of the dark god. Thamiezel watches in boredom as his army martials before an invasion of ethereal ships and one million humans armed with crude weapons. He sighs in irritation as several puppets dance before his throne suspended on hooks. He thinks to his past and his old family. Long ago he was promised to enter the realm beyond, as a soldier for an ancient army. Yet he has grown tired of waiting.

"If I cannot enter that realm, then I shall bring her here." Thamiezel thinks. He has long ago lost interest in caring for his sister's family. He simply desires her presence, even if he must tear her away from Paradise.

"I grow bored, Dracul." Thamiezel says, summoning his ancient master.

"You summoned me… out of boredom?" the great beast says.

"You told me the destruction of the gods would be soon. I'm starting to think we operate on different measures of time here. Which, in hindsight, I should have known since you're billions of years old. Tell me, in Earth numbers, how much longer? Heaven and Hell still build their forces while our order remains in the shadows. Tell me, when will I be able to enter the domain of the dead?" Thamiezel says with his voice rising slightly in anger. Dracul effortlessly casts his rebellious warrior off the throne, forcing Thamiezel to bow like a dog.

"You question my authority?" Dracul says.

"Just a little." Thamiezel says with a pained laugh as he is held in place.

"Your power is absolute. Your world has burned. Your vengeance is sedated."

"Yes. But I need something more." the vampire says.

"What is it you desire?"

"One of Paradise's number. I have played this game of kings and death for you, disrupting the flow of spirits to Heaven and Hell. But there is someone in Paradise that I desire… someone who I have lost. I shall serve you without question, so long as she is by my side." Thamiezel mutters through a pained voice.

"Paradise? You believe one from their realm will serve with you?" the elder entity asks in disbelief.

"Serve? Perhaps not. Perhaps she shall remain my prisoner forever. Maybe she will join with the human race. She will become my enemy and we shall dance in a battle of fury and thunder for eternity. But so long as I have her again, I do not care what she does next."

"Of whom do you speak?"

"Mabel Pines was what she was once named. My… my sister… Find her for me. I beg you." Thamiezel says as his voice tremors with sorrow. His great master contemplates the request. Entering Paradise, even for such a small task, could reveal the Order before it is ready. Heaven and Hell must be the ones to battle themselves first. Yet Thamiezel has proven to be a great servant. Few have risen to his status and might. To retain the loyalty of his soldier, the Lord of the Order of the Dragon decides to infiltrate Paradise.

"I shall call one to enter that world. Your sister shall be returned to you." Dracul states. Thamiezel runs over and begins kissing the feet of his master like a happy dog. The King of the Order feels an air of confusion overtake him. None of his servants were ever as mad as this. The vampiric god vanishes from the physical universe, ready to indulge his servant's whim.

An infinite distance away, Mabel watches her family from Paradise. The fields of grass stretch on far past the horizon, the sky is bright yet sunless, and her family is playing in the fields, happy to be with each other. Her husband watches and he laughs with his son and grandson. High above the ever white sky dwell the glorious angels; strange, great, and gigantic beings of heavenly light. And at the top sits their creator. Everything should be perfect, but the uneasy feeling that it isn't burns in her heart. She feels something is missing. Something more important than all of Paradise's offerings.

"Mabel." her husband says while leaning in to give her a sweet, sensual kiss. Yet Mabel has not enjoyed his kisses for a very long time.

"Oh, Greg." Mabel responds in confusion. Her parents walk past and wave. Mabel tries to remember what has happened, but the prospect of her memories sends a sharp pain through her chest.

"Why, my child, do you dwell on the past?" a great being of light asks.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something. Something important."

"And it hurts."

"Yes." Mabel says, nearly on the verge of tears.

"Then let us forget." the voice says. Mabel feels the pain vanish and she lets out a relieved sigh. But this has happened before. She would feel the pain, and then she would forget. But the pain has begun to return faster with the passing of time. She feels as if someone she knows is suffering, yet she doesn't know who.

Mabel walks away in a false bliss, ignorant of the pain from her past. She wanders through the fields, moving past other spirits and creatures of bright, beaming beauty. But the nagging in her heart returns. She comes to the edge of infinity and looks out upon the physical universe, trying to find the source of her memories. She looks towards her home, which she had left so many years ago. And as she looks, she begins to feel afraid. A great shadow has engulfed her world, suffocating it and removing the light of the sun. She looks in horror at what has become of Earth as an angel comes over.

"We have to do something!" Mabel says.

"We shall in time. For now, you must rest. Rest, and forget."

Mabel feels her worry fade. She no longer remembers what she was speaking of, nor does she remember why she was afraid. Mabel returns to her home in the endless bliss. Yet something is different. A strange, fair creature looks upon the family. Then it turns to her and gazes with hollow, white eyes. It seems to be a heavenly spirit. It glows with the brightness and beauty of the angels. Yet she feels an uneasy feeling overcome her. The bright entity walks up and places its hand on her cheek, rubbing affectionately.

"Mabel, my child." the creature says.

"Yes? Who are you?"

"You may call me the Star of Morning. Do you desire the truth? Why your memories bring pain?"

Mabel hesitates. This was not an ordinary angel. And yet she realizes that something is wrong with this utopia.

She looks around. Everything seems too perfect. Her family smiles and laughs at nothing; they are amused by a small, pointless eternity in this strange realm. She lives amongst countless human spirits, but they all behave the same. They are happy with their ignorance. She looks upon the fields. The grass is withered and stepped upon. The homes of humanity are grey and shapeless. She looks up, and nearly screams in horror as she sees the angels true form; Grotesque entities of unknowable origins. They are covered in eyes and glowing liquid flows through their exposed veins. They seem to be made of organs and severed skin. She looks down, averting her gaze from the monsters above.

"Yes." Mabel whispers. The strange creature and her vanish, passing by worlds and stars before they come to a stop above the Earth.

"Who are you?" Mabel asks. The creature sheds its false exterior. There are markings of blinding light patterned on its angelic body, releasing waves of flame across the surface of the creature. And there are patterns of shadow that weave and curve around the being's skin in a mirror of the light's pattern. The fire from the light moves across the beings skin, only to be devoured by his darkness.

"I am an angel of light and shadow. I am the mightiest above all. I am the Dragon of Revelations."

Mabel attempts to move away from the spirit, but the great being has her chained to this world.

"Did you do this?!" Mabel asks while looking at the shadowed globe she used to call home.

"No, I have not. I have no interest in the affairs of this little world. Yet someone does. Someone who I have not seen in a very long time. Why he would desire a lowly human is beyond me." the fallen angel says.

Before Mabel can respond, the entity takes her elsewhere. Mabel hovers above a dying landscape. Fire and ash cover the sky, and winged beasts and dragons fly above the world. Nearly extinct species that now number in the millions, all under the service of a king of chaos and death. She looks down as a great chasm spews fire out onto the land. Thunder and hail rain down upon the world below.

"Where am I?!" Mabel shouts. But the angel has vanished. Mabel begins to feel cold. She feels the solid, iron ground beneath her feet, and she realizes she is nude. She attempts to cover her body in shame. She hears dark snickering and mad laughter. She looks towards a group of demons as they begin to surround her, ready to take pleasure in violating the human.

"If you worthless sub-creatures lay a hand on her, I shall make you suffer for eternity." a fell voice bellows into the dark halls, echoing from every corner. All of the demons flee, except one. An old, hunched over monster tries to challenge the source of the voice.

"You have no more power. You are nothing!" the creature yells. For his defiance, a cloud of crimson mist shoots forth and envelops the demon. Mabel cowers in fear as her attacker's screams pierce the air. The screams turn into mindless gurgling as the being's lungs fill with his own blood and chunks of flesh, and then it is silenced. Mabel looks up and finds a dark figure, tall and clad in crimson armor, standing before her. His skin is sickly pale and his burning red eyes pierce into her mind's eye. She looks away in horror.

"Am… am I in Hell?" Mabel says.

"No… don't you recognize this place?" the figure says in a cold, hoarse voice. She looks out upon the dying land as the figure approaches her, sliding his hands sensually down her waist. He places his head on her shoulders and looks out amongst his kingdom

"There. Right there. Wyoming and Idaho." Thamiezel says while pointing to the gigantic pit spewing fire and ash into the sky.

"Sadly, I had to detonate Yellowstone. I guess you could say it had a premature ejaculation!" the figure says, laughing in dark amusement. He turns Mabel's head to the right, pointing far out at the sea.

"There, California. Sunk beneath the waves." he says while pointing to the ocean. Mabel bursts into tears, sobbing in horror and sadness at the destruction of her beloved world.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?!" she shouts through tears. She feels a hand, delicate and caring, brush her hair aside and wipe away her tears.

"Please don't cry. I could never bear to see you cry, Mabel." the creature says. She falls to her knees, sobbing at the fate of her world. Her vile protector sits down next to her and pulls her into his grasp. She feels her skin becoming warm as heat emanates from the beast. He places his pale, cracked hand over her heart, keeping her to him. He shutters in pained relief at the touch of her skin and the sound of her heart beating. He rests his head on her shoulder, enjoying the delicate touch of her skin. She wants to push his hand away, but she doesn't. His touch is not that of a monster violating his prey, but of a being that simply desires to feel the presence of another.

"What are you?" she asks with a wavering voice.

"Most know me by Thamiezel. I look after the place while the master is away." he says, laughing with a voice on the edge of tears. Mabel doesn't respond. She does not know that name, nor does she recognize who he is.

"Mabel… don't you remember me?" the creature asks, unveiling the mask of pride and evil.

Mabel remains silent as she thinks about the entity; the insane creature speaks like she should know him, but she has never met anyone as vile as this. She feels the creature becoming hotter, almost burning to the touch. The dark tower begins to tremble and quake. Lesser demons fly from the mountainous fortress in fear. Mabel backs out of the devil's grasp and flees to the corner. The whole world seems to quiver before the rage of its ruler. Mabel cowers in fear, believing that the end is upon her. But the trembling comes to a stop. The room goes silent, save for the distant thunder and howls of dragons.

Mabel looks back towards her capturer. He huddles against a black pillar, burying his face within his arms, and Mabel can hear his voice. The proud and arrogant demon that destroyed her world sobs weakly to himself. Mabel cowers from Thamiezel as the old king cries in pain. She tries to keep away from him as he sits in tears, alone. But she can't; despite everything she has seen Mabel cannot stand to hear his sobs of sorrow any longer. Mabel stands up and walks towards him. She approaches slowly and hesitantly, yet her desire to help the sad entity overtakes her fear. She walks over and sits next to him, wrapping him in her arms as he weeps in pain. She feels his heat fade. He becomes chilled to the bone as he shakes with sadness, believing that all he has done was for nothing. It is many minutes before the tears stop flowing and Thamiezel stops shaking. He moves his head up and looks at her as tears of blood stain his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he says with an agonized shutter in his voice.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"It does not matter now." he says while turning away. She looks closer at him; his face, lacking the evil and malice from earlier, reminds her of someone. Someone she once knew. Someone she loved dearly. She looks into his bright red eyes as she places a cold hand on his face.

"I am so sorry, Mabel." he says.

"Who are you?"

"I… am simply the ruler here."

"It's so cold." she says. The creature takes her back into his grasp. His body's warmth returns, and he lets it pass through to Mabel.

"What have you done?" she asks.

"I did what I had to do. And I did what I wanted to do."

"Don't you care about anyone?"

"I used to… It's been so long."

"…Where was I?"

"Paradise is what they call themselves. That is what they would have their slaves believe. Paradise and Inferno. They are both monsters. The terrifying truth of our universe."

Mabel does not respond to the demon Thamiezel. She sits silently with her strange companion as she stares at the room. The halls are all blackened with ash, covering any sort of color that might have once existed. Carvings are engraved upon the floor that move up the walls and rejoin on the ceiling.

"What are those?" Mabel asks.

"They… they are markings. It's a story." he says.

"What story?" Mabel asks. Goaded by her words, Thamiezel reaches a hand to his mouth. He bites in and moves his hand to the wall, allowing the blood to stain the markings. The blood turns into fire as it moves up the wall, lighting up the carvings so that they appear as splendid pictures. The pictures move into the center of the room as they begin to tell the story before Mabel and Thamiezel.

"They tell the tale of two warriors. Two inseparable beings, joined together by blood and by love. Heroes who defied an ancient being. But they were separated by fate. One went above into the world beyond." he says while pointing to the carvings on the ceiling.

Mabel sees that they resemble the shape of an angel surrounded by its friends and family.

"The other was chained to the world below." he says while looking at the carvings on the floor. The floor's figure is that of a lonely creature surrounded by creatures. The creatures serve it, yet always look away, leaving the entity alone. She never heard the tale before. Yet at the same time, she knew it all too well. She remembers the love she felt; there was someone other than her husband that she loved with a great passion that had never blossomed. Someone she loved more than all of the false paradise's offerings.

"Why… why do I love you?" Mabel says in confusion.

"You… you love me?" Thamiezel asks.

"Those two were us. Weren't they?"

The creature doesn't respond. But she feels a pained shudder from his body. Mabel turns around to look at him, broken and fragile. This ancient monster looks at her with sunken eyes. She knows that face, and she loved him. She feels desire overcome her senses. Mabel moves in close and begins kissing the beast. He places a hand on her bare shoulder as his other hand slides up her back, holding her delicately to him. She does not think about the hellish evil outside. She does not focus on the world beyond. Here, she is only with him, the person she had forgotten as they kiss together. Mabel breaks off the kiss and looks at her lover. Thamiezel gazes her in the eyes.

"Mabel?" he mutters with a trembling lip.

"I'm here." she says. Her lover begins kissing her, and she gladly falls into his embrace. Their kissing becomes more and more heated. She feels a desire long since buried rise to the surface. Her lover takes her to the floor, gazing at her from above. He gives her a tender smile filled with joy and love, completely different than the anger and insanity that she saw before. As he kisses her his armor melts away, revealing the pale, naked man before her. Two great wings emerge from his back, giving him the appearance of a dark angel. He wraps his arms around Mabel and lifts her up into an embrace as they kiss heatedly. Thamiezel moves down her neck and her breasts, showering her body with love and affection.

"I love you Mabel. I love you." Thamiezel says with a pained voice as his anger and sorrow release in the presence of his lover. He delicately moves Mabel back to the floor. He positions himself and looks to Mabel for her answer. She's become light and hot with desire. She has not felt this pleasure and happiness before; she cannot speak, only nod in approval. She feels Thamiezel's penis penetrate her; her insides feel hot as Thamiezel thrusts back and forth. He enfolds her within his black wings and brings her close to his body. He thrusts in deep and fast as he threads his hand through her hair. She moans in approval of her lover as he builds rhythm faster and faster. Mabel moves close and kisses him on the lips, using his body like an anchor to keep her mind from falling away. He delicately runs his left hand down her back and up towards her breasts. Mabel feels him take hold, caressing her chest and nipples. Thamiezel breaks from his kiss and moves towards her neck, delicately running his tongue and razor teeth along her body. He lightly tastes her flesh, not allowing his ravenous hunger and lust to take hold and harm Mabel. She moans in delight at the strange feeling of his teeth. Mabel brings his face back to hers, staring into his eyes. She grabs his head and pulls him to her, lustfully kissing him. She feels his serpentine tongue enter her mouth, delicately taking in the taste. She joins her tongue with his, savoring the taste of Thamiezel's mouth. Mabel moves away as Thamiezel continues building speed, whispering words of love to Mabel as he holds her in place. She cannot stand it; the inhuman speed, the burning in her chest, the warmth of his body as he holds her in his wings and keeps her safe from the dark, harsh world outside. Mabel's head flies back and her eyes close as she moans in pleasure.

"Oh, God!" Mabel screams. She shivers with ecstasy as she orgasms. Her legs jolt with pleasure and she soaks her lover. Thamiezel keeps pounding in with hot desire. He forces into Mabel hungrily until he climaxes. She feels his heated seed flow into her. He pounds in the last of his energy, growling and grunting with need before he slows and stops.

"Mabel." Thamiezel mutters in joy.

Mabel's breathing is rapid and deep. The mad lust of the creature had drained her. Thamiezel keeps her wrapped in his wings. He brushes his hands through her long, brown hair. He leans in close, listening to the sounds of joy and pleasure coming from her mouth. He mutters words of love and joy into her ear as she stays with him, trying to catch her breath. The strange companions lie down on the black floor. Mabel tries to move away from Thamiezel, but he forces her close, not yet willing to part. He selfishly chains her to his body, holding her as he feels the delicate touch of her fair skin. He slides his fingers up her arms, savoring the texture. He brushes his hands through her hair, holding the strands of brown in his grasp. He inhales deeply, shuttering with delight at her scent like a dog. Mabel waits with him as the minutes crawl by like hours. She holds close to him, feeling the strange texture of his vampiric skin. She slides her hands down his pale back, feeling the heat flowing through his body. She runs her hands along his black wings, savoring the touch. She moves her hands through his brown brands of hair, feeling her lover's face. He continues to breathe in her scent, gazing into her eyes with love. She stays with him until the dark creature loosens his grip. The two lovers sit up and look at each other. Mabel moves the brands of hair away and kisses Thamiezel's forehead.

"I love you, Mabel." he says. She moves away from his head and looks at his face, but then she looks at his forehead, uncovered. The birthmark on his head; the constellation called the big dipper. Mabel remembers that; she called him by that name. He was her brother.

"Dipper?" Mabel says. Her brother wraps her in his arms, burying himself in her neck.

"Mabel… my Mabel." he mutters with a hoarse voice.

"Why? Why did you bring me back?" she says. He brings his head up and stares into her eyes with guilt.

"Do you know how long it has been since we have last met?" he asks.

Mabel remains silent.

"One thousand and one hundred years. Did you know that? I doubt it. Heaven seems like they wouldn't allow their little brainwashed toys to know such things. But I was not given such a wonderful gift. Ignorant bliss. I could feel every minute of it. I… I couldn't stand it. I tried to find a way out. Ways I could pass on and join you. But I found nothing. I was eternally a sentient thought. A pointless mind dweller bartering with fools until the sun goes black. I would have done anything to escape. And I did."

Thamiezel's lowers his head in shame as he remembers his covenant of eternal servitude.

"What did you do?" Mabel asks worriedly.

"I… I made a deal." he says with his lips trembling in fear.


"Do not call me by that name. I cannot go back. Not to what I once was." he says with a voice filled with regret.

"We… we need to go back. I can't leave them." Mabel says.

"Who?" Thamiezel replies.

"Stan and Bella." she says. Yet Thamiezel stares at her in confusion, not knowing who these people are and why they should be so important. Then he looks away in guilt.

"I… I cannot remember." he says. He looks out into the sea of fire that has become his home, trying to remember who they were. He had forgotten the names of everyone except Mabel.

"They're my children. My family. I… I need to be with them." she says. Thamiezel turns to her and looks into her eyes with guilt.

"That… that cannot happen now." he says regretfully.

"What, why?!" she says. She grows angry at her brother as he denies her the right to see her family.

"Because you are no longer part of Paradise. They will see that now. Those defective and cowardly angels. They will see what has taken place. How you joined with me and violated your love with your husband. They will cast you to Inferno to be the plaything of monsters. I will never allow that to happen."

"We have to find a way. We… you have to stop this." she says, looking out into the fires and fully realizing that her brother has fallen into evil and madness. She realizes that he is responsible for the destruction of their home and the source of countless deaths. Her brother wraps his arms around her and falls onto her shoulder.

"I can't. There is nowhere to hide. No place he cannot see me."

"What do you mean?" Mabel asks. Her brother moves from her shoulder and looks into her eyes.

"I am his soldier. The Lord of the Order of the Dragon. I cannot go back. I am his instrument and there is nothing I can do but serve his will."

Mabel looks down and swallows. Her heart feels heavy and pained. She looks away from her brother and turns back to the balcony. She thinks about his words as the twins gaze out upon the ruined world. She cries again at the sight of it. A great dragon flies towards the tower and approaches the balcony, hovering before its king. The dragon nearly questions why his master is with a lowly human, but thinks better of it since Thamiezel was prone to incinerating creatures who questioned him.

"My lord, the human army is shattered and in full retreat. The vulsarians and ertheks have fled back to their world."

"Let them go." Thamiezel whispers. The dragon seems confused at his master's words. Thamiezel had always enjoyed massacring the armies foolish enough to challenge him. Instead of questioning his master, the dragon leaves to halt the extermination of the retreating armies.

"Mabel… will you rule with me?" Thamiezel asks. Mabel looks towards her brother.

"I cannot guarantee your safety in your current body. You have immortality, but your powers are no greater than a human. I can offer more. So much more. Will you rule with me?"

She nearly laughs in disbelief. Her brother is offering her the throne of darkness, command over legions of monsters, and to fall to the depths that he has fallen. But she remembers her family and the false paradise they have been imprisoned in. A place where people are forgotten to give the slaves of light false happiness. They need to be freed, and the dark force that Dipper serves can offer her that.

"Do it." she whispers. Her brother bites into his hand, tearing into his cursed flesh. He offers her his wrist, dripping with ungodly blood. Mabel bites in, slurping up the dark essence. She drinks deep of her brother's cursed blood and she finds her body becoming hot. Her skin burns; Mabel screams in pain as her humanity is lost for power. Mabel's skin turns pale white. Her eyes become crimson with fire and vampiric blood. She coughs and vomits as her lungs deform and change. Her teeth stretch painfully into jagged weapons.

"I'm sorry." Thamiezel says in a regretful tone, knowing the pain she is going through as her body transforms. Mabel falls weakly to the floor, gasping and panting for breath. She stares up and gazes into her brother's eyes, and she can see into his soul with her vampiric gaze. She sees his blackened heart; suffering that no one should have to bear and pain that no human should be able to cause. And yet she sees a small sliver of light remaining deep within. A light that seems to glow brighter as Thamiezel sees her. Mabel slowly rises to her feet with her brother's aid.

"Mabel…" Thamiezel starts. He falls to his knees and bows his head as Mabel stands, towering above him.

"I may have another I call master. But my soul, forever, is yours." Thamiezel says. Mabel lifts his head up and looks into his darkened soul. Thamiezel stands and meets Mabel's eyes. The two embrace in a kiss as the masters of the world. Mabel breaks off the kiss as she looks out towards her new kingdom. Thamiezel teleports the two to the very top of the tower. He walks over to his dark throne and raises up a second seat. Mabel walks over to join with her brother; she sits upon her new throne, gazing out into the inferno covering the Earth. The twin vampires survey their shared kingdom and look on into an uncertain future; all that is certain is that they are bound together, forever.