Author's Note:

So this chapter is a spinoff for those GajeelxLevy fans. It's all thanks to my friend "Stickermans50" because this is his favorite story of mine and he wanted more. I realized it was possible in regards to chapter 1 so why not. Hope you enjoy this little add on. I appreciate you all so stay tuned to more stories from yours truly. Check out Stick's stories too!

This takes place on the same day that "What You Deserve" ended so keep that in mind. ENJOY!

Levy was sitting on a bed in her bedroom within Fairy Hills, a recently finished book set down on the nightstand. The blue haired mage let out a sigh as she looked around her room bored.

"I finished the book on magical runes and now, I have nothing to do. This sucks" whined the blunette. "I wonder how Natsu and Lu-chan worked out. I got out of there so quick, I should have spied on them or something" Levy thought as she realized she missed her golden opportunity.

"Still, I wish I had someone to treat me that good. Natsu was so cute to her" thought the blue haired teen while blushing slightly at the thought. She then let out a heavy sigh as she realized the chances of that were close to zero. Or t least in her mind anyway.

Subsequentially to that thought, the fairy mage heard a knock on the door and rose to her feet to answer it, a quiet "I'm coming" leaving her lips as she approached the door. Opening it, she saw Gajeel, her loudmouthed, rough looking guild mate standing there with a devilish smirk.

"Yo bookworm, how bout some exercise?" asked the iron slayer with a small wave.

"What do you want, Gajeel?" asked a slightly ticked off Levy, clearly trying to ignore the nickname he just referred to her with.

"Welp, I heard Shadow Gear is offline due to laziness or something and a squirt like you shouldn't slack off so I figured we'd go on a mission together. I already picked one" so you can't say no" said Gajeel as he handed her the request slip.

"A mission?" asked the blue fairy, practically to herself. "He's never willingly teamed up with anyone before. So why me and why now?" Levy then began to blush furiously as she thought that maybe he was doing what Natsu just did to Lucy. She didn't know why but with that in mind she replied with a quiet "Sure. Thanks" before leaving for the mission with the black haired man.

6 Hours Later-Fiore Train Passenger Car

Taking a seat on the tram, Levy couldn't keep the frown off of her face. How was it that someone who could be so nice one minute, turn into such an asshole the next. ""I mean seriously, he'll take Laxus's lightning for me, fight off two mages so I can get away safely, and then invite me to do a job together, but yet, he'll ignore me all mission and when he does talk to me, it's to tease me and call me names. For the whole mssion? Seriously, what the hell!?" thought the blunette angrily as her partner sat down next to her. "And we're already done with the mission and he hasn't even tried anything" pouted Levy in her mind as her frown deepened. "Wait why do I wan't him to. He's a jerk" blushed the girl before putting on a mad face again.

"Okay. Anti-Motion Sickness Potion, check!" Gajeel stated as he drank down a bottle of purple goo. "If this works, I'll have to thank that Sky Dragon twerp for hooking me up with this. That damned Salamander made me catch his motion sickness. Bastard" cursed the black haired man as the train began to move.

After ten minutes or so of awkward silence, Gajeel glanced over at his teammate the way he had done all mission only to see her with a pissed off facial expression. "Yo, what's up with you" asked the dragon slayer.

"Nothing" was all Levy offered, the word coming out as a hiss, her gaze firmly fixed on the moving landscape outside the train.

"Don't sound like nothing" grunted Gajeel as he crossed his arms across his chest and stared out the window in front of them with a slight scowl.

"You asked me out on a mission, just the two of us, and you don't try anything romantic. Natsu treats Lucy way better. He doesn't tease her every second and-." began muttering Levy under her breath before she was cut off by Gajeel.


"Wha..What's your problem" asked Levy hoping he didn't hear her mumbling.

"Ya'know, Dragon Slayers have great noses but we also have very sensitive ears. We only pretend not to hear stuff" Gajeel replied with an intense gaze. "Dummy"

Blushing furiously at the fact that he heard her, Levy quickly looked at her look with a quick "Whatever". She had hoped this would silence her partner for the rest of the trip home but that was not the case.

There was an everlasting silence between them before Gajeel finally broke it. Sighing loudly, he looked at the ceiling of the train and blurted out nervously; "jeez, I did this to try and make you happy since I heard Shadow Gear was busy and Salamander said you'd be bored and I should "make a move". I asked you out on the mission, didn't I? That should be enough for me. Shit, everyone knows I'm not good at this lovey dovey stuff."

Levy couldn't help but turn to him after that, her mouth slightly agape. When she turned to him she noticed the out of place blush on his face. It didn't mix well with his scary features but she thought it was kind of cute.

Without her mind processing what she was doing, she reached towards the man who was still averting his gaze, and pulled his face in, kissing him passionately. When they finally pulled away, they both smiled at each other, both of them sharing the same blush.

"Well that was-." began Gajeel before his face turned green and he hurled out of the window. Levy, face faulting at his actions.

"Was it really that bad jerk" asked a teary eyed Levy. "It was my first kiss idiot!"

"I think.. the..p…potion…w.w..wore.. off.. al..already" gaged the mage as he held his mouth from opening and his cheeks, puffed up from the sickness. "Damn...Sky..Dra..Drag..on "It's not…, Lev..Levy, o..or t..the ki..kiss." continued the struggling man. "I…re…really liked it. It gave chi…chil..chills and… I.. wa..wan…wanna d.. .it ..a..again." finished Gajeel before he heaved his waste out of the window again.

"He called me Levy" gaped Levy internally. "Wow. You really aren't as romantic as Natsu. Maybe equally stupid but not romantic" stated Levy with a sweatdrop and a teasing tone. "Lucy has all the luck" sighed the blunette sarcastically while shrugging her shoulders.

Gajeel went to retort but he couldn't keep from puking. Levy noticed this and continued, "But I like you better than him anyways. And yeah we can do it again but after you clean up that pukey face of yours" the fairy mage laughed as she watched Gajeel with a half grin, half scowl on his face.

Maybe she didn't get someone who complimented her all the time but she got someone who really cared for her. And that alone was enough to make Levy squeal slightly. "I can't wait to tell Lucy. She really missed out" thought the Fairy Tail wizard with a big smile.

Authors Note:

Honestly, it wasn't as good as chapter one in my opinion but this was my first GajeelxLevy chapter/story. Hope it at least made you laugh Stickermans50!

It was also longer than I thought but I didn't really plan it out and once I got rolling... you know the rest I assume. Hope you enjoyed it and if you did let me know. Thanks for reading! P.M me if you want to chat or have ?'s!