A/N- I've missed you guys and your amazing comments! Thanks for the reviews and I don't wanna leave you guys hanging so here's a chapter! Also, I absolutely love Sylvie Brett's character on CF and I wanted to bring her in, hope y'all like the idea!

Erin groaned as she woke up once again, this time in a warehouse instead of the back of a van. She took in her surroundings, cold and dark but also carried a musty smell.

"I told you I don't know where he is!" Erin hears Sylvie's voice say. They dragged her into the center of the large room where a supporting beam was and tied her up to it.

"You're gonna tell me where he is and you're gonna do it now!" The man yells in her face. She glares at him and ignores his question. The man doesn't take that too well and slaps her hard across the cheek.

"Is that really necessary?" Erin pipes up in an attempt to keep them from hurting Sylvie.

"This bitch won't tell me what I want to know, so yes this is necessary."

"What do you want?" Erin asks again. The second man storms up to her and lifts her up by her arm, practically dragging her over to the other two.

"Hank Voight, where is he?" The man questions.

"You needed to kidnap her to find out where Hank was? All you need is me, you can let her go." Erin negotiates.

"This bitch was leaving his house this morning, she knows something. She ain't going anywhere." The man says. He grabs onto Sylvie's wrist and twists it hard, she cries out but tries to cover it.

"So Erin, where is he?" The man asks her whilst twisting Sylvie's wrist.

"I don't know! I was going to see him at the precinct, obviously I never made it inside to find out if he was there or not. I'm not telling you any more, figure it out yourselves." Erin snaps coldly. They let go of Sylvie's wrist, only to swing their fist at Erin and knock her to the ground. She places her hand up to her cheek and winces, they certainly were strong men.

"We'll give you a little bit to think again where Hank is. When we come back you better have an answer." They demand and exit off to another part of the warehouse.

"Why were you at Hank's this morning?" Erin quickly asks the blonde. Sylvie's eyes well up with tears as she recalls her recent encounter with her ex, the reason she went to Hank.

"My ex, Harrison. He followed me home after shift, Gabby wasn't home so it was only me. He pushed me into the house and wanted to talk, he was drunk and really angry so I shoved him away. He punched me in the gut and pinned me against the wall, demanding to know why I don't love him anymore but I didn't say anything. After I got him to leave I called Hank, he told me to stop by his house in the morning so I did. Harrison must have hired them to kidnap me, they only grabbed you because you guys are close and you seem to know everything about him. I'm so sorry Erin, I can't imagine what Jay and Emi are going through." Sylvie blinks her tears away as she explains.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Erin wanted to do something to comfort the blonde but being tied up made it nearly impossible.

Jay anxiously sat in the break room feeding Emi, he was instructed to remain at the precinct with Emi while the others worked the case. In a way all he needed right now was his daughter, she kept him calm and able to keep her hopes up as far as Erin's situation goes.

"Someone's a hungry girl" Jay says quietly to Emi. Her little fingers gripped onto Jay's as he fed her, it was like she knew he was worried and this was her way of saying things would be okay.

"I love you so much, what would I ever do without you?" Emi coos at his words, she babbled incoherently as well which made Jay smile.

"We got a hit off Erin's cell, they're located somewhere around here." Jay could hear Antonio so he exits the break room to listen in, Emi still eating in his arms.

"Alright are there any places around there that might be secluded enough to stash two people?" Adam asks as he points to the circled area on the map.

"There's a warehouse, Erin and I had to scope that place out once. Maybe they're there." Jay says, using his hand with the bottle to point on the map.

"Good job, let's go." Voight commands.