Hello everyone! This is going to be the teaser for my first and newest fanfic. The rest of my chapters will be longer than this so don't worry. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or anything else copyrighted in this story. Only my plot and ideas are mine and Hiro Mashima owns the rest. At least, I don't think pirates and ninjas are copyrighted... Are they? ;)

I was running. That by itself would've been enough to send alarm bells ringing in anyone's head. Lucy Heartfilia doesn't run – she stands and fights. However, the past year after my mom had died, I had lied low and played helpless. My stepfather had always bought my act, but my mother would know since she taught me how to act… and sing.

The sound of barking and pounding hooves behind me made me run even faster. I felt the wooden slabs of rough planks below my bare feet as I ran along the docks. A hound nipped at my heels and I yelped. Focus and reminisce later.

I spun and jumped into the air, unsheathing my katana along the way. Its sheath hung at the side of my belt, all hidden underneath my fluffy pink dress. I'd never thought that this puffy outfit could ever help me with an escape, but hey, look at me now. Training with mom and her had really helped, I guess. Narrowing my eyes, I crouched and waited for the bounty hunter to come into view as the canines circled me and bared their teeth.

50 feet and nearing, I smelled him slowing his horse down to a trot as he turned the corner. Then I saw him. He grinned at me, a toothy smirk, and I felt my heart sink.
