This chapter follows Chapter 11 of the Faster Than a Kiss manga. If you haven't read the manga SPOILER ALERT! And seriously, go read it! It is amazing. I do not own any of the characters, the story, the quotes or pretty much anything other than my imagination. (: I hope you enjoy it!

"Can we stay together until morning?" my murmured question hung in the air, turning the atmosphere of the room heavy with longing.

My heart was beating through my chest, I was sure Sensei could feel it through the thin barrier of our clothes, but I refused to let go of him. We were closer than we had ever been and there was no I way I was going to let him go. The silence stretched on and I began to wonder, what did I just say? Stay together until morning, that means… my heart skipped a beat as the answer became clear. I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my hold on him.

Now what? I thought, my heart beating even faster, something I had thought impossible moments before. No…No problem! I love Sensei and besides we're married!

"Fumino-san, Fumino-san, I can't breathe. Could you relax a bit?" Sensei's soft words vibrated through my body and I shivered as his breath tickled my ear letting out a gasp.

Sensei chuckled and I chanced a glance at his face. I instantly relaxed as I took in his tender smile, letting my hands slide down to settle on his shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead gently, I closed my eyes savoring the feeling of the weight of his body on mine. I opened my eyes, ignoring the blush in my cheeks and the nervous ball in my stomach, and looked at Sensei.

His silky black hair was falling around his face, touching his eyelashes that were hidden behind that thin layer of glass. His thin lips were upturned at the corners. I let my hand slide lower down to his chest, to his heart. His heart was beating quickly, straining to meet my hand. A large hand covered mine and I brought my gaze back to his face.

My eyes found his. I started, shocked at what I found in his gaze. His eyes were bleary with desire and he had lost his smile, his lips slightly parted. His cheeks colored with a slight blush.

"Don't move," he whispered, his voice strained, "If you keep touching me like this," he squeezed my captured hand and turned away, "I won't be able to control myself."

I pulled my hand out from under his and Sensei hissed out a sigh. I lifted my hand to his face and pulled his gaze back to me, in a trance. His breath hitched in his throat and he swallowed hard. I lifted my hands to his glasses and pulled them off slowly, tired of the layer of glass hiding his gaze.

"Then don't," I replied, unable to stop myself.

Sensei groaned softly and wove his fingers through my hair. He put his forehead on mine and searched my eyes, giving me one last chance to push him away. I rose to meet him, winding my arms around his neck and claiming his lips.

It was as if fireworks exploded around us. It was magical and I couldn't have pulled away even if I wanted to, but I didn't. His lips moved against mine hungrily, my lips felt clumsy against his but I soon fell into his rhythm. I unwound my arms from his neck and pushed my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

"So in the end, you're the reason why Onii-san has sunk to this level?" Shouma's words hit me like a freight train. My eyes flew open in shock and my knee came up into Sensei's stomach forcing him off of me. I froze as I realized what I had just done.

"Sorry Sensei, sorry!" I shouted over his violent coughing fretting over his doubled over figure.

"Its fine," he croaked.

When he turned to look at me his eyes were the same gentle eyes I had grown so fond of. He smiled softly and patted my head, "I should be apologizing; I took the joke too far."

"Joke?" I repeated, a cold feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. I watched him as he stood and walked to where his glasses had been discarded, stooping to retrieve them.

"You're tired from the cultural festival right? You have a day off tomorrow, so please get some rest," He said as he stood and walked into his room biding me goodnight as he turned to close the door behind him.

I was left on the floor, feeling disoriented. I gathered my hair to the side and pulled it over my shoulder, brushing out the tangles Sensei had put in it. I thought back on what he had said. I dropped my hands to the floor and huddled my shoulders in embarrassment. Sensei still saw me as a child! Pushing it off on exhaustion from the festival, he was clearly avoiding me. I covered my face with my hands and let out a deep sigh, I'm sorry, Sensei. I'm too childish, aren't I?

I looked after him and considered barging into his room, insisting that I am not a child and finishing what we had started. Instead, I walked back to my room, completely devoid of the courage needed to face him.

Hope you enjoyed it! I tried to stay with the story line as closely as possible (minus the kiss of course) but if you have any complaints, please let me know! Any constructive criticism, lay it on me! Any requested chapters? Let me know and I will do my best!

Again, the characters, the plot, and most of the lines belong only to the mangaka. I own nothing! And seriously, if you haven't read the manga, check it out!