First Duty

Synopsis: Set in 2367, Picard is sent on a covert, classified mission, leaving his young daughter on board the Enterprise throughout his risky assignment for the Federation.

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to CBS, its parents and affiliates. Just taking the characters out for a jaunt around the galaxy, I warrant they will be returned in the same condition I borrowed them.

Part 1

Entering the turbolift, Picard hangs his head. Truthfully, he does not have any other alternatives. The decision has been made, and rationally he comprehends that Starfleet has chosen the correct course of action. Naturally, he is the person best suited for the assignment. Actually, he is the only one suited for the dreaded mission, his past history cursing him with a unique position. He only wants to do the right thing, to finally rid the Federation of one of their most formidable opponents, and if he can play a role in that, he will gladly participate in whatever manner he can.

As the lift doors open and Picard heavily walks onto the corridor, his mind races with concern for his daughter, the little girl that has in the past five years become the heart and soul of his world. She had been born the year before he took command of the Enterprise, and he since her mother had died during child birth, Picard had raised her on his own. Striding into Sickbay, Picard almost smiles to himself. Well, not exactly on my own.

He winds through Sickbay to the Chief Medical Officer's office, knowing he would find his best friend there completing briefs. As he slips through the door, he discovers Beverly behind her desk, staring intently at the computer monitor.

"I'm sorry to bother you," greets Picard, already crossing the room to the desk.

Glancing up, Beverly smiles easily. "That's alright. Are you looking for Aurora? She's in my quarters. Wes was helping her with her homework. "

Pausing at the side of the desk, Picard shakes his head. "Uh, no. I needed to talk to you."

Appraising him, Beverly tilts her head. "What's wrong?"

Running his tongue over his lips, Picard circumnavigates the desk to come up close to Beverly's chair and lowers himself to perch on the edge of the desk right next to her. "I'm being deployed on a special mission is classified and highly sensitive. I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to go into details."

Swallowing hard, Beverly nods. "Alright. When do you go? For how long?"

Frowning, Picard exhales. "I'm leaving immediately. I'm taking a runabout, Worf is accompanying me. Riker will assume command of the Enterprise. I don't know the duration. I don't anticipate…Beverly, there is a great deal of risk involved and…"Glancing down into her wide blue eyes, Jean-Luc cannot finish his sentence. "Well, it is imperative that I go and accomplish our objective. It's critical to the Federation."

Lips trembling, Beverly sees the resolve in his expression, hears the conviction in his voice, and it curls her stomach. "Jean-Luc, you don't think you're coming back, do you?"

Sighing, Jean-Luc leans over to grasp her hand between both of his. "I don't know."

Biting her lip, hot tears well in Beverly's eyes. She's confused, frightened and slightly angry simultaneously. Desperately she wishes she knew what was going on, that she were privy to the details that he is forbidden from disclosing "But, what about Aurora?"

Gazing into her eyes, Jean-Luc struggles to hold back his own tears, stumbles to articulate his words. "That…that's what I was hoping…I'm so sorry, Beverly. I haven't any time…"

Folding her other hand over his, Beverly nods empathetically. "It's okay. I understand."

Grimacing, Jean-Luc's heart pounds against his chest. He abhors asking Beverly to assume this burden, yet he can only leave knowing his daughter is in her care. "I'm so sorry to even have to ask you. It's a tremendous burden, and…"

Reaching out to stop him, Beverly covers his lips with her forefinger. "Shsh. You don't have to ask. I'll take care of her. You don't have to worry."

Sighing, Jean-Luc briefly closes his eyes and laces his fingers through hers, momentarily savouring the warm touch, perhaps for the last time. "Thank you, Beverly. I trust you implicitly."

Stepping out of her chair, Beverly acts purely on impulse, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Practically melting , Jean-Luc envelopes her closer, snaking his arms around her back. "Thank you.I'm sure others can help, too. She's got a good relationship with Troi. But, uh…"Drawing back, Jean-Luc half-smiles. "She loves you."

Forcing a smile, Beverly sniffles through her tears."It's okay. We'll be fine. I promise."

Caressing her lower back, Jean-Luc nods firmly. "Yes." Growing somber, he reluctantly searches her eyes. "Beverly, if something should happen…"

Shaking her head, Beverly's face falls. "No…"

"If something should happen…" Picard continues earnestly. "I need you to take custody of Aurora. I know it's a lot to ask, but there isn't anyone else I'd rather raise my daughter."

Nodding unequivocally, Beverly grips his shoulder, her watery eyes staring into his stone-set hazel ones. "Of course. I promise. I promise I'll look after her, Jean-Luc."

Sighing in relief, Jean-Luc lays his forehead against hers in a rare display of affection and vulnerability. "Thank you, Beverly."

Stroking his cheek, Beverly sighs in astonishment. "What do you need? What can I do?"

Drawing back, Picard clears his throat. "I..uh…I need to pack a case. I haven't any time. Can you collect Aurora and bring her to my cabin?"

"Of course," agrees Beverly, disentangling from his arms, attempting to compose herself. Heart beating profusely against her chest, Beverly's head is spinning wildly. Nauseated and light-headed, she struggles just to keep upright.