What Team?!

Author Notes: This is a muggleborn confusing the purebloods story. I have many more ideas for short little stories like this one. I just made up names for the story, so don;t be wondering who they are. I hope you all enjoy it! Please review and share if you do! Thank You!

Voices of the remaining students filled the Great Hall after dinner. Groups of all years and houses were scattered at the long wooden tables. Purebloods, half-bloods, and muggleborns were chatting, studying, or playing games together.

It was a typical evening at Hogwarts for Arizon. She sat with several of her friends near the fireplace trying to concentrate on the dreadful Wizard History assignment.

"This is awful," moaned Catherine, who like Arizon was a muggleborns Hufflepuff.

Gradually one by one the complaining students closed their books in defeat. Just then owls flew in dropping off the post to the tables. Her friends leaned over to look at the red envelope that fell on the closed book in front of Arizon.

"Oh no," she gulped seeing it. Arizon knew this was a Howler and it would be terribly embarrassing whether she opened it or not. She slowly flipped it over to see her brother's name written on the already hot letter. Arizon questioned why he would send this since she never did anything that would make him upset. He never even wrote her at school.

A Gryffindor, Ezra laughed, "A howler! Oh, I can't wait to hear this."

Several students down the table had overheard and were now looking to see what message the Howler would bring. Arizon looked at her friends and winced preparing for the yelling voice. She reluctantly broke the seal and the envelope magically formed into a mouth with teeth and ribbon tongue.

"Alright, everyone gather round!" Arizon's brother's shouting voice drew everyone in the halls attention toward the fireplace. Once everyone was looking at the floating Howler it boomed, "OKAY, NOW WHAT TEAM?!"

Several of the students' faces lit up, amused at the familiar question. Arizon began hysterically laughing. Her eyes filled with tears of joy remembering how her brother and she had rewatched all three High School Musical movies over the Christmas Holiday. Two muggleborns Ravenclaws turned to each other and rejoiced, "WILDCATS!"

The Howler exclaimed again, "WHAT TEAM?!"

"WILDCATS!" cheered more voices this time.



A loud roar of all the muggleborns filled the Great Hall, followed by applause and whoops. Some even began singing songs from the cherished movie. Contrary to this excited cheering was the pureblood student's confusion. They sat with faces of bewildered at what had just happened. The whole thing seemed so strangely rehearsed. They wondered how all the others loved to same team. What was so thrilling about these untamed felines? Was there only one team in the Muggle World? And if so why did they need to get there head in the game?

"Is this some kind of ritual?" asked a pureblood to Arizon.

"Yes! It's how we bop to the top," she sang back.


The Howler tore itself up as the echoes of chanting began to fade away in the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall, who was overseeing the students, shook her head in amusement. This was just another time the muggleborns confused students raised only in the Wizard World. They were truly all in this together.