I do not own VA or any of Mrs. Read's character.

(If only if Dimitri could be owned. ;D)

Enjoy the read.

So the Russian was a distraction, sue her. He was buff, sex on legs, all god qualities and possibly had shinier hair then Rose. She petted her hair like a sulking puppy, talk about a crime within it's self. The distraction left without another word balance two heavy boxes on each shoulder, damn that looked to sexy. She turned to Lissa, who was also looking at Russian God's butt.

"Lissa!" she snapped her good hand in her face. The movement caused Lissa to pull her out of the trance and into motion Lissa also started blushing porously. "Sorry, he isn't shabby I wonder if he purposely tightens those butt muscles…" Rose rolled her eyes and helped hold one side on a large plastic carton of apples, looking only a few days old. Lissa grabbed the other end as the bother carried it into the busy main street, where coincidently the daily market was starting.

The road bustled with a hushed hurried atmosphere like they feared to be outside in normal morning hours. Two men took the carton from then and started displaying them on the wooden bin labeled:


Talk about rations. She looked more closely at other items it wasn't just the apples different items had limitations. For instance, you could buy one pound of meat for a family for five or a bunch of bread and veggies but no meat. The meat looked nice…freshly caught deer but the deer didn't look right. It had already turn brown and the produce men had a hard time keeping the flies away.

There was a stand for washing clothes even a saleswoman for affordable jewelry while her husband was the carpenter. There were not necessaries in this colony just survival and comfort. Lissa had taken the liberty to take (what looked like) a salesman behind his nick-knack stand with all shorts of items that looked just a little over priced. Rose hadn't kept up with the daily sales of the economy but even the apples seemed to pricy and yet they still had limitations.

The Court would give certain amount of points and they refilled as the week passed. The man Lissa was chatting with was long lanky and quite mysterious looking his brown hair was combed back his grey suite looked rough around the edges, but still in fine working order and the kicker, is thick wool woven tucked neatly around his ling willowy neck like a ascot. It accented is dark eyes making give the 'don't-fuck-with-me' persona.

Lissa, smiling waved Rose over, "Rose this is Zemy." Zemy? It sounded so…slimy. "Zemy here says he as an extra bed to share in his cabin."

"So he can murder us in our sleep," she mumbled back, only Zemy seemed to hear. He smirked at her comment.

"No Miss. Rose I need help around my café and Christian my cook needs help. I just happen to have an extra room."

"We'll take it," Lissa seemed eager, like the offer would fly away any second.

"What happened to that attendant," she snickered, poking at the old man.

"He is dead," but Zemy didn't grin this time. No it seemed to have to opposite affect making his features gloomy and distraught.

"What happened?" It was Lissa who decided to be curious.

"Hunting accident," the old man stepped inside.

Hopefully they didn't suffer the same fate.

The inside haled the dining room with wooden round tables in a checkered pattern running row by row till it reached the bar the large back window to send out food. To the right led a large fire place, that kept out the chilling February with pictures and flowers arranged.

"Memorials," Lissa whispered into her ear as the rounded the bar area.

"All right," Zemy clamped his hand together. "Every night most of the town comes in and eats, basically whatever Christian or Dimitri catch." Gave them a quick tour of the operation, which seemed like a completely genius idea. It was simple trade items or currency and no one was turned down a meal. No wonder there was a grandiose of tables all scrunched together. She wonder what job Zemy would designate Rose, probably Broom Girl. Dear god, the last time Rose checked you need two hands for a reasonable sweep. She could remember the last time she swept a damn floor.

Zemy guided the girls up the first landing of stair which was hidden behind a secret door guarded by a heavy bookcase used for shelving herbs. The stairwell was narrow and steep for a small walk-way. It soon cut out into a narrow landing with only two doors adjacent to each other on the left. The old man held out the door for them, "I expect you've had a long journey so I'll let you freshen up. Be down to help set at five," his voice held a sharp business tone.

What had Lissa gotten them into?

When they entered Lissa already made a bee-line for the twin sized bed tucked into a tight corner. The room was brightened by a small table lamp and a hatch for a window next to the bed. A dresser from them to share and a small 'two-step here, two-steps you're there' bathroom, a simple corner shower and toilet.

Lissa bounced on the white linens making a mock snow angel out of the covers sniffing the new black pillows. "This isn't so bad," she smiled in Rose direction. Rose shrugged testing the dust on the dresser, fairly clean.

"No Lissa we're just lucky."

Night rolled around rather fast, Lissa and Rose took turns sharing the bed and taking a well need shower. Lissa had left earlier seeing if anyone was around. Rose's shower took a little longer then expected, showing with a dead arm was harder then it appeared. The right side of her body didn't get enough coverage. Dressed, she headed for the stairs entering the back walk way to the kitchen. Lissa was chatting a rather tall guy. Skinny and showed some type of muscles progression, but nothing like the Russian from this morning.

She noticed a polished red apple in a plastic bin; Rose's stomach rumbled threatening it would eat her insides painfully slow. She rubbed off the wax with her shirt and was about to take a bite.

A hand shot out from behind her grabbing her apple, but Rose won't let go. For some strange her Guardian mode switch on. Her attacker was surprised at the weight she throws on his bronze arm twisting it with her left. The arm (unfairly) let go of her apple but instead of backing away it cramped his other arm tightly around her neck. She tried kicking at his ankles but her opponent was tall and lifting her off the ground.

The air started to escape her lungs neglected to be refilled. Lissa started panicking, also tried hitting. Bless Lissa for trying, but we all know she came out with more damage then him. Christian pulled Lissa away.

"Dimitri, it's a damn apple! Let the brunette go," Christian was containing a fitting Lissa. Black spots appeared in her vision and like that the arms let go, dropping her like a filled burlap sack. Rose choked on air, her lung not accustomed to being almost strangled to death. She hoped no was accustomed to those accommodation. With her vision back Rose could finally name her attacker.

The Russian God or Dimitri as he was pleasantly named.

"What the hell!" The first words to leave her mouth, she started coking again.

"No one steals from the rations bin, those," he pointed to the pin, "are saved for emergencies." His figures hard but his eyes not exactly full of hate they looked slightly regretful then it was gone.

"Dimitri, she lives here know. Zemy let them take Ivan's room." Christian released Lissa now trying to help Rose up. Dimitri stiffened, "he gave the room away?" he stormed off heading for the stairs. Christian nodded handing Rose a mason jar of water. She eagerly sipped taking in the cool liquid.

"That was a cool moved you played, had Dimitri by surprise for minute."

Rose snort almost spilling her water, "surprised? Sure, Pyro."

Christian raised an eyebrow, could everyone but her do that? "Pyro?"

She pointed to his pot of stew currently boiling over.

The dinner was boom not an hour later. Rose's job, thankfully, was not a broom sweeping but one rank at higher. She served the alcoholic or the wealthiest with their tobacco smoking pipe's some waiting the cheapest cider or like Mr. Pipe over there; two cubes of ice and only fill the scotch half way. Thank god he gave a heavy tip.

Lissa worked the tables giving out the meal of the night that just happened to be venison stew. No one complained but ate happily and chatted among each other happily.

Zemy hit his glass with a blunt butter knife. "I would like to call this meeting to order?"


"The Court has made it official they will not be seeing any protection with our matters with Strigoi."

All hell broke lose. She was witnessing rebellion and Rose liked it.

Hi Everyone!

I hope you enjoy this long chapter, I know it doesn't make up for be being gone. I am a busy woman and I well try to be more active with this story because now I have the time! My zest for this story a soared and I'm proud to say I have a couple more chapters (action packed) and with a lot more Dimitri. *wiggles eyebrows*. Thanks for reading. Please Review! It really pleases me to see reviews and keeps me going, I even got a couple reviews long after into my break.

With Love,
