
Hello everyone, Levi Heichou Ackerman here. This is my first fanfiction ever so a little support would be greatly appreciated. I promise to try and keep my grammar errors to a minimum. Ill also try to update at least every one to two weeks. So anyway, be sure to rate and comment. With all of that said, on to the story.

The '104th Trainees Squad' had plenty of exemplary cadets such as Mikasa Ackerman, Connie Springer, Marco bott, as well as many others. But none stood out as much as Eren Yeager, and Annie Leonhart. Eren stood out due to his unbridled rage towards the titans. He could be identified by his messy dark brown hair and emerald eyes. Annie stood out because of her golden blond hair, Firm blue eyes, her cold nature towards others and her tendency to incapacitate the other cadets via her own style of martial arts. Eren would soon learn this the hard way.

It was just another day of training with the future soldiers of humanity. And today's training just happened to include hand to hand combat. Everyone was to pair up and disarm their partner. During this specific exercise Eren was to pair up with the rather large and bulky Reiner Braun. Reiner was easily identifiable by his towering frame, and short blond hair parted in the middle. Eren and Reiner stood on the training field as they took turns running at each other with the wooden daggers in hand.

"I don't see how this would help us fight the titans." Grumbled Reiner.

Eren nodded and added, "I agree, We should be doing useful things like more target training with our 3D Maneuver Gear."

Their conversation continued for a moment until Reiner noticed a certain blond ice queen walking about the field. Eren turned and followed Reiner's line of sight until he noticed Annie walking without a care in the world.

"Is she skipping out on training again?" Eren asked no one in particular, "Thats the third time this week."

Reiner, wanting to show Annie up, walked over to her and started talking. "What? Do you think you're too good for everyone here? Who do you think you are?" Taunted Reiner as he fired jab after jab at the blond female. Annie stayed quiet for the most part, interjecting very little into the one sided conversation. At this point Eren was just watching the scene before him unfold. Reiner gave a smirk and turned towards Annie once more and stated, "My friend Eren here could probably take you on with his eyes closed." For once in the entire span of the conversation Annie seemed to look less indifferent than usual.

"Is that so Eren?" Annie questioned. Eren suddenly started stuttering out a reply to the threat now directed on him.

"W-well um no." Replied Eren. Unfortunately for the self proclaimed 'Slaughterer of Titans' luck was not on his side as he soon found himself on the ground courtesy of a leg sweep from Annie. At this point Reiner was laughing loudly while Eren was seething. 'Oh Reiner was going to pay' Thought Eren. Eren looked up at his bulky sparring partner through his legs and ordered through clenched teeth, "Go ahead Reiner, do it". Not wanting to appear cowardly, Reiner charged the quiet blond with fists cocked. All was for not though as he suffered the same fate as Eren. Annie wordlessly walked away from the pitiful scene in front of her. Eren scrambled to his feet and chased after Annie, leaving his partner behind on the ground.

Eren finally caught up to Annie and asked, "Hey Annie, what was that?"

Annie turned towards Eren and answered, "That was nothing, Just something my dad taught me."

At this point Eren was amazed, even bewildered at the raw power that Annie had exhibited earlier. "Awesome! Can you teach it to me?" Eren asked hopefully.

Annie was going to deny him but she saw something in his eyes, something that sparked her interest. What she saw was a white hot fire of determination burning within his focused emerald eyes.

Annie sighed and answered in a bored tone, "Alright I'll teach it to you, We can start tomorrow" By this point she noticed that training was over for that day. "I'm going to the mess hall. Don't be late Yeager." With that she turned and walked away. Eren was happy to be taught such an amazing fighting style. He walked towards the mess hall to go see Armin and Mikasa.

*Edit* I was going to make the prologue longer but it was 2:30 in the morning when I wrote it. The rest of the chapters will definitely be longer. One last thing. I plan on updating at least once every two weeks, Maybe once a week sometimes if I concentrate. Well that's It for now. L.H.A out!