A/N: In honor of the 100th review for The Chaos Plane, I have written a short drabble-ish chapter. It takes place between the last chapter and the Epilogue.

(If you don't remember what happened, reading the Epilogue again would be a good refresher.)


Bonus Chapter:

The wind roared in Elliot's ears as Scarlet shot through the air, and for a few seconds he wondered if he should be worried about damaging his hearing. The ground came into view, and the glint of steel in the bright afternoon sun decorated the ground.

Scarlet pulled out of her dive just in time to alight gracefully in the middle of the battlefield, the gust of wind knocking over a good number of soldiers.

Elliot disappeared from her back, flitting in and out of existence between his enemies, and providing cover for Scarlet. "It's about time you got here!" a female voice called from a few feet away as she pulled one of her broadswords from an enemy.

The dark haired boy smirked as he sailed over her head, landing a fierce kick to a soldier's face.

'Where is Elden?' Scarlet questioned. "Guarding the Gates. He's got it covered," the woman replied, casually dodging an arrow.

'Kaa'reh?' Elliot asked shortly. "He's not here. He's obviously playing us," she replied crossly as she swung her swords around with practiced ease.

Scarlet's fire blazed past them, searing scorch marks onto the ground and lighting anything flammable on fire. 'He will pay for what he has done,' the crimson dragon roared defiantly.


As the troops sat around the bar celebrating their victory, Elliot sat alone in a corner booth watching the warriors enjoy themselves. General Kaa'reh had finally been defeated after a long and arduous battle.

"To Illiana!" a man shouted, followed by a loud chorus of assent. The woman in question smiled and raised her glass obligingly. "To Elden!" a battle-hardened woman called. "Hear, hear!" the bar bellowed.

"To Wykkyd and Scarlet," Illiana announced, causing the room to erupt in cheers. Before he knew it, Elliot was being hoisted up onto someone's shoulders and carried over to the center of the room.

"It's a time for celebration, Sir," the man explained while lowering him down to the ground.

Elliot chuckled and accepted a glass from the kind bartender. A rag-tag band of musicians struck up a tune, and the bar became filled with celebratory dancing.

He watched the troops bounce around joyfully from his spot on a bar stool, glad that the Dragon Wars were finally over. Scarlet and Elden had attended their own banquet, which had been thrown by their people.

As the night wore on, he found himself wondering what Raven might have been doing, and resolved to go visit her when things calmed down. Illiana, who stood before him with an expectant smirk, shook him from his reverie.

"Come dance with me," she commanded haughtily. Elliot rolled his eyes, and she simply grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of his seat. "It'll be fun," she assured him, pulling him into the middle of the dancers.

Though he hated to admit it, he did end up having fun.


If Raven never saw another rabbit for the rest of her life, it would be too soon. Mumbo Jumbo had finally been returned to his prison cell, and she was about ready to hide in her room to escape anything that remotely resembled a rabbit.

She smirked as she remembered smoking a rabbit creature over a campfire with Elliot once. "That smile is never good," Beast Boy commented drily. Raven narrowed her eyes, "I wasn't smiling."

He shrugged, "Call it what you want. I bet you were thinking about setting bunnies on fire." Raven raised an eyebrow, "Wow. You're getting good at this."

The green teenager shrugged, "Educated guess. At this point, even I want to set them on fire." The sorceress chuckled, shaking her head. Beast Boy grinned slyly and made finger guns at her, "Made ya laugh."

Raven truly appreciated Beast Boy's latest attempts at humor. It seemed that he'd begun to cater to her personality when cracking his jokes, which meant he was more likely to actually be funny. It also meant that he'd learned something over the years, which proved that he truly did have a brain.

Starfire giddily skipped down the road, dragging Robin behind her. A day full of bunnies was a day full of joy for Starfire, and she wasn't about to let the fact that they were really bombs spoil her fun.

Cyborg trudged along behind them, muttering something about respect and his car. His "baby" had been lost in a tragic bunny-related accident that morning, and he was far from over it.

As she walked to the pizza place with her friends, she couldn't help but to wonder what Elliot was doing in the Chaos Plane.

Perhaps he was somewhere wondering the same thing.