Hello everyone! It's been a while. A very, very long while..

For those of you who are still patiently waiting for me to update When Harry Met.. I'm sorry but I'm not sure when this will happen. I feel like I've run out of gas on that story. So to tide you over here is a 4 maybe 5 part Sequel to Towel Boy. A lot of you have been begging for one so here it is. Chapter 1 and 2 are already completed. I will post chapter 2 tomorrow.

Title: Towel Boy 2

Genre: Slash, Alternate Universe, Ooc Characters.

Warnings/Themes: Boy x Boy x Boy sex, Dom/Sub/Dom feel, bottom!Draco, Dom!Harry, Dom!Blaise, , Threesome and Explicit sexual content.

Pairing: Blaise/Draco/Harry

Please be advised that this story should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. It is not appropriate for underage readers which is why it is of the 'M' rating. I will not be responsible for anyone who has read this story and has deemed it too explicit as I have placed it in the appropriate section. Something would honestly have to be wrong with you if you've searched both Harry and Draco pairing and M rating and not expected to find things like this. No complaints on it as I did warn you beforehand.

The characters in this story are the sole property of Ms. J.K Rowling and I am merely borrowing them and making them do very, very dirty deeds for my pleasure and yours.


Quidditch towel boy caught in locker room scandal. Read more on page 2!'

"Oh Merlin.." Draco breathed out clutching the newspapers sank down into the partially worn couch of his modest apartment. "Oh Merlin.." he felt the tears welling in his eyes and his hands began to shake. The fucking Prophet has struck yet again. How the hell did they get wind of this? He was completely convinced that they were alone in that locker room two months ago. Two months. Goodness, it was hard to believe all that time had passed. Since then it had been.. no.. focus. A scandal was afoot and he couldn't afford to be distracted right now.

He turned to the page marked '2' and with a lump in his throat he began to read. 'Oh goodness my dear roommates!'. The writing on the page exclaimed. This is what the gossip columnist Andre Skeeter affectionately loved to call his avid followers and sources. 'I have some juicy biscuits for you today. One of our fellow roommates has tipped me off to a very, very interesting development in the land of Quidditch. Now we all know how much I detest sports, except for the delicious bodies of the players, but today I am very interested! My source claims that a few months ago he stumbled upon a very curious event in a particular Quidditch locker room. A steamy little sex fest with a team's towel boy! Yes, you read correctly. Apparently towel boys are in charge of a lot more than Towels now in the land of Quidditch. Have they have now been assigned to take care of players- ahem- sexual needs? (Where do I sign up?!)

To add to this story I have a steamy line of photos for you on page 3.' "Oh fucking MERLIN." Draco wanted to throw up. Pictures? Someone took pictures?! 'Now now,' the tabloid went on. 'Before you eager beavers and beavettes hurriedly flip to the pics let me give the details. Now usually we're not in the habit of printing names, but since we have such irrefutable evidence we can!' "Oh merlin, NO!" He continued reading, the ball in his stomach getting heavier and heavier with each word.

'So according to the photos, which I have thoroughly examined in great, great detail; Mr. Roderick Plumpton, seeker for England's national Quidditch was caught scandalously fu- oh can't say that word – having sexual relations with the team's towel boy Michael Richardson. '

Relief, so much relief that Draco almost broke down and cried. It wasn't about him, it wasn't about him! Oh great and joyous Merlin it wasn't about him! He buried his head into the sheets of paper taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He didn't care that the ink was smudging his nose or that the smell would eventually give him a headache, he was just so bloody happy that his "one night of fun" didn't turn into a life altering disaster.

He reopened the paper and continued reading. 'Now rumour has it that since this night the two have continued their scandalous, gay love affair behind the backs of the Quidditch administration. Not anymore I tell you! Now it's all out in the open.. all of it.. including what is apparently a new sex position. I can't wait to try it out myself. Give me a call ok, Roddy boy? Roomie #1, out! Enjoy the pictures, I know I sure did. winkyface'

Did he dare? No, no he couldn't. Draco chewed on his bottom lip, glanced behind him at his empty apartment and turned the page to number three. "Oh.. oh my.." he said breathlessly. Looking behind him again to make sure there was no one hiding behind his curtains waiting to scream 'PERVERT!'. It wasn't as though he had turned into some kind of sex pervert. But those pictures were.. wow.. they weren't even blurry. They looked like something professionally taken, like.. something out of a bloody skin magazine. It turned him on quite quickly because, let's be honest here, it wasn't as though his sex life was something to write home about.

Ever since that night, since the promises were made things sort of- never happened. It wasn't that he didn't want them to, he really did. But, it just never came into fruition. Harry and Blaise.. or now he had taken back to calling them, Potter and Zabini has been sent away to some specialized training camp for extra talented Quidditch players in rural Austria of all places. Completely secluded and out of range to any fire calls or owls or apparently any forms of modern communication, muggle or otherwise because since they left he hadn't heard from them. Not even once. It made his stomach clench, with both hurt and want all at the same time. He had never been so confused by two people in all his life. First they fuc- sex him up all well and proper and then just leave him in the dust without a word and without closure.

After the championship game the season had come to a close, so after they parted ways that night he had expected long, hot summer days filled with nothing but Potter and Zabini but he had been wrong. The following day during the final team meeting of the season where they were notably absent the coach informed them all that the two star players had been whisked away to Austria for a very exclusive training camp. Draco had felt his whole body go cold. Did they know? He had questioned himself. Did they know that they were leaving the next morning the night they..?

The season was to be reopened today, which meant he had to go to the meeting along with the rest of the team for 9AM. Which also meant, they might or should be there. He was both looking at this day with great apprehension and a strange feeling of expectation in the pit of his stomach. Would he run into their arms and welcome them back with sweet kisses, would they pull him off secretly to the side and remind him of why in the darkness of his room he would remember that night and stroke himself to completion or would they simply ignore him pretending as though it never happened to start with.

He dragged his hand through his hair with a frustrating sigh. 8:32AM the clock on the wall showed. If he left now he would get there just in time for the meeting so at least he could avoid any awkward encounters while waiting for the meeting to start. He had already woken up feeling incredibly queasy, as he had for the past couple of weeks but he shrugged it off as nerves. He kept close track of the past two months. Every single day leading up to the opening of the fall season.

He tucked away the newspapers ensuring the safety of page 3.. you know.. for research later on, grabbed his bag and left his apartment.

There you have it. Please review and tell me what you guys think. Hopefully I can make this one as juicy and enjoyable as its predecessor.

Thank you for reading.
