Annie: Second Fairy Tail story with Natsu as the main character in it.

Natsu: I hope you didn't do something to me.

Annie: You're find out in the story. This is Natsu x three people and it's going to be only 3 chapters.

Natsu Why me?!

Annie: My choose. Enjoy the story. ^-^

Year: X774

Natsu has been learning dragon slayer magic from his adopted father Ingeel, the king of the fire dragons and had learned about half of it in 1 year before he smelled something he didn't know and want to see what it is. He saw some people with something on their faces and someone from behind him that he didn't know was there knocked him out. He woke up in a room with toys and the people he saw came in with a man.

"My name is Brain and I'm in control of this build. The name of the build is Bureau of Magical Development. It increases you're magical powers inside you." The man named Brain said as Natsu doesn't trust him 'cause he smells evil on that man.

"I don't trust you. You smell evil and bad." Natsu said as Brain got confusing on his face before realized something then he smirked.

"A dragon slayer. They're rare since they have Lost Magic inside them. Hock him up for 10 days and make sure to go all the way with him." Brain said as he left the room and left Natsu with the people in the room.

Natsu is in a room with a pit below him and was restrained in web like wires that are connected to his body. He is looking up at the ceiling that is full of round holes, with light coming out from them. Natsu sees something hanging above the chasm and overlooking it was a very large mechanical structure which (Matching the moon-theme of the build itself, but Natsu didn't see the outside of the building) took the form of a stylized crimson sun joined with a silver crescent moon, covering the former's left part. Natsu can see both of them have bore wicked-looking faces, with a large eye, possessing a greenish stylized star pupil, present on each of them, and a sneering mouth being shared between them. Natsu heard people talking to hid left and saw the lighting up of the star-shaped eyes of the sun and the moon before he felt pain coming from his body as purple shock waves come from the wires attached to him go to him increasing him magic. For 10 hours, Natsu can feel nothing but pain as they kept it up before Brain showed up.

"How is he?" Brain asked them before he looked down to look at Natsu's pained filled face in the pit.

"He's doing great. Nothing going wrong with the increasing of his power." The woman said as Brain smirks at that.

Then a member, that has a bad habit of pushing the handle into the max area with the test subjects, showed up out of no way and pushed the man in front of the machine, that is in control of the mechanical structure, and pushed the handle up all the way casing Natsu to scream louder than he did and Brain saw the man had pushed the handle to the max area which is casing Natsu so much pain. Natsu felt his body getting weaker by the minute and his magic is getting stronger by the minute as Brain saw Natsu get scales under his eyes and on his finger nails meaning he has entered Dragon Force (In some chapters, Natsu can go into this by will power, sometimes it's when he's rage or lost it and doesn't listen to anybody) and he has a aura of fire around his body which is called Fire Drive (Made up and since Sting has light around his body, Natsu has fire around his body) as his magic increases, his endurance increases as well letting him last longer as his magic increases.

Brain knew that Natsu has more power (Remember Ultear and how much power she has? The power of the Guild masters? The power of the councils mages? The power of the Ten Wizard Saints? Natsu has more power than that combined) than anyone in the world and stopped the testing after he was hocked out for 10 days by Natsu's power which he knew Natsu didn't mean it as he saw fire shot out of his mouth at hit him in the face. Natsu got to rest for 6 days to let his body get use to the power in him as he stayed asleep for 6 days. Natsu broke out and ran away to find his father before they find him, Natsu looked for 4 days for Ingeel until he found his father.

"Daddy!" Natsu shouted out and Ingeel saw him before he ran over to Ingeel before Natsu started to cry on his chest and Ingeel holds him with his right claw.

"Son, where have you been?" Ingeel asked and Natsu shakes with fear before he told Ingeel everything and Ingeel got angry at those humans for what they did to his son, his beloved son.

"Would you like to train to get use to the power in you?" Ingeel asked Natsu as Natsu looks at Ingeel with happiness on his face before he starts to train to learn another 1/4 of dragon slayer magic.

Natsu has learned to control his dragon force and his fire drive thanks to Ingeel as Ingeel wants Natsu to be safe and sound. Natsu has surpass the dragons as he defeated his father, but didn't kill him as he won't do it. Natsu meant his father's friend Atlas Flame, whom he calls 'Uncle' or 'Uncle Atlas' making the poor dragon shocked by that title giving to him by his friend's son as Ingeel laughs at his friend's face. Atlas Flame became part of Natsu's life as he looks after Natsu while his father goes to the place his son was taking to and destroy it after Ultear damages it. Natsu loves his life and won't trade it for anything in the world as he was his uncle and father with him. Natsu was walking around until mages that kill people, thinking they are demons in human form, showed up and wounded Natsu badly that Natsu would die in only 10 minutes if Ingeel didn't show up with uncle Atlas and kill the humans that harmed their Natsu. Ingeel saw Natsu's wounds and didn't like that way they are, he wounded himself to put his blood inside Natsu to keep him alive. For 4 days, Natsu was been asleep and hadn't woken up yet. Ingeel worries about his son and waits before Natsu woke up seeing his father and uncle looking happy his safe and sound. Natsu recovered in 6 days and gotten even more stronger thanks to the blood if Ingeel flowing in his body as Ingeel had just claimed Natsu as his own son for life. Natsu learned another 1/4 of dragon slayer magic in one year and Ingeel knows there's one more year before he leaves his son.

"Atlas, I'm worried about Natsu. Natsu is a fast learner and had know 3/4 of dragon slayer moves, but he still needs someone to be there for him. Can you be there for him?" Ingeel asked his friend who knows how much Natsu means to them both.

"I'll be there for him and will stay with him until you return to him. Just make sure you tell Natsu if you aren't there when he wakes up, I'll look after him." Atlas flame said as Ingeel nods his head before he looks to his sleeping son who has a smile on his face.

Year: X777, 7, 7

Natsu has learned all the moves of a dragon slayer, but he woke up to Ingeel not being there. "Daddy!" Natsu shouts out for his father, but his uncle came out and got to him.

"Where's daddy?" Natsu asked as Atlas told Natsu everything to help him to understand his father is still watching over him even if he isn't here with him. Atlas Flame went into a human form with short red hair, but has a low ponytail on his head which reaches his lower back and looks 20 years old at the height of 6'7 feet.

"Come, Natsu. We need to leave to be with the humans. You must join a guild to get jewels that humans use to get food to eat and a home for them to live in." Atlas said as he holds Natsu's right hand and walks to town.

They came to a town that has a guild called Fairy Tail and they entered the guild to seeing a lot of humans there. Natsu got scared and holds Atlas's hand tighter as the master walks over to them.

"New members?" He asked as Atlas nods his head before he spoke to the man.

"Can we talk in you're office alone for 20 minutes? Natsu, why don't you go and get something to eat. We'll be done in 20 minutes." Natsu nods his head and went to the bar, with 40,000 jewels in his second bag, to get something to eat.

Natsu had four people walk up to him and talk with him: One called Gray who is a ice mage, one called Laxus who is lighten mage and a lightning dragon slayer from how Natsu smells from him, one called Erza who is a requip mage and one called Mira who is a take-over soul mage. They talked until Natsu's uncle came down with the master and got their marks.

"Which one do you want to take, Natsu?" Atlas asked Natsu as he looks at the quests on the board for mages to take.

"I want one that let's me go all out." Natsu said as Erza and Laxus looks at each other before they looked at Natsu.

Laxus saw his grandpa take 6 S-Ranked missions and give them to Natsu.

"You're uncle tells me you got too much magic in you and you need to let go. These should help you out with that as they are high ranked missions you can take when you are in a higher rank in a guild." The master of Fairy Tails said as everyone freak out greatly at that after the master gives Natsu the missions for him to do with his uncle Atlas and everyone had questions booming around the guild about Natsu and his uncle as they never heard of this before in the history of magic and in the history of mages, no one can handle a lot of magic inside them even if they did they would die from it.


"Too much magic?"

"What can of mage is he?"

"What can of mage is his uncle?"

Quite, you brats! Natsu Dragneel is a fire dragon slayer while his uncle knows actually dragon magic and they will be going on missions together as they're family." The master of Fairy Tail said as everyone just went quite which Natsu didn't like and hid behind his uncle.

\Atlas saw this and left the guild to do the missions to earn the jewels to get food for him and his nephew as well as a place to sleep in. 4 months went by and Natsu likes the guild, just doesn't like people talking to him so he went to the second floor to stay away from them.

"Don't feel like talking to anyone?" Natsu turns and saw Laxus on a couch on the second floor.

"They just want to be you're friend and you're not letting them." Laxus said as he pats a spot nest to him for Natsu to sit beside him. Natsu sits beside Laxus before Laxus pulls Natsu to him rubbing his hair.

"Try to make friends and they will help with the missions. You even help them get jewels as you split it between them and you." Laxus said as Natsu falls asleep on Laxus who still rubs his hair to help him sleep.

Atlas saw this and knows Natsu had found one of three (Nope, not saying it) which means Natsu needs to be careful for now on. Natsu woke up after 6 hours and saw Laxus was asleep before he saw his uncle by the stairs.

"Enjoyed you're dragon nap?" Atlas asked Natsu who laughed as Laxus woke up.

"Very, Uncle Atlas." Natsu said with a smile on his face as Laxus got confused before he realized that Natsu's uncle can use dragon magic meaning.

"Natsu, is you're uncle a dragon in a human form?" Laxus asked Natsu before Atlas starts to laugh at Laxus.

"Yes, I am and you're gramps is the only one that knew until know. Tell anyone, I kill you." Atlas said as Natsu laughs and Laxus looks scared at Atlas.

"Uncle Atlas, I think you've seen to much of Ackman the dead terrorist as you just copied his favorite line of: I kill you." Natsu said as Laxus laughs at that.

"I watch it to and it's funny as hell." Before all three start to laugh about it.

Laxus and Natsu went on missions together with Atlas there to give pointers here and there. Atlas even helped Laxus go into lightning drive as they finished the mission in only 4 hours and then Atlas would bring them back to Fairy Tail. Laxus and Natsu did missions when they need to get out of the guild, but Natsu overheard Laxus shouting at his grand-father for kicking his father out of the guild.

'Laxus, if only you knew.' Natsu thought before he went to the second floor to sit on the couch for Laxus. Laxus showed up and saw Natsu on the couch waiting for him.

"Sorry you had to wait for me." Laxus said as he sat beside Natsu, but saw Natsu with a sad face.

"You're a bad man. He didn't look after his comrades on missions, leaving them almost to dead on them. I over heard you and gramps fighting and heard everything. I'm sorry." Natsu said before he got off the couch and was about to run when Laxus pulls him to his lap rubbing his hair.

"Natsu, you don't need to worry. I don't hate you, I could never hate you." Laxus said as he hugs Natsu close to him which Natsu returns back as Atlas saw this.

As the years go be, Natsu and Laxus went on more harder missions and got lots of jewels for them to split between them both. Natsu found an egg when he was 13 years old and hatched it as he wants it to be O.K, Natsu found a spot in the trees to make a nest for it. Natsu spent all day to make it until it was done and he put the egg inside first before he brought him-self in to keep the egg warm all night long. Laxus went for a walk in the forest, where Natsu built the nest for the egg, and as he went more in he saw a nest and teleported him-self with his lightning inside the nest.

"Natsu?" Laxus asked, but saw he was asleep with a egg in his arms trying to warm it up.

Laxus laid down beside Natsu and put his jacket on them both, even the egg, and held Natsu close to him with the egg in between them and fall asleep with Natsu all night long. Atlas saw thing in his true form and smiled at the site before he used his magic to make Laxus's jacket longer to cover them both and made Laxus's jacket bigger to make sure they didn't get cold. Laxus woke up in the morning and saw Natsu still asleep and his uncle is in his true form watching them from below.

"You're true form is the hell fire dragon, Atlas Flame? Never thought that would be you're true form. I'm shocked by that and I'm confused by something." Laxus said Atlas looks at him for him to continue.

"1) How can you go into a human form and 2) how did Natsu built this nest?" Laxus said and Atlas laughs at those questions knowing the answers to them.

"1) I use my magic to go human and 2) Natsu saw some animals, like birds, build their home. Ingeel even showed Natsu how to build a home, for a dragon anyway." Atlas said as Laxus was dead shocked by this as both didn't know Natsu woke up and saw them.

"Laxus? Uncle Atlas? What time is it?" Natsu says as he holds the egg in his arms, still tired from building the nest, before he looked to them.

"Good morning, Natsu. It's 8:00 in the morning." Atlas told Natsu as Natsu nods his head before he starts to rock back and forth with his eyes closing on him.

"Why don't you go back to sleep and I'll do 40 SS-Ranked missions. Laxus, half of that is yours. Keep an eye on him for me." Atlas said as he left to go to the guild to get the missions as he is an SS-Ranked Mage and goes be the name "Atlas Dragneel" in his human form. Laxus looks after Natsu for 10 days until Atlas came back with jewels for him.

"I put a little extra inside as a thank you gift for looking after Natsu for me." Atlas said as Laxus nods his head before he looks to Natsu and saw the egg is hatching.

"Natsu! The egg is hatching!" Laxus shouted at Natsu who woke up and saw the egg hatch.

All three saw a blue cat with dragon wings well it has a mark for fire on his stomach with a lightning mark that covers it's back, a iron choker necklaces on his neck and four white bracelets on it's waist and ankles.

"Aye!" It said as they looked at each other before Natsu picks it up and holds it to his chest.

"It smells like a male. What can of name should we pick for him?" Natsu said as Laxus saw the cat's face and it was happiness.

"How about Happy? It's nickname is Aoi Ninja Neko." Laxus said as Atlas looks at the cat.

"I like the name, but doesn't Aoi Ninja Neko mean Blue Ninja Cat?" Natsu knows Laxus wants the kitten to be safe.

"I don't mind as long as we don't tell hi the meaning of the words." Laxus and Atlas agreed to that and went fishing to catch some fish.

"Natsu, how did you know how to fish?" Laxus asked as he saw Natsu catch two fish that is 40 times Atlas's true form and mange to know how to cut them.

"Ingeel know the water dragon and she taught me how to fish. Uncle Atlas, one of them is for you." Natsu said as he gives Atlas one of the fish before he cut the other fish into three pieces for him, Laxus and Happy to eat.

"Here you go, happy. I'd cut them smaller for you to eat them." Natsu said as he used his roar of the fire dragon to cook the other two pieces for him and Laxus to eat as they sit in quite peace of the forest.

Happy got the Fairy Tail guild mark on his chest as a member of Fairy Tail and went on missions with Natsu, Laxus and Atlas. Natsu and Laxus took turns looking after Happy when the other is on missions. Laxus became S-Ranked and Natsu was happy for him, even Happy was happy for him. Laxus and Natsu would blush when Happy calls them "Dad" and "Father", but Atlas would blush more as Happy thinks he's his "Great Uncle Atlas" making Natsu and Laxus laugh at him.

Year: X784

Natsu heard of someone pretending to be him and he found the person using a charm ring to charm all the ladies around him as they had hearts in their eyes.

'How dare he!' Natsu thought with rage and angry that he almost attacked him if his uncle hadn't held him back.

"Let me talk to him, Natsu." Atlas said as he walks up to the man and had a friendly chat with him until he told the man his nephew is the real 'Salamander' of Fairy Tail and he can't just pretend to be someone else.

"And I'm a Fairy Tail member, so I'm going to have to take you in to the Rune Knight Mages who are waiting for you." As Atlas said that, the charm vanished on the ladies and they left the site with one girl standing there.

"Hi, I'm Natsu and this is Happy. The man there that was talking to the faker is my uncle." Natsu said to the girl as he and her walked to a cafe with his uncle after he turn Bora in to the Rune Knights for as job well done.

"I'm Lucy and I'm a mage. I want to join Fairy Tail as a member there." Lucy said as she tells them more about her and what can of mage she is.

All four walked to Fairy Tail and showed her the town first for her to know where to go with a book to help her out more.

"And this is the Fairy Tail Guild that you'll be joining." Atlas said as he push the doors in and Lucy saw a lot of mages there with the master sitting on a chair.

"A little warning: Loke, the man with the glasses, don't like mages like you. He's scared of them and would run away from them. I think he's a spirit of one of the golden keys you have with you. He has a weird smell on him and he hits on every girl he sees." Natsu warns Lucy as they go see the master.

"A new member?" The master of Fairy Tail says as Lucy tells him about her, which Loke heard and stays away from her.

Lucy did some missions with Natsu after Atlas took Romeo in when his father died on a mission and Atlas taught Romeo dragon slayer magic making Romeo a Flame Dragon Slayer.

"Hey, Romeo. How you doing? Uncle Atlas didn't push you to hard, did he? If he did, Roar of the fire dragon is going to his bum." Natsu said to Romeo as Romeo laughs at that, but Atlas covers his bum with his hand and having a scared look on his face making everyone laugh at him.

Lucy has Loke's key, by saving Loke from dieing, thanks to Natsu helping her increase her magic by sitting down, legs cross and eyes close while trying to open doors inside her to unlock more magic in her as she can summon almost all of her keys thanks to that. Lucy keeps doing that training when she wakes up and haves breakfast with Happy and Romeo joining in to unlock more magic inside them. Happy can keep his wings out for 40 days straight without them disappearing on him when he is in the sky, but chose to keep doing the training with Lucy and Romeo to unlock more to help their friends. Natsu looks over at Lucy and saw she is doing great before he saw his uncle walking in with keys that Lucy can use.

"Find them on a mission figure Lucy can have them. Plus there were a couple of mages like her and lose, but they were using the spirits too much that they were close to death so I knocked them out and took their keys for Lucy to have." Atlas said as he brought the keys to Lucy, but Natsu didn't know is his uncle has a crystal ball that has the mages, that he went up against, magic inside it and he put the magic inside Lucy making her even more stronger than before.

Natsu took Romeo and Lucy on a S-Ranked mission to an island that needs help an his uncle is coming along to help. Atlas got them in the island in no time with day light to use to look around the place. They went to the chef and got info they need before they walked around the island to see if there is anything not normal around on the island. They found a demon frozen in ice and Natsu saw the demon in the ice before as it was the one that killed Gray's parents. Natsu won against the mages trying to bring it back to life and he used a flute to summon a demon slayer that is his friend.

"Can you kill it without the ice being melted?" Natsu asked his friend, Luki the element demon slayer as she looks at the demon.

"Yes, I can since I'm the only one that can plus I can bring the person back." Luki said as she killed the demon and brought Ul back to life.

"I made sure she aged and is the age she should be if she was still alive before she shield the demon in that ice." Luki said as she left to be with her guild the Demon Child and Natsu went to Ul to tell her what happened.

Ul became part of Fairy Tail as they got the reward and a golden key for Lucy after they destroyed the purple stuff that made them think the moon was purple by throwing a spear at it. They went back to the guild and saw it had iron poles sticking out from it and Natsu knew who did it and ran to that guild with so much speed no one can stop him. Natsu kicked the door to the guild that attack Fairy Tail and looked at them all with murderess look on his face telling them he will kill them.

"Salamander, didn't think you would want to fight with the big boys." Natsu saw a 25 year old man with long black hair and has precising on his face and arms and has green eyes.

'Iron dragon slayer. Oh boy, I gotta be careful. Uncle Atlas would kill this guy if he wounds me to badly.' Natsu thought as he gets ready to fight the whole guild before the man in front of him. Natsu won against the whole guild and is up against the man whom made the first move, but Natsu blocked it and attack back. Natsu and the man fought for 8 hours and the man was getting tired when Natsu isn't even sweating at all shocking the whole, on the floor and beaten, guild by that

"What are you? You can't be a human with that much endurance inside you." The man said as Natsu looks at him in the eyes and the man thought he saw pain and fear in his eyes before he saw the whole guild of Fairy Tail show up at the doors.

"Natsu, I can understand you love the guild as a second family. But you can't just run off like that to the guild that damage the guild you love." Atlas said as he walks to Natsu and pulls him to his body to calm him down as Romeo holds Natsu's right hand worried about him. The man can smell a dragon in the place and he smelled it from the man holding Natsu to him, which confuses him.

"Looks like I won the match since you can't get up." Natsu said as the man looks at Natsu before he smelled another dragon slayer beside him which is Romeo holding his hand.

"What's you're name?" Atlas asked the man before the man gave it out.

"Gajeel Redfox, Iron dragon slayer. Who are you?" The man, Gajeel said as Atlas looks at him.

'Natsu's second one. One more to go and then he'll go into it.' Atlas thought before he gave his name out to Gajeel.

"My name is Atlas Dragneel and this is my son, Romeo Dragneel. I'm Natsu's uncle." Atlas said as Gajeel knows he didn't say what magic he or his son can use.

"Come along, Natsu. We need to head back home now. You need to get some rest." Atlas said as he brings his nephew back home to calm him down. The master of Gajeel's guild didn't like how Natsu could win against his dragon slayer and chose to fight Fairy Tail at their own guild.

Gajeel felt funny when he saw Natsu and was trying to figure it out, but found nothing at all. Natsu couldn't believe he lost it and couldn't believe he won against a other dragon slayer and a whole guild all by him-self. Natsu found Lucy doing training with Romeo and Happy increasing their magic even more as Lucy can summon all of her spirits for 16 whole hours and still have some magic left to call half of her silver keys. Happy can keep his wings out for 8 whole months while Romeo can use dragon slayer moves now and fire mage magic as well. Natsu is sure that Lucy is like a sister to him and he won't let anything hurt his family. Lucy and Romeo live with Natsu and his uncle in their 12 story, 400 meters wide and length mansion, which has one titan sized kitchen, one titan sized library, one titan sized family room with one x 8 titan sized fire place and couches, each one has their every own floor for their bed room and the second, third, fourth and fifth floor has no one sleeping there yet, one double titan sized ballroom for dancing and one titan sized backyard for playing and training, that Natsu brought as each one have their own floor to sleep in and can put whatever they like on it. Natsu got the master floor as he is the heir to the fire dragons since Ingeel's blood is inside him as he won against his father and surpassed him. Lucy did a contract with her new keys and Natsu brought her more from the store in the next town, as in he brought all the keys there for her, and he told her he loved her as a sister which made her cry and hug him. Gajeel's guild attack Fairy Tail and Natsu lost it even more as Gajeel saw Natsu with dragon scales on his face, hand and arms before he ran fast, jumped up in the air and destroyed the cannon before it could fire at Fairy Tail and went inside to hurt people for hurting his family. Natsu won against the element 4 and won against Joe the guild master before he went against Gajeel, who is scared as Natsu looks more like a dragon than a human.

"Calm down, fighting like won't be nice." Gajeel said as Natsu calms down enough to attack Gajeel with everything he got in his attack as Gajeel gets ready to block it, but Natsu put a lot into his attack that Gajeel got wounded and lose. Fairy Tail's guild was destroyed and Natsu took 4,000 100 year missions and 40 S-Ranked missions to get the jewels to rebuild Fairy Tail's guild from his blueprint of the new guild, it can be a lot bigger for more people and more room for them to move around in. Natsu got the jewels to rebuild Fairy Tail's guild and he even removed a lot of trees to have the new guild there for his second family, even asked the element dragon if he can bring more earth up by the water for the new guild to be built on as Natsu shows him the blueprint for the new guild. Natsu helps build the new guild and Lucy has her spirits help out as well.

"Who came up with the new guild idea? We can't make it this big." Gray asked than Natsu hit him in the back of the head making Gray feel pain before he went back to work.

"What's he's problem?" Gray asked Erza who looks at Natsu than the blueprints.

"Natsu is the one who did the blueprints for the new guild. Making it this big would allow the others to have more room to move in plus the height of the new guild will allow master to go into his titan form without him bending down like he did in the old guild." Erza said as Gray looked shocked that Natsu was the one who did the blueprint for the new guild. After 30 days, the new guild (6,000 meters in wide and length with a 20 meter titan length sized bar for Mira and a 40 meter length stage for anyone to sing, dance or do plays on) is standing up and everyone was happy with it before they went over to Natsu and thanked him very much making him blush. Natsu saw Laxus on the third floor, which was made for him and his family, as Natsu went up to see Laxus.

"Laxus, I didn't know you were in the guild. Do you like the new guild? I did the blueprint to it and made the third floor for us, even my uncle, Lucy, Romeo and Happy are allowed up here." Natsu said as he explains to Laxus everything when he was away.

"Whoa. Mind me to never, ever get you angry." Laxus said scared of a angry Natsu as Natsu laughs before Atlas, Romeo, Lucy and Happy came up.

"Lucy and Romeo, right?" Laxus said to Lucy and Romeo as they nod their heads at him.

"Laxus Dreyer, S-Ranked." Lucy told Laxus everything about her-self while Romeo takes a nap on Natsu.

Atlas saw this and was happy that Natsu got him-self a family already, Natsu just needs to find one more person and than he'll go into it. Natsu, Lucy, Laxus, Romeo, Happy and Atlas spent all day on the third floor that no one saw them all day, not even the master of Fairy Tail saw them all day. Laxus, Natsu, Lucy, Romeo and Happy had falling asleep and Atlas put a blanket on top of them to keep them warm all night long as they are in a deep sleep. Laxus woke up first, turned to seeing/saw the others are still asleep and Atlas brought food for them to eat as there is 40 pieces of bacon, 10 grilled cheese sandwich, one coffee, one milk and 3 orange juice on a tray.

"Thanks. Better get the kids up." Laxus said, but joked about the last one and Atlas laughs at it as Laxus wakes up the so called kids.

"Breakfast is ready. Better wake up before it's gone." Laxus said as Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Romeo woke up to seeing breakfast in front of them with plates and forks.

"Time to eat!" Everyone said as Atlas laughs at them and Laxus smiles at them before he joins them in the food. Laxus saw Gajeel in the guild and Atlas told him to leave the man alone as he is one of three that Natsu needs in the future, but is confused by it. Gajeel saw Laxus and Natsu hanging out with a woman, a child and a flying blue cat on the third floor and asked the master about it.

"Ah, that would be Natsu's floor. He was the one who did the blueprint for the guild and did a floor for him-self and his family. Natsu worries a lot about the guild and his family. Erza came back badly wounded from her mission and Natsu headed out of the guild like he was on a mission to hurt who ever hurt his family. His uncle and me had to get him from the councils 'cause he had blood all over him from head to toe. They said he killed some SSS-Ranked mages and said he did it 'cause they wounded Erza and they wouldn't get away from it. His uncle told the councils that Natsu worries about everyone even if they're not close to him. The councils let him go as long as there is someone there with him on every mission he does which his uncle said he, Happy or Laxus were the ones on missions with him all the time." The master of Fairy Tail said as Gajeel was shocked by that that he looked to Natsu seeing him laughing at something funny. Erza saw Gray being held by Juvia who fall for him at the same time had falling for Lyon who joined Fairy Tail after it was rebuilt. Mira was none stop talking about Gray, Juvia and Lyon's future baby.

"Two-tone: black and white hair, dark blue eye baby boy. Blue hair, odd eye baby girl. Three-tone: black, white and blue hair, half color eye baby boy." Gray, Juvia and Lyon just sweat dropped at Mira as she sees the children of the three-some couple of Fairy Tail.

(Time skip: Meeting Cobra and Wendy)

Natsu smelled two dragon slayers: one running here and the other one waiting somewhere. Natsu saw a little girl by the age of 12, with a white cat like Happy, trip over nothing and fall on the ground. Natsu went over to her to help her up as he is worried about her.

"Are you O.K?" Natsu asked her as he helps her up from the ground before she looked up at him in the eyes.

"Yes, thank you." The girl said as everyone looks at her and she hides by using Natsu as a shield.

"Stop staring at her. It's making her feel uncomfortable." Natsu said as everyone looks away from the girl making her feel comfortable with them around her.

"My name is Wendy." Wendy told Natsu as he smiles at her.

"Mine is Natsu Dragneel." Natsu said before Happy showed up.

"I'm Happy." Happy said as Wendy looks at him.

"Happy was born like that, so don't worry." Natsu said as Wendy smiles at him.

Everyone saw this and smiled knowing they are getting along with each other. Lucy walks up to Wendy and holds her hand out for Wendy to shake it.

"My name is Lucy. It's nice to meet you." Lucy said as Wendy smiles at her.

"Nice to meet you, too." Wendy said as she shakes Lucy's hand.

"Time to explain the plan." A short man with red hair said as Natsu hold Wendy and Lucy back.

"It won't work if the enemy knows the plan. Lucy: spirit, golden key, two of them and they're childish." Natsu told Lucy and Lucy knew which one that was as she nods her head at him. Natsu, Lucy and Wendy got out of the build without anyone knowing about it and Natsu followed the other dragon slayer's scent to where he and a snake waits for something.

"Huh? What the?" The man said as the snake hisses at them.

"You're a dragon slayer." Natsu said as the man smelled a dragon slayer coming from Natsu and Wendy.

"You and the little girl are one as well." The man said as the snake looks at them than at the man.

"I know, but what are they doing here?" He said to the snake before Natsu answered the question.

"We are going to stop you. The others got a plan and we didn't hear it as we left the build since it won't work. Golden key, spirit twins." Natsu said as the man went shocked by this.

"How did you know Angel's key?" He said as Natsu just shrugged his shoulders.

"By smell?" Natsu said as the man just stared at Natsu.

"O.K, that explains it." The man said before they all heard something get hit and followed the sound until they saw people fighting other people.

"Friends of yours?" Both the man and Natsu asked at the same time as the battle keeps going until Natsu used roar of the fire dragon on the man's friends making them jump in fright of the fire.

"Weird friends you got." Natsu said as he looked at the man.

"No kidding. I'm quitting them and joining a guild." The man said as Natsu said something that shocked him.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail then. I better go help out out there. Lucy, keep an eye on Wendy." Natsu said as he runs at the enemy and went to attack until he saw Brain and Brain saw him.

"You!" They both say at the same time making everyone confused. Natsu steps back in fright as the memories come back to him and the snake wraps it's body around him with then man, Lucy and Wendy near Natsu.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked before Natsu went into dragon force and the snake had to let him go from the power that is coming from Natsu before Natsu attacked Brain with a force of a dragon.

"Natsu!" Erza said, but Natsu didn't hear her as he is in his past.

"Shit, I think he's back in his past. I can read minds and Natsu is remembering his past with Brain. What did you do to him, Brain?" The man said as Brain looks at him.

"I just increased his magic when he was 4 years old since he has some magic in him joining that time, Cobra." Brain said and everyone went into shock at what Brain said. Natsu almost killed Brain if Cobra hadn't held him away from Brain to make sure he doesn't kill him.

"Damnna it, he is strong for a 19 years old kid." Cobra siad as he tries to keep Natsu away from Brain with Lucy's help.

"Can't believe it was that man that made Natsu that powerful as Natsu can go on any ranked mission he chooses." Gray said as Lyon looks at Gray like he grow another head.

"You're joking, right?" Lyon said, but Gray shakes his head and Lyon looks at Natsu.

"How powerful is he?" Jura asked Erza, but she looks away.

"Erza got hurt by some SSS-Ranked mages and Natsu had their blood all over him. He murdered them 'cause they hurt his family member or 'cause the dragon inside him sees Fairy Tail as it's family and went crazy at the site of Erza badly wounded coming home from a mission." Gray said as Jura was shocked by that. Wendy calmed Natsu down by letting him hug and hold her close to him.

"He's like a child, but a frighten child is not a good thing." Happy said as he remembered Natsu's nightmares of his past and Laxus had to hold him to calm him down.

Everyone looked at the frighten state of Natsu holding Wendy feeling safe while Erza thinks of a new plan for them. They won against their enemy and Fairy tail gotten three new members as they are staying with Natsu and his family. Lucy gotten all of Angel's keys and made a contract with them while the others are welcome Cobra, Wendy and Carla to the the guild. Natsu saw Laxus and run to him and told him everything 'causing a over-protective Laxus to hold him close while Erza told the guild master what happen. Cobra and his friend got a floor to them-selves as Wendy got a floor to her self as well. Carla was shocked by the mansion, she didn't know she got a floor for her self like the others. Gajeel sleeps on the couch in the family room to keep to him-self through likes to have a room to him-self. Pantherlily, just like Happy but can go bigger to use weapons, has a floor to him-self and is Gajeel's partner as he picks Gajeel up and brings him to places to do his missions and he also did Natsu's training as he can stay in his true form for 20 days. Fairy Tail was a event that helps to see who is the fastest in Fairy tail and you can't fly, Happy and Cobra's friend stays out of it as well as Carla. The event starts and one of Levy's teammate went up ahead thanks to his magic, but Natsu got a wayvern scale first and headed back in only 4 minutes shocking everyone.

"Natsu is the winner!" The guild master said as he looked at Natsu in shock, but everyone looked to Atlas as he was laughing so hard, he had to hold a table to keep him-self up.

"Hey Natsu, you remembered that race with the element dragon and you lost against him? I bet he would sooo be embraces if you won against him right now and go into shock that a human boy was a lot faster than him since you keep increasing you're speed by running away from you're demon slayer friend for training." Atlas said while still laughing and everyone went quite by that before Natsu laughs.

"I actually challenged the element dragon to a race and won 6 times against him." Atlas just lost it after what Natsu said and is now rolling on the ground laughing his lungs out with everyone starting at Natsu with shock on their faces.

"What? I'm friends with every dragon, but the Dragon King as he's nothing but a big meanie and a bully." Natsu said as everyone was shocked by this even more by this as Natsu went to his uncle to get him off the ground.

(Time skip: S-Ranked test)

Natsu, Cana, Gray, Juvia, Levy, Elfman, Freed and Lyon got choosing to be in the test. Loke is with Gray, Ul is with Lyon, Natsu is with Cobra, Cana is with Lucy, Elfman is with Evergreen, Lisa is with Juvia, Freed is with Wendy and Levy is with Gajeel.

"The test starts in 3 weeks so train hard!" The guild master said as everyone went to train. Lucy is helping Cana with the same training that Natsu used on her, Cobra is teaching Natsu to read his enemy's movements, Gajeel taught Levy hand-to-hand fighting to get the upper hand in the test, Loke shows Gray more hand-to-hand fighting and Ul taught Lyon more moves like she did with Gray after being back with him. The 3 weeks went by and everyone was ready to go as they get on the ship.

"We're here and here's the lay out for the test." The guild master said as he shows them a rune showing them the lay out of the island. Natsu saw it and thought to Cobra he knows the way and they will be taking on a S-Ranked mage.

"I know how to teleport with my fire, so we're get on the island and set traps for the others. The dragons will give us a hand as I'll ask them." Natsu whispers to Cobra and Cobra nods his head liking the plan Natsu came up with.

"Let's go. Bye guys." Natsu said as he uses his fire to teleport him and Cobra to the island.

"Natsu and Cobra is the first team on the island." The guild master said as everyone was shocked by this, but Lucy and Wendy.

(On the island)

As soon as Natsu and Cobra teleported on the island, Natsu started to asked the dragons for some help.

"Storm dragon, can you make a storm to stop the others for 10 minutes?" Natsu asked the Storm dragon, Arashi.

"I sure can and I don't mind making the humans scream." Arashi said back to Natsu.

"Water dragon, can you make waves to slow them down even more by other 10 minutes after the storm dragon's time is up?" Natsu asked the Water dragon, Mizu.

"I love making waves! Thanks for thanking!" Mizu said back to Natsu as he get's ready for his turn.

Natsu and Cobra laughed as they heard screams and shouts coming from the boat for 10 minutes as they set the traps up, but after the 10 minutes were up, they saw waves going to the boat and they laugh even more as they hear more screams and shouts coming from the boat. Laxus could smell Natsu and Cobra on the island from the first master's grave.

"I wonder what happened out there. Natsu, what are you up to? Oh boy. Atlas, Natsu is to smart for his own good." Laxus said to Atlas as he smiles and goes into a hybrid form of his and pick up Laxus to see what Natsu had did.

"Hahahaha, Natsu. You are to smart for you're own good." Laxus said as he keeps watching the storm before huge waves made the boat rock back and forth making more screams and shouts to come from the boat making Laxus laugh even more. Natsu and Cobra are finished setting the traps on the other paths and taking the E path for them-selves which leads to Cana's father.

"Can't believe you got the traps with you." Cobra said as Natsu sets the last trap on path A.

"I know, I thought we could do this way. Come on, let's go before they get here." Natsu said as he and Cobra went to the E path and was with Cana's father.

"Whoa. When did you come here?" Cana's father said as Natsu explained what he and Cobra did as they heard screams and shouts.

The traps went off." Natsu said and Cobra laughs while Cana's father looks shocked by that. Laxus had Atlas bring him over the paths to see what Natsu did and was laughing so hard from the site in front of him that he had to have Atlas hold him up for him to not fall down.

The traps that Natsu and Cobra set are as follows: Gajeel and Levy are stick in a pit with snakes in them and Levy is trying to keep them alive by using her magic to keep them above the snakes.

"Damn you, Salamander!" Gajeel shouted out as he was angry at Natsu.

"Why did you set traps up for!" Levy shouted out as she tries to lift them out of the pit.

Lucy and Cana are hanging from a tree.

"Natsu, you are so dead when I get my hands on you!" Cana shouted as she looks ready to kill while trying to get down.

"*Sighs* Knew Natsu was going to do this." Lucy said as she knows Natsu is to smart for his own good.

Freed and Wendy are stick in a rune filled pit with large claw crabs inside them as Freed had to use his magic to make sure they don't fall to the bottom and get hurt by the crabs when Freed tries to undo the runes on the pit.

"Damnna it! Natsu is to smart! It's hard to undo the runes!" Freed said as he tries to undo the runes.

"*Sighs* Natsu-san is to smart for his own good, but knows when and how to use it." Wendy said as she lifts Freed to see the runes to undo them.

Gray and Loke got stick in quicksand sinking into it.

"Damn it, Fire-breath! I'll get you for this!" Gray shouted out as he was ready to hurt Natsu good.

"Natsu, I'm going to hurt you, even if the princess (Lucy) will get mad at me!" Loke said as Lucy sent him a glare.

"Leo, the lion! Don't you dare think of hurting Natsu or else I'll skin you alive and make a lion skin coat out of you!" Lucy shouted at Loke as Loke slivers at her threat.

Lyon and Ul got stick in a ice dragon's shell which the Ice dragon, Aisu made for Natsu to use as a trap and can't break free from it.

"Damn that dragon slayer! I'll freeze his balls off!" Lyon shouted as he tries to break free from the dragon's shell around him and Ul.

"That kid is smart. To smart if you ask me." Ul said as she tries to help Lyon break them free from the dragon's shell.

Juvia and Lisa got stick in rope in a tree and it's spinning them around.

"Daaaaaaamn iiiiiit!" Both Juvia and Lisa shouted out as they keep getting spinning by the rope attach to a gear that is making them spin.

Elfman and Evergreen fall in to a pit and Evergreen fall on top of Elfman as both are blushing at each other.

"G-G-Get o-o-off o-o-of m-m-me, Evergreen." Elfman said while shutting the sentence as his and Evergreen's lip are close to each other by 10 inches.

"Y-Y-Y-You g-g-g-get y-y-y-you're h-h-h-hand o-o-o-off o-o-o-of m-m-m-my h-h-h-hip, y-y-y-you b-b-b-big a-a-a-ape!" Evergreen said while shutting the sentence at Elfman, who blushes even more before he kissed her as her eyes close along with his.

Cana's father was indeed shocked by the traps Natsu and Cobra's traps that he almost didn't want to fight them right now as he is scared of the plan they may come up with on the spot.

"Natsu is the one with the idea of traps set at the other paths." Cobra said as Cana's father almost fainted on the spot.

"Let's fight!" Natsu said as both him and Cobra got ready and Cana's father got ready, but lose to Natsu as Cobra was a decoyed to keep him busy while Natsu get's ready to attack.

"I lose."

"Yeah, we won."

"I never thought of that battle plan for the test." Cobra said as Cana's father brought them to the master and told the master everything.

"Shit! Natsu, you are to smart for you're own good!" The guild master said as Natsu and Cobra laughs before Natsu takes a nap on Cobra's lap. The others showed up and looked angry at Natsu and Cobra.

"To smart for his own good, I tell you." Lucy and Wendy said as everyone looks at them before looking at the sleeping Natsu on Cobra's nap. Natsu woke up from his nap and saw everyone staring at him.

"Would you quiet it?" Was all Natsu had to say as everyone looked at the guild master.

"You need to find the first master's grave. Laxus is there and waiting. You have 4 hours to get there." The guild master said before Natsu and Cobra left in Natsu's fire.

"Again? Natsu." Lucy and Wendy says while shaking their head and pulling their partners to the first master's grave and everyone just looks at them. Natsu and Cobra are with Laxus before anyone else.

"Uncle Atlas. I didn't know you were here. You sneaked on, didn't you?" Natsu said to his uncle as his uncle hugs him close.

"Yes and Laxus saw the boat thing, the wave and the traps. He laughs a lot when he saw those three things happen." Atlas said as he let go of Natsu for him to sit beside Laxus.

"I have to go back to look after Romeo, so Laxus is looking after you here on the island." Atlas said before he went into his true form and left the island.

"You're uncle is a dragon?!" Cobra said shocked before Laxus and Natsu laugh at Cobra's face. The guild master saw Natsu and Cobra there before anyone else got there and just shakes his head. Everyone else has shown up after 2 hours and they saw Natsu with Cobra and the guild master is there with Laxus.

"Not again." They all, but Lucy said.

"Yep." Natsu said with a smile on his face making everyone, but Lucy get angry at him. The third test is to fight a S-Ranked mage to pass and their partner joins them in the S-Ranked. Natsu and Cobra had Erza for their fight and they won against her. Everyone else had won their matches and Natsu teleported the news to the guild back home, but a guild called Grimmed Heart showed up and they had to fight them before Natsu saw a man who knows him.

"Natsu, you've grown."

"I don't know who you are, but how do you know me?"

"You don't remember? You got to remember or else the world will end as we know it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The dragon king is coming for me and I need to hide. Be safe, little baby cousin Natsu." The man said before he ran into the forest and made Natsu confused by the 'Little baby cousin' part.

The dragon king had showed up and the first master had to use Fairy Sphere to protect them from it's roar. For seven years, no one had seen or heard of them until they were found and joining that time, Natsu's, Lucy's, Happy's, Cana's, Laxus's, Gajeel's, Carla's, Pantherlily's and Cobra's magic got even more powerful and stronger as they were asleep for seven years.

Annie: This is chapter one. Chapter 2 is when Natsu's third person shows up.


Annie: I wanted to see what would happen if you're magic was more powerful than it has before.

Natsu: MEANIE! T^T

Annie: Baby. Enjoy the story. ^-^

Zeref: If you have any ideas for chapter two, you may P.M or review them to Annie.