Disclaimer: I fail to see how anyone could think I own San Fransokyo and its inhabitants as they belong to Disney and Marvel.

"That hat!" Hiro said staring at a black baseball cap that sat atop Tadashi's head. He sat up a bit with the covers up to his neck and his eyes showed signs of slight exhaustion.

"Do you like it?" Tadashi said as he walked over to his side of the room.

"How about if I say this: it's not the best looking hat but it looks perfect on you," Hiro said with a smirk playing across his face, "It makes your ears look bigger and your face longer and-" Tadashi shook his head as he removed his blazer and laid it across his bed.

"What?" Hiro said with a facade of seriousness, "You always tell me to be truthful."

"And to stay quiet if you have nothing encouraging to say," he cocked his eyebrow and gave a faint smile.

"Double standards, my brother," Hiro joked as Tadashi made his way over to the bed, "but anyway, how did everything go?"

"Well, I bought this hat and you know I don't spend my money on just anything," he said sitting at the foot of the bed.

"You've been accepted!" Hiro nearly shouted in delight for his brother. He knew how much getting into San Fransokyo Institute of Technology meant to Tadashi and hoped with all his might that he would be able to attend. If he was not to go to SFIT not only would Tadashi's heart be broken but so also would his brother's.

"Yes, I can't believe it! Callaghan loved my creation," Tadashi beamed as he whipped out his acceptance letter from his jean pocket and handed it to his little brother.

"Of course he loved it," Hiro said while studying the paper, "I wish I could have been there."

"I do too but it's fine," the elder brother still trembling with excitement, "You're sick and Aunt Cass would kill me if I made you come with us especially out in the rain."

"Yes, she would," Hiro laughed thinking of what his aunt would do to his brother. His laughing turned into a fit of congested coughing and Tadashi rushed out of the room. He came back with a concerned look and a glass of water held out towards his brother. He moved one of his hands over Hiro's forehead.

"Warm," he whispered softly as Hiro took the cup, "Do you have any chills? How do you feel?"

"No. I'm all right, really," Hiro managed after taking a small drink, "It isn't as bad as Aunt Cass probably made it sound."

"You could do with another dose of medicine by this time," he said as he glanced at a clock that read 10:23 PM, "Aunt Cass decided to go to bed but I can make you something simple to eat if you're up for it."

"Sure," Hiro answered, "thanks Tadashi."

Tadashi made his way out of the room as quietly as possible, closing the door with a barely audible click. Hiro lifted the bed covers as soon as he figured his brother would be down the stairs. He was dressed in his regular clothes along with muddy sneakers. He rushed over to his computer but heard the noise he was afraid of – the door handle moved slightly – and he closed his eyes knowing what he was in for.


He turned around to face the wrath of his brother, "Yes, Tadashi?" he tried to smile in a way that normally made his brother go easier on him but Tadashi only glanced over his clothing and moved him to the side before looking at what he was doing.

"Bot fighting!" Tadashi took off his new hat and ran his hand over his face and through his hair before setting it back on his head, "Hiro, how many times do I have to tell you: it's illegal!"


"So you fake sickness to go bot fighting?"

"No, of course not!"

"That's even better. Do you want to get yourself killed, bonehead?" he said in a tone Hiro only heard when he was very concerned then he muttered under his breath, "Bot fighting at night in the rain. Unbelievable."

"Tadashi, I'm sorry I didn't go with you instead-"

"That's not it," Tadashi sighed as he rubbed his eyes with two fingers before looking up with a solemn expression that made Hiro ashamed to look directly into his eyes,"You have no idea how hard it is watching after you. If something ever happened – I'd never forgive myself."

Hiro stared at his muddied shoes and couldn't think of a thing to say, he just stood there waiting for something to happen. Anything. Tadashi noticed how uncomfortable his brother looked, his arms just hanging at his sides, afraid, it seemed, to look up at him, and he felt terrible for becoming so angry with him. He did the only thing he knew would help; he walked over bringing his brother into a hug, "Hiro, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you think I'm being too hard on you but I couldn't imagine losing you to something that could be easily prevented. You mean the world to me and," he paused feeling water seeping through his clothes, "you're soaked!"

"I didn't have enough time to change," he sniffed and shivered as he clumsily folded his arms.

"You better get out of those wet things before your cold turns for the worse," Tadashi said softly while while heading towards the door, "I'll go make you some tea to warm you up. Is there anything else you want?"

Hiro stayed silent for a while before answering, "I'm sorry ...and I promise I will never go out when I'm sick. Just..." he looked at his brother pleadingly, "please, please don't tell Aunt Cass."

"And make her worry even more about you?" he said in a joking manner which changed to something more serious, "Of course I won't. But if you do this again you better believe I will."

Hiro nodded slowly then he felt a bit of bravery inch back inside, "You know what?"

"What?" Tadashi asked, his hand resting on the edge of the door.

"It's hard to take anything you say seriously with that hat on," Hiro grinned hoping for some lighthearted remark from his sibling.

"If you weren't sick I'd..." he began with a smile spreading across his lips.

"-still be the best brother a guy could have," Hiro finished and added, "honestly, you are."

His playful smile disappeared when he heard those words from his brother. He was in complete surprise but he was glad that maybe, just maybe, he was doing something right.

Thanks for reading! Please review and watch for the next chapter. :-)