Chapter 21: Moments of Uncertainty and Moments of Clarity

Sitting in Henry Campbell's office is like walking back into another era in time. Dark rich wood paneling frame fabric covered walls. His desk is at least twice the size of any executive desk Olivia has ever seen. The desk is flanked on one side by a well-stocked rolling bar cart and a smaller table that holds two phones and what looks like an ancient Rolodex on the other side.

Fitz and Olivia are seated in the two high back leather chairs that face Henry's desk, waiting for him to finish his call.

"Are those really rotary phones?" Olivia whispers in Fitz ear.

"Yes. He had them custom made."

Olivia raises an eyebrow and gives Fitz a dubious look.

"Don't worry," he says as if reading her mind, "Henry is eccentric, but he is good. Relax."

She shrugs a little as if to say "if you say so".

Henry has just tossed the phone back onto its cradle when he turns to face the pair. If his office is a step back in time, so is Henry. With his slicked back salt and pepper hair and his three-piece pin stripe charcoal gray suit, complete with a white carnation in the lapel. Although he is seated Olivia can tell he is portly shaped and not very tall, as his oversized chair practically dwarfs him. His double chin and bulbous red nose shows a life style of Hollywood parties where champagne and caviar flow like the Mississippi and while this "new Hollywood" is into the vegan lifestyle, Old Henry is a lover of the 32-ounce Porterhouse steak and a heaping helping of mashed potatoes smothered in gravy chased down with a chorus line of gin martinis, the olive in each counted as a vegetable.

"So Fitzgerald, I'm assuming this pretty little thing sitting next to you is Olivia," Henry says all the while looking at Olivia.

"Yes Henry this is Olivia and you can drop the charm, she's with me and she's not looking for anyone else," Fitz replies with a smirk.

"Honey," Henry starts completely ignoring Fitz's remark, "if you ever want to drop this poor excuse of a man for a true gentleman and scholar you just give Henry a call," he says before giving her a little wink.

"Yeah and then Helen will be calling the morgue to come pick up your dead body," Fitz retorts.

"Who's Helen," Olivia asks.

"Henry's wife of forty-five years. She has a mean left hook if I remember correctly."

"You're right," Henry says massaging his jaw as if it were sore.

Both men burst out laughing at Henry's antics. Both Fitz and Henry notice that Olivia is not laughing with them and they immediately calm down.

"Sorry Olivia," Henry says, "just trying to break the ice a little. Don't worry, things will be okay."

"So Henry, have you been able to come up with a game plan for us?" Fitz inquires as he grabs Olivia's hand and entwines their fingers.

"I ran your situation by a couple of my colleagues, all very discreet of course, no names or pertinent information exchanged; the general opinion is if you want to relinquish your authority to make medical decisions for Mr. Davis, you will need to rescind your medical power of attorney. That means producing the original copy in front of a judge and officially requesting termination of your rights."

"I don't even know if I have power of attorney," Olivia says with a sigh.

"It is most likely a part of your husband's will. I'm assuming he has one," Henry queries.

"I guess so. I don't remember seeing one."

"Well you'll need to find it and present it before a judge. Until then, as his wife you are considered next of kin and all medical decisions fall on you."

"Great," Olivia huffs, "that means a trip back to Atlanta to find his will."

"Livvie, remember one day at a time and you are not in this alone," Fitz says. "Besides, his attorneys probably have the original document in their offices. It could be as easy as a phone call to get them to send it to you."

"I agree with Fitz; his attorneys most likely have the original. You will have to go in person to retrieve it however. There are steps that need to be taken with such critical documents, especially when the person is still living."

"What are your thoughts on the whole Hollis Doyle meeting," Olivia asks Henry.

"Before we go any further, Olivia give me a dollar."

She eyes him curiously and before she can even open her purse to get her wallet, Fitz is holding a dollar bill he retrieved from his wallet out to her. She takes it from him and gives it to Henry.

"You have officially hired me as your counsel. Now as your counsel I can tell you that you are in no position to negotiate with Hollis Doyle. When you meet with him tell him you do not have your power of attorney documents available and any further discussion with him would be illegal. See if that scares him off."

"And if it doesn't," she asks.

"Then I guess that's just another reason to fly back to Atlanta. And don't forget, just because he wants to buy you out doesn't mean you have to sell. He may have taken over a large number of shares, but apparently he needs yours in order to take majority ownership. Just because he demands them doesn't mean he has to get them," Henry advises.

"Just as a word of caution, be careful with this Hollis guy. My buddy who works in corporate law has had a few run ins with this guy. Apparently he isn't above playing dirty. His general MO is to come in, gut the company of its previous employees, especially upper management, and then install his own people in power positions and outsource lower jobs overseas. My friend said the last three companies Hollis took over he terminated 85% of the employees with a $2500 termination package, regardless of how many years the person had been employed."

"That's awful," Olivia says.

"It's how Hollis Doyle has been able to keep a tight rein on his company and his money," Henry states.

Just listening to Henry's explanations makes Olivia's head spin. This is not what she expected to happen when she left Atlanta just a few short days ago. She wanted a clean break from Edison and now she is responsible for not only his business but his literal life as well.

A quick sharp pain stabs her in the lower belly and she tenses up in her seat, gripping Fitz's hand in reflex.

"Livvie," Fitz says as he turns to see her face slightly contorted in pain, "you okay?"

The pain quickly dissipates and Olivia smiles at him weakly.

"Yeah, just a little overwhelmed," she says.

Fitz puts a comforting hand on her thigh and smiles at her, "We are in this together."


Chelsea sits on the closed toilet lid in the tiny bathroom staring blankly into the tub. She wonders how long the pastel pink and seafoam green appliques have been the bottom of the tub. She can remember them from when she was a little girl and years later they are still here. She can remember how the little rubbery flowers felt against her bottom and legs as she played with her dolls in a bubble bath.

A knock at door pulls her back to reality.

"Chelsea honey, you okay?" Aunt Lucy calls from the other side. "Your stomach bothering you again? You want some more Pepto?"

"I'm okay Auntie. I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay then. I put some chicken soup on the stove for you."

"Sounds good. I'll be right there."

Chelsea waits until she hears her Aunt's footsteps shuffle back down the hall before she stands up and flushes the toilet. She stands at the sink washing her hands staring at her reflection in the mirror. She shakes her head and lets out a small groan at her appearance. Dark circles have appeared under her eyes and her cheeks look a little sunken.

Since arriving at Aunt Lucy's two weeks ago, she has been plagued by a stomach virus. Nonstop nausea and vomiting that were also accompanied by chills and dizziness. She spent three entire days in bed before her Aunt could get some broth and dry toast in her.


"Come on baby, it's just a little chicken broth and toast. Try and eat something," Aunt Lucy coaxes.

Chelsea sits up in the bed and gives her Aunt a weak smile.

"Thank you Auntie. I didn't mean to come here and put you to work taking care of me. I hate that our visit has been spoiled."

"Nonsense child. I love having someone to take care of. It gets lonely here sometimes and having you in the house, sick or not, is nice."

Chelsea gives her another smile as she gingerly takes a sip of the broth. When her stomach doesn't automatically rumble and bubble at her first sip, she takes another and another and before she knows it the broth and toast are gone and she feels a tiny bit better.

"I can see the color coming back into your cheeks. That's a good sign. Means you are on the mend," Aunt Lucy says as she removes the tray from Chelsea's lap.

"I hope so," Chelsea says with a little yawn as she scoots back down under the covers her eyes already beginning to close a little. "I've never been this sick before."

"I can honestly say that I have only seen one other person this sick before," Aunt Lucy says as she maneuvers her way to the bedroom door, "and that was your Aunt Cora. Lord that child was as sick as you for weeks. We thought we were going to lose her."

"Really," Chelsea replies sleepily.

"Yes honey, she couldn't keep anything down. It either came out one end or the other. She lost ten pounds, but once she got better she quickly put that back on and then some."

"Ummm," Chelsea murmurs as she turns over.

"Yeah, turns out your Aunt Cora had the worst case of morning sickness anyone had ever seen. Well you get some sleep and I'll check on you later," Aunt Lucy says as she exits the room.

Chelsea's eyes pop open as she is hit with an overwhelming wave of nausea. She manages to grab the little bucket her Aunt left by her bed and bring it towards her before she throws up her lunch.

"Shit! Fuck!" she whispers to herself. "I can't be pregnant."

End Flashback

It took another three days before Chelsea was able to get out of bed. She still felt rundown and she had bouts of nausea but nothing like the days prior. It took another three days before she was able to leave the house long enough to walk down to the corner drug store to buy a pregnancy test.

It took until today, before she felt brave enough to take the test. She turns off the water and dries her hands. Taking a deep breath, she reaches out for the little white stick that is laying face down on the toilet tank. With one last look at herself in the mirror she flips over the test.

"Shit! Fuck!"

Two little pink lines fill the results window.


"You sure you want to do this," Fitz asks for her what seems like the hundredth time.

"Yes Fitz," she huffs in response. "I just want to get this whole thing over with."

He doesn't say anything further as they cross the lobby to the hotel elevators. He notices her grimace and clutch her side for a moment but he hesitates to ask if she is alright for fear she will club him with her purse. He knows he has been smothering her a little bit, but he can't help himself.

"I'm fine Fitz. Stop worrying," she says as if reading his mind. She presses the elevator call button. "It's probably all the rich food I've been eating these last two weeks catching up with me."

"You sure?" he tenderly inquires.

"Yes. But thank you for your concern," she replies giving him a small smile before stepping into the open elevator.

A few minutes later they are standing at the threshold of Hollis Doyle's suite.

"Here goes nothing," she utters before knocking on the door.

The door swings open moments later and they are greeted by none other than Hollis Doyle himself. She has seen him on television a handful of times but nothing prepares her for the gregarious businessman in person.

She studies him as he makes a show of inviting them into his suite and offering them refreshments. What Hollis lacks in height he makes up with her boisterous personality. It's a façade, she knows that from the moment she lays eyes on him. His affable personality, the quick witted down home charm is a front for a dangerous predator. She can see it in his shark like eyes. No feeling. No warmth. Just pure desire to seek and destroy.

She knows it because it is the same look that Edison began to have in the last few years of their marriage.

She reaches out for Fitz's hand as Hollis directs them to take a seat on the sofa.

"Now Olivia, may I call you Olivia?" Hollis asks with his thick southern drawl.

Olivia just nods.

Hollis gives her what is supposed to be a charming smile, but Olivia sees the darkness behind it, before he continues.

"I see you have brought a friend with you. Might I inquire who you are sir?" Hollis continues with his charming act.

"I'm someone who is here to protect Olivia's interests. That's all you need to know," Fitz answers curtly.

"Now son, I'm not in the habit of discussing business with people I don't know," Hollis retorts, his charm and civility slowly slipping away.

Fitz sits quietly waiting for Hollis to continue. He doesn't plan to give this man any information that he can use as ammunition against Olivia.

Inside Hollis is fuming at the lack of respect Fitz is showing him. He looks the man over for a moment trying to assess who he is in relation to Olivia.

"Not a lawyer," he thinks to himself. "He's not dressed the part. Not clergy."

He then spies their entwined fingers. "Bingo! Boyfriend."

"Well now I never suspected Edison to be the type to have an open marriage," Hollis scoffs. "Ya'll swingers or something?"

"That's it," Fitz says standing up and pulling Olivia up with him. "Let's go."

"Now hold on Lover Boy, I was just kidding. Olivia and I have some serious business to discuss right here right now."

"Hell will freeze over, thaw out and refreeze before I let you talk to her," Fitz growls as he pulls her towards the door.

"If you walk out that door Olivia," Hollis calls out to her completely ignoring Fitz's words, "I will leak to the press that Edison is embezzling millions of dollars from his own company. I will ruin the Davis name and reputation. Your family will be ruined."

Olivia stops walking and turns to face Hollis. She stares at him for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. Everything in the moment is so crystal clear to her that she can't help but laugh.

Hollis stares at her while she continues to laugh until tears flow from her eyes. He quickly grows angry at her laughter.

"You some kind of loon gal?" he questions angrily. "You on drugs or something?"

Olivia continues to laugh as Hollis' face becomes red with anger. When he takes a couple of threatening steps towards her Fitz returns to her side giving the businessman a warning stare. Olivia puts her hand on Fitz's chest to stop him from moving any further. They share a brief look. His of concern that maybe this entire situation has finally broken her until her sees hers. She looks focused and quite frankly a little pissed off.

She shakes her head and wipes the tears from her eyes. Her belly laughter turning into soft chuckles as she begins to calm down.

"Is that all you've got? Fear of ruining the family name and reputation? You're nothing but a bully," she snaps at Hollis.

"What happened? Did Edison take one of your toys? Did he beat you on a deal somewhere and now you want payback?" she mockingly questions.

Hollis stands slightly in shock at Olivia's transformation from hysterical laughter to full out anger.

"Well it doesn't matter what went on between the two of you, because it has nothing to do with me," she says as she gets practically in his face.

"For someone so business savvy you aren't very smart. If you did your homework you would know I left Edison two weeks ago. You would also know that I have no love for this family and they have none for me. I don't give a flying fuck about their reputation. I wanted nothing more than to wash my hands of them completely. However, fate had other ideas."

"Well now," Hollis begins feeling a little hopeful, "if there is no love lost between you and them we can get down to business."

"Wrong. Under advice of counsel I am not at liberty to speak with you about anything regarding Davis Corp. Without proper documentation of power of attorney, any sort of negotiations would be illegal."

"Now honey in business if there wasn't a little back door dealing it wouldn't be any fun at all," Hollis coaxes.

"Mr. Doyle, you wouldn't be trying to get me to break the law would you?"

"Of course not," he says with a wink, "you can step out on the balcony and enjoy this lovely weather while your friend and I can talk about what he knows about your shares in Davis Corp. No harm in that."

She shakes her head in disgust at him.

"No that's not going to happen," she begins in a low icy tone. "What's going to happen is I'm going to leave here and never have to see your face again. Whatever beef you have with Edison will have wait. If I see you or hear from you again, I will leak to the press that you are badgering me, the poor worried wife of man who is probably on his deathbed, for monetary gain or worse for revenge.

How do you think that will play in the eye of public opinion? Do you think your stockholders would want to work with such a cruel and heartless man? I will make it my personal crusade to ruin your name and reputation, if you don't leave me alone. Am I clear?"

"Very," Hollis replies curtly.

"Good. Now you have a wonderful visit here in California and a safe trip back to wherever you came from."

Olivia turns on her heel and heads for the door with Fitz close behind her. They don't speak while they wait in the hallway for the elevator to arrive.

Once onboard and behind closed doors Fitz finally speaks.

"I'm not going to lie, that was fucking hot," he declares.

She looks up at him and blushes. His blue eyes are sparkling with what she can only make out as a mixture of lust and pride.

"It just hit me all of a sudden. I'm tired of being a victim. I tired of people walking over me," she admits.

"Well I think Mr. Doyle got that message loud and clear."

He pulls her flush against his body and gently lifts her chin so that he can stare down into her eyes.

"I'm proud of you Livvie," he says before placing a tender kiss on her lips.

Their kiss is interrupted by the sound of Fitz's phone ringing. Reluctantly he releases her to answer the phone. He is ending the call as they exit the elevator.

"That was the alarm company. I completely forgot we had an appointment today. We need to get back to the house."

"That's fine," she replies, "I could use a nap."


Hollis Doyle paces furiously across his suite. He can't believe he allowed himself to be dressed down by a housewife. He wasn't prepared for her to be so aggressive. He expected to deal with a frightened and submissive woman given his knowledge of Edison's authoritative demeanor.

"Well shit!" he bellows before taking a swig of bourbon wincing at the burn in his throat and chest.

He paces the room for several minutes before a revelation hits him. So Olivia isn't worried about the Davis name and reputation, but Hollis knows someone who is. Pearl Davis. And he knows just the ammunition to use to get her moving.

He pulls out his phone and finds Pearl's number. She answers on the second ring.

"We need to talk. Today," he demands, "or the headlines tomorrow will be all about your precious daughter in law whoring her way around California with a white man while her husband lies on his deathbed."

"Where do you want to meet?" Pearl asks.


In the car Fitz and Olivia call the hospital to check on Mimi. She lets them know she is in good hands with Robert and that they should go home and get some rest.

"I wonder if he's planning to spend the night?" Fitz questions with a frown on his face.

"Well even if he is, they can't do much, her leg is in a cast and in traction. Too many obstacles in the way to . . . "

"Don't even finish that sentence," he cuts her off and shudders.

She laughs at his obvious discomfort but her laughter soon turns into a quiet groan.

"Livvie what's wrong?"

"Just a little stomach pain. I told you it was all this rich fatty food you've been feeding me coming back to haunt me," she groans.

"Are you sure? We can always reschedule the security appointment and I can take you to the doctor."

She turns and looks at him. Concern written all over his handsome face.

"It's nothing Fitz," she answers as the pain subsides again. "I just need to eat lightly for the next few days. After the security appointment can we find a health food store? I should really get back to having a protein shake in the morning instead of cinnamon buns and cheesy omelets."

"Just tell me what you need and I will pick it up. You need to rest."

She is about to argue with him when another sharp pain hits her. She does her best not to let on that anything is wrong but Fitz notices.

"Livvie something is wrong with you. I'm taking you to the doctor," Fitz tells her as he flips on his turn signal to change lanes.

"Fitz, please let's just go home. I just need to get back on my regular diet and I will be right as rain in a couple of days. I don't need a doctor," she pleads.

"Livvie . . . "

"Fitz it's probably just gas," she confesses with embarrassment. "I don't want to go to the hospital for a case of gas. Can we just go home now? Please!"

She turns in her seat so that her back is to him as she stares out the window feeling completely embarrassed by her confession.

Feeling his own sense of embarrassment for overreacting, he reaches out and strokes her back tenderly.

"I'm sorry Livvie. I just don't want to see you in pain. I'll take you home."

He can feel her relaxing under his touch. Eventually she turns back to face him, giving him a small smile before she returns her gaze to the road ahead.

"Livvie you know I love you more than anything?" Fitz asks after they have been riding in silence for a few minutes.

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"You know there isn't anything you could do to make me not love you?"

"I know that."

"Good. I just have one tiny request from you."

"And that is?"

"If you're going to rip one while we are in the car could you give me some warning so I can roll down the windows," he barely gets out before he starts laughing.

"I hate you," she pouts as she punches his shoulder before covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"You love me and you know it!" he crows.


Chelsea eats her soup from a Campbell's Soup logo mug while sitting on the sofa watching television. Well while she watches the 30 seconds of each program her Aunt Lucy breezes passed while flipping the channels. She practically jumps from her seat when she sees a picture of Edison the screen.

"Auntie, stop right there. Let me hear this report!"

The two-minute segment recaps Edison's disappearance and subsequent reappearance and the details surrounding his hospitalization. The segment also includes a run-down of Edison's net worth and how his company has come under recent attack from Hollis Doyle. The segment concludes with the reporter stating that insiders believe Edison was in California looking for his recently estranged wife. With him being critically injured she would likely be the one in control of what happens next for Davis Corp. as his closest next of kin.

"What was so interesting about that?" Aunt Lucy questions. "You know him or something?"

"Or something," Chelsea mumbles as she gets up from the sofa and heads back to her room to think.

She plops on the bed and gently rubs her stomach. Chelsea did not consider herself a gold-digger. She didn't even really know that Edison had money when they first started dating. He was kind and funny in the beginning. Traits that attracted her to him. When he began to be generous as well, she just counted herself as lucky to have found someone who could provide for her in all the ways a woman wants.

She waited patiently for the day that he would tell her he was going to leave his wife for her. That they could be together and start a family. While she loved her job teaching, she also loved the idea of not having to work again. Having a rich and powerful husband to provide for her and their children would suit her just fine. But then she began to notice small changes in him. He drank a little more than before, he could be snappish at times. Her sweet, caring boyfriend became distant and cold. And then there were those little pills he claimed were for migraines but she didn't believe him. But she loved him so she pushed any doubts about him to the back of her mind. Doing so almost cost her her life. She still can't fathom that Edison would try and harm her, but the fact that she is sitting in her Aunt's guest room hiding out is proof of that fact.

Now she sits on the side of the bed contemplating on whether she should take a nap or start shoving clothes into an overnight bag. Should she go to California and stake her claim to Edison's fortune? Why should she go through life as a single working parent when the baby's father is a rich man on his death bed? But does she want to throw herself and her unborn baby into the media frenzy? She doesn't want to become a punch line on some late night talk shows host's monologue. She doesn't want to be portrayed as being a gold-digger or an opportunist. But she has a child to think about and like it or not this child is heir to the Davis fortune.

Uncertain of her next steps, Chelsea opts on taking a nap. She knows running off to California without a plan would serve no useful purpose; in fact it would likely create more problems. She needs time to think things through and develop a plan. A plan that will ensure that she and her child receive their fair share of Edison's fortune.

She snuggles under the covers and gently rubs her stomach before drifting off to sleep.


After a long nap, Olivia feels refreshed and hungry. After freshening up in the bathroom, she slips on a pair of pink shorts and black tank top before heading off to the kitchen.

"What's going on in here?" she inquires as she crosses the room and embraces him from behind.

"I'm cooking a light dinner for the love of my life," he replies as he turns around and kisses her lightly on the lips.

"Whatever it is it smells heavenly," she says as she releases him and takes a seat on a stool at the counter.

"Just a little grilled salmon with a simple garden salad. I also made some lemon ginger iced tea."

"Sounds delicious."

"I ran out to the health food store after meeting with the security company. I didn't know which protein powder you wanted so I got several," he says as he points to a bag on the stool opposite her.

She opens the bag to find at least 5 different canisters of protein powders as well as several bottles.

"What's the rest of this?" she asks as she pulls the bottles out of the bag and sets them on the counter.

"There's a couple of different kinds of natural laxatives as well as some ground ginger root. The lady at the health food store said ginger was good for digestion. It should help cut down on the gas."

"Ugh, not this again. Can we please not talk about my bodily functions anymore," she groans as she drops head to the counter.

"Hey, it is my duty to take care of all of your needs. Even the ones that are not so pleasant."

He turns off the burner and slides the fish onto their plates. He sets the plates in front of her before coming around to stand beside her.

"Look at me," he gently says.

She keeps her head buried in her arms on the counter but he hears her muffled, "No."

"Livvie, look at me," he prompts again with a gentle rub on her back.

She finally pulls her face away from her arms and lifts her head to look at him. He can see the embarrassment in her eyes.

"You don't ever have to hide from me. Nothing you can do will ever make me look at you differently. There is no need to be embarrassed over this. It's a problem and we will fix it. Okay?"

He strokes her cheek lightly and gives her a crooked smile his blue eye full of warmth and love for her.

"Okay," she concedes.

"Great," he says clapping his hands, "now one more thing before we eat. I got you a little present while I was out."

He walks around to the opposite side of the counter and opens one of the drawers. He pulls out a small gift wrapped bundle.

"For you," he says as he presents it to her across the counter.

Something about the shimmer in his eyes gives her pause before she accepts the package and begins to unwrap it. Inside is a copy of the book Everyone Poops. She looks at him for half a second before she slams the book on the counter and leaps from her chair. She begins chasing him around the kitchen island.

"I hate you Fitzgerald," she yells as she chases him.

"I love you Olivia," he laughingly replies as he dodges a pot holder she throws at him.

After three laps around the island, he finally stops and lets her catch him. Turning to face her he can't help laughing at her pouty face.

"I really hate you," she says as she punches him in the arm.

"You love me and you know it," he says as she wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her into him.

She lays her head on his chest and relaxes in his arms. She does love him. With everything in her she loves him. With all the craziness of the past few days, she realizes this is one of the few times she has smiled and laughed. It was exactly what she needed to release some of the stress and anxiety that have surrounded her.

"How do you know just what I need?" she asks as she tilts her head back and looks up at him.

"I don't know, I just do," he replies.

"Thank you," she says as she stands on her tip toes and kisses him once on the lips.

"No need to thank me Livvie I would do anything for you. My love for you has no limits."

He pecks her lips twice before letting her go.

"Now let's eat before the food gets cold. I worked really hard on this dish."

They sit side by side at the counter eating dinner. He fills her in on his meeting the security company and what upgrades he decided to implement.


Pearl paces the floor of the small hospital waiting room. She can't help but feel a sense of dread from the recent phone call from Hollis. She has to meet him in an hour and she has no plan of action or counter move because she can't control Olivia like she used to.

She drops down in one of the waiting room chairs and begins to finger the pink pearls that are draped around her neck.

"I could just kill that girl," she mutters to herself.

Then it hits her like a lightning bolt. She quickly pulls out her disposable phone and dials Charlie's number.

"Yes," he answers gruffly.

"I need Olivia killed today," Pearl blurts out.

"What!? Not possible."

"What do you mean not possible? What do we pay you for?" Pearl hisses.

"You pay me for a lot of stuff but instant murder is not one of them," Charlie retorts.

"Hollis Doyle is using her and her little boyfriend to blackmail me into handing over my company. If she is no longer in the picture, then his threats are useless."

Charlie takes a deep breath before speaking.

"A man like Hollis would see right through Olivia's sudden death and he would use that as leverage against you. Trust me killing Olivia is not the answer."

"Then what is?" she huffs.

Suddenly the intercom above her comes to life, "Dr. Granger to the third floor nurses station. Dr. Granger to the third floor nurses station."

"Where are you?" Charlie questions.

"The hospital. I'm not leaving here until Edison can come home."

"You're kidding me right? Please tell me you are not out in the open discussing murder over a cell phone!" Charlie screams.

"I'm the only one in the waiting room. No one is around. I am not an idiot."

"Are there cameras in this waiting room? Did you check before you called me?"

"I . . . " she hesitates as she scans the room for cameras and finds one directly across from her. "There's one right across from me."

Charlie doesn't respond. He just disconnects the call and destroys the cell phone. He shuts down the two laptops that he had been working on and shoves the into his messenger bag. He gets up from his desk and walks to the kitchen. Once there opens the refrigerator and takes the panel off the inside of the door. He removes a bundle from the hiding place before putting the panel back in place.

After a quick scan of the contents, he adds the bundle to his messenger bag. He runs to the bedroom and retrieves a duffle bag from under his bed. He shoves several items from his dresser and closet into the bag before zipping it shut. Standing before the dresser he slips on a long, dark hair shaggy wig and a false mustache.

He scans the bedroom one more time before slinging the duffle bag over his shoulder and moving back into the living room. He scans the small space before grabbing his messenger bag and walking to the front door. Just as he opens the door he flips the switch to turn on the light directly above the door. He steps out into the hallway and pulls the door firmly shut behind him.

Just as he makes his way to the stairs an elderly woman calls out to him from the open doorway of the apartment next door to his.

"Afternoon Carl," she calls out from her easy chair.

"Afternoon Mrs. Camden," he gives her small wave as he tries to move past her door.

"Going somewhere?"

"Shit, why do old people have to be so nosy," he thinks to himself.

To her he says, "Just going to do some laundry."

"Oh well, if you go to the one by Mr. Ogden's fruit stand would you pick me up some nectarines?"

"Sure thing Mrs. C. Gotta go. I want to make sure I get the good machines," he replies as he walks away.

He walks two blocks down the street to a public parking garage. On the third floor he pulls out a set of keys from his pocket as he walks up to an old beat up van parked in the back corner. He unlocks and opens the driver's side door, tossing his duffel bag and messenger bag onto the passenger seat before climbing in and cranking up the engine.

"Damn fools those Davises," he mutters to himself and he drives out of the parking garage.

Several hours later he pulls into a truck stop to gas up and grab some food from the 24 hour McDonalds. He sits at a table in the back of the restaurant and pulls out his laptop. He does a quick search of news outlets from the Atlanta area as he munches down on his nuggets and fries. He finds what he is looking for on all the major networks. He clicks on one of the many available story links and reads the article.

Breaking News

Atlanta Fire Companies 4 and 5 responded to an apartment building fire earlier this evening. Two apartments on the second floor were completely destroyed, while several other received smoke and water damage.

The cause of the fire is unknown at this point, but Fire Marshall Bill Evans indicates that due to the high heat and intensity of the fire it will likely be ruled arson. Nothing remains for the apartment where the fire started and sources say there are no reports of anyone being in the apartment at the time of the blaze.

In the second apartment that was destroyed by the fire, officials report one fatality. The identity of that person is being held until next of kin can be contacted.

Charlie closes the laptop and finishes up his meal. He feels a minor twinge of guilt about Mrs. Camden, but quickly dismisses it. He tosses his trash and grabs his laptop before heading back to the van. As darkness falls and the traffic thins out on the interstate, Charlie removes the wig and fake mustache, tossing them out the window on a particularly long, dark stretch highway.

If all goes well, this time tomorrow he will be on a boat cruising towards the Florida Keys. He has other clients and plenty of money so he has problem leaving the Davises' and their reckless ways far behind him.


Pearl is furious. She can't believe that Charlie hung up on her. She has called the number back several time and it just rings and rings. She is just about the throw the phone across the room in rage when a nurse steps into the doorway.

"Mrs. Davis, you can see your son now if you like."

Pearl settles herself and gives the nurse a small smile.

"Thank you. I would like that very much."

The nurse directs her to a small room where she dons scrubs, a mask, gloves and booties before she enters Edison's room. The smell is the first thing that hits her and it takes all of her will to keep from vomiting.

"It helps to breathe through your mouth," the nurse advises as she begins to check Edison's vitals.

Pearl stares at the sight of her son. He is thin and ashen and so still it is frightening. She gathers enough strength to allow her eyes to travel down the rest of his body and she can't help the tears that prick her eyes when she see his wrapped stumps.

"Oh my boy, what has happened to you?" she whispers.

A low moan from him causes her to jump.

"He's in pain," she says as she steps closer to the bed near his head.

She can see his eyes rolling around behind his closed lids and face contorting in pain.

"I have his pain medication right here," the nurse replies holding up a tiny vial of morphine.

She inserts a needle into the top of the vial and draws out a small amount of medicine. She withdraws the needle and sets the vial down on the table next to the bed and then turns to administer the medicine through the port in Edison's IV. His face relaxes some at the introduction of the medicine but he still lets out a slight groan.

"You didn't give him enough," Pearl states as she holds Edison's hand. "He's still in pain. Give him more."

"I can't ma'am. Not without the doctor's permission. If I administer too much he will die," the nurse replies as she turns and slips the needle into the bio hazard box.

What the nurse doesn't notice is that since the box is nearly full, the needle does not fall completely inside.

"He needs more," Pearl pleads.

"Ma'am, I gave him 6ccs of morphine, that twice the normal dose we would administer to anyone. Honestly ma'am, I'm surprised his heart can take it," the nurse explains as she continues to attend to Edison.

As she silently watches the nurse, Pearl replays what she said over in her mind. It is suddenly crystal clear what her next move should be. She just needs to have a few minutes alone to put the plan in motion.

"I need to speak with the doctor. Right now! Something needs to be done about his pain. I won't see my son in pain," Pearl cries. Big fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Okay ma'am," the nurse huffs. "I'll get the doctor for you, but you are going to have to calm down if you want to stay" the nurse admonishes as she strips off her gloves and throws them in the wastebasket. "I'll be right back."

As soon as the door closes behind the nurse, Pearl darts across the room and carefully slides the needle from the bio hazard box. She quickly moves to the bedside table and grabs the vial of morphine. She inserts the needle into the top and draws off an entire syringe full of the drug before placing the vial back onto the table.

She next wraps the needle in a handful of tissues that she grabs from Edison's bedside table and slides the entire bundle into her jacket pocket. She has just made it back to the other side of the bed when the nurse and doctor enter the room. Pearl questions the doctor and makes her case for administering more medicine. She makes a show of demanding better care for her son. In so doing, she carelessly knocks the vial of morphine off the tableside and it shatters on the floor.

Having enough Pearl's antics, the doctor tells her if she can't control her outbursts, she will be banned from Edison's room. Pearl quickly apologizes for the behavior, citing the stress of her son lying in bed fighting for his life as the cause for her behavior. As Pearl leaves the room she hears the nurse calling for Environmental Services to come and clean up the broken vial.

Once outside the room, Pearl sheds the hospital wear and enters the closest restroom on Edison's floor locking the door behind her. Securely inside the single stall, she retrieves the loaded needle. She stares at it for several seconds, turning it from side to side. The liquid in this small plastic cylinder is the difference between keeping her company or losing it to Hollis Doyle. She slides the syringe into her purse. She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she doesn't recognize the woman standing before her. She never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would be contemplating such a drastic step.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," she thinks to herself.

She exits the bathroom. Not completely convinced that she can actually go through with her impromptu plan but she can't put off her meeting with Hollis Doyle any longer.


After finishing the delicious meal that Fitz prepared, Olivia cleans the kitchen while he is off in his office reviewing rehab facilities for Mimi. He feels less pressured to have her at home now that Edison is out of commission. He's narrowed it down to two places and decides to let Mimi make the final decision when he sees her tomorrow.

Satisfied that his loved ones will be safe and secure he leaves his office and heads back to the kitchen to help with the dishes. He enters the kitchen only to find it empty. He checks the family room but it too is empty. He heads towards the master bedroom sure to find her there, but when he enters the room is empty. He is just about to leave when he hears a muffled moan coming for the bathroom.

He approaches the door and knocks quietly.

"Livvie, are you alright?"

When she doesn't answer he slowly opens the door, bracing himself for what might be on the other side.

He finds her standing under shower head that she has adjusted to the massage setting. The hot water beats against her shoulders before cascading down her body. He can't help but be mesmerized by the goddess before him. He wants nothing more than to shed his clothing and join her under the steamy spray before taking her hard and fast up against the wall. But he restrains himself. Today has been extremely hard for her and he doesn't want her to feel put upon by his physical desire for her.

"Are you just going to stand there all night staring or are you going to join me?" she practically purrs out to him.

Her voice breaks him out of his trance and it only takes him seconds to undress and join her in the shower. He changes the setting from massage to rain shower before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her flush against him. He runs his hands over her hips and across her stomach before moving up to cup her breasts. He fondles them softly before tweaking her nipples between his fingers.

"Ummm," she moans as she grinds her ass into his growing erection.

He lets out a small grunt at her actions as his hands continue to freely travel up and down her body. He slips a hand between her legs and gently strokes her swollen clit. She continues her slow grind against him letting one hand travel up to clasp the back of his neck to pull him down to her as the other hand joins his at her most sensitive spot.

"You make me feel so good," she whispers as he sucks her neck gently.

Their joined hands continue to stroke her clit until the sheer need to be joined overtakes her. She turns in his arms and crashes her lips to his while practically climbing up his body.

"Need you," she pants between kisses. "Now!"

Completely turned on by her aggressive behavior, Fitz lifts her by the backs of the thighs and brings her further up his body. He doesn't know what has gotten into her but he isn't going to deny her in this moment. He carefully steps over to the shower seat and sits down. Immediately Olivia raises up a little to angle him at her quivering entrance before slamming down on his ridged cock.

"Fuck!" he growls as her tight walls encase him.

Olivia gasps at their connection. Partly due to him filling her up and stretching her out and partly due to the sharp pain she feels in her side. She chooses to ignore the pain and focus only on the unbelievable pleasure she is receiving from Fitz.

"So good," she moans as she begins to ride him.

Fitz leans in and sucks hard on one of her nipples causing a charge to surge through her making her bounce harder than before. He lets her have control for a few more moments before the need to dominate her takes over. He grips her ass firmly to slow her movements while he opens his legs wider and begin hard upward strokes into her.

She's panting and huffing as he takes her hard and fast. She grips his shoulders as she throws her head back in ecstasy. Her moans bouncing off the shower walls spurs them both on. Fitz can feel his climax coming but he needs something before that can happen. Mustering all the self-control he can, he slows down his strokes and snakes a hand gently up Olivia's back until her reaches the back of her head. He gently tilts her head back towards him. When she doesn't open her eyes right away he stops his movements. With one hand cradling the back of her head and the other planted firmly on her hip, he waits until she opens her eyes.

"What is it?" her eyes question.

"I worry about you," he responds to her unspoken question.

She cups his face and kisses him gently.

"Stop worrying," she whispers against his lips.

"I can't help it. I love you Livvie. The thought of you being hurt or in pain is just too much for me."

"I'm fine," she coos.

"You were moaning when I came in the bathroom."

"Only because the hot water felt so good and because I was thinking about you," she says as rolls her hips just a little.

"Mmmm," Fitz moans at her movements but quickly refocuses. "Please don't lie to me Livvie."

She leans in close to his ear and whispers, "I'm not. My moaning was all pleasurable." She sucks on his bright red earlobe before giving it a quick nip. She knew this move would be his undoing.

Hissing at the sting, his hold on his self-control vanishes and he gives into the need to ravish her. He grabs her ass and stands up with her still impaled on his length. He places her back against the shower wall and begins slowly pumping in and out of her.

She's grasping his ass, trying to push him deeper inside her.

"Harder . . . . ohhh . . . faster!" she whimpers.

He bends his knees slightly, changing the angle of his entry, before pounding her ferociously.

He groans and growls at the feel of her wet channel tightens around him.

She screeches out at the feel of his hard cock hitting her spot every time he enters her.

He knows neither of them will last much longer and he wants to come with her.

"Are you close baby?" his baritone voice sends shivers down her body.

"So … close," she manages to pant out.

"Look at me," he commands.

When she does, she nearly cums on the spot. His eyes are the darkest blue she has ever seen and the look they harbor is one of possession and domination.

His legs are beginning to burn and he knows he can't keep up this unrelenting pace much longer, but he wants to release with her.

"Kiss me," he commands.

Her hands leave his ass and travel to his head, where she threads he fingers through is curls before bringing him forward to join their lips. She kisses him softly at first before deepening their kiss. She loves kissing him. She loves the feel of his lips on hers. The feel of their tongues entwined. Their kisses are like a drug fueling their desire for one another. She could kiss him forever, but the undeniable need for oxygen as well as the nearing of her climax has her dizzy and she pulls away from their kiss.

The sound that leaves her as she mounts the final steps to her climax are more than enough to trigger Fitz.

"That's it," his voice deep and commanding. "Come with me baby."

"Aahhhhhh," Olivia cries out.

Her back arches off the wall, nearly toppling Fitz backward, as she holds onto him for dear life. Her walls clamp down on him and squeeze so hard that he thinks he might just pass out from sheer pleasure. He manages a couple of hard thrusts before he releases his seed deep inside of her with a low animalistic grunt.

Even as she goes limp against him, her head buried into the crook of his neck, her walls continue to grasp at him gently and his hips wind in a slow rhythm. He musters what little strength he can to move them back to the shower bench. As they sit in the steamy shower, panting and trying to regain the full use of their limbs, Fitz strokes her back lovingly.

"That was incredible," he says once his breathing is under control.

"Mmmm hmm," she agrees her face still nestled against his neck.

As the gentle shower water becomes cooler, they gingerly separate and slowly stand up on shaky legs. A quick rinse off is all either can manage as they are still pretty weak and the water is becoming increasingly colder. Once clean, Fitz turns off the water and exits the shower first. He grabs an oversized fluffy towel and holds it open for Olivia to step into. He wraps her up before getting a towel for himself.

Olivia grabs a smaller towel to dry her hair with before she walks over to the sink to look in the mirror.

"I don't feel like blow drying my hair," she pouts as she towels her hair dry.

"Don't," Fitz replies walking up behind her. "I like the curls."

"Easy for you to say Mister. Your hair dries in like 5 minutes. Mine will be wet all night. I don't want to sleep on a soggy pillow."

"I could dry it for you," he offers.

"Aw you are so sweet," she says as she turns to face him. "But I couldn't let you do that."

"I'd do anything for your baby," he says as he pulls her into his arms.

"I know that, but this is something I have to do," she says with a little pat to his chest.

"You're afraid I'm going to mess up your hair."

"Umm pretty much," she chuckles in response.

"You wound me," he pouts.

She looks at him and shakes her head. He looks like a five year who just got his favorite toy taken away.

"Honey look at it this way. I'm saving you from a fate worse than death if you mess up my hair. There are some things that I just can't let you do for me. My hair is one of them."

"Fine," he pouts again but this time it is accompanied by a big yawn.

"Go to bed baby. I'll be done in here in no time and then I will join you."

He gives a gentle squeeze before letting her go. He hangs is towel up and exits the bathroom room. She watches his beautiful naked form as he tosses the decorative pillows onto the bench at the end of the bed before pulling back the covers and sliding under them. He lets out a small moan as he settles between the soft sheets.

"Don't be long Livvie," Fitz calls out. "You know I have a hard time sleeping without you."

"I'll be quick," she promises as she shuts the door.

Forty-five minutes later Olivia emerges from the bathroom with her now straight silky locks tied up in a headscarf. The only movement in the room is the steady rise and fall of Fitz's chest. He is sound asleep. Still just wearing a towel, Olivia tip toes out the room and down to the kitchen. She flips on the light before walking over to the island. She takes a few minutes to read the labels of each of the natural laxative products that Fitz purchased before selecting one and taking the appropriate dosage. She hopes by morning the nagging pain in her side will be gone.

She turns out the light before heading back upstairs to bed. She quietly enters the room and walks over to her side of the bed. She slips out of her towel, letting it fall to the floor, before joining Fitz under the covers. She snuggles into his side and lays her head on his chest. His arms immediately embrace her and pull her close.

Just as she is about to drift off to sleep she hears his sleep filled voice.

"Which one did you take?" he asks.

It figures he knew she would take one of the laxatives while he wasn't looking.

"Natural Flow," she answers quietly.

"Good. The sales lady said that was the best one out of all the ones I bought. I hope you feel better in the morning."

"Me too."

They snuggle together quietly before drifting off to sleep.


(At approximately the same time as Fitz and Olivia sit down to dinner)

Pearl takes one last look at the wrapped syringe in her purse before closing it and plastering a phony smile on her face as she knocks on Hollis' hotel room door.

"Well howdy there Pearl," he says as he opens the door wide for her to enter. "Come on in. Can I fix you a drink?"

"This is not a social visit Hollis," she replies curtly as she enters his suite.

"I was just trying to be hospitable. I know you Southern gals get your britches in a knot over that kind of thing. If you want to get straight to business I'm all for it. Have a seat," he says as he points towards one of the couches.

As Pearl perches on the end of the couch clutching her purse for dear life, Hollis walks across the room to refresh the drink in his hand.

"So I think you know what I want," Hollis begins as he comes and sits across from her taking a generous swig from his glass before setting on the table between them. He leans back in his seat crossing one leg over the other.

Pearl studies him for a moment. She knows she has to play this just right. It's hard to fool an old fox like Hollis Doyle.

"All I know is you are attacking my family at an hour of distress."

"Oh now we both know Darlin' that this started long before that son of yours got himself cooked."

The shock on her face is real, no role playing is needed at this point.

"How can you be so cruel?" she questions her voice thick with emotion tears gathering in her eyes.

"It's not cruel honey. It's business. Now I know how you Davises feel about your reputation and all. So let's just cut to the chase. I'm going to need those shares from your daughter in law like yesterday. I am a patient man, but my patience has worn thin chasing this thing round and round. So I'm going to need you to do whatever you do to control that gal and get me those damn shares."

"I have no control over that girl," Pearl cries as she opens her purse and pulls out her handkerchief

"Well you better get some control. Otherwise I have several newspaper editors and television producers on my speed dial that would love to have a juicy story about her stepping out on her husband especially since he is likely on his death bed."

Pearl lets the tears fall from her eyes and she begins to sob.

"Please don't do this right now Hollis," she pleads. "Let us have time for Edison to recover. Don't take away his company while he is fighting for his life."

Pearl sobs softly into her handkerchief. Not loudly and hysterically, but just enough to make Hollis a little uncomfortable.

He watches her carefully. He's never seen her so emotional before. But then again, her son has never been a human piece of charcoal before. The crack in her armor appears real and it tugs a little at Hollis' conscience. But him acquiring Davis Corp is just the first step in a larger plan. Without it, his entire scheme would fail.

Pearl looks at him through her tear filled lashes. She can see the tiniest bit of hesitation on his face and knows now is her time to strike.

"May I have a glass of ice water," she murmurs.

"Of course," Hollis replies as he gets up from his seat and walks over to the mini bar.

As he fixes her a glass of ice water, Pearl quickly removes the morphine loaded syringe from her purse and injects the liquid into Hollis' drinking glass. She just manages to get the empty syringe back into her purse as he turns and walks back to her with the glass of water. He sets the glass down in front of her on the table before he grabs his own glass and settles back in his chair. He swirls the amber liquid around in the glass before he downs the drink in two large gulps.

Pearl watches him closely as he swallows the drug laced drink and when he doesn't acknowledge the deadly addition to his drink she knows it's time to take her leave.

"I should go," she blurts out as she stands and walks towards the door.

"Now hold on just one minute," Hollis calls out as he stands up to follow her across the room. "I need to know you are going to get that little gal of yours under control. If I don't hear from you by noon tomorrow, be prepared to have the Davis dirty laundry on display for the world to see."

"I'll talk to her Hollis," Pearl answers lowly.

"Good. Suddenly I'm hungrier than a crack head mother on welfare. Care to join me for dinner?"

Pearl resists the urge to roll her eyes at his ridiculous statement and request.

"Thank you but no. As you say, I have to get my daughter in law under control. That's going to take all my time and energy."

"Well too bad. The restaurant downstairs makes a mean T-bone steak," he chuckles as he opens the entryway door for her.

She exits his suite and walks towards the elevators. Her heart pounds loudly in her ears as she waits for the moment when the drug will take effect. It doesn't come as they wait for the elevator. It doesn't come as they ride down to the lobby floor. It doesn't take effect as they part ways in the very crowded lobby.

The entire cab ride back to the hospital she worries that her plan didn't work. Somehow that bull of a man was able to withstand a mega dose of morphine. She ponders what her next move will be if that is the case.

Back at the hospital she gets permission for the night nurse to sit with Edison. She dresses in the required protective clothing and enters his room. She sits by his side for a few minutes before the nurse comes in to check his vitals. Pearl inquiries about his status and is relieved to hear he is stable and that his chances of recovery have improved some.

She waits until the nurse leaves before she slips the empty syringe out of her pocket. She wipes it a couple of tissues from the box at Edison's bedside before slipping it into the still overfilled biohazard box. She shoves the tissues in her pocket. She will flush them down the toilet later.

Back at Edison's side she touches his brow lightly before leaning over to kiss it.

"I need you to come back Edison. I need you to man up and come back to me so we can save our company. Don't give up on me now son," she demands.

Frustrated and tired, she leaves Edison's room and goes to the waiting room to get a cup of coffee. As she stirs creamer into the bitter coffee, her eyes wander to the TV screen in the corner of the room.

Breaking News:

"Business mogul Hollis Doyle has been rushed to the hospital for what appears to be a heart attack. According to eyewitnesses, Mr. Doyle had just sat down to dinner in the restaurant of the hotel where he has been staying when he clutched at his chest and fell to the floor. Emergency services were dispatched right away.

One eyewitness said that Mr. Doyle was blue and unresponsive when EMTs arrived on the scene.

We will update you as more information is released."

It took everything in her power not to smile or laugh out loud. Inside though she is doing a victory dance. Her plan worked! It actually worked!

Just before she dumps the coffee in the nearest trash, she takes out the wad of tissues from her pocket and drops them in the nearly full coffee cup and then tosses the whole mess in the can by the elevators.

Suddenly she is ravenous and a T-bone steak sounds like the perfect meal.

A/N: First, sorry it has been sooooo long since an update. Life and kids tend to get more of my time than my writing does. Also, my muses and I have been at war. I see the story going one way and they see it going another. This chapter was the hardest to write. I literally rewrote sections of it at least three times before it finally got it where I wanted it to go.

Second, thank you to all the readers who have sent PMs or commented. I appreciate your interest and encouragement to continue this story.

Lastly, I have no medical or legal background or knowledge (other than what I picked up from General Hospital and Perry Mason). If anything is inaccurate or illegal just chalk it up to being fanfiction where anything and everything is possible. Also because I don't think I have said it in a while, I do not own any Scandal characters. That auspicious honor belongs to someone who abuses them mercilessly. I just borrow them to give them love and affection and to make us Olitzers happy.