Chapter One: Diamond

"Come on Fitz, you know the deal. You didn't want to do every Saturday, so I compromised and gave you every other Saturday. no if you would like to check your watch for the third time tonight, go ahead. But it's still gonna say Saturday for the next two hours."

"You know I really hate you sometimes." Fitz groaned at his best friend Matt. It was ten o'clock on a Saturday night, and once again Fitz found himself standing outside of a strip club.

"You can hate me all you want, but you're going inside that club. Besides you know you love me." Matt watched as Fitz groaned and rolled his eyes yet again.

It had been almost a month ago, when Fitz announced he was getting married to his longtime girlfriend, Mellie, and promptly asked Matt to be his best man. Matt jumped at the chance to be Fitz's best man, and happily accepted for more than one reason. For one he had been Fitz's best friend since middle school, so he was more than honored. But more importantly this meant that he was in charge of planning the bachelor party. And he was gonna make sure he went all out for his best friend. Matt didn't want to just plan one party the night before the wedding. No, the wasn't enough time for Fitz to sow his wild oats. No, his best friend was about to jump head first into the hazardous black hole that is marriage. So instead of going the traditional route, Matt planned on having a party every other Saturday night until the wedding. Then the night before the wedding he would have a huge sendoff for his unfortunate friend.

"Come one, we've been doing this for almost a month now." Fitz tried to reason with Matt. "Aren't you getting tired of this?
Besides how many clubs can their be in DC anyway?"

"Oh you'd be surprised. Now come one, you've got a little over two months until Mellie tightens that noose around your neck for good. And as best man it is my job to make sure that you are oversexed and well prepared for the sexless doom of marriage."

"Jess still hasn't called back huh?"

"This isn't about me, and stop trying to change the subject." Matt slapped Fitz on the back and pushed him tot he door of the club. "Now, lets gets some perky blonde, and a fat booty brunette in your lap huh?"

After five more minutes of bitching and moaning; Fitz was practically carried in the club by Matt and five of Fitz's groomsmen.

Olivia rushed in the performer's entrance of Chocolate City. She was running about fifteen minutes late, and she couldn't afford to get docked by her boss. This would be the third time she was late just this month, and her boss was already on her back. And since she still had bills to pay and student loans to pay off, she couldn't afford to loose this job. At least not until she got caught up on her bills.

Olivia slid into the locker room, thankfully undetected, and rushed over to her locker to get changed. She had a private room request for a bachelor party. Apparently the best man wanted this to be a special night for the groom. So he set up a private dance in one of the show rooms.

"Ugh!" Olivia groaned, as she prepared for tonight's party. She hated doing bachelor parties, it was never he highlight of the night. For some reason everyone thought they were entitled to get laid, or at least a blowjob. And not even the grooms, who were the worst. Especially with the five free drinks the club provided for all the grooms. Olivia just hoped that tonight wouldn't get too out of hand, and have to put someone in a choke hold.

After getting changed, Olivia made her way over to the makeup station.

"Hey Liv." Quinn, one of Olivia's only friends at the club, greeted as she came into the locker room.

"Hey Quinn. Good crowd?" Olivia asked, eyeing Olivia's overstuffed belt and bra.

"Yeah not to bad. It's getting close to eleven, so the crowds really filling in." Quinn sat down next to Liv to touch up her makeup,before finishing her shift. "You just getting here?You better be glad Kenny didn't see you. This is the third time this month."

"Yeah well Kenny can kiss my ass." Olivia responded, causing Quinn to laugh.

"An you know he would jump a t the chance right." Quinn's comment made Olivia squirm in her seat with disgust. "He already drools over you whenever your preforming. I mean the man makes it a point to make sure he's out of his office, and somewhere in the crown, before the DJ calls your name."

"I know, he creeps the shit out of beard a fucking rapper face makes my skin crawl. But as long as I still get paid, I don't give a damn."

"Oh come on who are you kidding? You know he's not gonna fire you. You're the bet dancer here and you bring in the most clients. You're not going anywhere, because he would be getting rid of his money too."

"Well he's not gonna have me for much longer, hopefully. Because I don't plan on working here forever."

"None of us do. Well maybe except for Laurel."

"Fucking Bitch."

"Tell me about it. And it's getting worse ever since Kenny gave her that party for that retired football player. She thinks she's the head bitch in charge. When in reality she only got the party because you were out of town.

"Yeah, but I'm still pissed that I missed that damn party. Didn't she make like three thousand that night?"


Just then, the locker room door opened, and Laurel came stomping through, pulling crumpled dollar bills out of her g-string. Olivia and Quinn both watched as she dramatically pulled every dollar out of her bra, and throw it into her bag.

"Quinn...Olivia." Laurel finally recognized their presence.

"Laurel." Quinn and Olivia replied in unison.

Laurel offered a fake smile. "Oh Olivia Kenny is looking for you." Laurel smiled once more, before grabbing her gym bag and and storming into the bathroom.

"What's her problem?" Olivia asked.

"Oh she's just bitching, because Kenny gave her the bingo club again."

"No!" Olivia burst out laughing.

About two Saturday's a month, a group of about eight senior citizens came to the club. The girls started calling them the bingo club, because they came the came right after their intense games of bingo at the church.

After a final check in the mirror, Olivia and Quinn headed out front to finish their shift.

"Now this is what I'm talking about, all these half naked females, all this scattered ass. Free drinks, and a pocket full of fives." Matt inhaled his fifth drink of the night, while forcing Fitz to drink his third. "Fitz my man, I'm gonna go check on your special gift. But in the meantime, why don't you keep in company with Miss USA over there." Matt beckoned a girl in a barely there bathing suit and a Miss USA sash.

After what felt like a century of the most dry lap dance Fitz ad eve received. He and Matt were walking down a dim lit hallway, towards Fitz's special gift.

"Okay Fitz this is your final surprise of the night. And after this if you want to leave then okay. Although I don't think you will. I've gotten a couple of dances from her myself. Damn near exploded from sexual frustration. By the way if you get a chance, ask her to do this thing where she kind of does a flip then lands spread eagle in your lap... Anyway Fitz meet Diamond.

Fitz didn't remember walking into the room, he didn't remember how he made it to the couch. And he didn't remember when exactly this little vixen straddled his lap. but right now in this moment he didn't care. All he could think about way the way her skin felt underneath his touch. How she molded so easily into his body, as f she belonged there. How she twirled and twisted her body to the beat of the music. And the way she smelt, she smelt like flowers in bloom, he scent sent Fitz on a one way trip to heaven.

"You know if you're not enjoying yourself, I could always stop." Her voice broke Fitz out of her trance trance, only to lull him into another by her sweet angelic voice.

"W-what?" Fitz stuttered, causing his little vixen to giggle. Oh how she had the cutest laugh.

"I said I could stop."

"No." Fitz answered immediately. He was sure to spontaneously combust, if she were to stop now. "I was just admiring, lost really."

"Well why don't you find you way back home." Olivia slipped off of Fitz's lap, to stand in between his legs. She swung her hips slowly in beat with the music, while slowly and painfully unzipping her cheerleading skirt. Fitz had always had a thing for cheerleading since high school, Matt must have had a hand in her costume. Fitz broke out of another trance, as he felt Olivia spread his legs even wider. He had to stifle a moan as she twirled her hips down to sit on his now painful erection.

Olivia had to hold back her moan, as she sat on Fitz's erection. She had seen it before, but she didn't know how big it was, until she was planted on top of it. She had to quickly slid of his lap again, because she was feeling the sudden urge to unwrap the package. she could tell Fitz was hesitant to touch her, he had been hesitant since he walked in the room. Since it was clear Fitz wasn't going to make the first move, Olivia reached down and grabbed Fitz's hand.

"You know you can touch." Olivia slid Fitz's hand down her body. Starting at her chest and moving slowly down her stomach, until she stopped just at the hem of her bottoms. Olivia didn't know what she was going to do next, she'd never down that before with a client. Normally they just took charge. Luckily before she had to make up her mind, Tony the bodyguard knocked on the door to inform them that their hour was up.

Olivia smiled at Tony and turned her attention back to Fitz. She bent over so her lips were at Fitz's ear. She felt a little boost, when they turned bright red. "You make sure to come back and see me." And with that, Olivia scurried out the door, before Fitz had a chance to get her name. her real name.

So that concludes chapter one. Hope you guys enjoyed it, and chapter two is coming soon. Please leave a comment let me know how you like the story so far and maybe where you think it's going. I know most people won't like the fact that she's a stripper, but I wanted to write and Olivia and Fitz that are nothing like scandal Olivia and Fitz. So again please comment and continue reading.