Hiccup's eyes fogged with tears as he ran to his girlfriend Astrid's limp form, shrouded in smoke and ash. Two years had passed since Berk faced Drago, and the young chief had been convinced that Vikings and their dragons would be at peace for years to come. Oh, how he was wrong.

Many small scale wars had broken out while Berk was considered in a weak state. Of course Astrid would get involved, being as stoic as she was. But why hadn't he stopped her? They had gotten their victory, though at a major cost. Hiccup blindly fell to his knees and placed a quick kiss on her forehead. As he willed for her to wake up, he didn't notice Gobber come up behind and survey the scene.

Anguished sobs filled the air all around, accompanying Hiccup's silent tears, as people crowded nearby. He wanted so badly for her to give him a sign, any sign, that he almost felt her breathe slowly begin again. No, there was no mistake. Hiccup let out a relieved laugh as he looked up to meet Gobber's eyes.

The man returned a solemn expression and gestured quickly for the chief to have a second look.

"No.." was all he could muster.

"Better than nothin', I s'ppose" Gobber's face was uncharacteristically tired, as he slowly helped Hiccup pick up the girl to take to Gothi. Shock mixed with worry in Hiccup's eyes as he guarded Astrid from prying eyes. He felt as though every eye further drained the blood from her wounds.

"C'mon, bud..." he called to Toothless, and away they went towards the healer's shack on the hill.