It has been a month since I returned home. The doctors were satisfied with my progress and I was healthy once more. Edward felt I was still to slim and was constantly pushing food my way. If I was reading a book, he would bring me a bowl of apple slices. If I took a bath, he would leave chocolate pieces for me to find. I appreciated his concern for my well being but I was becoming a bit exasperated over his unnecessary attention. He also refused to allow me to exhaust myself in any manor. He insisted on carrying Thomas around whenever we left the house, and worst yet, we barely had sex.

That was what brought me to my wits end. James was now in jail for a minimum of ten years, max of fifteen. Edward ranted and raved that he didn't get put away for longer. I was just satisfied to live day to day without having to look over my shoulder. Edward was now enrolled in the local college. They accepted him late after they heard of our past occurrences. I personally think they just wanted to media coverage. Once the town heard of the prominent James Cullen was in jail, his case became high profile. All our dirty secrets were aired. We were followed around by news cameras, they dwindled down to now only having one or two pictures taken when we were seen in town. Emmett lost his mind when he found a blog forum that's soul purpose was to bash Edward and I. Anywhere from saying our child had hoofed feet to our marriage shouldn't be legal. Being first cousins instead of siblings had put our minds at ease, making it easier for everyone in our family to accept. That of course didn't mean anyone else would. We were the town freaks. The once important Cullen name tarnished because Edward and I had fallen in love when we had no idea of our blood relation. I would never say the words out loud for Edward to hear, but part of me counted ourselves lucky that Thomas was so perfect. I was terrified that if we had more children there would be some sort of deformity in our child. If Edward knew how I secretly felt, it would crush him. He had mentioned moving a few times since I had asked him to give me time, and I had declined each time. The looks and whispers we were receiving was beginning to make me think about it more though.

My father came by an hour ago to take Thomas over night. As I said, Edward was being stubborn. Right now he was out with Jasper and Emmett while I got myself ready. Looking around our bedroom, I smirked lightly. He wouldn't be able to deny me tonight once he came home. I had light dozens of candles that were sitting around the room, casting a soft warm light. Rose petals fluttered lightly over our bed in the breeze from the open window that left the room in a comfortable temperature. I was wearing the nightgown Alice and Rosalie had given me as a gift that previously embarrassed me. It was light blue, slightly darker were it hugged my breasts, showing most of my cleavage. A see through silky material hung from the seam that draped over my torso, ending right under my bottom. It showed off my body underneath with each move I made, lacy underwear that matched the bodice color so that the darker tone was visible through the lighter blue. My cheeks pinked a bit as I looked at my reflection in the mirror that hung above our dresser. I left my hair down and unadorned except for a slight curling at the ends, my face free of makeup. It left me with a fresh look that still made me feel desirable.

The front door closed with a slight thump causing me to gasp and and body startle.

"Bella?" Edward's voice rang out, his footsteps coming closer to our bedroom.

My breath hitched as the doorknob turned, insecurities making me question my decision to seduce my husband.

The door opened slowly till Edward's face appeared from the shadowed hall. With one cautious step he entered the room. He looked around the room at the candles with a furrowed brow. Nervously I smoothed at the material covering me before laying my hands still at my side just as his eyes found me. Standing in middle of the room, him at the doorway, our eyes met. I heard his intake of breath, his face softening as he lowered his eyes and seemed to drink in the sight of me. I could see the rise of his chest as he breathed deeper, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips before his mouth was left slightly opened. His eyes raised once more to meet mine.

"Bella..." He said in a breathy whisper.

I couldn't move or react in anyway with the nerves that had taken over. His hands tugged at the hem of his t-shirt, raising it over his head. I drank in the sight of his bare chest as he revealed it to me. His toned stomach rippling with each move he made. His shoes were slipped off, leaving his feet bare. Left in only he light colored jeans he took slow steps toward me, his eyes still baring into mine. They looked dark and brooding, his mouth neither smiling nor frowning. By now he was standing before me, his head lowered and mine raised so that we were in constant eye contact.

"I've missed you." I managed to whisper.

I listened to his exhale, my eyes moving to his lips. The pout his full bottom lip seemed to always give off making my body tingle and beg for. His finger tips trailed from my wrist up my arm and ending on my shoulders. As they grazed over my collar bone, my eyes closed, body swaying slightly.

"So beautiful." His voice came out low, fingers playing with the thin strap of my gown.

He lowered his hands once more and before I could open my eyes he had taken it off of me, leaving me standing before him in nothing more than my flimsy underwear.

Without a word he bent his knees slightly, whisking me into his arms and causing me to gasp aloud. I giggled as he carried me to the bed, his breaking out in a wide grin. Laying me down on the bed, his body hovering over mine. I could feel the heat radiating from him even though we weren't touching. His nose skimmed against mine, lowering down my cheek. Pressing his lips to mine in a quick soft kiss he kept moving, his breath hot against my neck, wet lips against my collar bone. Leaving a cool trail as he moved against my skin. His lips brushed against my hardened nipple in the slightest touch causing me to suck in a deep breath while he did the same to the opposite side. I waited for more, instead he just kept moving, kisses and soft touches, his tongue drawing around my belly button. My breathing was out of control, wanting him to stop tormenting me yet to continue at the same time. I practically jumped off of the bed when I felt his nose nudge against my clit and his lips kiss me through the lace of my underwear while his hands reached up my body, his palms lightly rotating my nipples.

"Please." I gasped, needing so much more.

It had been to long since he had touched me, I was ready to orgasm with just the slightest of touch from him. Edward lifted himself up, kissing along my thigh while he pulled my underwear off.


His mouth was on me in seconds, lace hanging from one ankle. His tongue flattened, making a wave like motion over my sensitive skin. He slid a finger inside of me and just as I knew would happen, I was convulsing, screaming out his name. As I came down from my high he raised himself slowly, kissing against my body on his way. His lips were on mine as he entered me at an antagonizing slow sped. He felt thicker than I remembered, leaving me feeling full, the tip of him rubbing against my g-spot as he ground his hips in a rhythmic motion. I opened my eyes to watch him, his head thrown back, mouth hung open. He must have felt my eyes on him because he looked down at me, his eyes smoldering. Before I even knew what was happening he had us reversed, his back against the mattress while I straddled him.

"Don't stop." He pleaded huskily, breathlessly.

Grabbing onto my hands he raised his above his head, lowering my torso so that I was hovering above him. I didn't pause our movements, riding hard against him.

"Shit." He groaned under his breath, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

It hadn't been very long since my first but I was already cumming around him, the feeling of him thickening telling me he was also close. His hips bucked, meeting me each time I lowered myself roughly onto him. The feel of his hot seed spilling inside of me was all I needed, my orgasm coming hard, spots appearing from behind my lids as I soaked up the euphoric moment. I collapsed onto his chest, my head nestled underneath his chin. His body was quivering as we laid there, our sweaty bodies growing cold in the cool air. Our hearts finally slowed and breathing calmed.

"Not that I am complaining, but what was this all about?" He asked quietly.

The room was darkening as the candles starting burning out one by one.

"I've missed you."

"I haven't gone anywhere."

"I have missed your touch, it's been so long since I have felt connected with you."

"I didn't meant to hurt you, just the opposite. I want to make sure you are healthy, not over doing and setting your health back again."

"I'm not made of glass, Edward."

"You have proved just as much." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I raised my head to look at him, bringing my hands to rest under my chin.

"Are you sure?" I asked, one eyebrow quirked at him.

"Well, I may need a reminder." Grinning wickedly at me.

"I suppose I will have to prove it to you over and over again."

"It may take all night."

His lips crashed to mine, unconcerned about being gentle, no longer holding back. I could feel him growing hard already and I knew he would keep his promise.


Edward and I didn't sleep much the night before, but neither of us regretted our missed rest. It was what we needed to get back on track, to feel connected to one another again. We woke late, showered together for one last love making session before we needed to be responsible adults once more. Edward held my hand and had a smile on his face the entire drive into town.

We were going to the diner to have breakfast. Since Rose lived in town she was going to meet us there with Thomas. We parked beside her car where she was holding Thomas up in the air, giggles filling the otherwise quiet street.

"Thank you so much, Rose."

I gave Thomas a goofy smile and held my hands out. He kicked and squealed, throwing his body toward me.

"Jeez, this kid is going to be a line backer." Rose groaned. "He is solid."

"Hey, Buddy." Edward cooed, bending to kiss his chunky cheeks and ending in a raspberry that caused Thomas to bust out a hearty chuckle.

"Do you want to join us?" He asked Rose.

"No, I have a ton of studying to do today before class starts again. Thanks though." She waved as she backed out of her parking space and sped off.

"Are you hungry?" Edward asked Thomas who was reaching out for his father to take him.

Edward's eyes shinned, taking Thomas from my arms. There wasn't a better sight to me than seeing him with out baby, the happiness it gave him to be a father. My heart was full, I didn't need anything in the world other than those two boys.

The dinner was a seat yourself so we entered and slid into a booth, Thomas content in Edwards lap while we looked at the menu.

"Edward, it's been ten minutes." I frowned, looking around for a waitress.

I saw two of them huddled by the kitchen, when I caught their eyes they looked away quickly, the backs turning toward us.

"They obviously know we are here." I told Edward flatly.

"We will give it a few more minutes and then I will go over to them." Edward said, a look I couldn't identify in his eyes.

I twirled the generic red cylinder ketchup bottle between my palms and looked around the room. It was then I noticed the looks. Almost everyone was staring at us, turning away only when my eyes met theirs.

"Edward, everyone is staring." I said under my breath as to not be over heard.

Some people were leaning toward the other, whispers flowing around us. With each narrow eyed look we received, it felt like the tip of a knife giving me quick jabs, not enough to leave a scar but enough to make my heart hurt.

"Maybe we should leave." I looked worriedly at Edward.

He was glaring, looking around the room, almost daring someone to say something loud enough or us to hear. A tall burly of a man stood up. He had the stereotypical truck driver appearance. Red flannel, cheap jeans, and scuffed up work boots. He had an unruly beard and hair a tad to long.

"I've lost my appetite." He said loudly, throwing money onto the counter.

Edward jumped to his feet, taking a quick step.

"Edward, please don't!" I begged, leaning over to grab onto one of his hands while my other held onto Thomas who had been quickly passed to me.

"What are you going to do boy?" the man asked. "Cousin lovin' backwood's bastard." He sneered.

Edward tried to pull away from me, but before he could get closer to the strange man a waitress appeared before him.

"Finally." Edward growled. "It's about time we got some help."

"Sir, I need to ask you to leave."

"What?" Edward asked lowly.

"You are disturbing out customers. We have the right to refuse to serve you. Please leave quietly or we will be forced to call the police."

"And say what? You want us to leave because that guy is threatening us?" His voice getting louder.

"That's it, you little shit-"

"Mike, I'll handle this. Sit back down and I will get you a piece of pie on the house. Marie, you know the drill."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Edward bellowed out causing Thomas to jump and begin to cry.

"Edward, let's just go." I pleaded.

"I want to know what we did wrong to be kicked out of here, and why we were also not given any service when we arrived."


My father came into sight. Marie must have called. The police station was next door so it was no wonder he arrived to quickly.

"Daddy." I whimpered.

"Come on kids, let's go." He sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping.

"But Chief-"

"Edward, we will discuss this outside."

My father glared at the waitress as he held the door open for us to leave through. Minutes later he joined us where we waited by Edwards car.

"Why did you make us leave? We did nothing wrong!"

"Not one person in there offered to back that up." My fathers voice stern. "Every single one of them agreed that you made a scene and started a fight with Mike."

"I swear to you, all we did was go in to get some breakfast. We sat there without even receiving a glass of water. We were being stared at, whispered about. That piece of shit insulted us!"

"I don't doubt you, son. You have to understand. This is a small town, small town gossip comes with the territory. I'm not saying it's right, but you had to expect talk when the case became public knowledge and people learned the truth of yours and Bella's parentage. I tried to protect you and I know that I failed miserably. I shouldn't have ever moved back." My father shook his head sadly.

"What are we suppose to do? Ignore the looks and talk? What about Thomas, how will he ever make friends or attend school with other parents filling their child's head with nonsense?" Edward looked defeated, his face portraying the hurt he was feeling.

I reached out and grabbed onto his hand, giving it a squeeze. He squeezed back while still focused on my father.

"There isn't anything I can do." He admitted sadly.

Thomas had fallen asleep so I turned toward the car to buckle him into his car seat, ready to leave and return to our own safe haven in the cottage.

"Oh my god!" I gasped, my body shaking.

"Are you alright?" Edwards voice full of concern.

I pointed to the car silently.


It wasn't only written on the side of the car, but carved into it, big enough that it covered the back and front passenger sides.

"What about this Chief? Can you do something about it?" Edward asked flatly.

He took Thomas from me, flinging the door open, and put him into the seat as I had intended to do.

"Let's go home." Edward told me without emotion.


Thomas was sleeping in his crib, Edward sitting on the couch in the darkening living room. Dusk was upon us quickly, not a word spoken between us. I knew what I had to do, it was time. Edward needed it just as much as he wanted it. It was my turn to help him.

"Edward? Can we talk?" I asked, joining him on the couch.

He didn't speak but lifted his arm, signaling me to cuddle up to him. I did so eagerly, laying my head on his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head, giving me a bit of relief.

"You're right. I shouldn't of tried to stop you when you wanted to before. Your mother wont speak in a civil tone, barely looks at us if we try to engage with her. She doesn't even come to see Thomas anymore. Carlisle tries but he is pulling away to keep Esme happy. My father works to much to be around as much as we would like. Jasper left for school, Emmett and Rose are planing to leave the local college next year so that they and Alice can leave state together. Then there's us. Just sitting here, alone even with family around. We are the town outcast. Thomas will never be able to have a normal life here anymore than we are. You were right before, we need to leave. Let's find a new home, a new life together and never look back."

Tears were falling down my face, Edward's eyes swimming as he looked at the wall across from us.

"Are you sure, Bella? If we leave here, I wont ever return. I can't." His voice gruff with emotion.

"I'm sure. This town, this cottage, nothing matters as long as we are together. You, me, and Thomas."

"Thank you."

He finally looked at me, our eyes locking and showing the other the pain today had caused, the pain the past two years have caused.


It's been two years since we left. It wasn't easy, but we made it. The money Carlisle gave Edward helped. Edward refused to use it but when neither of us could find work right away, we ha no choice. I had earned enough credits that I was given my diploma without having to go back to school. Edward refused to live off of the money Carlisle gave him so that he could attend classes. He instead found a job and now works at the local mechanics shop. We also found a small house that we both fell in love with. It wasn't much, a small buttercup yellow clapboard with white shutters and trim. It was single story and only two bedrooms. I planted rose bushes in front while Edward put up a small picket fence so that Thomas would be able to play in the backyard without cause for worry when he was older. Since we didn't know the area or the people, Edward had insisted I stay home with Thomas and not worry about finding work. Edward picked up every bit of overtime he could so that he provided everything we needed without having to take the money out of savings. We lived meagerly, sometimes eating Bologna sandwiches or bowls of generic cereal for breakfast for dinner. We used low watt bulbs and used an extra blanket when we slept.

And we have never been so happy.

When we first arrived, we got a few curious glances but for the most part were left alone. What happened to us didn't go very far past local news so not many knew the truth, and those who did, didn't care. We lived peacefully, keeping to ourselves other than polite conversation when we went to town. Edward earned a promotion already for his hard work and Thomas was growing quickly, achieving all his milestones on time.

We hadn't heard from Carlisle or Esme since we left, nether of them attempting to contact us. My father visited as often as he could, which was usually only once or twice a year, usually at thanksgiving. Emmett had proposed to Rosalie and they were getting married next year. Alice and Jasper broke up for a year but were now trying to work out their differences. Alice came to visit once when we first bought the house. Beside the occasional phone call, our friends were essentially not part of our life. We didn't blame them, we didn't blame anyone. The truth of our relationship, our blood ties was enough to keep people at bay, to make the ones who love us cringe. For Edward and I, we were nothing more than in love. We were man and wife, we were parents. We were finding our way in life, working hard to give Thomas everything he deserves.

We were called sinners for falling in love. Perhaps we were. Our parents secrets, lies, and sins created Edward and I. In return, we became innocent sinners.