Dear MrPegasusSir

A merry Christmas and a happy new year, may it bring you many a fanfiction! Also, I wish to thank you for the many hours you put in to making my fanfic, Once King of Atlantis perfect.

Lots of Love,


Deck the Halls

Pegasus watched as the tree was brought in from the gardens. It was huge, as usual. He'd made sure of that. Christmas was, after all, his favourite time of year. He brushed down his red suit, and began to make his way down the golden stair case. He preferred to spend holidays at his Duellist Kingdom residence rather than at Industrial Illusions headquarters. Everything seemed so busy around Christmas, and he had always been told by his family it was a time for relaxation. It had been the only time when he was a child, that his mother, father, elder brother and all his sisters had spent whole days together. He used to relish it.

"Will here do, sir?" Croquette gestured at the tree that stood in the corner of the hall.

Pegasus frowned, "No. No, bring it to the centre of the hall, it shall be our central decoration."

The men did as instructed. It was tiresome work, fetching and carrying for a multimillionaire whom they believed should do all that sort of thing himself. They were looking forward to the 23rd, when they would be permitted back to their own homes until the evening of the 1st of January. The only holiday they all got at once in this damned job. Mr Pegasus didn't even allow them to have a big Christmas do in his great hall, which narked them. He never used it for his own celebrations, so why not theirs?

"Excellent work, gentlemen." Pegasus smiled uneasily, seeing the men's faces. He had become a little less authoritative since the tournament he had held here. It seemed after that, he wasn't really sure where his life had been going. All his hopes and dreams had been riding on one, singular card game. "You can go to your breaks, now." He smiled gently.

"Thank you, sir." They mumbled as they left.

"Sir?" Croquette approached him, "Why do you always put the tree up on the 22nd? It's a little late in to December by then.

Pegasus checked his watch, "Isn't it time for your break, Croquette?"

Croquette frowned, "Yes Mr Pegasus."

Pegasus watched him leave the hall as he looked up at the huge green tree that now stood before him. "This is for you, Cecelia, my love." He whispered.

Two servants fetched the decorations down for him. There were ten large boxes, filled with items for the tree and mantle piece. Pegasus smiled as he watched them bring them in, but stayed seated until the men had left.

Slowly he made his way over to the first box and lifted the lid. He removed some of the tissue paper from the top to reveal the first of the decorations.

The snow lady. A glass ornament woman, in a white dress holding an umbrella.

"Oh I just couldn't resist, Max! I had to get her".

It was like she was still in the room with him.

He carefully walked over to the tree, and hung the decoration from lower branches. He stood back and looked at her, spinning round gently. The first decoration. As he looked, he seemed to remember what a big tree it was! He smiled, becoming determined now, and slid his red jacket off. He tossed it carelessly on to the seat, which was unusual for him, and he went to get the ladder.

Croquette came in three hours later, expecting to find the servants hard at work on the tree, but instead, he saw his master, leaning over hanging around, pink bauble towards the top of a gradually filling tree.

"Mr Pegasus, sir. Do you need some help with that?"


Croquette frowned, "I can stay another day if you like, sir. It wouldn't do if you were to fall from that ladder and no one were to see."

"Honestly," Pegasus stepped back on to the floor, "I'm not as old as all that!" He hurried back round to the boxes, digging deeper, hanging the ones he was to put on to the tree around his fingers.

"So, trees are meant to have a colour theme, sir. What's this ones?" Croquette was looking, nonplussed at the strange array of baubles his master had hung the tree with.

"Memories, Croquette." He said softly, "Memories."


"For example," Pegasus moved towards him, holding a castle decoration, "The year before we married, Cecelia and I went to Wales. It was very wet and rainy, but there were so many ruined castles, we had to explore them all! It was November, and in a cafe, an old lady was selling decorations. This one was one of them, and so I bought it, because it reflected our holiday perfectly." Pegasus hung it from the tree, "Cecelia always loved Christmas, it wrapped up the year."

"It's a big star up there." Croquette pointed to the very top.

"Oh yes," Pegasus continued, "It's the one Cecelia's mother had on her tree as a child! We took it from their old estate when her grandmother died."

Croquette began to smile, it was like his master knew each story of each bauble, "And this one?"

Pegasus looked to a clear glass bauble that Croquette had lifted with his finger. Inside was a pressed leaf. Pegasus paused, "That's the last bauble I ever collected."

"Why so?"

Pegasus turned, a gentle smile on his face, but it was so close to tears. "The leaf blew on to Cecelia on the day of her funeral. She was laid to rest in the church, and when I opened the door, a gust of wind blew spring leaves all in to the church." Pegasus wrapped his arms around himself, as if the chill of that same wind had hit him again, "I closed the door, and went to look at her. That leaf was rested on her chest. It was the last living thing to touch her."

"I'm sor..."

"No, Croquette. You don't need to be sorry." Pegasus smiled and looked up at his work so far. "Your boat leaves in an hour, do you have everything?"

"Yes, sir. Do you want me to put your presents under the tree for you, sir?"

Pegasus laughed and lifted his head, his silvery hair falling away from his bright blue eye, "Really, Croquette. Who would give me a present?"

Hello, hello!

Well, as you can see, that was Pegasus' Christmas, with the idea of style and activities from MrPegasusSir! Now that was pretty melancholy, but these Christmas stories don't have to be! They can be very silly or whatever you choose! I need more characters and activities so I can update this through this festive season! You are welcome to request your chapter right until New Years Day! (Characters from Classic Yugioh, or Yugioh 5ds.)

Get thinking, my dears!

Lots of festive cheer,
