A/N: 2015! Happy New Year's everyone! As much as I enjoy updating this often, it will all be coming to a close soon when school starts back up for me. I will try to get one chapter out each week though. I've decided to make outfits for what I imagine the characters to be dressed in so I'll include the links at the end of the chapter. Anyway, here's the song for this chapter.

"This isn't fair. Don't you try to blame this on me. My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me. And goddammit, I can barely say your name, so I'll try to write it and fill the pen with blood from the sink."-Bulletproof Love by Pierce the Veil.

Standard disclaimers apply.

December 24th

The group trudged out the door into the bitter cold as the sun rose over the property.

"Merry fucking Christmas." Flynn muttered. The group decided that it'd be best to maintain a fast walking pace instead of running to conserve energy and strength. They had stuffed their bags full of the remaining cans of food and bottles of water, so they were considerably weighed down. They seemed to walk in pairs, Elsa and Jack at the front, trailed by Astrid and Hiccup, then Anna and Kristoff, and Merida and Flynn taking up the rear. Their breath clung to the air with each exhale, a constant reminder of the frigid temperature. Elsa pulled her jacket up to her ears and pushed on, shoving her hands into their respective pockets.

"We should be there in about a week at this pace, maybe longer. We're making good time." Elsa announced to the group after walking a few hours. "We'll find places to sleep each night and rest there." Then she was silent.

December 28th

According to Elsa, they were almost two thirds of the way there. They picked up the pace despite their legs screaming out against the effort. They hadn't had too many encounters with the Infected yet, and the places they slept in weren't all that bad. Jack tried to tell himself that it could be worse.

December 29th

Jack awoke from a sharp kick to his side. He groaned and sat up, finding three armed strangers in the area. He cursed under his breath. The others were woken up in similar fashions.

"Hey, we don't want any trouble." Flynn said.

"We don't want no trouble neither, just give us some food." A masked intruder said.

"We don't have any." Kristoff lied, which earned him another kick to the side.

"Don't fucking lie. If you haven't got any food, then we're taking her." Another man said before bending down and grabbing Elsa's arm. He pulled her up and she tried to run for her weapon but the man snatched her around the waist and pulled her to him, placing his gun to her temple.

"I know many men who'd pay a hefty price for a pretty little face like this." The man threatened with a hungry glint in his eyes. Jack tensed and tried to catch Flynn's gaze. He finally did and the two gave each other the slightest of nods before shoving their hands under their sleeping bags and whipping out their guns. The two jumped up and took out two intruders before training their weapons on the man holding Elsa.

"I'll shoot her!" He yelled. "I'll fucking shoot her! Take one more step and I'll blow her head off!" Flynn shot the man's foot and he bent down in agony, releasing Elsa. She ran into Jack's arms as Flynn fired one last shot. The man slumped to the ground. Jack turned on his guns' safety and dropped it with a solid thunk, wrapping his arms around Elsa. He squeezed her as if to make sure she wasn't a dream. The others decided to let them having their moment, turning their attention elsewhere. Jack placed the smallest of kisses on Elsa's collarbone and let go of her.

"Goddammit. You saved my life again." Elsa complained. "Seriously, would it kill you to be a bit more careless when I'm around?" Jack laughed and pulled her along to where the others had gathered.

"Minor setback, no big deal. Let's scavenge their bodies and get the hell out of here in case they had friends." Elsa said, returning to her leaderly composure. The others nodded their heads in agreement, the shock of what just happened dissipating. The took the guns, ammo, and knives from the men's bodies and packed up the few things laying around before continuing on their way as if nothing had happened.

December 31st

They arrived at La Crosse. Elsa made them walk straight through the heart of the city, well aware of the risks. No one really felt like detouring anyway, and they had to get to the northern suburbs to find a new safehouse. There weren't many Infected roaming the streets. Elsa claimed it was due to the freezing temperatures.

They searched through seven farmhouses before they found one with 4 bedrooms, four beds, a fireplace, and unbroken windows. Though they wanted to rest, the group knew that they had to secure the house. They worked in pairs boarding up the windows and the back door from the inside with slabs of wood they found in a shed. Elsa called everyone to the 'living room' and announced that they'd be sharing bedrooms.

"No way in hell I'm sleeping in the same bed as this asshole." Merida complained loudly. Flynn agreed with her but no one else had an issue with their partner, so the two were forced into a room together.

"You can sleep on the floor in your precious sleeping bag." Merida told Flynn.

"No issues with that." He responded. The others sighed and headed up to choose rooms. Elsa and Jack picked the one at the end of the hall. It was amazing that no one had removed the bed frames, and sheets were found in what Elsa assumed to be a linen closet. For the first time since the outbreak, Elsa slept in a real bed. Jack, relieved that the others were asleep, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him under the sheets.

"We made it." He said. "I told you it'd be fine."

"Fine? I don't think being assaulted by a stranger warrants everything being fine."

"But you're okay now, and that's all that matters." Elsa didn't respond to him that time, just pressed herself against his body and buried her face in the fabric of his shirt. His hands tightened around her frame and the two fell asleep despite it being midday.

Hours later, Elsa awoke to a knock on the door. She slipped out of bed and out of Jack's arms and readied her knife. She opened the door a crack and saw Anna's face peering back at her.

"Oh, it's you. What's wrong? It's-" Elsa checked her watch as she lowered the knife. "-eleven thirty five at night."

"Nothing's wrong, but it's New Year's Eve and the others are awake downstairs. Flynn even found a six pack of beer."

"Anna, absolutely not, you cannot be drinking."

"Don't worry, I haven't. Neither has Astrid, Kristoff, or Hiccup. But Merida and Flynn are really going at it... Just wake up Jack and get down here." Anna concluded before slipping away down the hall. Elsa shut the door, set down the knife, and quickly tiptoed around to Jack's side of the bed, being careful to avoid creaky floorboards. She balanced on the balls of her feet, then sprung forward onto Jack's sleeping form.

"Wake up!" Elsa exclaimed.

"Jesus Christ!" Jack screamed, obviously startled. Elsa broke into laughter.

"The others are celebrating New Year's downstairs. Apparently Flynn found a pack of beer." She told him when she composed herself. They got up and joined the others downstairs.

"AyJacklookwhatIfound." Flynn cheered when the two entered the room, slurring his words and holding up a can of the substance that caused him to do so. Elsa checked her watch. 11:40pm.

"Fuck it. Flynn, toss me a beer." She announced.

"Same here." Jack said, walking further into the room.

Elsa and Jack sipped at their drinks to avoid devolving to state Merida and Flynn were in, knowing that if they did they'd regret it in the morning. Anna and Merida eventually began to sing random songs and the group sat in a circle and told funny stories from back before the world went to hell. Elsa checked her watch again.

"Eleven fifty nine!" She called which sent everyone looking down to their watches. Hiccup's displayed the seconds along the minutes and hour, so he began to count down. Soon, the others joined him and everyone counted down to the new year.

"Three, two, one!" The group chanted.

"Toanothershittyyear!" Flynn called out before throwing his head back and downing the rest of his drink. Then Anna and Kristoff kissed. Hiccup sat awkwardly next to Astrid, fingers twitching. She sighed dramatically and cupped the base of his neck, pulling his mouth to hers. Elsa shrugged and gave Jack a small peck on the lips, not really wanting to be a part of the mass makeout session. Merida and Flynn began to making vomiting noises, at least Jack hoped they were noises. Soon the other pairs disengaged as well and all six quickly discovered that the vomiting noises were not just noises. Elsa groaned.

"Merida and Flynn, clean it up. Everyone else, get some rest. We all deserve it and we'll need it because Hiccup, Astrid, Jack and I are going into the city tomorrow to get stuff we need for the new house." Anna, Kristoff, Astrid, Hiccup, Elsa, and Jack got up and headed for the stairs, leaving Merida and Flynn to clean up the mess they had made. As a final thought, Elsa ran back and grabbed the rest of the beers. Merida and Flynn yelled their complaints as Elsa dashed back up the stairs. There was a window in the room she and Jack were staying in, so she dumped the rest of the cans out of it.

"God, I'm tired." Jack yawned.

"We should push the time back for the city. If we aren't well-rested, we'll make mistakes more easily. I'll go tell Astrid and Hiccup.." Elsa made her way to the door. Jack slipped off his shoes and slid under the sheets, waiting for Elsa to come back. A few minutes later she did, closing the door behind her. She checked to make sure her knife was on the small table by the bed before slipping off her own shoes and sliding into bed. She laid with her back to Jack and he wrapped an arm around her waist. The two fell asleep in the dark room tinged with moonlight.

A/N: Hey guys, I know this chapter was short but I got serious writer's block basically the whole way through. Because of this, I'm not very happy with it but I don't know when I'll be able to update again, I decided to go ahead and post it anyway. I'm starting school again in 2 days and I'm really dreading it. On another note, I've been thinking about a concept for a new story lately. I don't know if I'll wait until this one is over to start it or just go ahead and do it anyway. I also don't know who the "ship" will be in it. Maybe I'll just do an actual story of my own without any specific characters, I must say I do like that. Anyway, sorry for wandering so much. Here's the ending lyrics:

"You've gone and sewn me to this bed, the taste of you and me will never leave my lips again under the blinding rain. I wanna hold your hand so tight I'm gonna break my wrist, and when the vultures sing tonight I'm gonna join right in."

Until the next chapter,
